The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1764: Please call me goddess, thank you

Ye Fei didn't know what happened in the world, or what happened in the universe.

Since he knew the existence of aliens, his three views have never been established and have been in a state of collapse.

Because a lot of things are too incredible, many characters who appear only in legends or in film and television dramas are real, and many of them have become his guests, but many people are not as bad as the legend , Of course, not as good as the legend.

Bingo, although he just changed his name, still recognizes this person.

Drakside, Zaya, Silver Shadow, Flame Emperor, Tyrant Angel, etc., and even Jia Lan, these people live in different universes.

What's more, there is a more absurd idea in Ye Fei's heart, that those who exist in the ancient legends on the ancient earth are probably not born out of nothing, even if they are living somewhere in this starry sky. Most likely, after all, he saw Houyi bow.

Although his heart has been strengthened by these things, when he saw the name of the third guest, Ye Fei's Sanguan, which had collapsed, collapsed again, and almost broke into powder.

"Cold ice? !!!"

Ye Fei got up from the ground, and then stared at the lucky pointer's name. Yes, it was Liang Bing. This is a name that is strange to others but familiar to him. This is a .. .... Devil's name!

"Yes, what's wrong?" Shenhua Fairy Shen Yue turned his head and asked, unknown.

At the same time, Yang Ling and Qian Mo all looked at Ye Fei with a blank expression. Only Daxide and Jialan looked down and thought about something.

"I ... nothing."

Ye Fei didn't answer their question, not because he didn't want to answer it, but he didn't know how to answer it, because if this question was answered, it would drive a lot of people crazy.

Duckside and Zaya glanced at each other, and they shook their heads and said nothing.

"Yes, what's going on? What's wrong with Liangbing?"

"That is, Ye Shen, let me explain. She is the guest of the next live broadcast. Let us know in advance."

"Yeshen won't really know this person, this is also an alien."

"I know for sure, otherwise Ye Shen could not have responded so much."

Facing the questions from the audience in the live broadcast room, Ye Fei glanced at Dakside and Zaya.

Dakside and Zaya did not deal with Ye Fei, but the two of them began to discuss.

"Brother, do you know her?"

Zaya shook his head, then nodded again, and said, "I don't know if it's the same person."

"I heard she changed this name after she was expelled. I do n’t know if it is, but you see that the universe she belongs to is the sixteenth universe. This sixteenth universe also has a name called the demon universe. In this universe, I dare to call this name by her own. "

"I also think so, if it is her, Ye Shen's next live broadcast ..."

The two murmured, the voice was not too small, and Ye Fei heard it. Even the audience in the live broadcast heard it, and they all heard something wrong from the words of both of them.

Ye Fei stood there with a black face. He didn't blame Daxside and Zaya. Even if they didn't say it, he knew that the next live broadcast would be very troublesome.

"Brother, what the **** is going on? Don't let this person worry, if it doesn't work, my brother will support you if he smashes the business." Eats all over the world.

As soon as he said this, many of the earth ’s audiences during the live broadcast were air-conditioned. They all knew that eating all over the world and Ye Fei had a good relationship, but they did not expect it to be so good.

In the past, Chitianxia Group was a super-tough enterprise. Now, as it has been eaten all over the world, it often appears in Ye Fei's live broadcast room, and it can also get a fixed microphone. His popularity has also soared, so it has brought Chitianxia together. The stock price of the group has also soared all the way. Now many countries know the existence of Chitianxia Group, and the business of Chitianxia Group has also come to many countries.

It is no exaggeration to say that even Chitianxia Group is not even the most powerful grocery company on the planet. It is an unknown number how much the company can now be worth, but everyone knows that this unknown number is an astronomical number. .

Even so, eating all over the world would help Ye Fei Ning willingly to dump the Chi Tianxia Group. This relationship definitely does not bring a little moisture. This is true iron. This is more rewarding than brushing Ye Fei. It's going to be much iron.

At the same time, I was eating. Zhang Junwei also sent a message: "The Zhang Group is used by brothers at any time. Don't worry, our brothers will help you stand down when the sky falls."

Boom ~~

There was another uproar in the broadcast room.

Zhang Junwei's own strength is an unknown number. Some people said that he was richer than the richest man in China before. Now the Zhang Group stands behind Ye Fei without hesitation.

