The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1747: Please call my husband, thank you!

Ye Fei is undoubtedly a celebrity. Not only that, he also brought many of his audience into celebrities.

Regardless of whether it is an interstellar audience or a foreign audience, it can be said that as long as Ye Fei has been a guest of live broadcast, almost all can be popular for a while.

But there are also those who have been red, and the heat has not diminished, and the wet people are undoubtedly one of them.

He is a mere literati himself. At the foot of the mountain, the hedge yard, a few chickens, ducks and a pond of fish, and a wife who is not very beautiful but works very hard. Such days are actually lived in many places.

But the luck of the wet man is so good. Not only has he become a live guest of Ye Fei, but more than once, this has greatly improved his exposure.

Coupled with the fact that this article also has such a loss of literary talent, sometimes a cramp in the head can make a few poems that make people nod, so the popularity in the live broadcast room is still very strong.

If it weren't for Ye Feifen, he would like to go live on the language section of the Qiuqiu platform. He knows that everything he has now is given by Ye Fei, so all his thoughts are put on Ye Fei's live broadcast. Inside.

At this time, see Ye Fei made milk tofu, he is a poem, and directly make a "poem" to activate the atmosphere of the live broadcast room.

Although the atmosphere in Ye Fei's live room has never been cold, the icing on the cake is also good.

It's just that the opening statement in front of his poem is a bit worrying. What makes you want to write a poem? Brother, do you really want to throw a bomb?

Everyone was amused by the wet man's goods, one by one followed, to make this guy faster.

The wet man was not polite, but just brewed for a while, and the news came out directly.

"Oh, tofu, milk tofu, you are a kind of tofu, and you are also a kind of milk. As tofu, you have fulfilled your responsibility to make tofu. As a milk, you have fulfilled your obligation to make milk, the best milk, the best tofu. , You are a premium milk tofu ... "

The news of this product just came out, and the audience in the live broadcast scolded it.

"Neuropathy, are you poetry?"

"Ah, tofu, milk tofu ... your sister, you are Simon Tofu, let me tell you."

"Hahaha, wet man, don't do it. You can know your level in your heart. Why is it so obvious? Emma, ​​I laughed to death."

What is poetry?

It is a form of expressing the poet's inner emotions. Whether it is grief or excitement, excitement or deepness, it is necessary to express the deep inner feelings of a wet person. Poems and emotions can be regarded as a truly top-notch masterpiece.

But no one expected that the wet people would do this, brother. Are you sure you made poetry for you?

"Ding Buping, you have a neurosis. Before drinking, I said that you are not suitable to watch Ye Shen's program today. You still believe it. Now, what are you doing? Okay tofu, milk tofu, a kind of tofu, Do n’t you say people do n’t know? Shame, do n’t you shame? ”

As soon as the wet man's poem was over, his wife sent a message.

No way, she really can't stand her husband's performance now, and it's gone, completely gone. He used to be a little better, and lived a peaceful life.

But now?

It's different now.

Ding Ping and he used to be like two people. Although he was still at home, he started to use the chat tools such as Qiu Qiu and Tian Xun to start attracting butterflies and behaving wildly.

He clearly remembered that the night before, he had slept for a while, and when he woke up in the middle of the night he felt like he hadn't slept yet. He crouched on the balcony wearing a pair of trousers and talked to a girl across the phone. Is warming up.

It is because this time that she knows that her husband has changed. He is no longer Ding Ping. He is a stranger.

"What do you understand? The essence of poetry is to express it at will, so as to reflect the real world and emotions of a person's heart. You don't understand anything, what is crooked here?" Wet man sent a message.

"Ding Ping! Are you still a man? Are you willing to let me explain everything?"

"Explanation? What did I do? If you say something unsightly, if you say that Ding Ping violates your conscience, in the presence of more than 60 billion friends, you just scold me for nothing."

"Okay, good, haven't you done anything against your conscience?"

"No! Although my Ding Ping is a terrible person, but I am doing well, and the three roads are in the middle. I am impartial, and I have a clear conscience!"

"A clear conscience? Well, then tell me in front of all your friends, what did you say to the girl the night before?"

"I ... you didn't fall asleep?"

"Oh ~ asleep? I can sleep without fear if I fall asleep, don't you?"

Wet man Ding Ping stopped talking.

When the audience saw the wet people silent, one by one understood what was going on.

What is the most unbearable in reality? What's the most unforgivable?


No one expected that there would be such a person in Ye Fei's audience. A big night without sleep, carrying his wife and other girls and kissing me, and this is also a celebrity in Ye Fei live!

"Wet man, this is your fault, although we shouldn't have interfered in your life, but you ... it's really too much." Shan Pao said, sadly.

I sighed after eating all over the world, saying, "I don't know what other people think, but I think no matter how much money there is, at least there should be beginnings and ends in life. A person who can accompany you through your difficult times. You should not abandon him when you fly Huang Tengda, this is not a man should do, wet people, I am here to ask you solemnly, and also trouble you to give us a most reasonable explanation, you really do Is this wife connected to other women? "

The identity of Chi Tianxia is put there. Both the earth audience and star audience respect him very much. After all, he knows that the person who can own a microphone from beginning to end will not be an ordinary person.

"Our Geminis are open to this kind of problem, but I still think that a man can have a woman who truly believes in himself and a son or daughter around his knee is the happiest thing, this ... .. wet man, I know you, you are now a celebrity on the earth, I also know that celebrities in some places do have such problems. In fact, it is normal for males and females to love, but only if you It's a free body. Now that you have a wife, I don't think you will do it again if you do it again.

