The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1763: It's time to fight for character

The blood sausage was cut open, and people found that the pig's blood inside had solidified, and the whole section showed a deep red color. If there was not a transparent and thin film on the outside, this would be almost a blood stick.

And in the cross section, there are holes, which is the difference between real pig blood and fake pig blood.

Since real pig blood contains a large amount of oxygen, the oxygen will come out of the blood during cooking, leaving some holes in the coagulated blood clot. Because fake pig blood is artificially imitated, the materials are agitated during production. The small amount of gas contained in it has already evaporated. There are no holes after it is made, but the surface is smooth. The key is that this thing will not spread no matter how you press it. It has strong elasticity, and real pig blood is easily broken. .

Although fake pig blood looks good, it is incomparable with real pig blood in terms of nutritional value and taste, and even the addition of some chemicals has certain harm to the human body.

Ye Fei's pig blood is undoubtedly top-notch. After cutting, both the color and shape make people feel bright.

"Can the blood still eat like this?" Dakside and Zaya asked almost simultaneously.

No matter what the blood was, the two of them didn't get a little bit on their hands, but they never knew that the thing could still be eaten, and they looked delicious.

Ye Fei laughed: "Of course it can be eaten. This is a very good food. Whether it is in Huaxia or elsewhere, as long as it is a country that eats pig blood, this thing is very much loved. There is a very famous pig in Huaxia Baodao. Blood food, called pig blood cake, is made of pig blood and rice. It is sprinkled with some pieces of cooked peanuts. It tastes sticky and fragrant inside the mouth. It is very special. In Switzerland and Fenlan, there is a kind of The very popular pig blood pudding is made by mixing pig blood with milk and adding other ingredients. In addition, there is a pig blood wonton cuisine in many places in China, which is also a good memory of childhood. "


"So many ways to eat?"

Zaya and Daxide have really learned a lot. They didn't expect that these things that they wouldn't even notice at all would make so many tricks.

In fact, it ’s not just them, many people are a little dazed. In people ’s impression, the most common way to eat pig blood is to stir-fry, or to put it in soup stock and eat it. I really haven't heard much.

But it ca n’t be said that there are n’t many. The audiences in many areas, such as Lanlan, Ruidian, Huaxia Frontier, Longnan Province, Xichuan Province, and Baodao, are a little excited, because Ye Fei is talking about their food there.

"Friends of the Quartet, welcome to Treasure Island. The pig blood cake introduced by Ye Shen is very delicious."

"Yes, I just sell pork blood cake, it's cheap and affordable."

"Our Clan people say pig blood pudding is the best."

"Are the brothers on the borderland? Ye Shen introduced a special snack here, pig blood wonton, topped up."

"Wrong, pig's blood wonton is a special snack in Longnan Province. My childhood memories."

"What did Nishikawa say? Did we say what Nishikawa did? Even Ye Shen is our Nishikawa, are we proud? Are we proud?"


Topics, topics, Ye Fei's live room will never lack topics at any time, even if anyone said that Peggy likes to jump in the mud pits, they will be able to compete.

Anyway, for this kind of situation, the audience in the live broadcast has been commonplace for a long time, and they all looked at it cheerfully. Anyway, watching the liveliness is not a big deal.

Ye Fei at the scene could not care about the situation between the live broadcasts. Anyway, it was in the virtual world. Even if contradictions occurred, it was a saliva battle. If they could not add their fists, they were basically in a controllable state.

He cut the blood sausage into slices, and placed it in the shape of a flower on the plate. As usual, there are still some for some guests to taste.

To be honest, although the Mongolian blood sausage is famous, it is still not very attractive to some people. After all, it is made of pig blood, and many people are in conflict with the food made of blood.

Fortunately, this was done by Ye Fei. If someone else had done it, it would have been messed up.

Although several people in Duckside are curious about this kind of food, when they really want to eat, one by one is still a little hairy.

Looking at a small plate of blood sausage, placed next to garlic balsamic vinegar, Duckside tried several times without success.

He doesn't eat, but some people can't bear it.


Long dragon!

As a Chinese, he has no resistance to this kind of food. On the contrary, this guy also likes to eat, pig's blood, duck's blood, sheep's blood, etc. He is particularly fond of the food made from these animal blood.

