The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1744: Ye Shen; what? ; Is there glue? ; ...

The top-level milk skin is like a gift from heaven. The rich milk flavor in the mouth makes people linger.

And these milk skins made by Ye Fei are undoubtedly like this.

When Yang Ling sent a piece of milk skin into his mouth, and then chewed it gently, he felt that the milk skin was extremely soft and soft, just like a top-level pastry, and the saliva in his mouth was instantly released. come out.

As the saliva appeared, soaked the milk skin in the mouth, and then he felt that the milk skin began to melt slowly in the mouth.

That's right, if instant entrance is a reality, it is the situation at hand.

And as the milk skin melts in the mouth, the rich and rich milk aroma instantly fills the entire mouth, even letting him breathe out at any time can bring out bursts of milk fragrance.

He didn't know what kind of milk Ye Fei used. He only knew that at this moment he would be willing to drown even in this kind of milk, because it was definitely an ultimate enjoyment.

There is also milk on his own planet, whether it is a wild animal or a personally-bred milk source, it is inevitable that it has a slight smell of fishy smell, which is incomparable with the milk source used by Ye Fei.

The taste of this milk is just fragrant, with a touch of sweetness in it. When you taste this taste, the sheep suddenly feels a very kind feeling. This feeling is familiar, warm and safe.

I chewed it gently with my teeth a few times, but the unfinished milk crust was slightly sticky, but it was only a moment. At the next moment, I didn't need to deliberately remove it from the teeth, it disappeared again. Already.

A gourmet meal is not only as simple as making people happy, but more importantly it also makes them happy.

And this seemingly simple but crusty milk crust with unparalleled taste and taste is undoubtedly such a food.

Both Daxside and Zaya were also tasting, but they both took a sip and took a sip. After a short sip, the two suddenly embraced each other fiercely, then separated and started eating again.

Compared to the figure of two people, each boiled skin can be said to be not enough to jam the teeth, but they are not in a hurry, but put a piece of bovine skin into the mouth to chew slowly, taste slowly, can bear it It is the urge to gobble to enjoy the top taste and taste of food.

The audience didn't know why they ate and hugged, all of them were a little confused.

Qianmo laughed: "It seems that this food has touched the softest place in their hearts."

Dakside nodded and said, "This food reminds me of the scene when I was fighting for breast milk with my brother when I was very young. It was a very warm and never going back day, Ye Shen, thank you you."

Zaya also said, "Don't regret coming here, Ye Shen, the biggest gain from coming to you here is that my relationship with my brother has been reconciled, which makes me happy than the unification of the Fourth Universe."


"Little brother."


"Little brother......"

The two guys were screaming, and all of a sudden they jumped in front of them and whimpered at their mouths.

Mouth cannon!

Yes, it seems that several people in Dakside have forgotten this guy. Without his mouth, this guy seems extremely quiet, but now that the food has been eaten, why don't you give me a mouth? Torture is not such a torture method.

The mouth cannon was really furious, and his eyes were closed for a long time. As a result, you two are doing well. The elder brother and the younger brother are tired or not? I want to engage in / go out to do it, disgusting, pull me up!

I promised to lift the ban in ten hours or so. This Nima's is almost 20 hours old. Can I still have a little credit?

Druckside gave him a glance, then picked up a piece of milk leather and swayed it in front of his nose twice, and threw it directly into his mouth, and then ate it.

Mouth Cannon: "..."

"Woohoo ..."

The goods turned around and ran to Ye Fei, grabbed Ye Fei, who was preparing the next gourmet ingredient, and pointed to his mouth, and pointed to Duckside. The goods clenched his fists. Lift, that means Ye Shen, do you see it? There is a shameless guy who doesn't talk, don't you care? No matter if I'm going to fight, although he may not be able to fight him, he can't kill me.

This Nima ca n’t eat the top food, it ’s painful, you know?

Ye Fei almost cried when he saw this guy in an anxiety, and smiled at Duckside, "OK, help him."

In the eyes of Duckside, the omega rays came out and hit the mouth gun's chest directly, and then ... everyone saw an extra mouth on the mouth gun's chest.

"Fuck! I'm not finished with you !!"

Those who are arrogant will scold their mothers. I have never seen such a wicked guy. Mouth, brother, don't you know where the mouth should grow? Face, what do you mean by opening a mouth on my chest?

The goods looked down at his mouth on the chest, yelling loudly.

Ye Fei's group of people also all stunned, and then laughed.

"This mouth has personality." She smiled while eating milk.

Qianmo also said with a smile: "Don't say, you can save a lot of food by opening a mouth on your chest, at least a little closer to your stomach."

Sloan also wanted to make a joke, but when he saw that his face was almost green, he dared not say anything.

Instead, Freelander came over and patted his shoulder, saying, "I'm a doctor, and I'll do my best to help you move your mouth."

He gave a grateful glance at Freeland and said, "What department?"



After the audience in the live broadcast was surprised, all of them were laughing and laughing. No one expected that there was such a naughty side when looking at the serious face of Dakside. This was to beat the mouth to a bad rhythm. No, it's broken.

"Oh, sorry, the wrong place." Duckside squeezed his eyes into the cannon, and the muscles on his face moved.

Everyone can see that this product is deliberate, but he still gave someone the wrong place, and you say that you are not angry?

"It should be on my face."

Then, Dakside opened his mouth again in the face of the mouth gun.

Mouth Cannon: "......."

This product hurried to touch the place where its original mouth was, yes, the mouth came back, but what is this on the chest?

"The two of us are completely settled." Mouth pointed at Duckside.

It's just that these words are spoken from the two mouths, the ones above are talking, and the ones on the chest are also talking.

