The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1751: Lose 1 pair of slippers!

The drawn audience called September did not give Ye Fei a reward, nor did the audience curse, because Ye Fei said this before, he did not want every drawn audience to call himself Reward, after all, not everyone takes money seriously. Some people are rich and rich, and Ye Fei wo n’t refuse, but some people have ordinary conditions. If you let them compare with others, then The live broadcast lost its meaning, at least it became too utilitarian, and the human touch disappeared.

When he first started the live broadcast, the truth was pure money, but now it means little to him, as long as it can help others without spending money.

"Congratulations to the friend of the Fifth Universe called September who will be our first live guest in the next issue. I will be here waiting for the ride." Ye Fei said with a smile.

In fact, he felt very interesting. This audience is from the Fifth Universe. You can learn more about the situation of the Fifth Universe. His premonition in his heart is getting stronger and stronger. This Fifth Universe is definitely created by Earth people, but It is not clear which group of people it is. He must know a little more. Only when he knows a lot, will he be more confident when he goes.

Moon Star.

"Yeshen talked to me, Yeshen talked to me, fat pig, did you hear that?" September pulled the pig's arm in excitement and said excitedly.

The fat pig was also excited. His fat was trembling. He didn't know why. He was a beggar. He was hungry every day, but he was so fat. Because of this, he went out. The beggars were not given to him. When he saw that he was fat, he was definitely the son of the landlord's house. This is to come out and experience life. I hate these pretending goods.

"Yes, Ye Shen is talking to you. I heard his name is September, Xiaojiu, you are really amazing."

Liu Banxian, who ran out a long time and fell out of the pit twice, climbed back and rolled his eyes, and said in his heart that there were two rabbits who didn't understand anything. Did they talk to you? Every winning guest Ye Shen would say so well.

"If you tell me, you don't have to go at all. Ye Shen's guest quota is now unimaginable. As long as this quota is sold, we won't have to ask for help." Liu Banxian hit.

In September, he chatted with the fat pigs, especially the fat pigs. He just took care of it and forgot about it.

"He seems to be right."

September slipped his lips and said, "Listen to him blindly, if it were this place, he wouldn't say that. Didn't you look at other winning guests? They didn't even get the highest price from others. Willing to sell, or that sentence, Ye Shen's food is not everyone can eat, what is a person's life to live for? Is it good to eat, drink and have fun, and now finally have a chance, how can it be sold? "

"You're right, then this is tangled." The wobbly fat pig muttered, rubbing his fluffy belly.

Liu Banxian saw one who was determined to go, and the other had no idea. As soon as he turned into the back room, he ignored these two guys.


After Ye Fei was the first lucky guest, he glanced at the time and said, "Okay, let's stop here for this wave of raffles, and then we will make the next food. We just said that each The banquets are all served in order. The black horse feast started with snacks, and the next was vegetarian. Some people may say, what vegetarian dishes are there in Monnet? There are grasslands everywhere, and they do n’t grow. Yes, they do n’t plant land, but they also have vegetarian food. The vast and vast prairie has given them too many wild vegetables. I ’m not afraid that you wo n’t eat it. I ’m afraid you ca n’t finish it. Let ’s make a few Vegetarian dishes. "

Speaking of it, Ye Fei took out a handful of greens from the storage compartment. The greens looked like leeks, they were very thin, and the leaves were as long as onion leaves.

He had just taken this thing out, and Chahar Khan smiled, sending a message: "It really is indispensable, good stuff."

Mountain cannon is not a cannon. Xiaobai hurriedly asked, "Brother, do you know this?"

Chahar Khan made a big laugh and said, "Surely, I think there should be very few people in Mongolia who don't know this kind of dish."

"What dish?"

"Shallot, Ye Shen said just now that the prairie has given us a lot of things, but there are not many wild vegetables like this that can be eaten and delicious, and Shallot is one of them. It ’s easy to eat, and it ’s also a cure. If we have an dysentery, we have a frostbite or something in winter, it ’s more effective to use this thing, and then there is a big-tailed lamb bun ... Besides, my saliva came out, Ye Shen, begged to start work soon. "

Others saw that Chahar Khan said that the shallots were so good, one by one, they even looked forward to the next dish made with shallots.

After Ye Fei heard that Shan Pao was not a cannon, he laughed: "Brother Shan Pao, I think someone in the live broadcast knows this kind of ingredients?"

The mountain cannon is not a gunshot: "Yes, the Chahar Khan brothers just said that this thing is sand onion. It is also a very good ingredient in their Mongolian village, saying that it is delicious to make buns."

"Haha, Chahar Khan is right. There is still a lot of this kind of scallion in Mongolia. Because of its unique taste, it is very good no matter how it is eaten."