This product was like a vampire born, and dozens of mouths were all drooling in front of Dakside. After seeing Dakside there for a long time and not eating, the guy couldn't help it.

"I said, put it aside if you want to eat it, can you order it for us? Everyone is waiting."

Druckside glanced at the dragon, and then ... but still didn't eat it, but passed him the plate and said, "You eat."

Longlong was not polite. After receiving the plate, he squeezed a piece of himself first, and then dip it in the garlic directly and throw it in his mouth.


Especially beautiful!

This is how Longlong feels. As a person who particularly likes the blood of pigs, he feels that the blood sausage made by Ye Fei is the best, and there is nothing better than this.

He said nothing, and squeezed another piece just about to be thrown into his mouth. As a result, Yang Ling and Qian Mo quit, grabbed the plate, and divided one piece for everyone, and then the scene was awkward.

I saw Freeland, Sloan, Yangling, Qianmo, the father and son of Sauron, and even Zaya, all of them holding a piece of blood intestines.

It's a question whether to eat this wonderful food or not.

All the big and small men were tangled with pain.

At this moment, Shen Yue, the fairy Sanhua, also pinched a piece of blood sausage, then dipped it in the garlic vinegar. The pretty little mouth opened slightly, and the blood sausage slice was directly sent to the mouth.

Immediately afterwards, she closed her mouth, chewed slowly, and finally nodded her head.

Seeing her dare to eat, a few people in Yangling feel even more embarrassed. A girl is not afraid, what else is she afraid of?

So a few people looked at each other, and finally made up their minds, just like they were about to start taking poison, and threw the blood sausage slices with garlic vinegar in their hands.

As a result, the blood sausage had just chewed at the mouth, and several of them stared.

"Uh ~~ uh ~~ this thing ..."

The sheep was so surprised that he kept pointing at his mouth, and he didn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

And Qianmo also smiled, and said, "Sure enough, sure enough, I knew that Ye Shen would not make this dish for no reason, it was delicious, it was really delicious."

Long Longlong glanced at him, then dozens of mouths skimmed at the same time, and said, "Who didn't dare to eat it just now? Now it's starting to look back."

Qianmo's face wasn't red and he didn't beat. Hehe laughed without saying a word. Anyway, he wasn't alone.

The little Sauron and his son also ate delicious food. This thing was completely different from what they imagined. When they wanted to come, since the food was made of animal blood, there must be a strong **** taste in the mouth. Yes, but this is not the case at all. This blood sausage has a sticky and pure fragrance in the mouth. Even a little **** taste will suppress the garlic and balsamic vinegar, leaving only a charming taste and taste.

Zaya is not afraid of the universe, let alone a piece of blood sausage. He just did n’t eat it, but he was a little bit cowardly. Now he throws the blood sausage slice in his mouth, although this small piece is not enough for his teeth But the taste made him addicted.

A small piece of blood sausage was like a sugar-coated cannonball wrapped with seductive poison. Just chewed at the mouth, the shell exploded, and the aroma was full.

"Yeshen never disappoints. Sure enough, this is a unique and unforgettable cuisine. In my opinion, it can no longer be described as delicious, but a dish that has decayed into magic."

Duckside also ate in his mouth at this time. He agreed with Zaya very much. He didn't know what to eat. It was really wonderful to eat.

In the seventh universe, Jia Lan stared at the big screen, and she forgot the reward.

"Is this thing really delicious?" Jia Lan asked, scratching her head.

This question made a few of the tyrant messengers really unable to answer, because they did not know whether it was delicious or not, they had never eaten it.

"God, blood is not much for us. We can make some tasting now. I think the delicious aroma of this food is attractive and should not be bad." Yan Huang said.

Jia Lan glanced at him, nodded, and said, "I'll leave this dish to you and make it on the spot."

"it is good."

Yanhuang is also a demigod, but in a blink of an eye, he saw an animal in his hand and appeared in front of Jia Lan, and then the tyrant messenger did not know where to find a large pot, red shifted and A few people in Stardust were not idle. After all, this was to cook food for the gods, let alone to do it in front of the gods, even if nothing was done, they had to find something to do.