Zhang Junwei's news just came out, with a smile on his face, saying: "My company is incomparable with the two, but if you support the little brother, be ready to deal with it at any time. Mr. Zhang is right, brother , Rest assured to do it boldly, no matter how bullish and ghostly he is, there are a bunch of brothers here, afraid of a ball! "

"I know that the current energy is not the same as before, but it's still a bit of a family, little brother, don't be afraid, my brother is alive and won't let anyone bully you." Nan Jiang, an old man, Hong Tianxiong.

"Ye God, Matsui Group is willing to obey dispatch at any time." Matsui baby.

At the same time, Jin Zhuxian of Han Dynasty, Dahale of Taiguo, Badinger of Miguel, Rhodes, and many, many companies around the world all stood out in the first place.

They all understand that now that aliens have appeared, and the reason why the earth can still exist intact and peacefully is because of Ye Fei's existence, and now Ye Fei has a problem, they must stand up and support Ye Fei, as long as Ye If flying is safe, they will be safe and sound. If Ye Fei has a three-pronged one, no one knows which planet will be attacked by the planet.

Just after the tyrants on the earth made a statement, the Huaxia government first issued a statement to support Ye Fei in the country, and from now on, the country entered a state of emergency in case of unexpected needs.

After Huaxia, it was surprising that the second time came out of the rice country. After the new boss came to power, the first article of the national policy was not allowed to oppose Ye Fei. It was necessary to follow Huaxia's footsteps and not play small moves.

Although the cause of Solova's death has not been announced, the new boss also knows what is going on from what he has done in the past. If he goes the same way as Solova, then he really has no brains.

Not only can't they be against Ye Fei, when Ye Fei encounters difficulties, they also have to make a support decision quickly, so as not to fall behind others.

Then the nations of the eagle, the state of development, and Erros, and so on, all the countries in the world stood up and supported Ye Fei unconditionally.

To be the boss of a country, everyone is not a fool, they all know the importance of Ye Fei.

After all the nations on Earth issued a statement, many planets of the First Universe also stood up.

"Ye God, the cruel planet is your strong backing."

"Trotti's global power and Ye Shen have overcome difficulties."

"The Waste Earth Planet has nothing to look back on!"

"The Green Mansion is inescapable!"

"Quick Planet is always there!"


Almost all the big executives of the first universe came out.

Many planets in the Second and Fourth Universes have also stood out. This is conceivable. After all, their supreme rulers are now at the site of Ye Fei, and they all know that Daxside and Zaya will definitely be with Ye Fei. Those who are jealous of their enemies must not fall behind.

What surprised many people was that the Third Universe, the Sixth Universe, and many other universes also voiced their support for Ye Fei.

Just after the highest rulers of these universes jumped out, the news of the Jialan gods of the seventh universe came out.

"The Demon Universe? If I remember correctly, it seems to be called the Devil Galaxy, right? Liangbing should be the Demon Queen, huh, I didn't expect her to watch Ye Fei's live broadcast here, which is a bit interesting, rest assured, Ye Fei With me, she ca n’t find any spray. Immediately, a few people from the tyrant messenger and the flame emperor will send to the earth to protect you for twenty-four hours. Is the cold ice in? Remember, this is my Jialan Friends, you'd better be your guest honestly and play less tricks, otherwise I don't mind going to the Demon Galaxy. "

What is a madman?

This is!

Jialan is!

People in all planets and all universes in all countries are like the enemy of the enemy. They are guarding against the devil of this unknown demon galaxy. Only Jialan dares to let others be honest. Only he dares to go to the devil galaxy. This is the confidence, this is the strength!

At this moment, stubbornness is weak, and there is no need to compare at all.

Dakside and Zaya glanced at each other and said to Ye Fei, "Ye God, if you deserve our brother, we hope to stay after the live broadcast, and leave after knowing that your next show is safely over. I wonder if it's okay? "

Ye Fei looked at the two brothers of the Duckside, and then looked at the news of the full screen in the live broadcast room. He was immediately moved.

He never expected that a cooking anchor would get the attention and love of so many people, and now they are all out for themselves.

Ye Fei, He De, how can I? !!

Ye Fei sighed in his heart.

