The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1735: That ’s right, the length of this reflection arc must be your own ...

As long as the filling is done, the other steps are easier.

In particular, the barbecued pork buns are more suitable and simple. This kind of buns do not need the wrinkles of the tops of the buns to be as good-looking as the northern buns. They only need to be rotated to seal the mouth, because the tops are not A whole, but it will split into three petals, as if a **** is split.

Ye Fei's bag is very fast, and he puts it into the big steamer while he packs it, and then he rises up one layer at a time, and he has twelve layers.

That's right, the char-grilled buns make the most. This stuff is easier to fill your stomach than shrimp dumplings and roasted wheat, because its skin is thicker and not as thin as shrimp dumplings and roasted wheat.

And this thing is relatively easy to ripen when it is steamed. The roast pork and tartar sauce used for his stuffing is cooked in itself. Only the flour of the skin needs to be steamed for a few minutes.

Of course, Ye Fei has done more and the steamer barrier is higher, so the time will be slightly longer, but it will not be much longer.

When the sheep is over there and they are about to finish the shrimp dumplings and roasted wheat, Ye Fei's barbecued pork buns can be released.

Ye Fei asked Daxide to help bring him to the table. In fact, he and Zaya had already finished their shrimp dumplings and roast wheat, but they were very quiet after eating, sitting there and talking. Staring at Shen Yue, it seems that watching Shen Yue eats more than they enjoy.

This is the person who fell into the abyss of love. They always feel that the other party is the best no matter what they do. Now, after seeing Shen Yue, the two old monsters started to rush towards zero instantly.

It wasn't until Ye Fei called Duckside, that the product stood up reluctantly, and then brought the twelve layers of barbecued pork to the side.

Still the same, Ye Fei gave them a share.

To be honest, a few sheep have eaten almost full, and their meals are not as large as those of Daxide and Zaya. Each person has a cage of shrimp dumplings and a cage of grilled wheat. Yue and Sauron couldn't finish eating at all. Sauron finally let his father eat it, while Shen Yue gave it to Longlong, which made Longlong beautiful, and the food of beautiful women. Not everyone can eat.

But when he saw the killing eyes of Dakside and Zayana, the goods hurriedly lowered his head, and then ate silently and quickly.

Although they were almost eating, now after seeing the barbecued pork buns, their forefingers moved a lot.

No way, this barbecued pork bun made by Ye Fei is really beautiful.

Each char-grilled bun is like the same blooming flower. Below is a pier. Three cracked noodles on the top reveal the extremely white flour inside. A wave of heat rises from the char-grilled bun, bringing a burst of charm. Aroma.

"so white."

"It's fragrant."

"So warm."

"I want to eat."

"Just do it."

A few guys picked it up and ate it. They didn't even know what politeness and elegance were.

Although the top of the roasted pork bun is cracked, its fillings will not be exposed. This requires a bit of skill. When filling, the fillings should not be too much. It was exposed when it was opened, and even the swill from the heat would melt out.

But it ca n’t be too small. Too little of this stuff will become a noodle dish, and it ’s not interesting to eat, so if there is more or less, this will test the skill and experience of a chef.

This kind of small problem can't help Ye Fei. The filling in each barbecued pork bun is just right.

Sloan picked up a char-grilled bun and looked at it for a long time. The goods were also a bit sloppy by this unique bun. What about the stuffing? This bun has cracked such a big mouth. Why can't I see the stuffing?

Thinking of it, he took a bite toward one of the flaps.

"唔 ~~"

Sloan was about to go down, and he didn't dare to move.

The sheep beside him asked, puzzled, "What's wrong?"

Sloan bit the barbecued pork bun in his mouth and couldn't answer directly, but pointed at the barbecued pork bun in his hand, and then raised his thumb directly, still screaming in his mouth.

A few sheep and sheep saw the guy's mouth biting the bun, and it seemed to be sucking. After a moment, Sloan bit the bun and showed it to everyone.

I saw that the skin of this roast pork bun is thicker, but it is only relative to other buns. In fact, it ca n’t be said to be thick. It is mainly too soft. Although Ye Fei does n’t use stinky powder, he uses other ones instead The material can also act as a bulking agent. When steamed, these materials directly wrap the char-grilled buns twice larger than when they are put in.

