The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1760: This bastard, he's burning blood!

Longlong ran back from a distance, then squatted down where he was just now and started peeling onions.

Well, we are also a trained person anyway, this little thing is not in the eyes at all, and it is not that we have not flew out.

A few people all glanced at each other and found that this guy didn't change his face and his heart didn't beat, just like people who are fine.

The audience in the broadcast room all began to sympathize with this guy. The mentality can be exercised to such a state, this is definitely a person who is cruel to himself.

"I'm sorry, I really couldn't hold back." Just as Longlong picked up an onion and started peeling, Duckside suddenly said.

Long Longlong straightly stumbled, and then said: "Are you serious?"


"Apologize. Do you apologize for your apology?"

Druckside's face tried to make a smile and said, "Serious."

Long Longlong waved his hand very generously, indifferently saying: "Forget it, I don't care about you, this is not the first time anyway, in fact, this thing can't blame you, after all, Ye Shen's cuisine is too much , I also sneezed several times. "

No one expected that Longlong was so generous, which made people look even more impressive.

Druckside reached out and patted Longlong's shoulder gently, saying: "Very good, I have the opportunity to play in the Second Universe."

"... I'll finish the Earth first and then talk about it, the second universe is too far away." Longlong mumbled.

As an antique expert, Longlong certainly likes to explore some strange places to do research, but he really did not want to go to the Second Universe, after all, it is too impractical.

"Isn't Ye Shen already working on building a spaceship station? After you build it, you can go to the edge of the first universe first, and then go to the second universe. It's very convenient."

"very convenient?!"

Well, this is really convenient. That is for you people, it is estimated that the cost of a trip to us is enough, let alone to travel.

As he said, Zaya was sneezing again.

Longlong hastily grabbed the sheep next to him.

This makes sheep zero depressed, **** stuff, what are you doing to catch me, shouldn't we just go out for the two of us now?

Fortunately, Zaya didn't hit it at last, rubbed his nose and passed, leaving Longlong and Yang Lingbai nervous.

They peeled the onion over here, and Ye Fei prepared the sauce over there.

In fact, the sauce is very simple. I have used it before roasting suckling pigs, but the star anise and cinnamon are missing. If it is ordinary ingredients, these two things can increase the flavor, but the tender beef's meat quality is not used at all. The use of these two things will affect their taste and taste.

Put the prepared **** slices on a plate first, and the ingredients of this cuisine are even prepared.

When they arrived in Keside, they peeled the onions, and Ye Fei cut them all into scallions and put them in two large rectangular porcelain plates.

"OK, friends, there are so many ingredients. In order to ensure the tenderness of the tender beef as much as possible, so there are not many ingredients, and the sauce is mainly sweet. Now we put these things on the cow. Can be baked. "

A 1200-pound ox, even after removing the viscera and the fur, has about a jin. Ye Fei cut a lot of openings on the cow's body with a knife, and evenly spread it with fine salt, then use the sauce Walked again.

After all the meat on the beef was covered with sauce, Ye Fei put a little **** slice directly on the belly of the cow.

After doing this, Ye Fei returned to the house and took out some bamboo sticks and thin threads. The bamboo sticks were mainly used to shape the cattle. Although the bones of the cattle were not removed, the internal organs were removed, and the inside was empty and unsupported. It shrank when it got up to bake.

While stent, Ye Fei explained.

"If we usually roast whole cows, it is better to be able to customize a metal shelf. This is more convenient. Today we are mainly pursuing the original taste of tender beef. Therefore, the material of the shelf is green bamboo instead of a metal shelf. Try to be as tight as possible, so that the whole cow will be more able to maintain the prototype after roasting. "

After the shelf is well supported, the next step is baking.

Ye Fei really couldn't get into the roasting pit. He couldn't handle more than a thousand pounds. It was only possible to get help from Dakside or Zaya.

When Daxide came over, he carried the cow in one hand, just like a chicken, followed Ye Fei to the roast pit.

Commanded by Fei Ye, Dakside put a few thick bamboo sticks carrying tender cows on the steps on both sides of the roasting pit, and then covered it with a large rectangular lid, which was made of refractory Made of hot material.

