The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1743: Cattle and sheep scattered in sunset

Milk skin is just a popular name because the name is easier to understand.

In Mongolia, it actually has a local name, Urimo, or Urimu, or Chaganid.

It's just that Chagan Yide's name is more general, because in Mongolia, any white food can be called Chagan Yide. Of course, this white food mainly refers to dairy products.

Ye Fei is actually making milk skin for the first time, but this does not prevent him from making high-quality food.

The five large pots have been stirred on the fire, then the fire underneath is turned off, and then waiting for the formation of milk crust.

In the process of this formation, Ye Fei and everyone were waiting, while he introduced several points during the preparation of this dish, that is, attention points.

Don't look at this delicious food. It is easy to see, but if you pay attention to a few points, the milk skin you made will definitely not reach a certain level.

"OK." Ye Fei said, "Napier, also known as Urimo or Urimu in Mongolia, the current steps have been completed, and the next step is to wait for it to form. This gourmet friend also I've seen it, it's actually very simple, there are almost no steps, just put the milk on a fire and boil it. That's right, but there are a few points to be aware of. "

"First, we talk about the quality of milk. We have repeatedly emphasized that milk must be made with fresh milk, so that the milk skin produced in this way can ensure its fresh and sweet taste."

"Second, we must use pans or pans for the pans we use to make milk crusts, so as to ensure that the milk crusts formed in the end are thin and even."

"Third, my friends saw it and heard it. Just now when I was making it, I told Long Longlong and Miss Shen Yue to keep stirring. Why? Because even the freshest milk contains water, and The agitation is to promote the rapid evaporation of water, so that the milk composition in the formed crust will increase, and the taste and taste will be more delicious and delicious. "

"The fourth point is also very important, that is, the fire. As we said earlier, you ca n’t use a large fire for milk skins. If you strictly follow the practice of the Mongolian people, you ca n’t even use an open fire. Dry cow dung is lit. After the open flame is extinguished, place the milk trough on it, let it slowly boil the milk, and then the temperature will naturally drop. In this process, the milk skin will start to form slowly as the temperature decreases. It is the most natural and perfect milk skin. "

"Another point is why the milk skin is so classic. We also said that a pound of milk skin is even more expensive than a pound of beef. This is for a reason. Although the production of milk skin is simple, it is very time consuming. The way is that time is money, time is life, whether it is money or life, it is expensive, beef is not within reach, and the other is that the output of milk skin is very low. Generally speaking, only six or seven pounds of fresh milk can produce a pound of milk skin. , And the milk in the milk basin is best not to be too much at one time, the depth is guaranteed to be four or five centimeters, which is now the case. "

Ye Fei said, pointing at the five pots he used, at this time people paid attention to these pots. Although they are not small, each one is very shallow, at most about 15 centimeters. Milk accounts for at most about a third of the bowl.

After a few points of attention, the audience in the live broadcast room is even more looking forward to this cuisine.


Because it seems simple to make, but you must pay attention to it everywhere. This is a realm of food, simple but not simple!

This kind of cuisine is real cuisine, and this kind of cuisine is soulful cuisine.

"Yeshen, can you use black tiger milk to make milk?" Suddenly, Pentium's quicksand asked.

Ye Fei: "..."

Your sister, how can I know if Black Tiger Milk can be a milk cow? I have n’t seen black tiger milk, okay, have n’t you guys, the mammal milk animals on the alien planet, how do you make me answer you?

Just when Ye Fei was speechless, there was a movement in the system in his head, and only one word was spoken.


Ye Fei: "... Yes!"

Well, the system said that it would do, or not, it would work. The knowledge of this is too broad, and everything is known.

When Ye Fei said that black tiger milk can also be used as a nap, Pentium's quicksand is not excited, and I don't know who this guy is talking to, I heard him shout: "Hurry up, milk the black tiger, Lao Tzu I want to eat milk. "

Then a woman's voice came from the microphone.

"Dead man, do you want to eat milk and want to go crazy? Black tigers are male. Where's the milk?"

