The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1772: Roast beef with horse milk, this should be a happy life ...

The mouth gun was really furious, he did not expect that he would have such a fellow.

Ya actually said that stallions can also produce milk, brother, this is common sense, do you know? Do you dare to drink stuff from Stallion?

This product gave Sloan a slap on the head, and then ignored him. He talked to him about the value of a person who didn't have even a little basic life knowledge.

Ye Fei was also amused by Sloan. At first glance, this guy was a respected and respected man from an early age. Although he raised a horse, he was probably raised to show his status. He didn't know anything about horses.

"Let ’s do it. Those who do not know are not guilty, eat and eat." Ye Fei said with a smile.

A group of people had already eaten the food on the table just now, and they rushed past which one they like.

Compared to other cuisines, the food on the Black Horse Feast is slightly heavier, especially the **** preserved eggs and mustard fungus, both of which are cold dishes, and the taste is very punchy.

However, compared to ordinary preserved eggs and mustard fungus, the ingredients used by Ye Fei have a great advantage, so although the taste is slightly heavier when you first eat it, after you adapt to this taste, you will Found no holes in it.

This has also been experienced by several people, so when eating again, people did not picky eaters at all, and each dish was very fast.

Take a sip of wine one by one, let's take a bite of the dish, and it will be a refreshing one.

After a few moments, the eyes of several people in Dakside began to poke over the roasted whole cows and roasted lambs next to each other. This is the real highlight of this feast, and it is the protagonist. All the food on the table is for them As a foil.

"Yes, haha ​​..."

Zaya called Ye Fei, and then laughed at the roasted whole cow and roasted whole sheep. It goes without saying, can we eat these?

Of course, Ye Fei will not stop. Things are eaten when they are made. It is also a waste to not put them there as furnishings.

According to the traditional way of eating, each person has a small knife, a group of people around the roasted whole cow or roasted whole sheep, and then eat the meat where you want to cut the meat, cut more and cut less on their stomach And how big the mouth is.

But today it is absolutely impossible. Although this roasted whole cow is still about a thousand pounds after it is cooked, Ye Fei believes that it is still not enough for a few people to eat at the scene, especially the bingo and the elf **** were added later. This is all a rice bucket. Ripped the stomach to eat, that's how shameless.

Fortunately, Bingo said that the spirit of the elves is different. Don't look at this guy who is tall and thin, but it is not ambiguous to eat, not much less than bingo.

Ye Fei was a little confused. Where did all this food go? Is it all digested as soon as it reaches the stomach? If that's the case, then the Elven God is definitely a dung machine.

"I think everyone has eaten these side dishes, so let's taste the roast beef and roast sheep."

In a word, not only the guests at the scene were excited, but also the audience in the live broadcast room was also excited. This is the reputation of food.

Regardless of whether it is roasted whole cow or roasted lamb, it is an extremely tempting food for many people. Its fame has spread throughout the world, and even the Jialan of the Seventh Universe has swelled because he has eaten it. Ye Fei's barbecue.

When thinking of the roasted outer coke tender tender bite of squeaky oil that melts into the mouth, Jia Lan has an urge to go crazy, and now a group of tyrant messengers are sent to Pearl Island by the scene. There are no people making bad barbecue, and give them to the little soldiers? Even more impossible.

"Worry, how can I get this honorable guest place? Is it really necessary to force Lao Tzu to cheat? This barbecue is also superb, and there is that kind of milk wine, ah ah, how was it before? It never occurred to me that there would still be such a classic food in StarCraft. It's abominable that Laozi has eaten soil and stones for so many thousands of years! "

Jia Lan almost exploded, but there was nothing he could do.

No, he was thinking of a way.

Frowning for a moment, Jia Lan's big hand stretched out, a huge leg of unknown species appeared in his hand, his fingers moved forward, and a flame appeared in front of him, and then the goods held the thigh and set it on fire. Began to bake.

It didn't take long for the fragrance to come out.

Jia Lan took the thigh close to her, and she sipped at the thigh, chewed it a few times, and spit it out.

"Fuck, this can't be eaten!"

After that, I threw this roasted half-baked thigh at will, and no one knew where it was thrown, without any trace.

The scene has been lively for a long time. Just now they drank cider milk. This wine is the same as a hard drink. Besides the fathers of Shen Yue and Little Sauron, they are all massive. There is no problem at all. .

At this moment, Ye Fei took out a sharp knife, and each person divided a large plate, saying: "Don't grab it, one by one, you all have a share."

He was afraid that these guys could not stand the temptation of food for a while and then grab it again, it was really good looking.

Long Longlong jumped out at this time, dozens of mouths shouted at the same time: "Stand up, stand up, all stand up, come in order from low to high, low in front, high back To maintain order and team formation, don't mess up. Hundreds of billions of spectators are watching us, and we are all identified people. Don't embarrass yourself. "

This guy volunteered to become the on-site commander, let alone really useful, a group of people lined up in order from high to low, just like cooking in a large cafeteria in a school or a factory.

Young Sauron is the youngest, ranking first, followed by Shen Yue, then a few foreigners, Freeland and Sloan, and mouth guns, followed by Qianmo and Yangling, Elven God, Bingo, and Daksay. De and Zaya, the last is the father of young Sauron. He was originally carrying it, soaked in Sauron's light, so although he was not as tall as a few of Dakside, he consciously went to the last.

After everyone was lined up, Longlong was standing shamelessly in front of Little Sauron.

"Uncle, you are taller than me." Little Sauron whispered.

Long Longlong glanced back and said, "I'm maintaining the formation. You should all target me. Don't mess up the formation, so I must stand in front."

"No, you can only see the formation is chaotic if you stand at the back. You can't see anything like this."


