The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1761: Daxside is out of order

Sandalwood, rosewood, and rosewood are definitely the three treasures of woodcarving.

No matter what kind of material, it is worth showing off and proud to have a craft.

The top sandalwood and rosewood origins are from abroad. The top domestic ones are counted as Huanghuali, but Huanghuali is also good or bad.

Huanghua pear is divided into three types, bran pear, avocado, and purple avocado.

And to say that the top yellow rosewood, purple avocado is absolutely to stand out. This is a very high-grade wood. The material itself contains more oil than bran pear and less than avocado, which is just right.

This yellow rosewood is not only clear and beautiful, but more importantly, the color of this wood is too beautiful.

Before Ye Fei split the yellow rosewood on the scene, people didn't know the color in this material.

Raising the axe, Ye Fei chopped towards a yellow rosewood, and then stopped at halfway. He smiled at the dragon who was crying and said, "I said, you are not Do you know more about this kind of wood? Could you please introduce it to everyone? "

"No introduction!"

Long Long Long is going crazy, I rely on, you are here to use Huanghuali wood as waste wood chopping, this is chopping my heart, you still let me introduce to others? What am I introducing? Do I still have a mood introduction?

"Even if you don't introduce it, this kind of thing is not a rare treasure anyway."

"Who said that? This is the top-most yellow rosewood, and this is still old purple avocado!"

"Oh? Really? I don't know, what purple avocado is not purple avocado, I think this wood should burn better."

"you you you......"

Listening to Ye Fei's saying that he would like to burn this purple avocado as waste wood, and he was full of energy.

"Yeshen, now admit that you are not omnipotent, do you really know what Huanghuali you cut?" Longlong asked with anger.

Ye Fei shrugged and said, "I don't know, can you see?"

"Of course I can see that this is purple avocado! My god, purple avocado is used for firewood. I want to kneel down for you now. Do you know what purple avocado is?" The dragon asked furiously.

Ye Fei shook his head, a look I didn't know.

"You, what do you want me to say? There are three types of huanghua pear, bran, avocado and purple avocado. Among them, purple avocado is the best. See?"

Saying, Longlong picked up a stick with a thin arm from the ground, and pointed Ye Fei to the incision, and said, "Did you see that? The pure purple core has no trace of miscellaneous color. This color It belongs to the top of the purple avocado, and it is even more rare for this purple avocado to grow so thick and so high quality, because this material is easy to appear hollow during the growth process, and these are all solid. "

"If you look at this texture again, how beautiful and beautiful it is, like a soul curve outlined by a top painter, people will be immersed in it at a glance, and this skin, the color is uniform, there is no white skin, which shows that This is the real old material instead of the old tree material, which is also extremely rare. I feel the weight of this material in my hand and know that its density is the highest. It is very heavy. The heavier the density, the greater the density. The smaller it will be, the less it will deform and crack. "

"Finally, let's talk about the taste."

Having said that, Longlong sniffed fiercely at the cross-section of the wood, then closed his eyes and covered his face with intoxication.

"The pure and strong fragrance of fragrance is so intoxicating and fascinating, it is like the virgin fragrance that people can't let go. This is the boutique, this is the characteristic of top-level Huanghua Limu, how long I have I haven't seen such top-quality Huanghua Limu for three years? Five years? Or ten years? I didn't expect to see them again ... what a pile of firewood !!!! "

Long Long Long said more and more angry, when it comes to the goods in the hands clenched fists in the air, dancing angrily, as if trying to kill others.

No one laughed at this time, because when the dragon was introduced, the invisible camera kept close-up on the cross-section of the wood. Everyone found that everything was the same as the dragon introduced, except that they did not smell the rich flavor reduction. Everything else is in line with what he says is the quality of the top rosewood.

People didn't expect Ye Fei to fight so hard to make this food, and they didn't expect to fight to such a degree. This product is not only made of firewood, but also the top purple avocado. This is simply taking the world by storm. It's a big deal! This is simply an outrageous act!

Many viewers who like the Huanghualimu collection of Huanghualimu crafts feel dizzy, yes, the blood pressure that Ye Fei gave him started to rise.

Longlong introduced, Ye Fei did not hack, but stood and listened.