"Actually, there are not only Shallots in Mongolia, but also in frontier areas. Shallots are not only grown on grasslands, but also distributed in arid desert areas. From its name, everyone can know one or two. This It is a very amazing plant. Although it can grow in arid areas, it is not dry itself, and it is very crisp and juicy. "

Speaking, Ye Fei picked up a scallion and folded it with his hands. Everyone heard a crackling fragrant, and then the scallion was disconnected. The invisible camera followed and gave a close-up of the two sections.

I saw a lot of juice leaking out where the scallion was broken. Ye Fei touched it with his hand, and then slowly pulled out, and a fine silk thread appeared.

"Fresh scallions will not only have scallion juice appear after breaking, but also a small amount of oil will come out. This is one of the reasons why this scallion is very delicious. There is also a reason why it is delicious. We As I said just now, its taste is very unique. It has the spicy taste of ordinary onions and the aroma of leek. In addition, some also have a very unique vanilla flavor. It is because of its unique and charming flavor. The Mongolian people like to collect sand scallion flowers, marinate or dry them, and use them as seasonings when they make soup in the future. "

"Shallot is so excellent. Why is it rare in the field? Obviously most of it is wild. Of course, artificial cultivation is now beginning to grow slowly, but the artificially grown scallion is wilder than the wild in terms of taste and nutrition. They are a little inferior. "

"Okay, we have introduced so many simple onions. Next, we will make a dish that is most commonly eaten by Menners and that best highlights the original taste of onion, which is cold onion."

"Oh ~"

As soon as Ye Fei said that he was going to make cold onion, Chahar Khan sent an exclamation, as if he was very excited.

The repeater Shan Cannon hurriedly asked, "Brother Chahar Khan, what's wrong?"

Chahar Khan sent a message: "Chilled spring onion is definitely a true original way of spring onion. With one bite, you can taste the unique taste of spring onion to the greatest extent. It is absolutely impossible. The beauty of self-confidence. "

"I rely on it, is it true? Isn't sand onion the same? It's not as delicious as you say."

"Excessive, Chahar Khan, you are excessive. After all, it is a kind of spring onion, and Ye Shen also said just now that it has the aroma of scallion and leek, and the smell of vanilla. These Many people in the taste live broadcast know it, and it may not be as exaggerated as you said. "

"That is, as soon as you say that the spring onion is from you, you will float when you look at it. It seems to be more delicious than meat."

Chahar Khan made a smile, and said, "You know the spicy taste of onions and the special aroma of leek, and even the smell of vanilla, but do you know the taste of the three flavors mixed together?"

"Uh ~"

"It's terrifying? That's the beauty of a temptation that can't be extricated. I haven't exaggerated at all. After a while, Ye Shen will let a few guests taste it."

The live broadcast room turned into a loud noise.

Ye Fei couldn't see it when he was standing on the operation platform. After introducing the shallots briefly, he started to make this cold onion.

In fact, he used to rarely cook cold dishes in the past. Regardless of the famous official banquets or local banquets, most of the dishes he cooked were hot dishes, and even the vegetarian dishes were fried.

And the food of cold dishes can't be served on many large banquets, unless it is very delicious and delicious.

Shallot salad is definitely a very special cold dish, it just appeared on the famous black horse feast.

"In fact, cold salad shallots are also a very good food. If friends can make cold parsley or two and a half greens, they will learn faster, so everyone is optimistic."

After speaking, Ye Fei washed the shallots under the faucet.

Then cut the onion root with a knife and throw it away.

That's why I set it aside first, and started boiling water on the stove with a boiling water pot.

"Every kind of cold salad, especially this kind of vegetable-based cold salad, is best cooked with hot water, because many vegetables have a peculiar taste and astringent taste. Remove it so that when you eat it, you can eat the wonderful taste hidden under the bitter taste. The shallot is no exception. The water is boiled, put a little salt in it, and then put the shallot in it. "

After a while, the water in the pot was boiled, Ye Fei put in a little salt and stirred it. After the salt melted, the washed shallots were put in and the hot water was simmered.

"Green vegetables and simmering water is a key step in cold salads. Many people will say that in order to remove all the bitterness, I wo n’t do it. The reason why cold salads need to be cold is to eat them. Taste, if you overdo it, the greens will be hot. It's not called cold salad, it's called spicy hot. "

As soon as Ye Fei finished speaking, many viewers laughed and laughed, and some international audiences who had eaten the magical dishes of Huaxia also laughed.

"Well, what a special hotness."

"Yeshen is so amused that cold vegetables can be tangled with spicy food."

"Yeshen, I'm telling you responsibly now. When I eat spicy vegetables, the vegetables will not be cooked, so it won't be crispy."

"One way, I don't even cook the melon when I eat spicy food."

"Come and eat raw potato chips."