And under this fluffy crust, there is a large piece of sauce-red filling exuding a charming rich aroma.

That ’s right, the barbecued pork buns made by Ye Fei did n’t have fillings because they were cracked on top, but each one contained fillings. To do this, it really requires technology. After all, the dough wraps the fillings. After filling, the filling is evenly distributed in the inside. If you want it to not leak out after expansion and cracking, people who need buns must have rich experience.

A few sheep sheep couldn't bear it anymore. They found that the barbecued pork bun was really unique, and they smelled delicious.

Yang Ling took one and took a bite, and suddenly he praised it.

As soon as he took a sip, he felt as if he had bitten on the spun cotton. It was soft and very fluffy and soft, and the warmth of the kind of soft skin covering the teeth instantly made people feel an instant explosion.

When he bit open the dough and bit the filling, he realized another more crazy feeling and taste.

Regardless of whether it is barbecued pork or simmered sauce, Ye Fei puts sugar in it, which means that the taste of the filling is not just the aroma of pure meat, but a sweet flavor.

When this fragrant, not greasy, sweet and strong taste and mouthfeel exploded in the mouth, Yang Lingmei kept shaking her head.

Compared with shrimp dumplings and roasted wheat, this thing has a unique flavor, which makes people unable to give up.

They were eating here, and Ye Fei went back and made some soymilk. The staple food was not intended to be made again. Although only three kinds were made, the amount of each was not a lot.

At eight o'clock in the morning, a group of people were full and satiated. Yes, this breakfast has been eating for more than two hours since five o'clock, which is still the case where Ye Fei's speed is fast. Otherwise, it is likely to pass at nine or even ten.

After everything was cleaned up, Ye Fei made some fairy tea, but no one was drinking tea. Although the taste of the fairy tea was good, after all, they had just eaten rice, and their stomachs were still stretched. How could I drink tea again?

Ye Fei looked at the time, and then took a group of people slowly around the island to enjoy the scenery of the island.

The scenery on Zhuguang Island itself is very good. In the past, the army was stationed here, and it was developed a little bit, but most of the places still maintain the original site, the forest is lush, and various indigenous animals are flying around. .

In the distance, the waves of the South China Sea are constantly surging, huge waves hit the reefs on the shore and make a deafening noise.

Three huge figures jumped out from time to time in the South China Sea, and then slammed into the sea fiercely, scaring a bunch of small fish and shrimps everywhere.

Lao Mo divided three hundred people into two groups. Previously, there were three groups, and he didn't dial for eight hours. After the incident, he divided them into two groups. In this way, the number of people in each group increased, but It's just a little longer patrolling, which is not a problem for these people at all.

"This is really a good place," Yang Zero admired.

Qianmo nodded and said, "It is also a blessing to be able to live here."

Ye Fei laughed, "Just stay if you like it."

"I want to stay there, but my wife and children are in my hometown," Qian Mo said.

Ye Fei froze and said, "Are you married?"

Qianmo rolled her eyes and said, "You don't see how old I am? Can you not get married? My children will use soy sauce, okay?"

"Oh ~ do you have soy sauce on your planet?"

"Uh ~ it ’s ok, but it ’s a luxury product. It ’s said that someone shipped it back from the Fifth Universe. It ’s too expensive. What, brother, can I send me two bottles of soy sauce when I go back? I ’m also extravagant when I go back. one time."

Ye Fei hesitated. Although Qian Mo's words seemed to be joking, the speaker was unintentional and the listener intentionally wanted to know that Yang Zero is a person in the sixth universe. Although he is next to the fifth universe, Ye Fei knows that two adjacent It is not easy for normal universes to communicate with each other, at least this is the first universe and the second universe.

There is one thing that made him even more concerned is that there is soy sauce in the Fifth Universe. He doesn't know if soy sauce is a special product on earth, but it is definitely used in the most widely used planet in food. In addition, he never said anything in the wind. The news he got there, he was pretty sure, that this fifth universe definitely had a very big connection with the earth.

"Interesting place, try to see it earlier." Ye Fei thought.

"Yeshen, why hasn't that eagle come yet?" Sloan asked.