The lid was sturdy with earth around it, and Ye Fei shouted Dakside and Zaya again.

"Two, we have to help." Ye Fei said with a smile.

Duckside and Zaya asked at the same time: "Did you move things?"

"Yes, firewood."

Longlong jumped over and said, "Yeshen, there are dry wood on this island. I'll pick it up."

Shen Yue also said with a smile: "Eating is really not easy, and I also pick up dry wood."

Yang Zhe and Qian Mo also had a big fight with their arms and sleeves.

Ye Fei waved his hand to stop them, saying: "The tender beef is the best beef we know. If it is roasted with ordinary wood fire, the smokey and charcoal flavor is too strong, which will destroy its meaty beauty, so this We ca n’t use ordinary firewood on the island to cook delicious food. "

Longlong was aggressive, scratching his head and saying, "What kind of baking is it? Coal?"

Shen Yue laughed: "It would be better to use firewood."

Ye Fei nodded with a smile, and said, "So we have prepared firewood, and this needs Ade and Zaya to help."

Talking, Ye Fei entered the house, and Dakside and Zaya followed.

After a while, I saw two people walking out of the house carrying two bales of dry wood, each leaning at least a hundred pounds, and the two were just fine.

Putting dry wood on the ground, the two turned around and entered the house. After a while, each of them carried out several thick trunks, and threw them to the ground.

As soon as they threw down the trunk, Longlong ran over. After a while, the guy yelled with a loud throat. Many of his mouth shouted together, and his voice was quite loud, which scared a few others.

"Is it ill? I was stunned by the dog?" Shen Yueqi's **** were ups and downs, said depressed.

Long Longlong didn't look at her, but her attention was on those big bundles of dry wood and several thick trunks. He researched it several times, and after confirming the idea in his heart, Long Longlong whole People are crazy.

"Neuropathy, neuropathy, Ye Fei, you lunatic!"

Suddenly, Longlong yelled at Ye Fei without any warning.

This time absolutely scared everyone, including the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Specially, this bastard, he is neurotic!"

"The **** felt like he had an abnormal head right from the start, and now he confirms it."

"Long Longlong, the door to our Second Psychiatric Hospital is always open for you."

"What's going on? What the **** is going on? Why are you scolding Ye Shen? Are you taking the wrong medicine?"

"Die him!"

After the reaction came, the audience in the live room quit.

Who is Ye Fei?

Now for them, Ye Fei is god, Ye Fei is their idol, and now I see someone dare to call Ye Fei a neurosis in front of them. This is so special ... Uncle can't stand it or not Forbearance, you must beat him!

Suddenly, the audience in the live broadcast scolded them like rotten sweet potatoes, and even a few audiences who grabbed the microphone exploded, including eating all over the world.

"Long Longlong, give us an explanation, or else nearly 70 billion people will not let you go during the live broadcast, and you will be taken out of the world by you!" Said all over the world.

He has a very strong relationship with Ye Fei. He treats Ye Fei as his younger brother. He would rather scold him than yell at Ye Fei, because people at his level understand the importance of Ye Fei to the earth for China.

Say something bad, Ye Fei is now a national treasure panda, who dares to move?

In fact, eating all over the world is right, Ye Fei's status is so high now.

Northeast Sea of ​​Kyoto.

A group of higher-level people are watching the show, yes, as long as Ye Fei starts broadcasting, other things are temporarily pushed back. In order to be able to determine Ye Fei's live broadcast date, they are a single-line contact with Qiuqiu platform. Report right away, because they can see some international developments in Ye Fei's live room, which is very important.

As a result, today they did not see any ghostly international developments. Instead, they saw a scruffy vest man scolding Ye Fei at the scene, and the superiors and a bunch of big men all pulled their faces down.

"Check this dragon, who is it, no matter how big or small, don't know if this is Ye Fei's live broadcast? This is the face of the lost Huaxia." The superior said unhappyly.

The other big guys were all depressed, and this scene came too suddenly, which made them a little surprised.

But before they called the phone out, the dragons at the scene moved again. The mad dog rushed to Ye Fei in the same way, and grabbed Ye Fei's clothes collar, shouting, "You Are you sure you want to bake this way ?! "

Ye Fei laughed: "It must be roasted like this, this is tender beef."

