The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1750: After all, how many pits have been dug? !!

Liu Banxian was really furious. What two guys, you say good or bad?

Now it ’s better. One person claims that the first sword of Qiankun is not enough, and he directly puts his hands on it, and he also draws blood. Do you say he is angry? If it's so disgraceful to spread it out.

Liu Banxian turned his teeth and grinned at September and the fat pig fiercely. He really wished that everyone would slap him up and mingle with himself for so long. He didn't practice it at all, what was he doing.

"If you two little **** do n’t tell me something, then be careful, I will cut your body with the knife in my hand." Liu Banxian danced a small knife with only a finger length in her hand, with white hair upright and teeth Said.

In September, he gave Liu Banxian an excited look.

The fat pig jumped up directly, then raised his hands, and jumped twice in the same place. Then he shouted: "Middle, medium, small nine!"

"What do you mean? What's wrong?" Liu Banxian asked aggressively.

"Win the prize, Xiaojiu won the prize."

The fat pig was really excited, as if it was not September who won, but himself, the excitement blushed.

Liu Banxian came over with a small knife, dubious, and said, "Win the prize? Ye Shen's prize?"

"Of course."

"Don't make a joke, I haven't won a prize here for a long time. This little **** just won his prize by logging on to his account?"

"Don't believe it, look."

With that said, the pig pulled Liu Banxian and pointed at the front screen, and said, "See? Liu Banxian, did you see it? The lucky turntable has stopped, Xiaojiu's name and ID number are the same."

Liu Banxian glanced at the screen in front, then rubbed his eyes and looked at it again. The knife in his hand fell off directly, and accidentally fell on his own feet, with his tip pointed down.

What's more speechless is that no one knows what material this guy's knife is made of. It is extremely sharp, although he didn't deliberately stab his feet, but he fell so freely and fell directly on him. On the feet.

"Crouch! Alas ~~"

Liu Banxian finally reacted. This was a jump of Lao Gao, and then screamed holding his left foot.


It really hurts!

The painful tears have fallen out. I hurried to sit on the ground, pulled out the knife on my foot, and took off my broken shoes with bare toes. I saw the blood on my feet was cooing. Going out.

"Your sister !!! It's a big loss, it's a big loss, I'm a big loss."

The goods were yelling while holding their feet.

That's right, now Liu Banxian really regrets his intestines are all green, who is he? He is Liu Banxian. Although it can't be said that it was counted as 500 years before and 500 years later, it seems to others that he is very good.

Now it's good. The person who can do it can just leave the live broadcast room of Ye Shen. The people there won the prize even if he didn't arrive for a minute after logging in with the same device.

What do you mean by this?

If you let others know about this, it will be more shameful than just using your knife to scratch your own hand.

"My eponymous name is just ruined in the hands of the two of you little bastards, oops, the meat hurts, the bones hurt, and my heart hurts even more, you two are really the nemesis of Lao Tzu."

In September, he gave a glance at howling Liu Banxian and said, "I said you're done? Did you take the courage of the tiger and the tiger? What kind of energy do you call here? You ca n’t really save Lai Scar when you yell like this Now. "

Liu Banxian pointed at Xiaojiu fiercely and said, "Negotiate something. I will save him if you agree. You don't agree to discuss it."

"what's up?"

"This place was supposed to be mine. As a result, you logged out of my account, so you can't ask for this award, give it to me."


Depressed vomiting blood in September, you talk about who this is, this, Lao Tzu's account, I won the prize, why give you?

The fat pig jumped up and pointed at Liu Banxian, cursing: "Well, you have a shameless Liu Banxian, can you order your face? You haven't won for a long time. Xiaoji won the prize just after landing. What does this mean? It shows that he has a relationship with Ye Shen, and God helped him win the prize. It's a matter of your age? Are you a lot of years old? Go to a mirror to look at your face and blush? I feel panic for you. "

"Huh ~"

Liu Banxian didn't care at all about the fat pig's scolding. Anyway, if he could eat the food made by Ye Shen, what is his skin? Scolding, scolding casually, as long as you give me this quota, I don't care if the scolding is dark and the sun and the moon are dark.

