The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1746: Guys, please stay away, I am going to write poetry

No one expected that Ye Fei would describe the third dish so evil.

It's also white, soft, and a little milky, so that as long as it's a normal person, it will think wildly.

Shen Yue is undoubtedly a normal person and a big beauty. After hearing Ye Fei's introduction, her face turned red.

"What the **** is it? Ye Shen." Shen Yue persevered.

Ye Fei laughed: "What else can be? One of the classic cuisine of the Mongolian people, milk tofu, also known as Hu Ruda."

Shen Yue: "..."

"You, you ... you're dead."

After that, Shen Yue turned and left, yes, my mother ignored you, you are a man full of thoughts.

Ye Fei looked at Shen Yue's back and said, "I don't seem to have said anything wrong? Milk tofu is like this."

"You still say ?!" Shen Yue said depressed.

Ye Fei scratched his head, looking in the direction of the broadcast room, and said, "Did I say something wrong?"

The audience in the broadcast room was laughing.

"Oh, I really convinced Ye Shen. Your milk tofu is milk tofu. What a ghost is so soft, you don't want others to crook it.

"Uh ~ It seems that Ye Shen didn't make a mistake, that's what milk tofu is like."

"Yes, milk tofu is indeed like this, but the expression of Ye Shen ... It's also a **** thing, just explain it directly, it is such a description, so shameless."

"Upstairs, did you know that Ye Shen is shameless? I tell you, if Ye Shen's cheeks are thick, even the Great Wall will be beyond reach."

"Yes, I've been taught!"

"It's stupid and shameful, but it's getting more and more exaggerated, but the old lady likes it, and it's a true description."


Ye Fei could not see the news in the live broadcast room, but only heard a horrible laughter like ghosts crying.

"Oh, what, then we will make this milk tofu, milk tofu, white, soft and flexible ..."

"噗 ~~"

Ye Fei was talking, eating all over the world and the cannon was not a cannon, he laughed and sprayed.

The mountain cannon is not out of breath with a smile, saying: "Yes, please, can we not describe it? Everyone understands, just do it."

Ye Fei blinked and said, "Really?"

"Ah, hello, really, really, brother, you can easily go out and be beaten if you continue to describe it like this, hurry up." Even eating all over the world feels ashamed for this guy, urging.

"Well, in fact, I can describe it more vividly." Ye Fei said a little depressed.

As a result, the audience in the live broadcast all rolled their eyes. Who made you describe that image? You can do it, so as to say so? Can there be a civilized sky in the live broadcast room?

"Although you do n’t want to listen to me now, I ca n’t help but introduce milk tofu. Of course, we only introduce the nature of milk tofu. Audience in Monnet should know that milk tofu is a very common and It is also very delicious and delicious food. It is divided into raw milk tofu and cooked milk tofu according to the state of the milk source at the time of production. Actually, cooked milk tofu is actually used as a tailing. There is still some milk in each of our basins after the skins are made. In fact, cooked milk tofu is obtained by continuing to heat the milk. "

"Raw milk tofu is different. It is fermented from fresh milk into yogurt, and then boiled to make milk tofu. Compared to cooked milk tofu, raw milk tofu can not only be eaten with other ingredients, but it can also be eaten alone. , And all we have to do today is raw milk tofu. "

"Milk tofu has another name in Mongolia, called Chagan Hu Ruida. Chagan is not a place. It means white in Mongolian, but Hu Ruida is the name for milk tofu, so Chagan Hu Ruida refers to white dairy products. Milk tofu is nothing but a type of cheese. From the ingredients used, we can see that it is not difficult to make it. Now we will show it to everyone. "

After a brief introduction, Ye Fei scooped up a stack of yogurt, then put a clean pot on the stove, poured the yogurt into the pot, and set it on fire.

Standing by the stove, Ye Fei held a spoon in his hand and stood there watching the shape of the yogurt in the pot and feeling its temperature.

"Many people who have been to Mengnei should know that Mengnei's milk tofu is indeed a must, and it tastes sweet and fragrant, but many people don't know that the yield of milk tofu is very low, generally 20 pounds Only one pound of milk tofu can be made from milk, so this is why milk tofu is the essence of milk, because these things are all formed by gathering a lot of the most milk-based substances. "

Talking, people saw that the yoghurt in the pot began to emit smoke, bringing about a tempting flavour of milk.

