The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1752: Ye Shen, come to pot of water! !!

Sand onion is a very special plant, which is of high edible value and medicinal value.

Ye Fei ’s cold onion is one of the few cold dishes he has made since its launch. To make this cold dish, the quality of the shallot is a very important factor, and the preparation of the juice .

Chili oil is a spice that stimulates the soul, and the other is sesame oil.

It didn't take long for the fried peppercorn oil to fly, after it was prepared, and then set aside to cool for a while, he began to process the other auxiliary ingredients.

Punch the garlic into garlic, add white sugar, refined salt, raw soy sauce, mix MSG and balsamic vinegar and set aside.

Add oil to the hot pan, add the peppercorn to fry, then pour the hot peppercorn oil directly into the pot, then pour the garlic into it, and put the slightly hot chili oil in. Finally, drizzle with a small amount of sesame oil and mix with chopsticks Just even.

This dish is here, even if it's done. Take the plate and load it directly.

The cold-cooked scallion and the beginning are exactly two looks. The scallion at the beginning is almost green-black and dark in color. Now it is a green plate. After being moisturized by several kinds of oil, it flashes a little bit of gloss.

"OK, in fact, salads are easy to make. As long as the seasonings are prepared, the others are not a hassle. One of the salient features of salads is that they are refreshing. We have a little bit here. You can taste them. . "

Speaking, Ye Fei put the plate in his hand on the table first, then took a small plate, and took out the rest of the pot and gave it to several people.

Green food itself has an attractive color, which is an inexplicable relationship between humans and nature. After seeing green plants, there is an inexplicable closeness.

The same is true for green vegetables.

So when several people took the little cold onion handed over by Ye Fei, everyone clamped one with chopsticks.

Qianmo first looked in front of him. To be honest, when Ye Fei was making it, he already smelled the taste of this ingredient. Although the onion fragrance was fragrant, it was secreted when it was cooked. Scallion oil comes out. Scallion oil is a fragrant vegetable oil. Many people have no resistance to the aroma of onion oil. This is one of the reasons why the onion oil cakes are very popular.

But the taste of this stuff is really inexplicable without being cooked. People's attitude towards it is also polarized. People who like it really like it, and people who hate it really hate it.

Qianmo doesn't like the taste of Shallot onion too much, because it's too pungent, but it can't be very annoying, because after this irritating smell is used to it, it actually contains a very elegant floral fragrance. This is to make The main reason for his very conflicting feelings about this food.

At this moment, when I saw the section of scallion in front of me, there was a drop of red sauce hanging under the scallion, and it seemed to fall down at any time.

He hurriedly licked his tongue first, licked the juice into his mouth, and then ... Then Qian Mo almost cried.

"Woo ~~"

This product grinned directly. Just after the juice was imported, he felt a hot feeling as if it was sticking to his tongue, and then centered on a point, quickly radiated around him, and soon he whole There was an indescribable sense of hotness in his mouth.

"Well, this smell ... oh ~"

He wanted to say that the taste was unbearable, but suddenly his eyes lit up again.

At this point, the taste in his mouth seemed to be slowly changing. The hot feeling at the beginning was gradually diminishing. Perhaps his mouth and taste buds adapted to this feeling, and then there was an unspeakable aroma. It started to spread out in the mouth. Although this aroma was also very strong, it just happened to neutralize some of the hot feeling just now, making the mouth a lot more comfortable.

"how about it?"

Yang Ling was standing next to Qianmo. Seeing this guy's expression was like a roller coaster, he had his teeth grinned at first, and suddenly his eyes were bright again. What's wrong? Is the taste good or bad?

Qianmo did not speak, but closed his mouth and slowly felt the unique aroma of this mixed type with his tongue. Then he nodded and said, "It is a very unique dish. I think you will like it. Although I I haven't eaten the shallots yet, but the sauce is really good, you can taste it, and it has a soft beauty in the strong taste, great! "

"Uh ~ there is a soft beauty in the intensity? What is it like?"

"Unique taste."

"Well, let me tell you that you can't tell what it feels like. I'll try it myself."

Having said that, Yang Ling didn't taste the juice, but directly took half of the scallion into his mouth, and then bit a bit.

Click ~

There was a crisp sound in Yang Zero's mouth, and then this guy wanted to cry.

"Ahem, Qianmo, your pit guys are not so pitted, this thing ... Ye Shen, are you sure this thing is gourmet? Wouldn't you use the wrong ingredients? Water, can you? Give me a glass of water first? My mouth ... keke, my tongue is almost out of control. "

The audience during the live broadcast saw Yang Zero's expression, and all of them laughed and laughed. The global audience was okay. They saw how much the seasoning used by Ye Fei understood what the taste of this dish was, but the interstellar audience did not understand it, just This guy looks funny.

