The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1754: Looking back, each person copied 3 words over 5000 times!

Ye Fei didn't mean to invite a few guests, but this mustard fungus is also a dish of Mengnei. Although simple, it has high nutritional value and tastes very refreshing. It is very good as an appetizer in front .

After he prepared the sauce, he poured it into a fungus bowl, then mixed it and directly put it on the plate, leaving a little to taste for a few people.

Daxide was about to take a small plate with mustard fungus from Ye Fei's hands, but in a hurry, he snatched it up and said, "Big God, I'll take this plate, or I'll be afraid for a while you will put It was thrown away. "

Daxside gave him a stern glance and said nonsense. The thing in my Daxside hand would not fall unless I was willing to throw it away, otherwise I was worried.

However, seeing a smile on his face, Dakside did not **** him.

Everyone picked up their chopsticks, and they all clamped it fiercely, yes, this mustard fungus looks very good, and the fungus meat trembles very tenderly on the plate, which makes people feel that it should be delicious So no one is polite.

"I ... 噗 ~~~"

"Ahhhhhhh ..."

"I struck ... keke ... I want to go home."

"Ah ... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..."

"God-like food, I ... keke ..."

All the guests at the scene, except Long Longlong and Shen Yue, were all frizzled, including two earth spectators, Freeland and Sloan.

Watching a few people have their hearts about to die, Long Longlong's smiling plate almost fell to the floor, and Shen Yue also giggled with a giggling in her mouth.

Daxside now understands what Longlong said just now. If Nima let her carry the plate, she would go to the trash can again, this food ... I will cough first .

He felt that the sneezes used today have used up all his life, one after the other, one food after another, and it was a bit painful.

The audience in the broadcast room was going crazy.

"On time, this is the moment."

"The perfect moment to be able to see the Supreme Ruler is so embarrassed, this life is worth it."

"Brother, keep quiet, don't you want to mix up? Be careful of being copied."

"Tears, both Dakside and Zaya are in tears, and Qianmo and Yangling are also in tears. Look at the little guy, hahaha, this is all my nose."

That's right, all the guests who have eaten mustard fungus now are all embarrassed, not only the little Sauron's tears and snot flow out, others are the same.

Druckside wiped his nose fiercely and looked at his hand. "Is this a snot?"

Zaya couldn't help crying: "I didn't expect you to have it? Was it my first runny nose in my life?"

"Brother, you flow more than I do."

"I'm slippery ~~ I'm a brother. I should have flowed more than you."

"... Is the runny nose more or less related to age?"

"of course."

"Brother, you know so much. There has been no white study in secret study these years."

Ye Fei stood beside the stage holding his shirt, watching a group of people as if they were affected by the disaster, and laughed, "Don't you taste the fungus?"

The sheep is about to explode, saying, "Yes, please, we just want to eat something delicious. There is no need to do this, me and I ... I seem to die now, sneeze. ..... "

Ye Fei laughed: "I have used ingredients such as mustard more than once in the past. You should be mentally prepared."

"We have seen it, but wasn't it eaten by others at the time? It feels delicious, too. Why is that?"

"Wasabi ... is this taste, don't worry, you will taste the beauty of this food when you get used to it."

"I'm getting a cold right now, am I still beautiful?"

"Haha, look at how Longlong Long and Miss Shen Yue eat. This is the first time you eat this kind of food. It is not suitable for big mouth and big mouth. Only small mouth and small mouth can be tasted."

A few people hurriedly looked at Long Longlong and Shen Yue, and saw that the two were not greedy, they just clipped a piece of fungus, and then they ate in small sips.

After a while, they saw a little sweat on the forehead of both people, and a fine layer of sweat was shaking, and both of them were hooked.

"That's the feeling, that's the feeling of eating good food, cool!"

Longlong gave another piece of fungus to his mouth, eating more and more excited.

This caused a few people to see the drool swallowed, and said that this is the correct way to eat mustard fungus?

So one by one, they carefully clamped each time, this time they are all honest, all are clipped a small piece, and then put it in the mouth to taste slowly.

With the first impulse, a few people are now slightly adjusted to the taste of wasabi, which is what makes this dish unique.

The mouthfeel is smooth and intoxicating, and the fungus is crispy, tender and chewy.

Coupled with the flavor of several seasonings, the crispy and tender taste of fungus is perfect, and finally it was washed with the taste of mustard, which made people addicted.

Seeing several people began to adapt to this dish, Ye Fei started to make the next one.

Ye Fei made four dishes in total, and the last one was cold mushrooms. If one of the four dishes is more normal, this is the cold mushrooms.

Flavor of Flammulina velutipes and fungus are both crisp and crisp. However, Flammulina velutipes has a more unique aroma than fungus. Eating it in the mouth made several guests feel that this is the real gourmet.

"Okay, vegetarian dishes are over. In fact, the four vegetarian dishes also include the following link, that is, cold cuts. We put them together. This is mainly to hurry up and draw today's second lucky guest. After we finish, we next It's time to start oversize. "

After Ye Fei said that after the guests were drawn, it would start to be big, and people's emotions continued to rise.

