The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1753: Do n’t talk nonsense in front of so many people, I ca n’t lose it ...

There are so many peculiar foods in China that people love and hate.

For example, stinky tofu, soy sauce, sour bamboo shoots, and for example ... preserved eggs!

After the action of lime and alkali, this kind of food has lost the flavor of the egg itself, and has been replaced by a speechless and unique flavor.

When this kind of thing is just eaten in the mouth, the truth is not delicious, and there will be a bitter taste when it goes too far, but when this taste passes, the aroma in the mouth is definitely full.

Now, Dakside feels like this. He just squeezed a piece and put it in his mouth to eat it. This product held up the trash can and vomited. He couldn't hold it. After he vomited, he wanted to make a pot with Ye Fei Water wants to sip.

As soon as he received the water handed over by Ye Fei, Daxide choked. Everyone saw this guy standing beside the trash can and pouting. It seemed to be the taste remaining in the mouth, and it seemed to be Aftertaste the taste of the egg just now.

After a while, Duckside laughed.

"Hey, it ’s a god, Ye Shen, how can you have such amazing food on earth? Oh, I regret it now, I should n’t spit it out, it ’s absolutely rare now Good food at first sight. "

Speaking, Duckside's eyes went straight into the trash can, which caused many people to sweat. I was afraid that this guy would stretch out his hand and fish out the preserved eggs in the trash can and throw it in his mouth. , That's really a joke.

Even the guests who weren't eating eggs at the scene were a bit worried. They all looked at a small piece of preserved eggs in their hands, and some even made up their minds. If Duckside really went to the trash can, They gave him their food.

Anyone else is also the supreme ruler of the Second Universe, okay, how about you letting other people go to the trash to get something to eat? If this is passed on, we must not let others despise death?

Especially the audience of the Second Universe in the live broadcast room, all of them felt breathless at this time, and many people stood up. If Daxide really did lose his identity, he could be indifferent. The key is their second universe. People have no face to go out.

How about going out then?

I figured out how to talk to others?

One word is: Aha, I know your Second Universe, and I have seen that the Supreme Ruler of your Second Universe, Daxide, went to the trash bin and ate something in Ye Shen's live show.

You talk about how embarrassing it is, I can't afford to lose this person.

Zaya has handed out a small piece of preserved eggs, and he doesn't want his brother to do this kind of shame.

But fortunately, the things that people were worried about didn't happen. Daxside just glanced at it and didn't fish out of the trash to eat. This made everyone quietly relieved, saying that it was okay.

With the lesson of the first cold dish, to be honest, Yang Ling still had a strong resistance in the heart of this second gray food, and murmured in his heart. Didn't Ye Shen introduce him before? This cuisine should pay attention to all colors and flavors, but why is the color of this cuisine so beautiful? This ash does not pull a few, but it looks slimy. Can this thing be eaten? Wouldn't it be like the first meal again?

This guy has a shadow in his heart.

He turned to look at the others, and found that everyone else had put a small piece of preserved egg in his mouth and started to eat.

He noticed that just after Qianmo put the egg in his mouth, his brows frowned.

Yangling classmates are happy at once, yes, this is the expression, and the food made by Ye Shen is not necessarily the best. Only the bad food will make people frown, and a constipated expression will appear. .

Hey ~~ Not right.

He was happy in his heart. As a result, Qianmo's brow opened and he replaced it with an eyebrow. Then Qianmo closed his eyes, and then saw that his mouth moved, as if chewing. It seems to be tasting with your tongue. It doesn't look like it's hard to eat.

"Brother Qianmo, how?" Yang Ling touched Qianmo a little and asked quietly.

Qian Mo smiled, but Yang Ling smelt a smell from Qian Mo's mouth that made him want to urinate.

I depend on it, and smell it, I know it's not good.

Who knew Qianmo smiled and said, "A very contradictory cuisine."


The sheep was biting and it was aggressive again. I rubbed it. Why is there another kind of conflicting food? Didn't it appear just now? What kind of cold mixed spring onion you said is very contradictory, is this contradictory again?

"What a contradiction?" She asked, looking weakly at the piece of egg he was holding.

Qianmo laughed: "What a contradiction? I can't describe it specifically. I only know that when I eat it, I do have an urge to vomit, but this urge is just fleeting It is followed by a slightly crazy aroma, which I also tasted for the first time, it is forgettable, especially the almost transparent layer on the outside, which is smooth and refreshing, full of elasticity, just like in Like tasting childhood sweets, this food ... I really like it so much, it's so personal, it's amazing. "

"Uh ~ yes ... is it?"