Pentium's quicksand also said, "If it ’s from a personal relationship, I do n’t want to say anything about you, but if it ’s from a righteous perspective, I think you are doing it wrong, brother, listen to me. In a word, a woman who can form a family with you is definitely worth your whole body to love, because when she agrees to go with you, she throws everything else aside, this time you are Most importantly, she has only you in her eyes! "

Wet people laughed and cried after watching the news advising themselves,

"I say, guys, do you guys understand the reason for this? Why did you hit me in the ranks of the unlucky one?"

"Ah? Isn't it?"

"Sure it isn't, hey, in the end, it's really my fault. I didn't communicate clearly with my wife before I did it. That's right, I did contact a girl while my wife was sleeping. A ... girl at least younger than my wife. "

"Wait a while."

Listening to the wet people, eating all over the world feels a problem, saying: "At least younger girl than your wife? Don't you know who the other party is?"

The wet man smiled bitterly and said, "I do n’t know, but I gave her 20,000 yuan, because she is a college student in a poor area. I am not afraid of your jokes. Now I am a celebrity. I once participated in a place. Literary activities, when I was about to leave, I met a girl. No, I heard about a girl. She was self-reliant. Although she came from a poor area, she was not inferior at all. She earned herself with her own hands. I was touched by the tuition and miscellaneous expenses in college, and I was able to support myself with my own ability, so I promised to contract her tuition for the next two semesters. In fact, this kind of thing is really worthless in front of Ye Shen because He did much more than I did, he is the real hero, but since I am a fan of Ye Shen, I have to follow his footsteps, so I did it too, although a bit late, at least not too much late."

"I don't know how this girl finally knew my phone number, so she called me one night and said thank you all for a long time. Guys, really just thank you. I didn't expect these words to be My wife heard it, so I have the current incident. I'm really sorry to make you laugh. "

After speaking, Ding Ping was silent.

Seeing the news, his wife said, "Is this true?"

"Really, wife, who do you think people like me will look after me except you? Who do you think I would live with besides you? If I wanted to leave, I would have gone, I I ca n’t go because I know there is a you by my side, I ’m not a wet person, and I do n’t have any literary talents. I have been haunting for half my life, and the biggest treasure is to find you. ”

"Ding Ping !!!"

"Please call my husband, thank you."



"Ahem. I said the two of you were enough, and the dog food came too late, so let's not talk about it," Bingo said.

Wet humane: "Speak for a while."

So everyone wants to hit him, your sister, let's see if your husband and wife are really good at dog food? Let ’s talk for a while. Do you believe that your risk factor will be greater?

Ye Fei also knew the situation in the live broadcast room at this time. He also came to the computer to take a look.

When I saw the message from the wet man, I laughed.

"I'll be fair, can the wet people do things that can be promoted, yes! But the premise is to let their family know, after all, this is not a shame, they will also support if they know, you So this kind of situation will happen mainly because you do n’t communicate clearly with your family, and there is nothing wrong with doing good things, but you ca n’t let the family misunderstand you. Although I ’m not married, I ’ve never lived with a girl, but I know that if two people Together, the most important thing is to eliminate misunderstandings, and frankness is the most important thing. "

In fact, Ye Fei is really not good at this kind of thing. He said that this is also from the nature of human beings, but has been approved by most people.

"Yes, I agree with Ye Shen. My wife and I used to be happy enemies. I was fighting or scolding every day. At that time, I thought about divorce many times, but I still put up with it. Now we are not Is it all good? "

"Young people, many people have never experienced marriage and do n’t know what marriage means. It ’s not glory for two people to live together, but to see how their lives are. When you are young, you may think You can be happy without each other, but only when you are old will you find that the person who is supporting you while walking tremblingly is still your wife or husband. "

"Grandma Qingsong ..."

"Wet man, huh, everyone shouts you like this, I'll follow them too, lad, you did nothing wrong, but it's not all right, helping others is a good thing, but you must get the family ’s approval and consent, after all You are no longer alone. You have a family. A man with a family has responsibilities and duties. This is your most important responsibility. "

"I see ~ ~ I will communicate clearly with my wife."

The wet man's wife sent a message: "Dead man, wouldn't it be okay if you said that?"

"I ... I'm afraid you won't let me do it."

"How could I not let you do it? Although we are not very rich, you have to believe that I am not a narrow-minded person."

"Thank Wife."

"After watching the show, wash your clothes and wash your hands. The clothes are all brand-name. They cannot be washed by the washing machine and deformed."


After speaking, the wet man and his wife were all silent, and the poem didn't come out.

However, this situation is what Ye Fei is willing to see. Anyway, at least the relationship between the wet man and his wife is reconciled, and a misunderstanding is resolved, everything is good.

"Well, my friends, I still have to say one thing here, we all agree with good deeds, but the premise is to communicate well with family members, do not do good things for pure good things, so that family members misunderstand, if one thing If you ca n’t get the support of your family, then no matter what you do, you will fail. The most important motivation and energy source for you to do anything. We will say so much about wet people first. We will make other snacks next. Come out, and then we draw our first lucky guest today. "

As soon as people heard it, they were going to draw the first lucky guest. One by one, they put the wet people's affairs over again and started watching the show intently.

Then Ye Fei made milk fritters, fried rice and butter. After finishing, Ye Fei wiped his hands and came to the computer again, and laughed, "Friends, the previous food and snacks are considered to be complete. Now we will Let ’s take the first lucky guest today and see who the first flower is! ”

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