The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1758: Tender cow

One of the most serious mistakes cattle made was to go to the top of the scattered fairy Shen Yue.

So the cow died.

He was just bounced on his head by everyone, and everyone saw the cow's body shake a few times, and then the huge body thundered and fell to the ground.

The scene was quiet.

The audience in the live room was also speechless. They had imagined many ways to die for this cow, but there was no such one.

This is so amazing, it just bounces on the head, this ... this is dead?

How strong is Dakside's hand? What would happen if it popped on a human head?

Your head popped?

Very likely!

"That's it?"

"I rely, this head shot, even if it was hit with a hammer, wouldn't it?"

"Treasure life and stay away from Dakside."

"I wipe, if this man marries him, will it be completely cold if he is angry twice?"

"Highly dangerous Duckside."

The audience in the live room was all joking, because even if it wasn't for Dakside's bombing of a cow, people know that he is not easy to provoke, and it is impossible for the good to provoke the supreme ruler of the second universe.

The huge ox fell to the ground, and Shenhua Fairy Shen Yue was frightened when she stood there. Her eyes narrowed and she didn't know whether she was looking at the ox or Drakeside.

"Are you okay?" Daxside said softly before Shen Yue.

Shen Yue shook her head numbly, and then cried while holding Duckside's thigh.

Don't even mention that Duckside was caught by surprise this time, everyone was a bit caught off guard.

"After the ball, the fairy fell."

"Your sister, Daxside, return my fairy. I'm going to challenge you."

"Ugh ~ stupid upstairs, don't explain."

"Is this essence / worm on your head? Heads-up with Dakside? Brothers, how many heads do you have? Is it enough for Dakside to play?"

"I'm so angry, my lover just hugs the thigh of another man like this, I'm so angry !!!"

on site.

Druckside's big hand stretched out to touch Shen Yue's hair, but he stopped in mid-air and didn't fall down. He was a little helpless: "Don't cry, don't cry, if you have me, no one can bully you. "

Don't look at how powerful this guy is in the universe, but he is really a novice in front of girls, especially in front of the girls he likes, and Daxside doesn't know what to say, he feels hugged by Shen Yue My thighs are very comfortable. Well, it's so good to keep holding them all the time.

You say this is the aggressive guy in love, when are you still feeling these feelings?

Zaya was anxious for Dakside. He said to this silly brother, what a great opportunity, just hold everything, and do n’t cry where you are.

"Yes, aren't all this in front of the people you like?" Zaya moved his head and asked Ye Fei.

Ye Fei jumped from Zaya's head to his shoulder, then pulled his legs down and sat there, saying, "It should be almost the same."

"You haven't experienced it? Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"I ... my girlfriend is not so timid."

"A man?"

"... Don't make a noise, it's called a shawl."

Ye Feipa slapped Zaya on his head, **** goods, would he speak? Are you brave enough to be a female? Ma Cuihua ... Okay, Ma Cuihua really seems to be a female man, whoops, so worried.

It took a long time for Shen Yue to take it easy, and then he hurriedly loosened Dakside's thigh and wiped his eyes, embarrassed, "Thank you, I just ... I was rude."

Duckside scratched his head and grinned, "You're welcome. You will still find me for such a thing in the future."

Everyone: "..."

Your sister, Duckside, should you hit a bachelor for a lifetime, can you speak? What does it mean to find you in the future? You still want to be happy when people are scared every day.

Several people in Ye Fei also rolled their eyes frantically. They felt that the emotional intelligence of Dakside was a little problematic at this time, not too high.

However, she did not expect that Shen Yuexuan laughed and nodded.

This time, everyone is even more speechless. Now they are sure that not only the men's IQs go to zero in front of the girls they like, but the women's are almost the same.

Ye Fei jumped off Zaya's shoulder and came to look at the ox in front of him, and found that this guy was dead and dead. It is estimated that Daxside shook his brain directly into a ball of paste. Already.

But this is also good, the province's own stuns.

"Sorry, friends, I just came out with a little surprise just now. I didn't expect that this guy would suddenly go crazy and startle everyone. Now we will roast it and make a whole roast beef. Some friends may be curious about the weight of this cow. After all, it looks very big, but it's actually quite heavy, one hundred and twenty pounds. "

As soon as Ye Fei reported the data, everyone was surprised. Everyone knew that the weight of the cattle was indeed not light. The cattle that reached more than a kilogram were not absent, but they were not many. Generally, they were between three and four hundred to one thousand catties. It is relatively common, and cattle that can reach a thousand pounds are very plump.

