The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1759: 1 eggplant is the same ... villa!

In ancient times, there were dippers to dissolve cattle.

Today Ye Fei peels the cowhide!

No one expected that Ye Fei was so powerful at peeling the cowhide, it just turned around the cow. The cowhide and the cow were completely separated. The speed was too fast and the knife was too accurate. How did this happen?

No one knows, because no one cares about this problem anymore, because as the cowhide peels off the cow, a breath of grassland has washed out.

It is a very strange taste, with a hint of green grass in the elegant taste, and is decorated with a refreshing floral scent in the grass. This kind of flower is rarely smelled by people except Menei people. .

Of these two flavors, the more intense is the flavor of the beef itself, as Ye Fei said, the tender beef's beef does not have a smell of fishy smell at all, but a very pure muscle aroma.

In fact, the taste is only secondary. The most important thing is that everyone is attracted to the meat of the cow.

At the moment when the cowhide was detached from the cow, many people on the scene and between the live broadcast were not calm, and many people's eyes became feverish.

Especially those who like to eat beef, can't even sit still, stand up from the chairs one by one, staring at the pink body in the screen without moving their eyes.

Yes, the tender beef's beef as a whole is pink, not as deep as other beefs. In this pink beef, there are thin white lines of fat interspersed with it. .

On the outside of the meat, there is almost a layer of water stains on it. No one knows whether this is the oil or moisture in the beef. Just from this point, the degree of tenderness of the beef is already conceivable.

"Tender effluent, this is the real tender effluent."

"I'm really crazy. How can there be such a tender meat in the world?"

"Ah, ah, this beef will definitely have a thrilling pleasure in the mouth. It's tempting to Nima, or is it the first time I've seen such a beef, isn't it a bit exaggerated?"

"How can meat be so tender? It's outrageous!"

The audience in the live broadcast room is all noisy, especially those authentic food, one by one can't wait to rush directly to Ye Fei's live broadcast to enjoy a meal.

The seventh universe.

Jia Lan Shen was taking a group of second goods while watching and rewarding. Suddenly his hand stopped, and then he stared at the huge floating screen in front of him.

"God, why stop?" The tyrant messenger asked cautiously.

Jia Lanming wiped the corner of his mouth unconsciously, pointing at the large screen in front of him, saying: "So ... meat, have you ever eaten it before?"

The tyrant messenger and Redshift all shook their heads. They didn't need to eat at all, let alone meat.

"Everything that hasn't been tasted before, but it's tempting to see how the meat sells, and it might be more delicious," said the erratic Stardust.

Yanhuang nodded and said, "God, there are still some ancient creatures in the freezer that are freezing. How many foods should I make for you?"

Jia Lan glanced at the Emperor of Fire and said, "Will you play with fire, right? You can play with fire, isn't it? A few more, can you make something that can be eaten? Yesterday, that roasted deer leg I still doubt you Did you use a piece of charcoal to fill it? "

"I ... sorry, god, the heat is not under control, it's burnt."

"Huh, the reason I called you over to watch Ye Fei's program is to let you learn cooking, a demigod exists. If even the food is not good, you talk about whether you can't throw it away. Shame? After going out, he said that he was mingling with me, wouldn't I even shame with you? "

The tyrant messenger and Yanhuang all hurriedly lowered their heads. Well, the god's face cannot be lost, and he must learn to cook.

"God, do you only look at such superb food?" Redshift asked.

Jia Lan said with a loud voice, "Although Ye Fei and I have not signed any agreement, they have an unspoken gentleman agreement. Since he will make a few delicious meals for me, I cannot ask for them. It's too much, otherwise we wouldn't be safe. "

Listening to Jia Lan's words, several of the tyrant's messengers were shocked, looking at Ga Lan unbelievably one by one.

Who is Jia Lan?

In their hearts, Jia Lan is a god, and all of their abilities are given by Jia Lan, but such a strong man, in this sentence now, there is a faint meaning to make Ye Fei three points. If it were to go out, it would definitely cause a sensation in all universes.

