The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1749: What is it called? I'm bleeding now.

Fifth Universe.

Moon Star.

The wind howled, the rain poured.

In September, he lay quietly on the ground, letting the wind blow on his face fiercely, and heavy rain slammed on his face, he did not move.

His eyes stared dead ahead.

There is a cave in front, and you can feel the stench smell from the black hole in the rain curtain.

"I said, Xiaojiu, can you come again in two days? It's too windy, and the tiger is not a fool. It won't come out in this kind of ghost weather.

At the side of September, a fat man weighing more than 200 kilograms drowned like a chicken. He looked up at the sky and looked at the dark hole in the distance. He carefully wiped the rain on his face and turned his head softly. Said to September.

"No! We can wait, but Lai Scar can't wait. If you can't get the guts of today, he will die. No doubt you want to watch him die?"

In September, when talking, his eyes did not leave the bull-and-tiger hole in front.

"I ... I don't want to, but you can't ignore your comfort. I heard Liu Banxian said that this is just the beginning, and the wind and rain will be bigger in a while. He said that there are hails with large eggs. You know what that means What? If we don't leave now, we will die here. "

"I know there is hail, otherwise I won't come over. The worse weather will affect the action for us, but it is even more unfavorable for the tiger. This is the best opportunity to kill it."

"But it won't come out in this weather. We have waited for three days and haven't seen it come out. I now doubt whether there is any bull in the hole."

"Yes, three days ago, he dragged a camel in and never came out again. A camel was enough to eat it for a day and a half, which means that it had no food for a long time. If it was not for weather, it should "I've been out hunting for a long time." September licked her cracked lips and said.

"But it doesn't come out."

"Weather, food, but food is more important than weather."

"What do you mean?"

"The weather is just one reason why it doesn't come out. The other main reason is that no prey appears. If there is a prey, it will come out even in this weather."

"You see, you also said that it won't come out without prey. Now the ghost weather will wait for a few hours and nothing will appear. If nothing appears, the cow and tiger will not come out. We can only wait and go back. We It is worthy of Lai Scar, but now we are really powerless, and I believe he will not blame us. "

"you go first."


The fat pig looked at September, then slowly got up, and bent over and hid under a big tree. Although it couldn't cover much wind and rain, it was still much better than where he was lying in September.

He hid under a tree, holding his arms a bit embarrassed. If Lai Scar was not his friend, and if September was not his best brother, he would never hide in the forest in such weather.

Lai Scar is a beggar, as are September and the fat pig. They begged together and naturally became good friends.

But just four days ago, they were bitten by Zang Long's five-legged snake while begging.

A person who has been poisoned by a five-legged snake will not die soon, but will be tortured slowly, and will die in pain after four days.

Zang Long is a tyrant in Qingtian Town. There are hundreds of people in his team. They asked Zang Long to care about it, but they were beaten by Zang Long's men. Now the pigs still have blue and purple on them. In the same way, he was even more severely injured than fat pigs. He broke his left little finger and was now wrapped in a dirty cloth.

The five-footed snake is a highly venomous snake. After being bitten by it, only the gall bladder can be treated.

Zang Long will not be let go in September, but now he knows that it is more important to save Lai Scar first. His friends are not many, so he cherishes every one.

He decided to remove Lai Scar's poison before seeking justice with Zang Long.

Bulls and tigers are a very ferocious beast. They only exist in the hidden forest, but fortunately they are not far from the hidden forest.

In order to find a cow and a tiger, he went into the hidden forest three days ago in September. He saw a cow and a tiger three days ago, but he did not take a shot because the cow and the tiger bite a camel. However, Niu Hu has another inherent disadvantage, that is, it is afraid of rain.

This is a situation where no one knows why, so strong and brutal beasts are afraid of rain, which is indeed a very strange thing.

Three days ago, when he said he was going to hide in the forest, Liu Banxian told him that there would be rain these days, so he was so resolute because it was a good time to catch a bull.

Liu Banxian's words were rarely inconclusive, just like it was raining, he was accurate.

However, there were occasional failures. He said that there would still be hail, but the hail did not come down, replacing the lightning and thunder.


A thick lightning tore the sky, followed by a huge thunderbolt.