Although he can understand the Huaxia language, but what he said is not very easy, and other people do not understand what he said, he can only find the person to speak when he comes, so he compares Caring for Freeland.

Ye Fei lifted his wrist and looked at his watch. It was half past ten. Although this time was not too late, in the past, many international guests came almost a long time ago, just like Sloan this time. , But why hasn't Freeland arrived yet?

Thinking of this, Ye Fei called Ma Qingyun and said, "Uncle Ma, has the guest of the Eagle Country contacted the platform?"

"no, what happened?"

"not yet."

"what happened?"


"Don't you have his contact information in the back office? Send me it."

"it is good."

Soon Ye Fei received a message from Ma Qingyun. It was Freeland's mobile phone number, and he called directly.

After the call was answered, Ye Fei was a bit frightened, because it was a Huaxia person who answered the call.

"Hello, may I ask the owner of this number?" Ye Fei asked.

"Oh, are you his friend?"


"Well, please come here quickly. We are the Second People's Hospital of Donghe City. Now the owner of this number is in the ward of our hospital."

"what happened?"

Ye Fei directly threatened, I rely on, what kind of trouble is this? Isn't this Freelander an Eagle? How did you go to the director and the Second People's Hospital? Did it fall off the plane? However, there is no hope of rescue at all. Donghe City is not far from here, and I haven't heard of a plane falling or passengers falling from the plane.

"It's like this. At around nine o'clock this morning, this man saw someone stealing someone else's wallet. He saw that Yiyong was doing it for a while, and then the thief's associate was stabbed and stabbed to his heart. Now the situation is very critical.

"Okay, I'll go now."

Ye Fei did not expect that Freelander was still a person with a heart of justice, let alone he was a guest of his own. Even an unknown person could not stand idly by looking at this heart of justice.

"Ade, come with me." Ye Fei said directly.

Several people in Duckside were all stunned. They didn't understand why Ye Fei was so anxious after making two calls.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Shen Yue asked.

Ye Fei talked about Freeland and said: "Now only Ade and Zaya can get him to reply as soon as possible, so I ask Ade to walk with me, and Zaya helps sit down for a while. Island, can you? "

"No problem," Duckside immediately agreed.

Let ’s just go, there must be no delay in this matter, because there is not much time, after all, it is almost twelve, and it needs to be decided quickly.

After the coordinates were determined, Duckside's body skyrocketed to about ten meters. Under the incredible attention of everyone, Ye Fei picked up one hand, and disappeared in the next moment.

Shen Yue covered her mouth with her hands, her face was full of shock.

Just then, Longlong said next to her: "Ms. Shen, in fact, it's good to find a boyfriend like this. At least you don't need to make an airplane when you travel. You don't know. My two feet left the ground. I'm so insecure, I'm always afraid that the thing will fall off. "

Shen Yue: "..."

If the speed of the skyscraper is to the extent that Ye Fei is surprised, then the speed of Duckside has made him suspect that he is dreaming.

too fast.

It took less than a second, just a few microseconds. They already appeared in the courtyard of the Second People's Hospital of Donghe City, so that the people in the courtyard were scared to urinate.


"Monster, oh dear, a monster suddenly appeared."

"So high?"

"Cangtian, what the **** is this?"

People panicked, but couldn't help but look back.

The director of the Second People's Hospital of Donghe City, Ge Lin, got the news as soon as possible, and hurried over with a group of doctors.

It was only when they came to the yard that they found that there was no giant with a height of more than ten meters.

"Hmm ~ there is a person next to me, so familiar." A male doctor was surprised.

"Really, it looks familiar."

"Yes God ?!"

Suddenly, almost everyone who saw Ye Fei shouted at the same time.

Dean Ge Lin almost sat on the ground with excitement. If there wasn't someone nearby to help him, he really couldn't stand. He was so excited that he didn't expect Ye Fei to come to their hospital.

"Ye Shen ?!" Ge Lin and a group of doctors trot all the way to Ye Fei, all shouting with excitement.

At this moment, no one was afraid of Daxside, which was more than three meters high. They knew that since Ye Fei was also here, that person must have been with Ye Fei.

"Hello, this is Ye Fei." Ye Fei greeted everyone with a smile.