Since it was provided by the system, of course he knew it was Huanghualimu. To be honest, he was bleeding in his heart. He had scolded the system countless times in his heart, this bastard, and Nima didn't even know a stick. How much did you buy for the firewood of Huanghua Limu? Today, I burned it all to roast a cow. Lao Tzu is really afraid of losing his life.

But he knows that since this kind of wood is provided by the system, it must be only this kind of wood that can roast this tender cow to the most extreme state. In fact, after thinking about it, you can understand that the level of tender cows is there. The beef of this kind of beef can be said to be sky-high, and only wood like Huanghuali can match it, but ... this Nima is really extravagant.

After the introduction of Longlong Long, Ye Fei didn't say anything, but raised the axe in his hand again, and slashed directly at the wood that stood up to him.

Uh ~

With a muffled sound, people found that Ye Fei went down with an axe and did not split the wood. What does this mean? It shows that the density of this wood is too high and too hard, which in turn means that this purple avocado is too good.

Watching Ye Fei's ax stuck on the wood, many people are mad to spit blood, one by one gritted their teeth, and even at this moment they don't want to eat food, just want Ye Fei to give them the wood for firewood Just fine.

Well, everyone is responsible for protecting Huanghualimu ... except for Ye Fei.

"Can't you split it? Ye Shen."

One side of the dragon covered his eyes, and he dared not look at it, asking weakly.

Ye Fei threw the axe directly and laughed: "It's not hacking, it's too hard, and it's shocking."

After listening to the audience who loves Huanghualimu in the live broadcast room, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Who knows they haven't been happy yet, Ye Fei flew aside and said, "Ade, Zaya, help out, open up all these woods and burn them for a while."

"Uh ~~"

Everyone is dumbfounded again, your sister, you do n’t hack because you ca n’t hack, let the two guys become too big to make it?

Dixside and Zaya didn't care what yellow rosewood or red rosewood came. After coming here, they saw each of them holding a piece of wood. Two hands grabbed and gently pulled it, and it was directly divided into two. half.

Seeing this scene, people have to sigh that the strength of the two guys is too horrible at the same time when they are distressed. This is simply not the strength that people should have, whether it is aliens or earth people.

Click, click ...

Regardless of the three or seventeen, Daxside and Zaya are like two violent saboteurs, and soon a pair of Huanghuali was divided into pieces of broken wood.

Looking at the pair of Huanghua Limu in front of them, people were speechless.

I don't know what to say, what else can this say? Has been split.

Ye Fei looked at Long Longlong, who was already dumbfounded, and patted his shoulder, and said, "It's all right, eat more in a while."


Long Longlong glanced at Ye Fei, I do n’t know why. At this moment, he really wanted to spit this guy with a hundred-year-old spit in his cellar. He hated this guy, knowing that you were a prodigal. This can no longer be said to be a prodigal, you are dismantling.

"Do not eat?" Ye Fei asked with a smile.

Longlong wiped his eyes and twisted his neck, and said, "Eat, why not eat, since I can't change this fact, I realize what the taste of beef roasted from Huanghuali is once."

Ye Fei laughed loudly.

"That's right. Since resistance is useless, just lie down and enjoy it."

"... quality, quality, pay attention to quality."

After the firewood was done, Ye Fei directly held a few people in front of the pit stove, and then ignited at the entrance of the firewood, and filled it slowly, until it was about the same time, stopped the wood and let the sheep burn. Zero and Qianmo looked.

This life must not be watched forever, otherwise this guy won't fill a piece of wood into it when the fire is gone.

After this was done, Ye Fei made another whistle, which was longer than the previous one.

The whistle was over and two goats ran from a distance.

Ye Fei slaughtered it, put it on the sauce, put it in the other two small pots and started to bake.

"Well, the roasting of these big guys takes a lot of time. We take this time to cook other food first. Roasted whole lamb and roasted cows are traditional meals of the Mongolian people. Certain friends will ask, yes Is n’t that they only have these two great meals? Of course, the answer is no. Otherwise, the rogue horse feast ca n’t be set up, because you do n’t have enough ingredients, so apart from roasting whole cows and roasting whole sheep, There are a lot of hard dishes on the horse feast. Next, we make a lamb stew with potatoes. This dish is a stew, and it is also a well-known dish in Mongolia. "

"Stewing this cooking method is a more common method in Mongolia, which is also related to their previous habits. Potato stewed mutton is a very classic dish. Let's take a look at how to do it. "

Ye Fei took four lamb legs and twenty potatoes out of the storage compartment.

