The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1742: Dairy Genie-Uzhamo

Just like eating all over the world and introduced by Ye Fei, the Mongolian cuisine belongs to a special branch in the entire Chinese food history.

It is not as detailed as the eight major dishes, but it has its own unique style.

The axe is its personality.

Crude and bold is its characteristic.

Eating this kind of dish is not suitable for small mouthfuls, but to eat large mouthfuls, bite down fiercely, so that the mouth is filled with various meat instantly, and then you feel the fullness when chewing At the same time, you can experience the happiness of the mouth full of rich aroma.

This is the advantage of Monnet cuisine.

Although it is very good, it is a pity that after all, there are no eight famous Chinese cuisines, so apart from locals and people who travel to Mongolia, there are very few authentic Mongolian restaurants outside, which has led to a lot of this cuisine People ignored.

Ye Fei's live broadcast room has many audiences, and there are also many audiences in Mongolia.

To be honest, from the moment Ye Fei first started broadcasting, many audiences in Mongolia have always wanted Ye Fei to be able to make Mongolian dishes, but Ye Fei is also a very opinionated person, most of the time he is It was broadcast according to his own decision, so they were anxious.

Even they thought that Ye Fei would not cook Monnian dishes, but suddenly Ye Fei made another Genghis Khan barbecue, which overturned their ideas, and then after a long time, Ye Fei did not cook Monnian dishes. It was impossible for the audience in Mongolia to speak silently, as if Ye Fei was deliberately hanging their appetite.

Eventually, they came to an end. Ye Fei was going to make Mongolian dishes this time, not only, but also a very famous banquet—the black horse feast!

Maybe people from other places are not very familiar with the blackmailing feast, but many people in Monai are still familiar with it. After all, this is a short period of flash in the history of their cuisine.

Therefore, after Ye Fei introduced what is a blackmailing feast, the audience in Monnet was completely excited.

Everyone knows that when Ye Fei was broadcasting, he was not only cooking, but also promoting a local food culture. This will not only attract a lot of food to Mongolia, but also attract more tourists. There are many examples of this in Mongolia.

Those places where Ye Fei has cooked food, whether it is Dongshan or Xichuan, or even provinces like Longnan, are slowly shining in front of the world.

There is no shortage of tourist attractions in Monai. Whether it is the Shilamuren grassland or the Balechuan grassland, it is a vast space that can make people feel refreshed, and there are also Xiangsha Bay, Qixing Lake, Chaihe, and Ashatu Stone Forest , Jokhang Temple, etc. These are very top-level scenic spots.

Unfortunately, due to conditions, the number of people who travel here is far less than the number of people who visit many attractions in the Mainland.

They believe that through Ye Fei's promotion of Mongolian cuisine, more and more people will come to Mongolia, which is not only a major good for their catering industry, but also for Mongolia as a whole. Introspection is very important.

Just when Ye Fei said that it wasn't long before he was going to cheat the horse feast today, the high-level officials of the Mongolian province have gathered together and are holding a very important meeting.

"Did you see it?" Said the leader with glasses at the front of the conference table with a smile. "Our gourmet in Montenegro is finally on Ye Shen's menu, and everyone can see it."

Then, the leader personally opened a large screen of the conference room with the remote control, and it was the situation of Ye Fei's live broadcast room.

"Frauding horse feast! Everyone, Comrade Gele could have presided over this matter. After all, he was in the tourism industry, but I think it is necessary for me to preside over the meeting in person, because this time for us The people who advertise are too powerful, Ye Shen! I think everyone who knows Ye Shen knows his influence. He promotes our cuisine, and it can be said that it is better than spending on any national TV station in the world. The advertising at sky prices must be ten times or more, which means that if there is no accident, we will definitely have a wave of tourism ups and downs in Menei. Although it is not the peak tourist season, I believe in Ye Shen Influence, as long as Ye Shen has finished our black horse feast, he can create a tourist season for us! "

The glasses leader said here, looked at all the people sitting, knocked on the table with his right hand, and said, "Opportunity, opportunity! My colleagues, what is opportunity ?! In my opinion, this time is a very, very good opportunity. I can say without exaggeration that if we can seize this opportunity, it will be a huge benefit for people everywhere in Mongolia, so I will arrange work now. "


Ye Fei didn't know how much the audience and leaders of Monnet valued his live broadcast this time, he just started step by step.

Just before he started, he came to the door and shouted a few people from Lao Mo, and then told them a few words. Several people left, Ye Fei walked back, and introduced the first food to the camera.