"Yeshen, I'm the director of the hospital, Ge Lin. Why did you come to our hospital? Is there anything I can do for you?" Ge Lin asked Ye Fei's hand and kept shaking.

Ye Fei talked about the situation.

"How is Freeland?"

Ge Lin knew about this. The hospital rescued a foreigner who was brave enough to do justice, but it didn't seem to have been rescued yet.

"Yeshen, he is rescued, but the situation is not optimistic." Ge Lin said.

"Oh, I'll see."

Ge Lin froze, then surprised: "Yes, yes, Ye Shen, you will definitely get rid of the disease."

Ye Fei just smiled, this time he really didn't make a shot, because he wouldn't need him at all.

He and Duckside followed Glinn and several doctors to the emergency room, and saw a surgeon who was operating on Freeland.

"Dr. Hao, how is it?" Gelin asked.

Dr. Hao didn't lift his head, and said, "This stab is too deep, and it also hurts the coronary arteries."

"How confident are you to rescue him?" Ye Fei asked this time.

Dr. Hao hesitated. He heard that it was not the dean's voice, and the movement in his hand was paused, then he turned his head and glanced at him, and then he was stupid there.

"Ye ... Ye God?" Dr. Hao called out inconceivably.

Ye Fei nodded with a smile: "This is a live guest when I was broadcasting live, I will pick him up."

"Uh ~ Ye Shen, you also saw the situation. He was hurt too much. Even if your medical skills are so good that he can wake up now, but he also needs a period of rest to move freely."

"No use."

Talking, Ye Fei looked at Daxide, and it was so funny that he saw Daxside standing, leaning down and lowering his head. There was no way. The operating room was at most two and a half meters. After the goods came in, they couldn't stand upright.

Dakside was desperate to vomit blood. If Ye Fei wasn't here, he would demolish the building directly, which stood too crooked.

"Ade, trouble you." Ye Fei said with a smile.

Duckside nodded.

Ye Fei asked Dr. Hao aside, but Dr. Hao was a little hesitant.

"Yes, this ..."

"Oh, the doctor."

"Ah?" After a bit of surprise, Dr. Hao asked quietly: "Are aliens? It's terrifying."

Ye Fei nodded with a smile. In fact, Daxside was relatively normal among the aliens. At least it was not strange, but he was too tall and too strong.

Druckside came to the operating table, looked at Freelander lying there, and then looked at the pile of small tubes inserted into him, and at the next moment pulled out two fingers.

"Hey, he needs blood." Dr. Hao anxiously.

Even if you are a sacred doctor, you can save a fart when they are out of blood? The plasma cannula could not be pulled out. He wanted to run over and grab it from Duckside and plug in Freeland, but was stopped by Ye Fei.

"It's all right."

"But ... Ye Shen ~ ~ Human life is off."

"Relax, it will be fine soon."

When Dr. Hao and Gelin were still unknown, a few saw that suddenly the entire room was covered with a red light, and two rays of light fell directly on Freeland's body, brushing from head to toe Once again, then I saw the big man bowing his head and turning back, "Well, not only that, all the illnesses on him have been cured. Without accident, he can only die naturally in his life, and he won't get sick. Dead. "

Ye Fei went over to look at it, and then patted Freelander lying on the operating table, and said, "Can I go down? I'm still waiting for you to start broadcasting?"

On the operating table, Freeland opened his eyes, and then stared at the face that appeared in front of him. When he saw that it was Ye Fei, he saw him turn over from the operating table and sat up, surprised. "Ye Shen?"

Ye Fei patted his shoulder and said, "Very well, I like you very much. You are nice."

Freeland was a little embarrassed and said, "I just can't see the thieves, but I didn't expect them to be stabbed in my heart, my heart ... I'm alright?"

For a long time, Freelander reacted to his situation, hurriedly looked down, and saw that he was sitting on an operating table with a smooth upper body.

Ye Fei was happy when he saw Freeland's reaction. That's right. Looking at the length of the reflection arc, he must be his guest. After speaking for a long time, he found that he was all right.

"Well, let's go. When I return to the island, I'll tell you what's going on, what ... Dean Ge, his clothes and shoes?" Ye Fei asked back.

It turned out that both Gelin and Dr. Hao were like petrochemicals ...

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