The liveliness of the live broadcast has never stopped. No matter who throws out a topic, this group of people can discuss the truth for you.

Ye Fei said, holding a spoon in his hand and slowly turning the shallots in the pot. After a while, the shallots became soft, and Ye Fei took them out with a large colander.

When the scallion came out of the pot, people found that the scallion at this time seemed to have faded a lot, and it was replaced by a seductive turquoise, like a river of spring water. An urge to bite a bite.

"I trust, this color is so attractive."

"Do you like it upstairs? Like I can send you a prairie."

"... your sister! I mean this shadweed looks good."

"You still like green."

"... Can we still explore food?"

"Brother, calm, if you want to live a good life, you must have a little green on your head, and the green enchanting becomes a rich man."

"I'll be your uncle, get rough."

It started again.

In front of the operating table, Ye Fei directly put the scallion with water in a pot of cold water and changed it from the hottest to the coldest. This is exquisite. This will soften the scallion and remove the astringent taste. The cold water stimulates the holes on the surface to seal the holes on the surface, so that the delicious flavor that has been scalded out is sealed in at the same time, and the material becomes more crispy and refreshing.

Frozen in cold water for a while, after the onion has completely cooled, Ye Fei fishes it out with his hands, and then holds it with both hands to squeeze out as much water as possible from the onion, but this thing ca n’t be like **** The twine is twisted like that, it will be easy to twist the paste.

After squeezing the water clean, place it on a clean cutting board, take a large knife, and everything is two from the middle.

The scallion itself is very long, so it's not easy to mix in this state. After cutting in the middle, the length is just right, and it is easy to eat.

Put the chopped shallots in a pot, move them aside for a while, and Ye Fei begins to make juice.

Yes, the most important thing for cold dishes is the sauce. A very simple example. When you buy cold dishes on the street, whether it is southern Henan cold dishes or Xichuan cold dishes, there will be good business and poor business. The ingredients here are the same. The difference is that the marinade is different, the sauce is different, so the taste will be different after mixing out, the technology is good, the business that will prepare the sauce is very popular, and the business with ordinary technology is not much better.

The soul of cold vegetable sauce comes from two essential ingredients, the first is pepper, and the second is sesame oil, which is sesame oil.

Spicy is a taste that will never go out of style. No matter who is from the south or the north, the resistance to these two flavors is not very strong.

So Ye Fei first took a small amount of dried peppers, chopped them and fried them in a frying pan.

This time can be lively.

"A sneeze."

"Ahhhh ... ah ball."


"噗 ~ 噗噗 ~"

The guests at the scene were messy, one was worse than the other, and all sneezing sounds were heard.

To say that the most distinctive ones are Shen Yue and Daxide and the Zaya brothers.

Shen Yue sneezes sounds like singing. It sounds beautiful and beautiful. People can sneeze to show the beauty of beauty.

The two brothers, Dakside and Zaya, are purely masculine.


Druckside felt a strange smell of drilling his nostrils coldly, and then used his life to stimulate the nerves in his nostrils, which was unbearable.

Ah, for a long time, Duckside hurriedly turned his head away, just standing in front of him, and then he sneezed.


Well, sneezing is so special.

A sneezing and sneezing, the audience in the live broadcast room saw the scene as if a tornado was blowing, almost flying sand and stones, but fortunately, the sheep responded quickly, and at a glance, something went wrong ~ ~ One thing was thrown out of the two tables, and a huge blue mask appeared on top of the two tables to cover the two tables of dishes. Otherwise, you would definitely add calcium when you wait for a while.

The meals at the two tables were okay, but Longlong was not so lucky. Everyone just watched this guy so openly that he flew out towards the door.

Ye Fei was dumbfounded at the side. He really didn't want to reach Keside, and the sneezing power hit him like this, blowing out the dragons and dragons, which is a bit exaggerated.

But it's right to think about it, after all, Dakside is like a demigod, and a sneeze is strange if it doesn't have such great power.

Duckside was also a bit embarrassed. I don't know how many years, he hasn't sneezed. He hit Ye Fei today, and then gave a guest to the door.

"I ... keke, I didn't mean it, I didn't hold it." Duckside said embarrassedly, scratching his head.

Ye Fei hurried out and shouted, "Is it all right?"

Long Longlong's full belly mouth jumping with feet outside scolded his mother together: "Neuropathy, do you know what kind of neuropathy? Lao Tzu has tricked you? You have been asking me for trouble from the beginning, now you can justify it, right? Did you deliberately make excuses, didn't you? Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I didn't know I would be blown there by you. "

Howling, Longlong came back, but as soon as he arrived at the door, a sneeze came out of Zaya's side.

Long Longlong: "..."

"Well ... your sister, can you change someone? Lao Tzu's slippers are missing, and I'll lose my slippers!"

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