"We choose the lamb's forelegs. The forelegs are relatively tender. Of course, other parts of the meat are also available, but the forelegs are not fragrant. These four forelegs come from two sheep. For domestic lambs, now we will chop the front leg meat first, and the potatoes will be cut into hob pieces. "

Before chopping the leg of lamb, people saw Ye Fei take out a dough and stick it on the leg of lamb.

Seeing Ye Fei ’s movement, Chahar Khan issued a series of smiley faces, saying, “Especially, Ye Shen is really particular about making this dish. Even the way to remove wool is so intimate, so kind.”

"Brother Chahar Khan, what do you mean?" Shan Pao asked not a gun.

Chahar Khan sent a message: "Go to the wool, we Monet use the dough to stick to the lamb, so that the wool attached to the lamb is removed, and Ye Shen is particular about the dough."

"I depend, can I still do this?"

"The people at us really do that."

on site.

After Ye Fei cleaned the wool on the lamb, he reached for a thick-backed knife, chopped the leg of the lamb, then cut the potatoes, and sliced ​​the ginger, peeled the garlic cloves, cut the shallots, and pepper and dried peppers. it is good.

When you're done, place a cauldron on the stove, add water to the fire, and place the mutton in.

"The mutton is cooked in a cold water pot. After the water is boiled, it is sufficient to skim the floating foam. The sheep in Mongolia are mainly grown up by eating grass. The fishy smell is very small, so there is no need to boil the water again. After you go, just put onion **** garlic in it. "

Ye Fei skimmed the floating end, then put the prepared onion **** garlic and pepper pepper ginger, and then put in a little soy sauce, and then I remembered, "Oh, yes, some friends may say we buy What should I do if I ca n’t get the fresh lamb? Only the frozen ones need to be mentioned here. If you want to keep the fresh flavor of the lamb as much as possible, then do not soak it in water when thawing, it will lose some of the fresh flavor. . "

After adding scallion, ginger, and garlic to the lamb in the pot, cover the lid and start to burn on high heat. After boiling again, change to low heat and simmer slowly.

After the mutton was simmered, the cut potato pieces were put in and continued to simmer for five or six minutes. Ye Fei directly turned off the fire.

"Most of the cuisine in Mongolia is simple to make. Still, this is related to their living habits. A nomadic people has no time to make too complicated food. How simple and delicious. How come, now this lamb stew potato can be cooked. "

Talking, Ye Fei opened the lid of the pot.

And as the lid was opened, everyone suddenly smelled a scent that made him crazy.

This scent is really too strong and delicious, even if many people who don't like to eat mutton can't help swallowing it.

What makes people even more crazy is the situation in the pot ~ ~ Pieces of light yellow potatoes are like pieces of attractive jade, dotted between the meat pieces, and the meat pieces have been cooked in crisp It ’s extremely rotten. After the blisters emerging after the water boils, those tender meats are slowly shaking slightly, the meat is extremely tender, and there is almost a crystal clear feeling.

"Yeshen has also made many kinds of cuisine with mutton-flavored ingredients before. Why is this unique aroma stronger?"

"I think every one is very strong, but this one is more exaggerated."

"I don't know? The cooking method of stewing is to use hot air to maximize the taste of the ingredients themselves. The other method is to lock the savory flavor inside, and wait for it to burst into the mouth. , And the ingredients used by Ye Shen are top-notch, so the taste is so fragrant. "

"It's so beautiful. This potato stew is really beautiful. What I can't stand is the beating meat in the hot soup. I can eat three pounds."

"I really want to taste what it looks like. I look forward to it."

When people were talking, Ye Fei had already taken out the potatoes and meat and put them on a large rectangular plate.

There were many lamb legs and a lot of lamb. Ye Fei simply used a white porcelain tray, but he didn't finish it, and there was still a little of it inside. He put it in a small plate and handed it to them.

"Try it."

Several people in Dakside couldn't wait any longer. After taking over, Dakside didn't even bother to share with the others, and directly squeezed a piece of **** mutton into the mouth.

"Ah ~~~"

There was a happy and contented voice in Duckside's mouth, and the other person fell directly into one.

Duckside is out of order!

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