The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1745: Stream / Rogue Ye Fei

Is there 502 glue?

Long Longlong looked at Ye Fei with a begging expression.

Ye Fei shook her head with a smile and said, "No."

Shenteme 502 glue, needless to say you also know what glue is needed for this product, it must be to glue those extra mouths, you are really a fairy you.

In order to prevent Longlong from playing self-harm, classmate Ye Fei gave a negative answer decisively. He would not tell Longlong to have two bottles of 502 glue in the drawer in the bedroom upstairs. right?

Longlong threw a piece of milk into a mouth on the navel, and said, "It's so painful, needlework is also possible."

"There is no needle and thread. You still have to be honest. Miss Shen Yue is right. When the live broadcast is over, we will think of a way. I know a doctor named Niu He who specializes in giving The patient moved the knife, and I also knew their dean, and then let them give you a 20% discount. "


Longlong is no longer silent, and it is still 20% off, even if it is not discounted, if they can help me get these mouths, I would be willing, this is really painful.

Sloan came to Longlong sullenly, and pricked his mouth full of up and down, and said, "It's not a snoring, or else how many beautiful women can you serve?"

Long Longlong gave him a stern glance, and said coldly, "Get off."

What kind of person is this, and everyone else is like this, do you still have a mood to laugh? A little sympathy?

Sloan was just like everyone else, chewing a piece of milk leather in his mouth and swinging to Freeland, the two did not know what international affairs were going on.

Although a plate of milk skin is not enough, Ye Fei is not to make them full, but to taste the taste, so a few people will finish it soon.

Ye Fei started to make a second course.

The ingredients are very simple, frost in the snow, one yogurt, one milk cream, one butter extracted from milk, that's all.

Seeing these ingredients, the audience in Mongolia knew what Ye Fei was going to do next.

"Is it buttery?" Chahar Khan said.

"Absolutely buttery butter. We eat this every morning here. This is the gift of heaven."

"Butter crisps are so delicious, not much to say."

The mountain cannon didn't shoot at the microphone and said, "Yes, is it buttery crisp?"

Ye Fei nodded with a smile and said, "Butter crisp is an important food for the Mongolian people. Not only is it nutritious, but the taste and texture are also first-rate. Like the milk skin, this dish is actually cooked. It's not difficult, let's do it next. "

Speaking of this, Ye Fei poured the frost in the snow into a bowl, then raised a small basin of milk, and said, "This is a bowl of yogurt. The reason why yogurt is added to the flour is to make the flour ferment faster. "

Pour the yoghurt into the flour in the basin. Ye Fei starts to make noodles. After it has been made into dough, it is directly covered and put into a storage compartment to ferment.

During the fermentation, Ye Fei introduced several other ingredients to the audience.

When the introduction was finished, the dough was fermented. After it was taken out, it was placed on a cutting board and started to knead again. However, when kneading, Ye Fei added some cream to the noodles.

"Cream is also called Zhuohai in Mongolia. It is a good thing. It can also be said to be the essence of milk. Although it is not top-level, it is also very precious. It has high nutritional value. After adding the cream to the dough, knead it until it is evenly spread. it is good."

Ye Fei patted the kneaded dough, and then began to make it into long strips. Just like making dough with a bun, Ye Fei also grabbed all the long strips of dough into small doughs, and used a rolling pin to make the dough. Rolled out into two centimeters thick pasta.

This thing is used to make short cakes. In fact, butter short cakes have a very popular name, called butter pie.

If you can't imagine it, you can go to Lanzhou ramen restaurants to have a look. Almost every Lanzhou ramen restaurant will have a white noodle cake, which is almost the same, but this is baked out with butter.

After rolling out all the noodles, Ye Fei took out a pan and put it on the stove. After turning on the fire, he took out a piece of butter and put it in the pot. After it melted, put the noodles in and started to bake.

The pancake is not difficult. Put the pancake into the pan and bake it until it is golden brown on both sides.

Ye Fei made a total of forty noodles. Compared to the ten guests, it is not a lot, but it is also a lot. If you remove Daxide and Zaya, the rest of them should not be able to eat. Finished.

After making the butter pie, Ye Fei gave everyone a taste first.

Butter pie is also called butter crisp because it is crispy on both sides when it is cooked, and it has milk in it, which makes it even better.