Everyone knows what the big food in Mongolia is, and they are looking forward to it. Many people even think that the drool in their mouths is secreted.

"Yeshen, draw fast, and wait for the big one."

"I don't care about big things right now. I care about whether this quota can be drawn to me. Such a superb food can only be seen as a pity for others to eat."

"Amitabha, donors, don't panic, the Buddha has his own arrangements."

"Hui Neng, aren't you staying with Aunt Meng? Come out and make our chances of winning a lot smaller."

"Oh, donor, it would be boring to say such things. The relationship between me and Aunt Meng has become normal, and it is impossible for my husband and wife to get tired and crooked together every day."

"Hui Neng! Shameless! While your old lady is drunk, let you be lucky. It is an indelible stain in your life, Bodhisattva, punish me, and the hearts of the poor are moving."


Seeing the conversation between these two people, no one knows what to say, especially the legendary aunt Meng, you are a nun, how can you get drunk? I also drank with Hui Neng. Fools can see that you are deliberately creating opportunities for others. What else do you have to say?

Just then, everyone suddenly saw some amazing news in the live broadcast room.

"Jia Lan Shen, I think we can fight for this place." Yan Huang

"Yes, plus the blue gods, I have 10,000 ways to cheat and make Ye Shen invisible." Stardust.

"Let me do it, I'm the best at such small things." Redshift.

"Don't grab it, I can let this place fall on Jialan God with one thought." Tyrant messenger.


Then there are several messages that are not sent by the same person, mainly to want to get this place for Jia Lan Shen.

Jia Lan: "..."

He is very worried. If you talk about such an excellent breeder, how can you raise so many stupid pigs, brother, you just cheat if you want to cheat, why do you say it in the live broadcast room? This time everyone in the universe knows how to cheat?

"A group of two goods, can such things be discussed in the live broadcast room? I don't know if this will not only help Jia Lan Shen, but also damage his reputation?" Yin Yingxia reprimanded by sending a message at this time.

Jia Lan nodded incessantly when she saw the news of Yinyingxia. You are all under your control. How smart it is for people to go back to Earth.

"A few of you, go around the earth for a few times. If you can find a boyfriend and a girlfriend, I will have great rewards," Jia Lan said.

Yanhuang and Redshift were all aggressive, not sure what Jia Lan said suddenly.

"Jalan god, do you have any meaning in this instruction?" Skywalker asked carefully.

They have been following Jialan for tens of thousands of years, knowing that he will not give orders for no reason, as long as the task is given, it is absolutely extraordinary.

Who knows that Jia Lan took a long time to sigh and said, "There is no connotation, don't think too much. I just think that Xiaoyin went to the earth. After returning, people are not only smart, but also lively. So, I want you to go to study on that amazing planet, your IQ ... worry me. "

Yanhuang and Redshift: "..."

All the other viewers in the live broadcast laughed and laughed, and no one thought that such a terrific Jialan **** was so funny.

Ye Fei came to the computer, and he couldn't help crying.

"So what, I repeat, I know you all have great skills. It is easy to control the lucky turntable, but we are absolutely not allowed to cheat when we draw. If found, we will be permanently kicked out of the live broadcast room. This rule is a bit old The audience knows that I don't want unpleasant things to happen, so I also want everyone to be conscious. "

Jia Lan hurriedly sent a message, saying: "I know, I know, these little **** will trouble me every day, and I will penalize the three-character script for 5,000 times each time ~ ~ See the news Ye Fei almost went to the ground.

"Wait a minute, what are you talking about? The Three-character Classic?" Ye Fei dug out his ear and asked uncertainly.

Jia Lan: "Yes, in order to make it easier to understand your planet, I asked Xiaoyin to bring a lot of your Huaxia books when he returned, and he brought back the news that the children there seemed to learn from their knowledge. The three-character scriptures started, and we have come according to your habits. "

Ye Fei: "......."

Nima's, where does Silver Shadow run? Wouldn't it be that time and space travel to feudal society? Is the Three Character Classic a hundred surnames? What a talented child.

"Okay, no matter how you punish them, that's your business. Now we continue to draw our prizes. Who will come first?"

Druckside was about to go forward, but Ye Fei stopped it directly.

There is no way to stop it. The big palm of this guy is bigger than that of Ferrison and Bingo. Both guys have broken the mouse, let alone Duckside. It is probably his casual Glorious sacrifice at the click of a mouse.

"I'll be careful." Duckside said a little aggrieved.

"Be careful not to see how they smoke."

Speaking of which, Ye Fei pointed at Longlong, and it was Earth people to control it, at least not to worry about breaking the mouse.

Long Longlong glanced proudly at Duckside, and he finally defeated the opponent once.

"Yes, do you smoke now?" Longlong asked.

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Stop it."

So Longlong held the mouse and clicked.

The lucky turntable spun quickly ...

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