"Uh ~ Yeah, I forgot, daughter-in-law, do you?"

"... neuropathy!"

Then everyone understood that this product was talking to his wife, but can you cover the microphone while talking? Brother, you talk ... what excitement are you doing?

Everyone was laughed at by the conversation between Pentium's quicksand and his wife. This article was really cut out for the sake of milk, not even his wife.

Ye Fei also said with a smile: "In fact, as long as it is mammalian milk, it can generally be made into a milk crust, but the length of the cooking time is a problem. The upper layer is mainly a cream layer. Then it stops stirring and heating to allow it to cool naturally Just fine. "

In fact, cold milk is really time-consuming. Because you have a short time, the milk will be very thin, so you must have enough time to do it.

Fortunately, Ye Fei's basin is also a black technology provided by the system, which will soon be available.

"Okay, friends, this is the milk skin we need." Ye Fei pointed to the milk in the basin that had formed a solid surface, and said.

When everyone looked at this time, they saw that the layer of milk on the top became a piece of skin. The skin was yellow and white in color, and there were holes like honeycombs. This is the bubble that the milk produced after boiling, and the bubbles It stayed after exploding.

Ye Fei put all five pots down on the table, and then cleaned the chopping board. Then he took an arc knife from the tool holder. Of course, the blade is inside the arc, like a sickle. .

Use a machete to scrape around the edge of the basin to separate the glued area between the crust and the basin. Put the knife down and insert a long chopstick from the edge into the bottom of the crust. When I picked it up, I saw a whole piece of milk skin being picked up, showing a kind of semi-circular shape, and the chopsticks showed a little from both ends.

Ye Fei turned around and came to a clean shelf that had been set up in advance. He put the milk on it and began to dry.

That ’s right, the milk is not ready to eat after taking it out of the basin, eh ~ how to say it, it feels wrong to say that, it can be eaten, but the taste is still not up to it. After the dry, the taste will be soft and refreshing.

Drying the milk is not a one-time thing. This thing needs to be naturally air-dried and naturally over-dried to be the most perfect.

Ye Fei drank all the five milk crusts on it, then lifted the bowl directly and poured all the remaining milk into the sewer.

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room did not utter the groove. Now many people already know Ye Fei's urine strength. No matter how the best ingredients are, they are used once and there is no reuse.

Discard the five pots of leftover milk, then take out a large bucket of fresh milk from a storage compartment, pour an appropriate amount into the five pots, and start to put on the fire to continue.

Although five pots were used at one time, only five milk crusts were made. This is not enough for Daxside or Zayase, so you need to do more.

Ye Fei made twenty milk crusts before and after, and then did n’t do it. No matter whether it was enough or not, there were so many. Anyway, this is the beginning of a feast. It just serves to appetite, not to let you eat. full.

The weather on Zhuguang Island is good today. The wind is beautiful and the milk is drying faster. It is mainly related to the milk source provided by the system.

It didn't take long for all twenty milkskins to be dried. In fact, the real drying of the milkskins does not require much sun. It only needs to be placed in the shade to dry slowly, but it takes more time, and Ye Fei did not do that. Moreover, the milk source provided by the system need not be so troublesome.

At this time, look at these twenty milkskins, one by one there is a light yellow, and the invisible camera is drawn closer, and people can even see the hazy yellowish luster from the opposite side.

It seems that these milkskins should be very thin, but when Ye Fei took a piece of milkskin out and showed it to the people after chopsticks were pulled out, people discovered that they were wrong.

This milk crust is not thin, but has a thickness of two centimeters and nearly three centimeters. This is already very thick for the milk crust. After all, this is a layer of skin slowly formed by fresh milk, which can form such thick visible leaves. No matter the temperature or other aspects, flying is extremely extreme.

There are many ways to eat milk skin. You can eat it as a single product, or you can eat it in oil tea, milk tea, or other soups.

The milk crusts on this banquet are the beginning dishes, so Ye Fei cut them directly and put them on the plate.

Put a piece of milk on the cutting board and cut it directly with a knife.