The ten cakes Ye Fei gave them were the first to be cooked, because the ten cakes had cooled down, and the outer layer of golden brown had become extremely crispy.

Click ~

Little Sauron took a butter pie and moved away in two halves directly to his dad. Then he took a big bite.

With a mouthful of butter pie, little Sauron felt that his little soul was about to fly.

The slightly warm feeling brought a rich milky aroma, which burst out in the small mouth, making the little guy jump almost excited.

"Dad, it would be nice if you can eat such pasta often, it is really a very happy thing." Little Sauron chewed the pasta and looked up to his dad as he chewed.

The middle-aged man smiled and touched Sauron's head, and withdrew the half piece of buttercake just sent to his mouth.

Ye Fei saw this scene and laughed: "Eat, and there."

Then he looked at Sauron and said, "Do you really want to eat this kind of cake often?"

Little Sauron's head pecked the rice and said, "Oh, Ye God, this is the most delicious cake I have ever had, and it feels ... it feels like the highest execution of our planet Official happiness. "

Hearing Sauron's words, the middle-aged man froze and hurriedly covered his mouth with his hands. He reprimanded: "Don't talk nonsense, eat your cake."

Seeing Sauron's father's tense look, Ye Fei laughed: "Children are jealous. Besides, there should not be many people on your planet in the live broadcast room. After all, now you are fighting there, who is the last big one? The executive is still not sure, which means that anyone can win this position. It is good for children to have ideals. You should be happy. "

The middle-aged man smiled awkwardly, and said, "Yes, we can't even think of such a thing."

Just after the middle-aged person's words have just fallen off, Jia Lan, who is constantly being beaten up in the live broadcast room, sends a message: "This child is very ideal, I like it very much, everyone, can anyone talk in this live broadcast room? Please tell me about this little baby. Jia Lan likes him very much. After they have participated in Ye Shen's program, come to me and stay here for a while. When the child is mature, I will send him back to the Red Star.

Seeing this news from Jialan, it can be said that the big executives of all the planets in the seventh universe in the live room are dumbfounded, even those who know the identity of Jialan on other planets. What this means is too obvious, Jialan To take this child!

This is definitely the dream of all the seventh universe and even many of the great executives of the universe. As long as you can get into the blue eye of Jialan, that is the step-by-step rhythm. It can be said without any doubt that if the child Sauron really followed Jia Lan, the future future is absolutely jealous.

Pentium's quicksand hurriedly passed the words of Jia Lan to the scene, and several people at the scene were all stunned, including Ye Fei.

His original plan was to leave the little Sauron and his sons to live on the earth after the live broadcast. At least it ’s safer here. If you have time, you can go and see them. He did n’t expect Jialan, the great god, also liked this little one. Child, and also want the little guy to live with him for a while.

He did n’t know how old the Red Star of the Seventh Universe was considered an adult, but he knew that at the age of ten, Sauron would live at least for a long time before leaving, and during this time, no one knew How much he can learn from Jia Lan.

Besides, even if he didn't learn anything, since Jia Lan said such a thing, the final push can also push him to the position of the executive officer of the Red Star Star!

The middle-aged man was completely stupid this time. It can be said that it was a message that made him both excited and scared. Now he also knows who Jialan is. He did not expect that the supreme ruler of the seventh universe would help his son. What a privilege it is, how jealous it is!

That's right, he even has an urge to replace his son, because the position of the chief executive officer of Red Star is so attractive and tempting.

But he didn't dare, nor could he, especially after surviving in this war, except for his son, he had no relatives, and Sauron was his only hope of survival.

He is the father and the patron saint of children!

No matter how high his son achieves in the future, he will only be happy and proud of his son!

"Sorren, don't hurry up, thank God Garam?"

The middle-aged man almost pressed Sauron's head and bowed towards the computer.

Who knew that Little Sauron didn't move at all, he raised his head vigorously, and finally pushed his father's hand away, saying, "I'm not rare in him, and I don't want to bow to him!"


The middle-aged man was almost scared to sit on the ground. He didn't expect his son to dare to say such words to Jia Lan. This is the rhythm to be finished.

Ye Fei heard the words of Sauron, and asked with interest: "Sauron, why?"