See how cheap this person is?

You can say nothing to eat.

Seeing Liu Banxian simply ignored himself, the fat pig was even more powerful.

"Old man, do n’t be too aggressive. Although you have saved us a few times, every time we come back to eat, we will leave the best for you. If you have a little conscience, just Hurry to rescue Lai Scar, less crooked here. "

Liu Banxian glanced at the fat pig, where one leg kept trembling, this guy always carried out the purpose of the dead pig not to be afraid of boiling water to burn Laozi's face as thick as the wall.

Just when this guy was proud, September talked coldly.

"On the evening of March 28th, when Miss Lin was bathing, you hanged a layer of window paper upside down in front of the window, and then looked around for a moment, pointing your left eye at the small hole in the window paper. On the 16th, when the daughter-in-law of the Zhao family bathed, you succeeded again in the same way. On July 20th, the little sister-in-law just married by the uncle Hu made you defile with your eyes again. On August 6, Zhuge Caifeng Called the family to chase a shy guy, and that man was chased by the cliff. The right leg was broken after you returned that night, and it was good for three months. Well, I think if I tell this news to these big families, If you do, you should not be able to stay in the fifth universe, at least not in the moon star, are you right? "

After speaking, in September, he cheerfully looked at Liu Banxian, who was already green, and this product stretched out, saying: "During this time, I ca n’t eat well, I ca n’t sleep well, and my brain is not good. There are fifteen others that I can't remember. "

Liu Banxian: "..."

"Little September, you're ruthless!"

Pointing fiercely in September, Liu Banxian turned around and walked back to the dead cow and tiger, and then the knife in his hand cut the two slick things directly against the cow and tiger, it seemed that it was not Niuhu, but the same in September.

"I cut, I cut, I cut and cut, the little fart child, even learned to threaten Lao Tzu, there is a kind of ... there is a kind of do not use this to threaten people, see who is afraid of who?"

In the back of September, I still looked at Liu Banxian's back cheerfully, and saw that the knife in this hand seemed to give the cow and tiger to the broken corpse every time I went down, and laughed: "Half fairy, I have heard you say before, You seem to have something that can help people travel through space, can you borrow it for me? After all, I ’m not that kind of person, I wo n’t tear the space, this thing ’s way to the first universe is too far, I ’m not your thing I ca n’t get over. "

Liu Banxian died in a huff, and the knife in this cargo suddenly turned into a snake, flashing up and down left and right on the body of the cow and tiger, so in September and fat pigs were surprised The cow and tiger was enveloped by a cloud of white knives. After Liu Banxian stopped, he saw the cow and tiger intact.

"Oh ~"

The fat pig was sprayed directly. Just when I wanted to bury a few words, I saw Liu Banxian slap on the cow and tiger, and then saw the cow and tiger's body trembled, and then saw the meat of the cow and tiger spread out directly. Falling piece by piece on the ground.

After all the flesh has fallen off, there is only one large bone rack left on the scene, without any trace of meat on it, as if it was a bone rack of art, not a bone of a cow or tiger.

Seeing this, September and the fat pigs were all dumbfounded.

This Liu Banxian is not the same as them. They joined them halfway. No, it can't be said that they joined, because they are dead.

Once they were on the way back from begging, they saw an old man fall by the side of the road, so they carried him back. As a result, he carried a big trouble. This old guy would talk nonsense when he woke up. Every day, the **** stick is the same, he doesn't say who he is, he doesn't go out to ask for food, no, he goes out, but his hands are empty after returning, and no one knows what this guy went out for.

In the impression of September and the fat pigs, it seems that they and Lai Scar begged to feed him, and this girl has been turning her around with a mouth from beginning to now.