After speaking, the mouth gun took two pieces of milk crust directly from the plate, and just about to eat it, the dragon in the distance stopped working.

"We all eat one at a time, why do you take two?"

Depressed mouths want to smash the chair, pointed at the mouth on his own head, and pointed at the mouth on his chest, saying: "You have two mouths, you can do it all at once. Eat two. "

Long Longlong: "..."

He thought right, but would this guy take advantage? Eat food twice as fast as yourself, how can this be done?

So Longlong came carefully to reach Cside, weakly, "Don't do anything, I have something to ask for."

Druckside glanced down at him, then squeezed a crust and handed him, "Say."

Long Longlong took a bite of the milk skin, tasted beautiful, and then said, "What, can you open more mouths for me?"

Duckside: "..."

Everyone: "......."

It was only for a moment that people knew what this guy was thinking. This was because he saw that the mouth can eat two pieces of milkhide at one time and became jealous. He also wanted to eat more.

Ye Fei held back with a smile and said, "Don't make a noise, can you be a little bit better?"

Longlong said with a serious head: "You are not rare in food, but we do n’t eat it often. Maybe it's only twice a lifetime. It ’s a sin if you do n’t eat more."

Daxside said, "Are you sure you want to open more mouths?"

Longlong nodded without hesitation, and said, "Yes, the more the better."

"Okay, but don't regret it."

"No regrets, as long as I can eat more food, I will not regret anything."

"Okay, take off your coat."

"Ah? What's the matter with your shirt off?"

"What do you mean? Do you want me to open a few mouths on your thighs and butt?"

Longlong shrunk his neck, and then he took off his coat. In fact, his coat was also a small vest. After taking off soon, Daxside looked at the dragon-like dragon ribs and said, "You I'm so embarrassed that I am embarrassed. "

"What do you mean?"

"Afraid to make you disabled."

"Then you take it easy."


Then everyone saw the omega rays radiating out of Duckside's eyes, and then went back and forth on the dragon's chest, and every time he clicked, there were more dragons and dragons. With a mouth, finally, when he arrived at Xside, he gathered the omega rays, and then looked at the dragon's body, and it was lively.

"Wow ~"

"Hahaha ~~"

"Lao Tzu can finally eat more than you."

As soon as he talked, he saw that his mouth was moving, and he looked like a babble. If he had a dense phobia, he would panic.

"Nima, Longlong, hurry up and put on your ragged vest, and I'll goosebumps fall to the ground."

"It's so scary."

"Neuropathy, it's just food. Does it need to be so hard?"

"This is a bit abnormal."

"Yes, it's even more abnormal now. This mouth is ... scary."


But people don't think so. He really wants to be happy now. See? Do you all see it? Lao Tzu has more mouths than you, who eats crickets, who is afraid of anyone.

Then, regardless of whether or not Dakside was willing, this product jumped up and took a crust of noodles from the plate, and then ... and then straightened it out.

That's right, Long Longlong is dumbfounded, because he suddenly found a very serious problem. Although he has one mouth, can there be only two hands for Mao? This still seems to be not fast.

Seeing Long Longlong holding the milk skin directly there, all people including Ye Fei couldn't help it anymore, and they all burst into tears with laughter, never seen such two people.

Are you dumbfounded?

It's aggressive?

Not enough hands?

Dragon Dragon looked up at Daxside.

Druckside looked down at him and said, "Don't look at me. I can't help you grow more arms."

"I ... woohoo ~~~"

Long Longlong also didn't care about eating milk skins, and the goods immediately cried, and said, "Can you make your mouth disappear again?"

"No, I said just now. Don't regret it. Your body is too thin. I also said that I was afraid of disabling you. This is the first time I'm very careful. If you come again, you will be today. You can only lie down and watch us eat. Are you sure you want to plug these mouths? "

"I @ # ¥%, Ye Shen, help me !!!"

Long Longlong was completely panic. It ’s right to eat more mouths, but there are not enough hands or hairs. The key is that these mouths can't disappear now. This will definitely scare people if they go out.

Ye Fei wiped away her tears and said, "It's no use calling you, I don't have this level, thin body is your own problem, and I can't make you stronger instantly."

"What then?"

"I do not know either."

"But you are a great doctor."

"Even if I am a sacred doctor, I have never seen you."


Longlong Long wants to die ~ ~ Sure enough, the impulse is the devil. The people I am working on are not ghosts or ghosts.

The mouth gun was lying on the ground laughing, and finally someone could be like himself, this feeling ... What a thief!

"Brother, don't cry, you are not alone." He patted Longlong's shoulder, comforting him.

Longlong looked at a mouth on the mouth of the gun, then looked down at his mouth, hugged the gun, grinned and burst into tears, but the gun quickly pushed him away. What kind of airplane are you doing? Don't drool with a grin, OK, Nima, I just got into a bath just now, and all my clothes are wet.

"Don't cry, wait until the end of Ye Shen's live broadcast, and see if there is any other way, now you can't eat anything if you cry any more." Sanhua Fairy Shen Yue reluctantly smiled and comforted.

Long Long Long made a hum, then looked at the two crusts in his two hands, and finally sat on the chair with his buttocks, so everyone saw a scene that made people laugh.

I saw this guy threw one into the mouth under the nose, and then picked up one directly into one of the mouths on the chest and threw it in, and then squeezed a few to send them one by one in the other mouth, followed by Feed the child the same.

But even so, his two hands were not enough, and he could eat the nappy mouth with a beautiful mouth. It screamed, and some even screamed.

Longlong, Longlong was about to die, and the goods sat there and looked down at their mouths, yelling at their mouths, and finally looked up and asked Ye Fei, "Yes."


"Is there 502 glue?"


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