Little Sauron took a bite of buttercake and said: "Although I know that being a big executive should be a very happy thing, but being a big official must be happy for the people under him, not to be a blessing in position. The reason that our planet will break out war is that our planet ’s chief executives rely on their power to do their best to make ordinary people on our planet unable to live. Then people will get up and want to overthrow him, so I hate the chief executive. I don't want to be a big executive. What I said just now is just a kind of ... a hypothesis. "

After Sauron's words were finished, the middle-aged man was dumbfounded again. Now he didn't even have the strength to cover the little guy's mouth. He knew that when he said this, they didn't even have the hope of returning to the red star.

Who knows that after listening to Sauron's words, Jia Lan in the broadcast room not only was not angry, but issued a long list of laughter expressions, saying: "I know the responsibilities and duties of being an officer at a young age, yes, I am getting more and more I like this child very much, and it is precisely because your big executive is unkind, so you should replace it so that the people of Hongxingxing can live the happy life you want. Are you right? "

Pentium's quicksand continued to serve as a microphone.

Little Sauron tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, "Well, you're right, if I can become a big executive, I will do my best to let the people of our planet live the richest and happiest lives. , Unfortunately, I am not, that position is too high. "

"I said you can do it. When the show is over, I will send someone to take you over, and then when you grow up, you will be in charge of Red Star and become the big star's executive officer. Remember, this sentence is my Jia Lan said! "

Jia Lan's words are really ruthless words, not only ruthless, but also very treacherous, but no one can doubt it, because he is Jia Lan, because he is a god, because he is the supreme rule of the seventh universe. By!

In other words, from this moment on, Sauron is the chief executive officer of Red Star, and he will take office when he is the right age.

At this moment, I don't know how many people began to envy the jealous little Sauron, and no one expected that a child who came out of the war participated in Ye Fei's live broadcast. As a result, not only did he eat top-quality food, but now he is still the highest in the seventh universe. The ruler Jialan gods hand-picked as the chief executive officer of the red star, this is definitely a harvest.

Now many people are beginning to sympathize with the red star star who is fighting, knowing that no matter what they are playing, in the end they still have a bamboo basket to draw water, and they can only watch Sauron sit on the shining throne.

This is the difference between background and background.

After speaking, Jia Lan began to grind the rewarding rhythm again, and now Nan Tian, ​​an old man Hong Tianxiong, let him take over.

Ye Fei continued to make the third gourmet.

The ingredients of this dish are as simple as the first one, just a simple bucket of milk.

Seeing such a simple bucket of milk, the audience in the broadcast room was stunned again. If they said that the first food was just an ingredient, they already understood, but what can this bucket of milk do? Also, why are all the food in Monéna grandma?

"Yeshen, what kind of food is this? Can't you order more ingredients?" Shan Pao asked not madly.

He is considered to have served the food of this Monnet, brother, will you not be able to live without milk? This stuff is left and right, it ’s milk, is n’t it?

Chahar Khan made a smile ~ ~ said: "Shan Cannon, but you are still from the Northeast, don't you know our cuisine in Monai so close to us? Milk is one of our main ingredients , Not only to drink, but also to make a variety of delicious snacks. "

"Then you say this is another bucket of milk leaf God intends to do?"

"I don't know. There are too many foods that can be made with milk alone."

"Ah, ah, fortunately, there are two bottles of milk in Lao Tzu's refrigerator, or else I have to choke to death today?"

When he heard that the cannon was not a cannon, Ye Fei laughed, "Is there only one kind of milk for food? My friends in Mongolia should know what we are doing next, in vain, soft, and smell of milk. . "

After Ye Fei said, not only was the audience in the live broadcast room stupid, the audience at the scene also stared.

Especially the scattered fairy Shen Yue, the pretty face turned red on the face, just like a big red cloth, she did not expect Ye Fei to say such rude / hooky words.

"Ye Shen, you ... you are necrotic, can that thing be done too? Do you still do it in front of so many people?"

Ye Fei: "..."

The cargo scratched his head and looked at Shen Yue with a puzzled look, saying, "What did I do to me?"

"White, soft, and milky ......... ~~"

"Oh ~~ I said beauties, what do you think in your head? The food I made is really soft and milky."

"You said you said."

"Why can't I say that?"

"Then what are you talking about?"

"I ... hey, why should I tell you?"


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