In fact, it can't be regarded as full flicker. Sometimes, what he said is still very effective. For example, which bad guy can't live for many days, and then the bad guy is really dead. Which official will lose his head at night, and then during the day Someone found that the official's head was really gone.

It is precisely because of this that they think this guy seems to be really capable, otherwise they would not say so accurately.

Other than these, they really couldn't think of any other desirable things about Liu Banxian.

But now they are all dumbfounded. They didn't expect that the small knife in the hands of the old man who was hanged every day was so evil. Just a few times of chuachuachua, only the skeleton was left.

"I thought the little knife he was holding every day was a pedicure knife." The fat pig wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and whispered.

I did n’t speak in September, but I stared at Liu Banxian and watched for a while, then suddenly clapped, "Okay, give me that thing now, and after I return, I do n’t want to see Zang Long's group of people, otherwise ... "

Liu Banxian didn't say anything. Instead, he stretched out his hand to choke off the guts of the tiger, and then took a broken bowl with a gap from the side. The knife struck directly on the gall.

Suddenly, the green bile sprayed out and fell directly into the bowl.

After the bile flowed, Liu Banxian went into a small room with a broken bowl and walked out a moment later, but the bile in the bowl was gone.

He threw the broken bowl to the ground, and then stared at September with a blank expression, "Are you sure you want to use it?"

Startled in September, he had never seen Liu Banxian so seriously, even though he seemed angry and not so serious just now. What happened? Can't that thing be used?

But he was not willing to give up this rare opportunity. He was a beggar, and he had never eaten something really delicious. Because of this, a group of them would prefer Ye Fei's program, although he could not eat it. Ye Fei's food, but it's okay to smell the smell, which is also a very happy thing.

Now I can not only smell the aroma, but also have the opportunity to participate in Ye Shen's live broadcast, I can go to the scene to eat the food made by Ye Shen, this opportunity may be this time in my life, I must not miss it.

With Liu Banxian's cold gaze, September suddenly gritted a smile, then nodded, and said, "I'm sure."

"Okay, here you are."

Then, Liu Banxian took out a rag-wrapped thing from his arms and threw it to September. He said, "Don't blame me for not reminding you. If something goes wrong, you can rest assured. I watched the sky yesterday and found that Zang Long, their gang can't live for three days. "

In September, I caught the rag egg that Liu Banxian had thrown, and nodded, "There is work, and I will return it to you after using it."

"No need to."

"Ah? You do n’t want the incredible things of your baby every day?"

"Yes, but chances are that we won't."

"What do you mean?"

"You will know ~ ~ The poison on your friend has been resolved, and will soon wake up and say goodbye!"

After speaking, Liu Banxian turned around, then walked out of the door and smashed into the wind and rain, as if the hero was on a march.

September hurried to the door and shouted, "Liu Banxian ..."

"Don't call me, we will never know anyone in the future. You have never met me, and I do n’t know that you are beggars, so be safe."

"No, I mean ..."

噗通 ~

Before the words of September were finished, I saw that Liu Banxian, who was walking forward vigorously, suddenly disappeared in the wind and rain, and did not speak until the second half of September.

"There is a clear pit in front of it, but there is not enough time to insert a wooden gun into it."

Uh ~

A figure rushed out of the ground, stood there and turned to look back, yelling: "Who digged ?!"

The fat pig hiding behind September shrank his neck and whispered, "I didn't dig."

September Fangs smiled and said, "Semi-Immortal, actually ..."

Seeing the fangs smile in September, Liu Banxian pointed at him fiercely, and then turned and stood up to the wind and rain again ... fell into the pit.

Covering her face in September, she said, "Actually, I want to tell you that there is one ahead."

After a while, Liu Banxian's body rushed out of the ground again, and this time rushed to the front of September, grabbed the collar of September's clothes, and stunned September. His face shouted: "Say, how many pits have been dug ?!"

Sept. 1 pointed to the fat pig behind him and said, "Ask him, it's all he dug."

Fatty pig: "..."

September, your sister, is it okay to have friends like you?

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