"We just said that the ingredients in Mongolia are simple and complicated, simply because the main foods they eat are cattle, sheep, horses, and camel meat, which are the five animals in Mongolia ..."

Having said that, Ye Feigang was about to continue to say that the sound of the quick-sanding sand suddenly came over, and this product also grabbed a microphone.

"Yeshen, although I don't know much about the creatures on the earth, what you said in the sentence just now seems to be the Mongolian five animals. Is there any other five animals besides the five animals?"

Ye Fei couldn't help laughing, and said that this guy was watching the show very seriously, and he even heard it.

"Haha, yes, it seems Brother Liusha is really listening to me introducing Chinese culture."

"That is necessary, not that I am talking big, Ye Shen, I have almost remembered the Chinese culture you introduced in the past, and I plan to settle down on the earth after becoming familiar with you and be your neighbor."

"Really? Welcome, then I will talk about your question just now, and many of my friends should have heard it. What I said just now is the Mongolian five animals, not the traditional five animals. What are the traditional Chinese animals? Pig cattle sheep dog chicken, this is a traditional five animals, so what is the Mongolian five animals? Cow horse sheep camel, this is the Mongolian five animals ... "

"Ye ~~ Ye Shen, are you correct? Say good five animals? How to become four animals? Don't tell me that the camel is two animals." Shan Pao said with a smile.

Ye Fei laughed: "The camel is not two animals, but the sheep are two animals. The sheep in the camel, cattle, horse, sheep, and camel are just a collective term, and they are divided into goats and sheep. So since this is the five animals, why not Separately? In fact, friends in Mongolia should be more clear about this? "

A Monai viewer named Chahar Khan sent a message: "Yes, goats or sheep, if they are separated, cannot be regarded as orthodox five animals. This is related to the personality of the two sheep. The goats are lively and active. It is often easy to disperse, and sheep are gentle and slow, so they often cannot find good water plants. A perfect flock cannot be composed of goats or sheep, but goats and sheep together, but they are It is indeed two kinds of sheep, so combining them with cows, horses, and camels is called five animals. These five animals are also the most important animals in our Mongolia. In the past, we provided us with necessary food, clothing, and shelter. Without them, we can Said that there is no us insider. "

After Chahar Khan finished speaking, people realized why Ye Fei only mentioned four species just now. It turned out to be five species. Sheep include goats and sheep.

"Chahar Khan is very specific. No matter what it is, they are the Mongolian people. The cattle, sheep, horses, and camels provide the Mongolians with everything they need to live. Of course, this is a time before, such as milk. , Milk, goat's milk, horse's milk, and so on, and our first food today is actually a kind of food made from milk or goat's milk and horse's milk, called milk skin .... "

"Woohoo ~~"

"Oh Khaka ~~"

"Long live milk !!!!"

"No, long live Ye Shen !!!"

Ye Feigang just said the name of the first gourmet, and many viewers in the live broadcast room were boiling. This time, not only the audiences in Mongolia, but also many frontier audiences, as well as some people who have eaten milk. Woke up.

That ’s right, although many people have not been to Mengnei, when it comes to the cuisines that people first think of in Menneri are definitely meat, mutton, beef, horse meat, camel meat, etc. These have become representatives of Mongolian diet, but Only those who have actually been to Menei know that there is a kind of food that is much more delicious than these meats, and even the price is much more expensive than that of beef jerky, that is, milk skin! Also known as Urimo or Urimu.

This is a very simple and time-consuming cuisine. It can be said that it is a beautiful spirit made by combining top milk sources and a lot of time.

Ye Fei laughed after seeing the news boiling between live broadcasts, and said, "It seems that some viewers are more familiar with this cuisine."

Many Chinese viewers are familiar, but international and interstellar audiences are unfamiliar. They haven't even heard of what milk leather is.

Except for Longlong Long and Shen Yue, the audience were all aggressive, even including Sloan and Freeland.

"Uh ~ Ye Shen, what is this nuffie?" Sloan asked cautiously.

Ye Fei laughed and said, "Soon you will know. Come, some people, help out and move things out."

Talking, Ye Fei picked up the computer first, while the tables, chairs, and pots and pans were brought out by a few people, and the large locker was moved by Dakside and Zaya. Come out.

After Ye Fei placed the computer outside, people found it a little different, because several people in Lao Mo were digging pits with their butts outside.

Ye Fei asked loudly, "How long is it?"