"God, Ye Fei ..."

Jia Lan waved her hand and said, "Ye Fei is not simple. He used to be an unknown boy on an unknown planet, but now he is instantly strong. There may be chances in it, but anyway, he can get the love of so many people in the universe. This is his ability and capital. If you really blame him, even if I am not necessarily able to protect you, Xiaobao and Xiaohuang are the best proof. "

Little storm?


The mouths of the tyrant messenger and Yanhuang were all drawn, and they suddenly discovered that after Ye Fei had come, Jia Lan Shen's temperament had changed greatly. He had never spoken this way before. Now it is better. All the names have been omitted. Just bring a small print for the abbreviation.

Tyrant messenger-small storm.


Redshift-(Don't make trouble, not aunt) Xiaohong.

Stardust-Little Star.


Wait, it ’s all called like this anyway, it feels a lot more kind, but why does it feel weird?

It's all the two goods of Silver Shadow Man, can you tell me that you are fine? Alright now, Quante has grown up with you.

They were despising the Silver Shadow Man in their hearts, and Jia Lan Shen mentioned him.

"I'm still saying that, there is nothing to go around the earth, you meet with Xiaoyin. Now that you have a family and a career, this is the winner of life. This is the peak of life. The climax of life. Under the training of a girl named Susan, Xiaoyin is now better than ever, and the earth ’s culture knows more than you. The key is that the Chinese language speaks more than you 6, and Ye Fei will have a place in these universes sooner or later. Now that you have learned Chinese well, you will have an advantage when dealing with him in the future, and the sentence I said at the beginning of Ye Fei's live broadcast is still reasonable. If you can find an earth boyfriend or girlfriend, I am There are rewards, just like Xiaoyin. Not only did I give him a planet for him to manage, but you also saw the villa, right? I designed and built it by myself. Do n’t say it is cool in winter and warm in summer, the key is to resist Now attack the most advanced weapons in the interstellar. "

When it comes to Silver Eggman ’s villa like an eggplant, a few of the tyrant messengers are full of envy. According to Jia Jiashen, the future buildings are made of vegetables, which not only reminds him at all times. If you want to eat vegetables without eating the planet, you can make the seventh universe a beautiful ... vegetable garden.

Now, many places in the Seventh Universe have begun construction, all of them started to build according to the appearance of the vegetables brought by Silver Shadow Man from the earth, eggplant shapes, tomato shapes, cabbage shapes, bean shapes, etc. The shape of the preserved egg is a slick house, it looks very eye-catching, great!

In the ancient building, several people of the elf **** all drooled and looked at the skinned cow, one by one with eyes shining.

"Hey boy, why didn't I get angry with such a beef spirit when I went.

The old Han laughed and said, "I didn't even eat it. This kid is still awkward."

"Too much, you two have let us three live? Can you eat some other contentment, is this to stimulate us? But this beef is really **** good, elf god, you are not Are you collecting ingredients after watching this kid's show? Take it out and let Lao Han make a few high-fidelity dishes of the earth. "Blue Liz encouraged.

If the five of them say who the most eye-catching person is Ye Fei, it is definitely a blue lizard, because he has not even won a consolation prize from Ye Fei, and after tasting it, they are still assigned to him by the green scales and iron man It can't be said that it's a cent. He bought it with money, and each of them tasted 100,000 Xinghe coins for them.

That's right, that's it.

Now remembering that the blue lizard was still humming.

Lao Han hurriedly waved his hand and said, "You can spare me. If I had such delicious food made by this kid, I would already be a food anchor."

"I didn't let you make it as delicious as this kid's. Besides, you can't make it. High imitation, a seven-point image will do."

"I ca n’t make five points like it. His food is too difficult to imitate. If you really want to eat, I can ask a chef from our planet to come back and let him make it for you, but I guess it ’s the most. It can only achieve five points, and the soul can never imitate it. "

The green scale, who was shaking his hands madly to count Ye Fei's results, turned his head and said, "Five minutes is fine, now I'm strangled."