"Yeshen, this ox is really 1,200 jins?" Shan Pao asked, curiously.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "One hundred and twenty pounds, not more than one pound."

"What a cow, this is, it can grow so crazy."

"Well, now that you've asked here, let's briefly talk about the origin of this cow. We just said that we used the oxen from the Menei, and the oxen from the Mongolian are native. Variety, but over time, many previous cattle have gradually evolved and artificially changed to change the original characteristics and become what they are now. Of course, this is not to say that such cattle are not good, at least The meat quality has been greatly improved compared to most previous Mongolian cattle, the meat quality has become more delicate, and the gravy has also become much more. "

"Of course, what I am talking about is compared to most of the original oxen, since it is the majority, then a small part is much better than the current Monnet ox, like the ox we use now, this kind of The cow is called tender cow, yes, its name is so simple, and from its name you can hear it is different, tender, not only that the meat of this cow is tender, but also the age of this cow It will not be very big. Compared to other cattle breeds, the tender cow has a shorter life span, which is also called tender. Like the cow we use today, don't look at 1,200 pounds. In fact, it is only just adult. It's just that the adult age of tender cows is different from other cows. It takes a few months. This cow is now exactly sixteen months, that is, a little more than a year ... "

"No, right? A cow can grow to 1,200 pounds in sixteen months?" It was a little surprised to eat all over the world, exclaimed.

"Yes, this is also a very important characteristic of this kind of cattle. It grows fast, but it does not make the meat worse because of the rapid growth. On the contrary, the beef will store the maximum moisture in the growing process. So that the beef of this type of beef is truly tender. "

Ye Fei was talking. Chahan Khan in the broadcast room made a series of surprised expressions, and then sent a message: "Tender cattle? I seem to have seen the introduction of this type of cattle, but this type of cattle is A thousand years ago, it was long gone. "

"Really? Brother Chahar Khan, what do you do?" Shan Pao asked not quickly.

"I'm specializing in the evolutionary history of cattle and sheep."

"I trust, this is too coincident, where did you see the introduction of the tender cow?"

"I also forgot. I will look for it when I look back, but if the cow used by Ye Shen is really tender, then the level of this roasted whole cow will rise by more than one grade, even if the tender cow is in the past Time is also a luxury for us Menners. Its meat quality can shake away other cattle breeds for several streets. It is said that its meat quality is not dry after roasting, but has a lot of oil and moisture. These The presence of fat and water keeps its meat quality tender and refreshing even after roasting. This is a premium beef that makes you salivate when you think about it. "

"Will we have Japanese beef from Tohoku?" Baby Matsui asked in a message.

Chahan Khan made a scornful expression and said politely: "The meat quality of Wagyu beef is really top-level and I have eaten it, but I can say that the meat quality of Wagyu beef is not higher than tender beef. Do you know that the Wagyu cattle are in a semi-free-range state in the East Japan, and many aspects of it still need to be taken care of, and the tender cow is different, it is completely wild, all of it comes from the gift of nature, and its meat quality The moisture and oil contained in it are completely transformed from the juice of the top grassland in Mongolia. If this cow used by Ye Shen is really a tender cow, then you will find that when it is cut open , There is no stench, but the smell of green grass and flowers. From this point, you can get rid of the cows a lot. "

"The scent of green grass and flowers? Is there such a fleshy quality?" The world was a little dazed after eating it.

He claims to eat all over the world, and he did eat almost all the world, but he has never eaten tender cows, or even heard of it. Do n’t watch every episode of Ye Fei ’s program. I know the food and ingredients, but this tender beef is definitely not among them.

The thought of this beef will give off the aroma of flowers and tender grass without making it, and the saliva from eating all over the world will be secreted directly. Fortunately, it is in your office, otherwise it will be ugly.

The mountain gun didn't ask Ye Fei if this was the case.

Ye Fei did not deny it, saying: "I increasingly feel that our live broadcast room is an encyclopedia, and I did not expect that this extremely rare tender cow is known, and Chahar Khan ’s friend was right. If only from the meat quality point, tender beef can indeed throw away Wagyu for several streets. It can be said to be an exaggeration. We have made a lot of foods based on beef in the past. Absolutely unique. The tender meat has the highest quality in beef, but now there are very few such cattle. I have only found this cattle for a long time. I It does not rule out the existence of tender cows in nature, but if you really want to find them, you may not find them at all. "

Round lie, Ye Fei must lie round.