Lao Mo shouted: "It will be fine soon, Ye Shen, you are busy with the others."


After speaking, Ye Fei went directly to the console, opened a storage compartment, and brought out five large pots from the inside.

As soon as these five large pots were brought out, everyone smelled a strong milky fragrance.

The invisible camera gave a close-up of the five pots, and all five pots were full of light yellow milk.

Seeing these five basins of milk, many people who like to drink milk lick their lips a bit.

Ye Fei placed five pots of milk on a large platform that was previously prepared and said, "To make milk, the best milk is fresh milk that has just been squeezed out, but we have no cows, no sheep and camels here. Therefore, we will use these five pots of milk. Although it is not just squeezed out, but it is also the best source of milk. Then we will tell you how to make this dish. In fact, everyone will learn at a glance. The main thing is the fee. time."

With that said, Ye Fei directly turned on the outside stove by five, then put five milk troughs on it and started cooking.

"Uh ~ Ye Shen, is the boiled milk boiled?" Shan Pao asked inexplicably.

Xin said that this is different from cooking milk?

"Yes, the boiled milk is cooked, but how to cook it, boiled on high or low heat. This requires a certain degree of control over the heat. The heat is too small. The boiled milk is thin and has a high heat. Milk skins have a mushy smell, so the heat needs to be moderate, which also requires experience. "

Ye Fei adjusted the heat of the several stoves to a low medium heat, and let them start cooking there.

Ye Fei has already told you just now that the best milk for milk skin is freshly squeezed milk. If it is milk, the best is milk from cows in autumn, because milk at this time is the richest in fat. It's also the perfect time to make milk.

Another point is that if the traditional Mongolian people make milkhide, this fire is not a stove fire, but wood fire and cow dung fire. This kind of fire is softer and the milkhide made is also the best.

But Ye Fei do n’t talk about cow dung here. There is no cattle hair. The system originally gave a copy of the ingredients he used, and let him stock them to observe his habits. But now he does n’t know where those things go. Anyway, it's on the island, and I don't have time to find it now. Besides, you can't find cow dung, so just use the fire directly, as long as the heat is controlled, the effect is the same.

As the small and medium fires continued to heat, everyone saw that the milk in the five basins began to slowly foam.

Layers of foam appeared, then burst again, and then foam formed again.

Bubbles are like shining diamonds in the noon sun.

Seeing that the five pots of milk began to boil, Ye Fei called Long Longlong and Shen Yue, each of them gave them a pair of chopsticks and said, "Help."

In the end Longlong Long and Shen Yue didn't know how to do it with chopsticks.

"Yeshen, how can I help?" Shen Yue asked curiously.

"What do I do, what do you do, help me stir the milk."

Ye Fei had both of them responsible for one basin, and he was responsible for three milk basins.

Use the chopsticks in your hand to constantly stir in the milk, and sometimes lift the chopsticks.

And Shen Yue and Long Long also learned how Ye Fei stirred the milk.

Long Longlong agitated and cheerfully said, "Yeshen ~ ~ Is it enough to stir it? It's too simple."

"Simple? Simple, you are all wrong. If you see how I stir, just follow the way I stir, stir a few times and then a few circles against the edge of the basin, right."

"Uh ~ Ye Shen, why should you stir against the edge of the pot?"

"This determines the thickness of the milk crust. The high-quality milk crust is thick and soft. If you eat it, it will be soft and silky. If you have made porridge, you should know that it is often the place where the porridge and the pot are first heated, which leads to the porridge here. It's also cooked first. The crust is the same, and if the edge part is glued to the basin first, it must not be very thick at first. How thick this part is, that is, the thickness of the crust, so it must be destroyed. , So that the middle skin will slowly accumulate, which will increase the thickness of the skin. "

"This ... so esoteric, I didn't understand, but I do what you say."

Long Longlong and Shen Yue continued to stir as Ye Fei said. After stirring for a while, Ye Fei stopped them.

"As we said just now, making milk crust is actually a very time-consuming task. If it is under normal circumstances, it takes at least five or six hours to cook. Friends in Mongolia should know that they often cook at night. Milk skins will not form until the next morning, but today we do n’t have to take that long. Now you can take a look. Has the top of the milk basin changed a little? "

Ye Fei pointed at the inside of the milk basin, and people saw that although the milk in the basin was still boiling, the top layer seemed to be shiny.

At this moment, Ye Fei directly turned off the fire, and then the boiling milk in the basin slowly calmed down, and a thin layer of shiny film began to appear on the top ...


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