"Shut up! Statistics? No statistics? No voice right." The elf **** roared almost simultaneously.

Green scales really want to smash the equipment, your sister, where are you laughing and laughing, I'm almost tired and fall apart, do you know? Can't I say a word?

At the same time, it can be said that many planets and many universe rulers are discussing beef.

on site.

Longlong came to the cow quietly, while Ye Fei didn't notice, he hurriedly touched the beef with his hand, and then sent his hand to his mouth.

"Huh! Huh!"

Longlong licked his hands, his eyes widened.

If it was ordinary beef, he would not do so. After all, the beef in front of him made Ye Fei's exaggeration, and compared with beef and it, it must be thrown a few streets. This is simply the top existence of beef Now, even the gravy taste is a treat.

It was just that he did not expect that this enjoyment would be so extreme.

After the gravy was imported, the goods felt like Ye Fei said, there was a faint grassy fragrance, and there was more floral fragrance he had never smelled. This was not the water seeping from the meat at all, but from The juice from the flowers is too elegant and charming.

Seeing Long Longlong's intoxicated look, several other people also came over and tried to touch, so that Ye Fei had all run away.

There is no end, this is the ingredients, not the big beauties.

... I'll touch it first.

You slap this shameless product so that it won't be touched. He touched it and tasted it. Not to mention, the taste is really unique, the flowers are strong and tempting.

Several people, Qianmo and Yangling, had crooked noses when they looked around, and they had never seen such a shameless person.

The audience in the live broadcast room is also a bunch of big-eyed eyes, and many people are violently raising their middle fingers towards the live broadcast room, despising it!

Ye Feicai didn't care about it. After tasting the gravy, he smiled and said, "It tastes really good, cough, but we still want to cook it after all. I think it will be more delicious when I think of it. Many kinds of seasonings will be used, but I think that such superb beef will conceal its charming nature if too many seasonings are used, so we only need simple sauces and this thing for our food. "

Then, Ye Fei stretched out his hand and scooped out a large bag from the storage compartment. He grabbed the bottom of the bag and hurled the contents out of the bag.

Only then did everyone notice that everything was rolling round and round.

The earth people recognize what this is at a glance, onion!

Onion is a very magical ingredient. This kind of stuff is spicy when raw, but the scent of green onions after cooking is difficult for many people to resist.

This grilled whole beef leaf fly intends to use onion shreds as ingredients, plus sauce and **** garlic, and all other star anise cinnamon is left out.

This level of beef doesn't need those things at all ~ ~ It's not delicious.

"Onion? I rely on these two ingredients to remind me of the onion and beef."

"That's right, me too. The world is delicious."

"Fuck, Ye Shen is purely seductive. Such top-level beef with spring onions is absolutely beautiful."

After Ye Fei poured the purple-skinned onion, he called out several people from Dakside and Zaya.


Help peel the onions.

There are hundreds of green onions in this stuff. If Ye Fei were to peel them off, it would take time. There is so much labor to use.

Several aliens in Duckside are also very fresh about this ingredient. Although Ye Fei made the spring onion just now, it is different from this spring onion.

Several people squatted in a circle and each took an onion. Ye Fei let Longlong and Shen Yue tell them how to peel.

"Strip it like this, don't remove this layer on the outside, just expose the tender inside, right, right, that's it ... Ah ... this way, slippery ~~"

Long Longlong introduces several people while sneezing and running his nose.

Darkhead looked at Shen Yue with light eyes, and Shen Yue smiled and introduced him how to peel it.

Druckside pinched an onion with two fingers, and then ... he couldn't peel it off. His fingers were too thick to hold a layer of skin on the outside of the onion. Finally, Ade was tired. He didn't peel his sweat into one, and when he was angry with his hands, the onion was broken, and the onion juice inside was instantly splashed everywhere.

So the scene was lively.

"Ah ... Ah ..."

Duckside was the first to hit the dart, a sneeze came out, and the opposite dragon screamed and flew out ...

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