"Ha ha, sheep zero, is it so unpalatable?"

"Fuck, how do you feel that this guy is not eating Ye Shen's food, but eating the same poison?"

"What does this **** mean? Is Ye Shen's food so unpalatable? Are you insulting Ye Shen?"

"Flat him."

"beat him."

"Knead him."


Interstellar audiences have everything to say, and Earth audiences are watching there lively.

Especially Pentium's quicksand who grabbed the microphone scolded the guy at the microphone.

Yang Zero is full of tears in his heart. He now wants to hold back the audience in the live broadcast room, but he can't really say a word. He completely eats pepper for the first time. Now, he had all the heart he wanted to die, and the lungs coughing around his neck almost jumped out.

Ye Fei gave him a bowl of cold water, and after taking it, he murmured it and then passed it.

"one more bowl."

Ye Fei gave him another bowl with a smile, and said, "After drinking for a while, you can't eat good things."

The sheep waved wildly, and said, "I have to treat my throat first if I can't eat or not. Isn't it ... keke ..."

It wasn't all that he said. He folded his hands together and shouted at Ye Fei. He was convinced by Ye Fei. He said that the food you made was not all delicious. How did this change so much?

Seeing the sheep's expression after eating this cold onion, the little Sauron didn't dare to eat it. The little guy took a section of onion and handed it to his father.

The middle-aged person didn't push, and opened his mouth to eat.

"Huh ~ uh ~~"

Strange things happened. I saw middle-aged people pointing at the onion, and their excited faces bloomed.

"Is it delicious?" Little Sauron asked.

The middle-aged man nodded frantically.

Little Sauron scratched his head. He really didn't understand what was going on in this dish. Why did Big Brother Yang Ling eat like he was going to die, and his dad was so excited? Is it delicious or not?

The adult world is really hard to understand.

The child was caught in a tangled state.

But in the end, the next guy caught one and carefully bit it a bit.

"Oh ~~ Dad, it's delicious. This is the best food I have ever eaten. Wow, I feel like there is a fire in my mouth, so warm."

Little Sauron was excited immediately, and ate all the remaining shallots, his face flushed.

Yang Ling's face was embarrassing, especially when he saw that several people in Dakside were also tasting the shallots. He suddenly felt that he was not as good as a child.

But ... what kind of ghost salad cold noodles really Nima does not fit his appetite, his wife has changed too much! Why are you okay?

"Is it delicious?" In order to determine if he was really uncomfortable, Yang Ling came to Qianmo and saw that Qianmo had started to eat with great interest, and whispered.

Qianmo's mouth chewed and nodded, "It's delicious, it's a bit strange at first, but after getting used to it, there will be a very unique charming aroma, that aroma is like ... . How do you say, have you ever been in the middle of a sea of ​​flowers? "


"What is it like?"

"That feeling ... I can only say it is very cool, Qianmo, can you appreciate the floral fragrance that fills your heart with every breath? It is the kind that makes people forget where they are, even Forget the feeling of the soul. "

Qianmo nodded while eating, then pointed to his mouth, vaguely said: "Oh ... even if the bean is dead, I always rush."

"Oh, huh? Now? Eat this stuff? Forget the beauty of the soul?"

The sheep's eyes are going to fall out. What kind of airplane do I have? I did n’t eat this stuff. It does have a feeling of forgetting the soul. What is the special taste that is too extreme? It's impossible to forget, my soul has floated out, OK?

Qian Mo blinked at him, then grinned.

The sheep zero pointed at Qian Mo's teeth and said, "There are vegetables and leaves."

Qianmo: "......"

Cold onion is a very "complicated" dish. Well, I can only say it because its unique taste is not everyone's favorite. Ye Fei's cooking is very good, but he also I do n’t feel confident that everyone ’s gourmets like it, although it has been so far, but now the wonderful dishes have appeared, at least sheep zero can not stand up.

Now he completely believes what the ancestor said-the lamb is beautiful, but his mouth is difficult to adjust; think twice about it and avoid regrets.

He finally knew that he really wasn't a **** of food, because he couldn't make everyone like every dish he made, at least this cold salad is not good.

"Yeshen, I ... this food should be very beautiful, but I really can't enjoy it." Yang Ling also said a little embarrassed that he would not hurt Ye Fei's pride.

Ye Fei laughed: "Nothing, I just said, the ingredients used in this dish are not everyone's favorite, not to mention your interstellar friends, even the friends of the earth are the same."

"But why are they so delicious?"

"Maybe they taste a deeper aroma of shallots."

"Uh ~~ Really?"

"It should be, or they wouldn't like it."