He sighed, the other anchors were a little speechless, your sister, should you be so exaggerated? It's just a guest who is a little bit dangerous. Are you a group of demigods and gods jumping out to serve as Ye Fei's bodyguards? Brother, have you thought about our feelings in doing this? We are also anchors, come and protect us.

A group of anchors turned red with envy and hatred.

But they know that such treatment is impossible for them to dream, because it is too extravagant and extravagant.

"Thank you, thank you, Ye Fei, I am really honored to be able to meet everyone, but I think this Mo ... Liangbing friend should be a very kind person."

kind person?

I heard Ye Fei said that Liangbing is a kind person. This time, including Jia Lan's mouth, he sucked. Brother, are you right? Would you like to be so kind? Do you think everyone is the same as you?

You can see her planet, the demon universe, she is the demon king, the demon queen, and the entire demon galaxy was created by her. Would a good person create such a galaxy? impossible!

Besides, this is a person that many people think is a traitor, just because she has troubled out a set of big devil theory.

Nothing else is said. Where can you tell that she is a kind person? Does this go with kindness?

Eight poles can't hit it.

"Cough, Ye Shen, I don't think you know the people on the outer planet or other universes. Some things are not as easy as you think, and some people are not as simple and kind as you think." Zaya said .

Ye Fei laughed: "I know, rest assured, it's okay."

"Well, my brother and I still hope to stay. Don't worry, we are just staying. We will take care of the food and accommodation, can we?" Zaya said with a grim expression.

Ye Fei laughed and said, "So, if you want to stay for a few days, Ye Fei welcomes me with both hands, and board and lodging is not a problem."

"it is good!"

Dakside and Zaya saw Ye Fei agree with them, and the two went aside.

At the same time, Bingo started his journey, and Silver Shadow Man and the Tyrant Messenger quickly flew over to Ye Fei.

The Silver Shadow Man must come here. He has been here to Ye Fei, and he will be a guide to the tyrant messenger.

Just when everyone was in a mess, Liang Bing, the silent lucky guest, issued a series of contempt expressions.

"Rose, the old lady is just a beautiful woman. I didn't expect that your group of big masters would be afraid of being like this. You ca n’t be too cowardly, hey, Dakside? Zaya? It ’s just a little foot. I want to pack you up, and one eye can make you fart. As for the Jialan who only knows to eat the planet, I'm really curious if you can swallow so many planets. Can you digest it? The old lady is here and will go in the next issue. Participate in the live broadcast, and if there is any kind, please roll it over to my mother, and I will continue. "

Seeing this news and looking at the tone, Ye Fei was more sure who Liangbing was, Sister, why are you there?

But no matter how depressed he was, he still couldn't show it on the surface. He smiled hard and said, "Cool ... Ice ..."

"Is it so hard to call your mother's name? I said Ye Fei, don't let me despise you."

"Oh, okay, Ms. Liangbing ..."

"No! Call me goddess, thank you."

"... Okay ~ ~ Ice Goddess, I am very glad that you are also in my studio. I sincerely congratulate you on winning the prize, and welcome you to Hanse next time. Let us join you Dedicate a wonderful live show. "

"Oh, I don't know if it's wonderful or not, but as long as the food doesn't disappoint me, otherwise ... the old lady has killed pigs, understand?"


This woman ...

Ye Fei really wanted to slap her for a while, but he knew he could n’t slap her, and he did n’t say she was her guest. The key is that this woman is crazy to go crazy. Tell me how can you do it?

"Understand. In fact, you should know when you watch my show. Ye Fei is also a pig killer, and she is also a sow."

Although you ca n’t talk about it, Ye Fei wo n’t admit it. There are so many people who are looking at themselves and supporting themselves. They ca n’t just say anything softly, right?

As soon as he said this, the audience in the live room laughed and fell down.

In the endless starry sky, Bingo, Silver Shadow, and the tyrant messenger were flying while watching the show. After hearing Ye Fei's words, all of them almost fell into the black hole of time and space.

"Oh, this thing ... the words are tough."

"I'm sweating a lot. Ye Fei seems to be the one who dares to say this to the demon queen?"

"Fuck, hurry up, don't wait for this mad woman to go crazy and it's all over."

After listening to Ye Fei's words, Liang Bing had no news for a long time. Just when Ye Fei was impatient, Liang Bing's news came out.

"What awesome, really, boy, my sister seems to really like you."

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