He originally thought that no one in the live broadcast audience knew about cattle like tender cattle, so that he could start work directly. Who knew that someone had asked this question, and unfortunately someone still knew about this type of cattle, then He could only panic, saying that he had let people search for it a long time ago, and it was so difficult to find one. If you are looking for it, you may not find it.

How else would he say? He cannot let others know that he has a system. The system is absolutely invisible, now and in the future.

Sure enough, people heard Ye Fei say that the cow was found by a trustee for a long time, and all of them believed, and at the same time they gave Ye Fei a thumbs up.

Do you see it?

A truly top-level anchor has prepared for a live broadcast a long time ago. This is a true conscience anchor. Each episode is not intended to fool the audience overnight, but it takes a long time to prepare. It's airing.

In view of this professionalism, the audience in the broadcast room is a crazy reward.

Several guests at the scene heard Ye Fei talking about this kind of cow so well, and all of them licked their lips and stared at the tender cow on the ground.



What's wrong? Didn't Ye Shen just say? This stuff raw meat also has a fragrance of tender grass and flowers.

Not digestible?

Leave me alone? I diarrhea and care about your hair?

This group of people is really going crazy. Although they keep calm as much as possible, but in their hearts, it feels like it is scratching like dozens of little hands are moving quickly.

"Yeshen, let's start, can't wait." Longlong urged.

Ye Fei nodded with a smile, and said, "Begin."

Speaking, Ye Fei first asked someone to help lift the equipment out of the house.

That ’s right, this roasted whole cow house ca n’t be done inside. To move outside, he has asked a group of Lao Mo to help dig a pit to make an oven. Now the cow is outside and the slaughter must be outside. So the tools have to be worked out, that is to say, Ye Fei has to change two locations to complete this live broadcast.

Both Dakside and Zaya carried huge lockers. Now both of them feel a little bit crying. Dare to come to Ye Fei for this trip. Here comes the coolie. When the live broadcast did not start, they had already moved things. Moved for a while, but as a result the live broadcast has to be moved.

After the things were moved out, Ye Fei took a sharp knife from the tool holder, whether it was to kill a pig or slaughter a cow, the knife for bloodletting was sharp. Out.

It stands to reason that the blood should be bleeded just after the tender cow was bombed by Daxside, but it was delayed a bit, but the impact was not great.

The cow's blood was released, and the internal organs were taken out and thrown away directly. Ye Fei then asked Dakside to help place the cow on a prepared table. There was a shelf on the table to allow the cow to "stand up". .

When they got it right, when everyone thought Ye Fei was going to take a big axe and started chopping, they saw a small knife in Ye Fei's hand, just like a pencil knife.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw Ye Fei's body turn around the cow quickly, and then put away the knife. This made the audience look stunned, and said what it meant? Don't take off the cowhide?

"Yeshen ~ ~ What's wrong? Isn't this outer layer of fur removed? Can it be eaten?" Qianmo asked curiously.

Ye Fei pointed to the cow and said, "It's okay."

"Uh ~"

Qianmo was a few people a moment, even Dakside and Zaya were a little dazed.

In fact, when Ye Fei made a circle around the cow just now, the two of them saw Ye Fei's shot, but did not see clearly, could it be done in such a circle?

The audience in the live broadcast room was a little dumbfounded. They knew Ye Fei's knives were so good that they could know from Ye Fei's chopped vegetables carving, but could it not be so evil?

Anyway, chuachuachua will show up, but you ca n’t see anything. Is that all right?

In fact, the audience was surprised, and Ye Fei was also surprised. Now he really appreciates how awesome the senior knifeman is. After just starting with the small knife, his eyes can see the inside of the cow through the cowhide. Then he just quickly cut the part where the cowhide and beef are connected, and that's it.

Seems simple, but the speed is really unbelievably fast.

Ye Fei has not slaughtered large-scale ingredients many times since he obtained a senior knifeman. It was not difficult to kill in the Seventh Universe. After all, Silver Shadow Man helped to deal with it. Now even if it is the first time to kill large-scale ingredients .

Put away the knife, Ye Fei came to the front of the cow, everyone saw Ye Fei stopped at the neck of the cow, then stretched out his hand and pinched it inside the neck of the cow, a piece of skin was lifted up, then Ye Fei Holding the raised leather hand and shaking, I saw the cow's body move, and then a complete cowhide and the cow's body separated directly ...

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