Uh ~

An almost inconceivable sound appeared, and then saw that the area where the milkhide and the blade touched fell directly, and then the blade cut it back and bounced back.

Cut a strip of milk crust, Ye Fei picked it up and showed it to everyone, and saw that the milk strip was uniform and thick, like a goose yellow jelly strip.

Seeing such superb custards, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly felt a bit uncontrollable.

"I'll go, won't I? I can make a milkhide so thick?"

"Well, my Ye Shen, none of our locals can make it so thick. It is a real enjoyment to eat such a milk skin in your mouth. Is it too special?"

"Why is it different from the milk leather I bought? I bought it so thin, it tastes tough."

"I bought it, too. I suspect I didn't buy milk leather. It was milk."

"Woohoo ~~ It's okay to fake the **** now, it's too much for people to extricate themselves from."

"Under the sunset, the grass and the wild cheese are sweet. This is the best. This is the real best. I really envy a few guests at the scene. This kind of milkhide can be eaten once in my life I won't die in this life. "

After eating all over the world, he suddenly said, "Yes, how easy is it to make milk skin? Will there be fake milk skin on the market?"

As Ye Fei cut the milk skin, he said with a smile: "There is no difference between true and false milk skins, only the quality is good or bad. Good milk skins have several characteristics. When you buy them, you just have to grasp these characteristics. , Generally not too bad, the first is thick, the second pinch will be softer, after eating the mouth is a kind of thick and soft feeling, and the milk is rich, fresh and long, and poor-quality milk It ’s thin, it feels dry, it ’s hard, it does n’t taste milky enough, and some even contain foreign particles, so pay attention when you buy it. ”

"No wonder, the milk skin I bought was the thin and hard one that Ye Shen said, and it was very painful to eat."

"There are too many bad businesses, and they always use some low-quality milk to make milk."

"Sure, the high price and high profit of this kind of product are destined that some bad merchants will not let it go, but when buying, they should be screened according to the points mentioned by Ye Shen, even if they cannot be completely avoided. Avoid such poor-quality milks as much as possible. "

"Ha ha ha, Ye God, a milk skin merchant like you will hate you."

Ye Feicai, no matter how bad merchants curse himself, he must tell the audience about the pros and cons of these methods, not only milk skins. In previous live broadcasts, he would also tell them when anyone asked about the appraisal methods. In order to make the audience less fooled when buying, after all, who's money is not blowing, after spending money to buy good products in order to feel happy.

Soon Ye Fei cut all the 20 milk skins and put them on a plate. There are ten plates, that is, two milk skins. One plate is enough. ~ After all, Ye Fei makes Your milk is too thick.

Ye Fei picked up a plate and handed it forward, laughing: "Try it."

Who would be polite.

Several dragons rushed directly, and even Dakside and Zaya couldn't help coming forward.

Longlong, this guy grabbed the plate from Ye Fei's hand. He called it to do the physical work of the plate. As a result, the goods ran away with the plate and made some popular hums behind. .

Then, with his arms outstretched, Druckside brought the dragons that ran out two meters away and brought them back directly. Then he took the plate out of his hand and gently placed the goods on the ground. "Young man, the world is so beautiful, why are you so impatient?"

Longlong stood there staring up at Daxside, weakly, "Will it be a piece?"

Druckside stretched out **** and clamped them to him, and then gave him a slight poke with his fingers, and then straightened the dragon out two meters away.

He then crouched down, beckoned at Sloan and Yang Ling, and said, "Come, let's eat together."

Well, I was happy when I met you. This is the conclusion that Longlong has summarized just now.

A few sheep have long been unable to hold back, and now no one sympathizes with Longlong, who rubs it and makes you want to eat it alone. Does your head lack roots or sting? Don't you see who's here, can you eat alone in front of Daxside and Zaya? Even if you let you run out of the earth first and see if he can reach you with a hand?

It doesn't matter if you have a stupid head, water is the most terrible.

Several people thought hard, and then all put the nappy strips in their mouths ...

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