When I heard a crisp sound not far away in September, I quickly turned around and saw that the big tree hiding the rain from the fat pig was suddenly split by lightning and the thick trunk fell suddenly.

The fat pig screamed in horror and ran away holding his head.

"Fat pig !!"

When I saw the fat pig ran out, I knew that bad things would happen in September. Now the cow and tiger in the hole have been hungry for more than a day. After seeing the prey, they will be violent. It should be a fat pig.

Lai Scar is already like this, he does not want fattening pigs to have problems again.

So when the fat pig rushed out holding his head, September could rush out like a cheetah.


As soon as they rushed out, they heard a roar from the hole not far ahead.

Hearing this voice, September and the fat pig's bodies stopped immediately, and the two stood looking forward in the wind and rain.

A huge figure appeared at the entrance of the cave, and a pair of green eyes stared straight at them.


Seeing the cows and tigers appear, September and the fat pigs did not move.

The reason why September has been lying for a few days without moving is to want a sneak attack, but now that it has been exposed, the sneak attack is no longer realistic.

Holding a sharpened wooden stick in his hand, the rain dripping on it.

"Xiao ... Xiao Jiu, what should I do?" The pig asked wryly.

"Don't move. It's afraid of rain. It shouldn't come out."

"I ... I'm cold."

"I'm cold, but what's worse than cold is death. Which one do you choose?"


The fat pig swallowed, and yelled, "Come on, let me!"

As he was talking about it, the fat pig suddenly made a swear word, because he found that the cow and the tiger had gone some distance away, and they were about to come out.

"Calm!" Said September, squeezing his hands.

But he still overestimated the guts of fat pigs, and he underestimated the guts of bulls and tigers.

The fat pig's legs and stomach were a little cramped now, and after holding on for another two or three minutes, he yelled and ran away.

At this time, hunger also defeated timidity. When the fat pigs started to run, the bull and tiger roared out of the cave.

September can't care too much now, shouting at the fat pig: "left!"

The panicked fat pig heard the sound of September and almost mechanically ran to the left.

At the same time, in September, he also chased in the direction of the fat pig.

Behind them, the bull and the tiger were almost like the same lightning, and the distance between them and the September fat pig was instantly reduced.

I could almost hear the panting of cows and tigers in September.

But he couldn't be afraid. He knew that if he was afraid at this time, he would die here.


In September, he felt that he was almost flying. He felt that he hadn't run so fast since childhood.

He slowly narrowed the distance to the fat pig.

And the black bull-dog is slowly closing the distance with him.

"There is a trap ahead! Bypass!"

Seeing the fat pig rushed towards the trap he set in September, he hurried to remind him.

This time, it seems that the fat pig could not hear the sound of September at all, and even if he heard him, he could not understand what September was shouting.

All he knew was that he had to run quickly, leave the hidden forest, and return to the broken house where the rain would drip.


Seeing that the fat pig didn't listen to himself, he gave a curse in September, and the speed was raised again.

Just as he was about to overtake the fat pig, September was a little tired.

For three days, he ate only one bun, which Liu Banxian gave him. Except for that bun, he didn't even drink a sip of water.

Trying to force again now, he felt a little unbearable.


In September, he breathed out a sigh of relief, and then he bit his lips directly, and **** blood flowed into his mouth. The pain made him give out his last strength again.

Finally, he was about to catch up with the fat pig, and unfortunately the hungry cow and tiger were closer to him. Roar!

The roar came again, and a smell of pungent nose broke through the rain curtain and got into September's nostril.

September knows that they can't run faster than bulls and tigers, especially a hungry bull and tiger, the speed of which broke out is even more horrible. It is luck that they can run so far.


Suddenly, in September, she suddenly yelled, then the two sore legs suddenly exerted strength, and the body flew up directly, pounced on the fat pig.

At the same time, the black bull and tiger flew up and flew straight to September.

"Flash away!"

When the man was in the air, he yelled in September, his hands stretched out immediately, and he put it directly on the fat pig's shoulder, and then pushed harder to the side.

The fat pig who was rushing forward was suddenly pushed sideways by a strong force, and his body suddenly rushed forward, then fell towards the ground.

In September, she also leaned on the other side by leveraging the rebound of the fat pig.