After a long jam, he didn't expect that the little guy would dare to talk back when he saw the roasted whole cow. Is it strange?

"Where there is so much nonsense in children's homes, it makes you stand in second place."

As soon as his words fell, he felt his feet off the ground, then the goods howled and looked back, and saw Duckside's somber face holding him up.

"What? What are you doing? Let me down, let me down." Longlong shouted with his hands and feet.

As soon as he turned around and placed him behind the young Sauron's father, he said, "The child is right, since you are a maintainer of order, you should be clear at the end."


The dragon jumped aggressively, and just about to yell at it. As a result, he saw Dakside's big fist appeared in front of him, and then the bone in his hand clicked and clicked.

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, you're right, I'm maintaining order, and I can only see more clearly at the back. Why didn't I take it into consideration just now? I said, you are honest, this is the scene Live broadcast, all give themselves a tone of breath, even the team can't stand well, and want to have something to do. "

Longlong was afraid that Daxside would beat him, and shouting loudly around his neck, it was considered to be bold.

The audience in the live broadcast room was all laughing and laughing. They also found out that in each of Ye Fei's live broadcast guests, there would be one or two amusement in the lively atmosphere. I ended up at the end. Tired?

But no one sympathized with him, even the little child Sauron bullied, you deserve it.

Ye Fei didn't bother them either. He stood in front of the roast cow with a knife. To be honest, he really couldn't bear the knife. This is just a piece of art, and it will be destroyed after the knife is cut.

"Ahem, Sauron, come here first." Ye Fei beckoned and said to Sauron.

Little Sauron hurried over with a plate and said, "Yes, can you give me more?"

Ye Fei laughed: "Did you finish eating?"

"I can. I don't want to eat a little bit of other foods, but I won't get bored of them all my life."

"Little clever ghost, you can't do anything special with flattery."

Speaking of it, Ye Fei cut it with a knife on the belly of the cow, about 30 centimeters down from the back of the bull's ridge. As the knife went down, everyone saw a gravy rushing along the side of the knife, as if cutting Like watermelon, it's so juicy.

The knife in Ye Fei's hand cut forward evenly until the beef was cut off, and as the beef fell off, everyone took a breath of air, and there was an uproar in the whole live room.

"No, aren't they so exaggerated?"

"This barbecue ... it's so special, isn't it too pretty?"

"Now I really believe that tender beef is indeed much better than Japanese beef. How does this meat grow out? Should it be so beautiful?"

"Oh my God, I seem to see a miracle."

Before being cut, the whole beef was covered with a layer of roasted golden crispy shells, and as the meat was cut off with a knife, people saw what the meat was like inside.

I saw that the beef has been roasted for so long, but the lines on the meat can still be seen, but the white fat lines in the bright red lean meat have begun to melt and become a drop of fat along the Sliding with the tender meat, the bright red tender beef is lubricious and shiny.

In the shine, a little ruddy liquid appeared, not blood, but myoglobin, which Ye Fei had said before.

A really beautiful piece of beef should be like this. If the barbecue really burns the meat, it is hard to eat.

This whole beef grilled by Ye Fei is just right, just like a top steak.

Long Longlong ran over from behind. After seeing this beef, he drooled and came out. Then he quickly wiped it with his hands, but he couldn't win, so many mouths were flowing.

"The beef in this place should be the best, right? Ye Shen." Longlong insisted on the desire to be happy and asked.

Ye Fei laughed: "Of course, the meat of this part of the beef is actually the famous filet meat. The filet of the filet steak is the meat of this place. It is also the top-level meat of a cow. About 37 percent, it is very precious, and of course it is very delicious, and everyone will understand when they eat it. "

Little Sauron couldn't help but listened to Ye Fei's remarks, and didn't want to wait any longer. He took the meat and put it directly in his mouth, and bite a bitterly.

哧 ~~

As Sauron took a bite, everyone saw a few more gravies from the little guy's mouth.

This scene did not let all the audience go crazy.

"Can't stand it."

"Yeshen, I'm from a western restaurant. Can I get beef from you?"

"Hmm ~~ Is it upstairs who are dreaming? The whole universe of the world doesn't know how many people want to eat Ye Shen's top ingredients. How old are you? You look good?"

"This meat is really too irresistible. God, how can there be such beef in the world? It is definitely not a lifetime to eat a bite ~ ~ How does it taste? Little man." Asked saliva.

In fact, all he asked was nonsense, because Sauron's expression also showed how it tasted.

I saw that the little guy seemed to be intoxicated with the taste of beef, closed his mouth, chewed slowly, and then slowly enjoyed it.

Although these beef still looked bloody, but what made him feel incredible was that he felt a kind of instant entrance after eating it.

With a bite of beef, he felt like he had just chewed a few times, and then it disappeared, turning into a mouth full of gravy, flowing constantly in his mouth, and whenever he went to where, he would All the taste nerves were knocked open, and the taste buds on the tongue cheered for the first time. They absorbed the wonderful taste with great greed, and then spread the feeling brought by this taste quickly throughout the body. , So that the whole person should die happily.

Sauron is not very old, and he has not eaten too many good things, but even so, he also knows that such a delicious food is definitely not on their planet or even their universe. Today he ate it, and it was a big mouthful, and it was an addiction.

"Woohoo ..."

Sauron heard someone asking himself during the live broadcast, but his mouth was full of incredibly beef, and he couldn't talk at all, but he knew he was not polite to answer, so the little boy ran to the table. I picked up a water pouch myself, poured a large bowl of horse milk into my bowl, and groaned all over my neck.

Roast beef with horse milk, this should be how happy life is!

Sauron thought fiercely.

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