The invisible camera cooperates with a close-up of the heated yogurt in the pot. People see that as the temperature slowly rises, the heat on the yogurt is increasing, and a layer of white solid begins to condense on the top of the milk. Then, as the heated milk slowly spins on it, it looks like a small pile of snowflakes stacked on the river in winter.

"Hmm ~ what is this?"

"If the old man didn't guess wrong, it should be the material for making milk tofu."

"Grandma Qingsong, can you tell the truth? We all know."

"Hahaha, Grandma Qingsong is still so cute."

"We also know that this is the substance used to make milk tofu, but it is too little."

"What's less? Didn't Ye Shen just say? Twenty pounds of milk can make a pound of milk tofu."

The pan is still heating on the stove, and the yogurt in the pan changes more and more as the temperature rises.

In the end, everyone saw that the milk seemed to be separated by the high temperature. It was still a pot of yoghurt, but now it has become two other things. The floating snow-white solid is on the top, and the bottom is a through. With slightly yellow water.

At this time, people found that Ye Fei took out a tool, and the tool was fixed around with a wooden frame. In the middle was a thin layer of clean gauze. Take a large pot, place the tool on it, and use a spoon to scoop out the water from the pot.

Although it is water, there is inevitably some white solids in the water. The water is filtered through gauze to filter the water, and then the white substances that escaped the army and mixed into the water remain on the gauze.

When the water in the pot was finally cleaned, Ye Fei poured the white material on the gauze into the pot again.

The stove's fire remained low, and then Ye Fei began to stir these white materials slowly with a spoon in the pot. As Ye Fei continued to stir, people discovered the magic again.

As you can see, the solid material in the pot began to gradually become thicker. The longer the stirring time, the higher the consistency of the white material.

When it was finally possible, Ye Fei took another tool again, this is a tool made of hardwood, the whole is a cylindrical shape, a large hole was cut in the middle, and a patterned partition was sealed at the end of the hole. Keep the other end open, place it on a clean plate, and then use a spoon to scoop up the sticky material from the pot into the hole in the middle of the tool.

Finally, the hole was filled, and the material in the pot was just used up. Ye Fei pressed it with a clean board, and turned around and put it into a storage compartment.

After washing the pot, Ye Fei added yogurt to it again, and then made a second wave.

Everyone looked at it quietly, and people saw that when Ye Fei poured white materials into the wooden tools, those white materials were like latex, thick and flexible, and extremely tempting.

One pot after another, Ye Fei made five pots and watched a lot, but people found that there were not many of them.

Like Ye Fei said, the milk consumption of making milk tofu is too large.

After putting the last container into the storage compartment, Ye Fei-shun took out the first wooden tool.

"Milk tofu, as the name suggests, is made from milk-flavored ingredients to make food similar to ordinary tofu. Of course, due to the difference in ingredients, it is destined that milk tofu is much more nutritious than ordinary tofu, and there is no brine Or gypsum, which is much simpler than ordinary tofu. Now let ’s see what milk tofu looks like. "

Ye Fei said that he took off the pressure plate on the wooden tool and snapped the opening downwards into the plate. Then he gently bumped the plate a few times. The audience in the live broadcast room and several guests at the scene saw it. A white elven with a pattern around it slowly fell out of the wooden mold.

After the milk tofu has completely fallen on the plate, people will look at this piece of milk tofu not only as white as snow, but also carved with unknown flowers around it. Each flower has five petals, and a dozen flowers gather along a flower path toward the top and bloom.

People don't understand why the patterned leaves on the inner wall of the mold can still remove the milk tofu intact, but now nobody cares about this problem, but they are all attracted by this piece of brain tofu.

The milk tofu made by Ye Fei is somewhat different from the ordinary milk tofu. The general milk tofu is flat or lumpy, while the milk tofu made by Ye Fei is cylindrical.

Pointing at something like a white jelly on the plate, Ye Feidao said, "Friends, this is milk tofu. The milk tofu we made is half a catty. You can see that its overall color is snow white. This is It means that the water in it is very clean, and the flowers around him should be familiar to friends in Mongolia? "

Chahar Khan sent a message: "This is the delphinium flower, which is also the favorite flower of our people, but this flower is poisonous, but also a medicinal material that can lower blood pressure, relieve pain and clear heat."

The artillery wasn't a cannon and dictated the news of Chahar Khan.