"I care if you are a tender cow or an old cow. You, you ... you will die!"

After that, it was as if his wife had run away with others ... Well, his wife did run away with others. This analogy is not appropriate, but only this one is the best Describe his mood at this time.

The mountain cannon is not a cannon, so I can't stand it anymore, and shouted into the microphone: "Dragon egg, what's going on? You don't make it clear, be careful, I'll go to your house.

The Daxside at the scene directly reached out and stunned Longlong, saying, "Someone is looking for you in the live broadcast room."

Longlong was dragged to the computer by Dakside, and then Dakside put him down and pointed at the computer. That means you can see for yourself, the people in the live broadcast are almost scolding your ancestor's grave to smoke. .

Longlong glanced at the live broadcast room, and suddenly tears ran down. This time the audience in the live broadcast room was even more aggressive. What was going on? What you say.

"Long Longlong, let's go, what is going on? Ye Shen doesn't seem to offend you." Eating all over the world patiently asked.

Long Longlong wiped his eyes and looked at the live broadcast room, suddenly turned back and pointed to a pile of firewood not far away, and shouted, "This **** eats with the top-level yellow rosewood roast beef."

In a word, the live room was dumb.

It ’s only a moment, when the live broadcast exploded, almost everyone would jump up, and even those interstellar audiences knew at this time what kind of wood Huanghuali is. After all, Ye Fei ’s big store The locker is made of this material, and someone has already introduced it.

Now when I hear such a superb wood Ye Fei, he actually brings roast beef to eat, this ...

"Ye God, you are neurotic, let go of the firewood!"

"I'll take it. The brother Longlonglong's temper is really good. If I were on the scene, I would have been fighting with Ye Shen already. This is really too much!"

"Uh uh uh ~~ top Huanghuali wood roast beef? Ye Fei, you shameless, take the firewood back!"

"This **** guy, don't you irritate us a few times every day, aren't you upset in your heart? Huanghua Limu, you roast a hairy beef? Can't other dry wood be used ?!"

"My brain, but it really is going to explode, crazy, Ye Shen is crazy! This is burning wood, this is burning blood."

"kill him!"

"This prodigal thing, the more outrageous he is, the worse it is."


It can be said that the audience in the live room unified the calibre instantly, all caught Ye Fei scolding.

There is no way to curse. This is too bloody. The top-level Huanghua Limu, your barbecue, do you have a broken head or sway for ten minutes after entering the water?

Northeast Sea of ​​Kyoto.

When the dragons roared out, the superiors and a bunch of big guys almost sat down on the ground from their positions.

"This ... the phone is waiting for a while!" The superior hurriedly stopped ~ ~ A big guy turned the phone and asked: "Don't check it?"

The upper man gritted his teeth and said, "No, check, it! Didn't you hear the words of this dragon? Ye Fei was a jerk, he ... why didn't he use top-grade leaflet rosewood roast beef? I, I ... I really want to smash him in one shot, violent heaven, violent heaven! "

The upper hands clenched their fists and slammed fiercely on the conference table, as if the desk was Ye Fei.

The other big guys are all hairy.

"This little bunny, he's going to go to heaven, isn't it?"

"The top Huanghua Limu, I just want to pass it down as a heirloom in a small chair in my house, but he turned out to be a firewood boy."

"Ah, old, old, can't keep up with the times, now Huanghuali wood is used as waste wood."

"Lao Li, this has nothing to do with the old and half dimes. No matter when it is, Huanghuali is a top-grade wood. This **** is owed. I will tell you that it is against the law to burn so many top-level Huanghuali. I recommend grabbing this kid. "

"You do it, you do it."

"I ... I'm so angry!"

At the same time, many antique associations and antique collectors are all urinating, and the eyeballs are coming out one by one. They really want to rush to the group to beat Ye Fei, so his uncle messed up.

No matter how angry Ye Fei was, he turned around and returned to the room. When he came out, he took a wood-axe axe in his hand, took a section of Huanghualimu and placed it on the ground, and then split it with an axe. ...


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