Just when the two of them had just staggered and had not landed, a huge black bull and tiger flew past them.


The fat pig carried his head to the ground, and his mouth was still muddy.

And September was not much better. He fell heavily on the ground and rolled over to the side, only to touch the broken little finger during the activity, and he grinned with pain.


After the two men landed, another muffled sound came, followed by a mournful wailing.

The black bull is gone.

After lying on the ground for a long time, September and Fat Pig slowly got up. The two looked at each other and both grinned.

"Where is the tiger?" The fat pig asked excitedly.

September pointed to a large pit not far away, then dragged his tired body to the pit and looked down.

In this pit, the black bull and tiger were almost strung into a hedgehog by a dozen sharp wooden sticks, and they had long since died.

The fat pig also panted and came to the pit, and saw the horrible look of the bull and the tiger being stabbed by the wooden gun. The goods sat on the ground with a butt, and then laughed.

September also laughed. To be honest, it can only be said that they had taken a shit. In setting this trap, September did not expect to succeed, because the tiger was so fierce that it might not have been attacked by itself. Time brings it here.

The result is different now. It was purely crooked. The fat pig was frightened by thunder and lightning, and then ran away. I was afraid that the cow and the tiger would kill the fat pig and chase after it. It's brought in the trap.

No one moved beside the trap, and the patrons were panting. After the rest, the two jumped into the pit carefully and spent the power of nine tigers and two tigers to get the dead cows and tigers out.

"What now?" The pig asked excitedly.

In September, he did not speak, but took a sharp knife from his arms, peeled the skin on the hind legs of the cow and tiger directly, then cut off two lean meats, one was thrown to the fat pig, and the other one was Holding it up.

They haven't eaten anything for three days, let alone fresh raw meat, even rotten meat can be eaten.

After eating a piece of raw meat, the two rested for a while, and when they were full of energy, each of them took one leg back and walked back.

Worn door of shabby house.

With a squeak, the bad door was pushed open, and September and the fat pig dragged in the dead cow and came in.

A thin, skinny old man looked up at them, then dropped his eyes on a tattered device that projected a light blue light curtain.

"I rely on, Banxian, you are not interesting enough, Xiao Jiu and I almost died in the mouth of this cow and tiger, you watched the show at home, this is ... I rely on, Ye Shen started broadcasting today?" Fat pig Exclaimed.

Liu Banxian said with a smile: "I pointed out yesterday, Ye Shen must start broadcasting today, and sure enough."

"You shameless, have you figured it out before you stay at home?" Fat pig rummaged.

Liu Banxian laughed a lot ~ ~ Continue watching Ye Fei's live broadcast.

In September, he glanced at the light curtain and said, "I said, can I watch it later? First, take out the guts and detoxify Lai Scar. Only you can do this job."

Liu Banxian waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, watch it."

"What to see? When you are finished reading Lai Scar, you will report to the underworld."

"Oh, annoying, give it to me!"

Liu Banxian stood up reluctantly, and then took the tiger and the tiger with one hand and took the gall to detoxify Lai Scar.

Fat Pig and September came to the light curtain and decisively quit Liu Banxian's account.

"You two ..."

Liu Banxian jumped.

"Busy you, otherwise this cow is not yours!" Said the fat pig, staring.

So Liu Banxian stunned, and stopped talking.

In September, he looked at the fat pig and said, "This time it's my time."

Fat pig smiled and said nothing.

A few of them have one device, so it is stipulated that Ye Fei uses a single account for each live broadcast. This period is September.

I logged in to my account in September and re-entered Ye Fei's live broadcast room. At this time, the lucky turntable stopped rotating, and then ... then September and Fat Pig were both dumbfounded.

They stayed longer than two breaths, and then screamed

"Ahhhhh, I rely on, I rely on, I rely on !!!"

"I wiped it, and that's OK? !!!"

Liu Banxian Leng Buding, who was holding a knife and a black cow and a tiger, was scared by the two people. The knife slipped and he cut it directly in his hand. The blood came out immediately.

The goods were so painful and grinning, and frantically said, "Neuropathy! What's the end of the world? What is it called? I'm bleeding."

Remember the first domain name in this book:. Ghost blowing light mobile version Read URL:

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