"Guru ~"

Hearing Ye Fei's words, Yang Ling swallowed his saliva again, and now this product is a bit skeptical. Is it true that you can't taste the more connotative aroma of this cuisine?

"That ... then I'll try it again."

Speaking, this product caught another scallion and put it in his mouth, and then ... Then this product was speechless, and hurriedly asked Ye Fei to drink water again.

After coming over, Yang Ling was completely discouraged.

"Hey, forget it, I really have no fate with this food, I really can't surrender its taste, it is unfortunate."

"It's okay, eat the back and make a second vegetarian dish right away."

Talking, Ye Fei took out another ingredient from the storage compartment.

Almost all the people on earth know these ingredients, which are a dozen cyan eggs.

Seeing such eggs, the Northeast and the Monais were directly excited.

"I trust, all the eggs are out?"

"Wrong, it's Songhua Egg."

"It's gone, guys."

"Eggs, can you learn a little bit?"

"Ahem, judging from my husband, this should be ... duck eggs!"

There are all kinds of eggs mentioned in the live broadcast, and almost all the eggs are explained.

The mountain cannon is not a Northeast man, and the goods were said to the microphone: "Don't fight, this is Songhua Egg, this is our specialty here, Ye Shen has used it before."

At this time, Ye Fei began to introduce this kind of ingredients.

"Everyone, I believe that many people have eaten Songhua eggs. It can be said that this is a very magical invention of Huaxia. It wraps eggs or duck eggs with materials such as lime and plant ash, and then allows them to undergo qualitative changes. "

"Although the Songhua egg is a specialty of the Northeast, it is also made by the Monai people. After all, the Monai and the Northeast are neighbors, so this kind of ingredients also appears on the Mongolian table, and the most common way to eat it is simple, that is, cold. "

"Oh, I'm against it!"

Ye Fei just said here, Yang Zero raised his hand, and opposed, Lao Tzu must object, so why not mix? I just couldn't stand that cold salad, did you still cold salad? Can't you make something hot?

"Er ~ Brother Yangling, what's wrong?" Ye Fei asked puzzledly.

None of the other guests and the audience of the live broadcast understood why this guy was so excited, and who stimulated him?

The sheep scratched his head and said, "Well, Ye Shen, can't you make cold dishes? How about changing the heat? I ... I seem to be allergic to cold dishes now."

Daxide came over, and a head of Yang Zhe was a pear, saying: "You have to believe in Ye Shen's cooking, whether it is cold or hot, it will surprise you. Don't mess around here and stay Go on. "

Then, Dakside grabbed the sheep's belt directly with one hand and gently lifted him aside and set it aside.

Ye Fei smiled and didn't say anything. He knew that Yang Ling's goods might have been stimulated by a salad of scallions, which was afraid of eating cold dishes.

But you will definitely like cold preserved eggs, lad.

Ye Fei muttered in his heart, and started to make cold preserved eggs. This dish is easier than the previous one, and he did use the preserved eggs before. He used the preserved eggs to make stones when he was doing a mullet play with golden lotus. In that dish, he gave the preserved egg another soul, and the preserved egg in this dish is an original soul, which is just cut and directly cold and simple.

Muyu Jinlian is a delicate and delicate dish, while cold preserved eggs is a rough and delicious food that is difficult to hide the essence of the ingredients ~ ~ It doesn't need too many gorgeous skills, it doesn't need too much The sculptural modification is just a simple peeling of the shell, a cut egg with four petals, and then put it in the shape of a sunflower.

After setting it up, Ye Fei began to prepare the juice.

Ginger chopped, balsamic vinegar, a little white sugar, a little MSG and a small milled sesame oil, mix it well and pour it directly on the egg, this dish is OK.

Yes, it's that simple and rude.

After Ye Fei tackled this deliciously, he found that everyone except Dragon Dragon and Shen Yue was stunned because he was too fast.

"This ... this is over?" Duckside asked a little incredulously.

You see, let alone other people, even this demigod is a bit unbelievable that this is true. He has also watched Ye Fei's previous live video, and knows that every dish he cooks will be needed no matter how fast it is. Time, but now this food is a bit exaggerated, right? It was done in a flash, and I didn't understand what was going on.

"Yes, this cold preserved egg is also called **** preserved egg. In fact, it is said to be Mongolian cold dish, and it is also made all over the country. Try it."

Ye Fei cut all the remaining **** of preserved eggs again, and cut them even smaller, and drizzled the juice on top for a few people to eat.

Duckside was so curious about this food, he hurriedly stretched out **** and carefully clamped a piece directly into his mouth.

Then ... Then everyone saw Daxide making a few laps directly on the spot, and after seeing the trash can, he rushed to the trash can, and all the wow was spit out.

"This ... Ye Shen, come to the pot of water !!"

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