So a group of demigods started killing a weak animal to take blood for blood sausage.

Jia Lan sat in the position and looked at the scene in front of her mouth. He really wanted to get rid of several people in the past. Which of these people had not countless blood on any of the hands, now it ’s like killing an ant It ’s just a small thing, and it ’s all started, is n’t it the pain of the idle egg?

But he didn't say anything in the end, just watching the tyrant messenger do it, the animals were killed, the small and large intestines were taken out for cleaning, and then the blood was poured in, and the Emperor Yan was set on fire, and ... The blood sausage became charcoal.

Yanhuang scratched her head awkwardly and stood a little overwhelmed.

"I ... the god, I ... are overdone." Yan Huang whispered.

The tyrant messenger glanced fiercely at the Emperor of Flame, exclaiming: "Second block, second block, I just told you that second block, you have to make third block, now you're fine."

Redshift was also depressed: "Just a few blood sausages, are you so fierce? What do you do now? What does the **** eat?"

Skywalker, Stardust are all buried Tie Yan Huang.

Yaya rub it, it will catch fire if it catches fire, right?

Yanhuang was a little embarrassed, waiting for Jia Lan's punishment.

Jialan is also depressed and wants to vomit blood. A group of demigods, brothers, can't even roast a few blood sausages? Say go out and lose it?

"Forget it, Ye Fei is incomparable with your level. If Ye Fei makes the food you do, then I really look at you."

Although this is a bit rude, Yan Huang did not dare to say a word.

"Oh ~ God, this part seems to be okay, not too dark." The tyrant messenger suddenly found a part of the **** intestines and said excitedly.

Jia Lan looked at the blood sausage. To tell the truth, this color has no appetite, but it is better than none, because Ye Fei is too seductive. He is really a little embarrassed. Take this first?


He didn't see Jia Lan move, and saw that gray **** bowel came to him, Jia Lan pinched with two fingers, and then took a bite.

"噗 ~~~"

Just after eating into the mouth, Jia Lan spit out all of it, and then spit out constantly, as if he didn't eat blood sausage at all, but soared.

"I ... keke ... water, water, hurry up, water!"

Jialan is going to be fried. He knows that Ye Fei added a lot of seasonings to the blood sausage, and the Yanhuang guys didn't add it. He estimated that it would not be much worse without the taste, but this Nima. ..... What the heck is it?

The tyrant messenger rushed to get a basin of water, and Jia Lan drank all of it in one breath. Then he said, "It won't be terrible. The terrible thing is that you won't be able to return it. You won't find Ye Fei's materials. No one is allowed to make another meal! "


Some of the tyrant messengers hurriedly lowered their heads ~ ~ Watching the front screen mechanically gave Ye Feiya a brush.

Like Jialan, there is Shiba Tian. This product now feels full of stench, and the four bodyguards are scolding.

At the same time, there are still some people who are learning to do it, and all of them are thrown away.

Ye Fei didn't know that so many people were learning how to make blood sausages. After he made the blood sausages, he made a hand and a red yak hoof. After he finished, Ye Fei wiped his hands on the apron. , Came directly to the computer, and said, "Dear friends, do the food first, and draw the third lucky guest."

Just now, Ye Feiti sniffed her nose and suddenly smelled a bit of barbecue.

He turned around and looked at a few pits, knowing that the three hard vegetables would be ready soon, and it was estimated that the prize draw would be almost the same.

Several guests at the scene and the audience in the live broadcast room also smelled the smell, one by one, smelling the aroma and waiting for the advent of the goddess of luck was really a kind of happiness that changed too much.

"Yeshen, don't say it, draw fast."

"Finally we are going to draw again, Ye Shen, can we draw more, there are too few places."

"Smelling the fragrant meat and waiting for the draw, my heart is tickling."

"Don't talk anymore, the lottery is about to begin, and the time has come to fight for character."

Ye Fei didn't grind, let Shen Yue directly come to pump.

Shen Yue also smoked before, came to sit in the position, picked up the mouse and clicked on the lucky turntable.

The lucky carousel stopped for a while, the pointer flashed gold, and a name appeared.

But after Ye Fei saw the name, the goods sat on the ground directly ...

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