Yang Ling said on his mouth, but in his heart he was a little skeptical of Qianmo's words, especially his slightly scent of aroma. If you are crazy, you will be crazy. What does it mean? Are you crazy or not?

He looked at the others again, Longlong had already eaten one piece of himself, and now the goods are still licking his lips, it seems that they have not eaten enough.

Little Sauron and his dad were also full of food.

After the great **** Zaya put the egg into his mouth, he closed his eyes and slowly shook his head to enjoy it.

Freeland and Sloan nodded while eating.

Even Shen Yue, a scattered flower fairy like Jiaoyue, was slowly tasting, and all the beautiful eyes were shining with light.

"Is it really so delicious?" Yang Ling muttered.

But if it's not delicious, why do everyone except Dakside enjoy it so much?

No, Dakside now regrets it, wouldn't these people join forces to pit themselves?

"Don't you eat it? Don't eat it for me." Just when the sheep's tangled egg hurt, Daxside came to him and said, squatting down.

Well, this product has not been eaten just now. Specifically, it is not much to eat at all. Now I see everyone has eaten. Only sheep zero is holding a small piece, and he wants to come over.

"Ah? I ... I eat, how can I not eat it, this is also a food made by Ye Shen, it must be very delicious." Yang Ling hurriedly waved and refused.

"Then you eat it."

"I ... I'll eat later."

"Eat now."

"Why? This is mine. I eat it whenever I want."

"No, you must eat now and eat immediately."


"Have you seen a few others? They all stare at you with light eyes. If you do n’t eat them, they will **** them away in a while. I do n’t think you have the ability to protect it. Help you protect. "

Then, Daxside stretched out his big hand, as if the wolf was seducing Little Red Riding Hood.

"Staying aside."

Yang Ling didn't give his skinned eggs to Duckside, so he hurriedly stuck it in his mouth, and then the expression on this item was wonderful.

How do you describe it? Everyone can imagine this. You lost millions of Xinghe coins, and then you recovered half of the Xinghe coins, and then you all recovered them. Finally, you not only found your own, but Picking up millions of Xinghe coins again.

That's right, Yang Zero's expression is such a change.

"Brother Qianmo doesn't deceive me, this food ... this is so contradictory, it makes people hate and love, it tastes painful and can't refuse."

"Wow ~~"

Yang Ling exhaled a long breath, with a look of satisfaction.

"How?" Qianmo patted Yang Ling's shoulder and asked with a smile.

Yang Ling nodded in excitement, and said, "Biu is no, no biu is very."


"Oh, I'm the Earth language I learned with Sloan, it's beautiful, very beautiful."


Sloan hurriedly jumped out to deny: "I don't teach it this way. Please don't say that in front of billions of Earth people. I can't afford to lose this person ~ ~ Everyone laughed.

In fact, no matter how they taste, whether they like it or not, it doesn't matter to Ye Fei, he just does the cheating horse feast carefully.

He does not transfer food because of the wishes of others. He has a plan for what he does. No matter how good others are, he will not be proud. If others don't like it, he will not change.

Well, people with a bit of patience seem to have this kind of bad temper.

People sent the **** preserved eggs to the table, and Ye Fei started making the third cold dish, yes, it was still cold dish.

Everyone saw that he took out a basin of fresh black fungus from the storage compartment, washed it, removed the root, dipped it in boiling water, and then simply cut it and put it in the basin for later use.

Several shallots are cut into small sections, and the red and green peppers are shredded, all placed in the fungus bowl.

Then I took a bowl and put sweet soy sauce, chicken essence, refined salt, sugar, balsamic vinegar, small grinding sesame oil and ... mustard!

Yes, this salad is also called mustard fungus!

Seeing Ye Fei take out the mustard, many people who have eaten mustard in the live broadcast room all laughed.

"I rub, Ye Shen ’s cold dishes today are all dark."

"God mustard, is n’t Ye Shen tossing these guests today? The two dishes just made them miserable. This third one ... is even better."

"Hahaha, waiting for the reaction of several people, I can't wait now."

"Yes, hurry up and let them eat. I used to eat mustard and duck's paw and I felt very enjoyable. They must be very enjoyable too, just sit and wait."

Everyone in the studio was waiting to see the joke.


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