Ye Fei laughed: "Yes, this is Delphinium flower, a very beautiful blue flower, but today we are not going to introduce Chrysanthemum flower, but to introduce our milk tofu. To this extent, milk Even if the tofu is successful, now we can cut and load it. "

Ye Fei cut the milk tofu directly into several small pieces and cut them into small pieces of one centimeter in length, width, and height. In fact, he cut them small, mainly considering that there were more guests at the scene, otherwise they were not enough.

After cutting the milk tofu, it was placed in the shape of a pagoda on the plate. It was amazing that Ye Fei didn't seem to destroy the outer pattern. The outer part of the pagoda was covered by this layer of pattern. It is like a pagoda covered with a bird's-eye flower.

Ye Fei lifted the plate and looked at a few guests at the scene, and said, "Same rules, try it first? Don't remember it for a while."

Uh ~

Uh ~

As soon as Ye Fei's words were finished, people saw a figure rushing towards him, but as a result he hadn't stood still, and then he returned back.

Everyone looked silently at the embarrassing dragon in the distance, and said what was wrong with you? Although you are a sprint champion, you can't do that, isn't it?

In fact, they really don't understand the entanglement in Longlong. This product really wants to eat it. These white milk tofu are too white and tender, and it makes people jealous.

So when Ye Fei said just to taste it, the goods rushed at the fastest speed of his life. As a result, he just remembered that Dakside was on the side and returned with the fastest speed of his life. Scared!

Duckside also looked at Longlong with a twitch, then took the plate from Ye Fei, and said, "Want to eat?"

Long Longlong nodded quickly, and said nonsense, who doesn't want to eat such superb milk tofu?

"Think." The goods answered honestly.

"If you want to eat, just say it. If you don't say how can I know that you want to eat? It is impossible for me to let you eat if you want to eat it, and I will not force you to eat it if you want to eat it. Tell me, I'll feed you. "

Long Longlong: "..."

Ye Fei's group of people: "......."

Almost everyone focused their eyes on Dakside. After a moment of stunning, they all laughed and laughed. No one expected that this zombie face was so funny here in Ye Fei today, brother, you are normal. How long has it been suppressed? Play Huantu directly here, this tongue twister is all spoken out.

Zaya also looked at her brother with a smile, and said, "You were still a kid, and I like to see you like this. I feel like the happiest and happiest moment."

Druckside stretched out **** and carefully took a piece of milk tofu and handed it to Zaya, saying, "Brother, give."

Zaya also stretched out **** and carefully took over the milk tofu, and threw it directly into her mouth.

To be honest, this milk tofu is really too small compared to him. The tossing in the mouth is so good that it did n’t slide down directly along the throat. Fortunately, Zaya responded quickly and forced it out again. My heart was so good. Didn't taste anything at all.

The milk tofu returned to the mouth again, Zaya's eyes closed, everyone saw the cheeks of this goods move, and then his head slowly shook.

That's right, that's what enjoyment looks like.

Zaya really enjoyed it. When such a small piece of milk tofu returned to his mouth, he felt that the milk tofu seemed to be melted ~ ~ he hurriedly bit his teeth a few times, and then it was annoying. Already.

If the aroma of the milk skin just now is as continuous as the river, then the aroma of this milk tofu is like a sea of ​​ocean!

The flavor is too strong and too honest.

It was as if he had eaten into a dozen layers of milk skin in his mouth at one go, all the aromas erupted instantly in his mouth, and the kind of milky scent made him almost suffocate instantly.

The feeling flickered, and then the rich flavor and aroma instantly hit the taste buds. All the taste buds cheered for the first time, making his whole muscles beat up excitedly.

Well, he snores.

When Zaya ate a piece of milk tofu and shivered, the audience in the live broadcast knew how delicious the gadget was.

"Good food, no explanation needed."

"Munne's brothers and sisters are happy, they can eat such good things every day."

"A piece of milk tofu, ten thousand drops of essence milk."

"I'm leaning on, wet man, is it starting again? Hurry up, I think I need you very much at this moment."

The wet man smiled and said, "Don't hide it, at this moment I want to give a poem to express my feelings in my heart."

"Please tell me!"

"Hurry up!"

"Hurry up!"

Wet man: "..."

I rely on one by one, I know Hu Heli, and I do n’t understand the mood of a literati.

"Guys, please stay away. I am going to write poetry."

Audience: "..."

Let me go, do you want to write poetry or throw a bomb? Why did we all keep away?

Just when people were about to laugh at the wet man again, the first poem of the wet man had been thrown out ...

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