The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1773: Tap water for beef, tender and juicy

Man is a sensual animal.

This is true of the Earth, and so is the alien.

Not long after Sauron was born, they started fighting on the planet. He has not stopped since he was ten years old. His mother died in the war. He followed his father in hiding in Tibet to the present.

It can be said that he has not had a good day or even a stable day since the beginning of the war. From his memory, he just ran and ran with his father. They had to run faster than the bombs to survive.

Of course, Sauron didn't run as fast as a bomb. He just had good luck. When the Lord didn't let a person die, the person couldn't die anyway.

Several times, I don't know which side of the magnetic bomb landed next to him and his father, but it didn't explode. Well, don't be too envious of alien technology, they also have defective products.

It can be said that he doesn't know what a happy life is, because this beautiful wish is too far away from him, far enough that he doesn't know that such a life exists.

Until he came to Ye Fei, until he took a big mouthful of roast beef and a large bowl of horse milk wine into his stomach, when the rich meaty flavor and Chunchun wine aroma broke out in his mouth, when they He knew it was a happy life when it was spread all over his limbs.

The children who came out of the war have simple requirements for life. They must be full and warm enough. Obviously, he has reached such a standard, and even far exceeds it. Not only does he have a full meal And it ’s also good to eat. It is a food that many people dream of, even the highest ruler of their universe wants to eat it. He ca n’t eat it and eats it himself. This is an incomparable happiness.

Putting down the wine bowl, Little Sauron raised the plate with both hands. There was still a large piece of beef in it. Obviously Ye Fei gave him more, even if he could n’t finish eating Ye Fei, he would n’t say anything. .

Sauron turned slowly to look at the father who was still in line, and found that his father was also watching him. Both the father and the son laughed. They knew that they would never have to leave the world again. The war hid in Tibet from the Middle East.

Even if Ye Fei refuses to let them follow in the end, they can settle on this happy and peaceful planet. As long as there is Ye God here, there will be no accidents. They firmly believe in this.

Pick up the large piece of beef on the plate again, and a few drops of oil dripped along the meat on the plate. Little Sauron brought the plate to his mouth, and then licked the gravy on the plate to clean it. Again bit a big mouthful of beef.

Still so fragrant, still so tender, still so happy soul.

He originally wanted to answer the question that the mountain cannon is not a cannon, but now people know that this question does not need to be answered at all. Little Sauron has already told everyone the answer with actual actions.

This beef is not only delicious, but it can't be put down at all.

The second person to get beef is Shen Yue. As a girl, she rarely eats meat in order to maintain her figure, but Shen Yue seems to be an exception, or it is impossible for her to maintain her figure at Ye Fei. The temptation of food defeated the psychology of weight loss and firmly prevailed, so she didn't want to lose weight at all.

What about fatness?

If she can really eat such food every day, Shen Yue would rather become a fat man with more than 200 kilograms.

It's just sadness to stay with the youth, but it's definitely a lifetime regret to stay with the stomach.

She didn't want to leave any regrets in her life, and she was very confident that even if she really became a 200-pound fat man, she would not marry.

It is good to be born in Huaxia. The imbalance between male and female is too great. The girl does not have to worry about getting married, let alone she is so beautiful. Even becoming a fat man is a charming big fat man.

Well, Shen Yue thought so, and she did the same, because she didn't care about the image at all, and she did n’t need to have chopsticks in her hands. Like Little Sauron, he took Ye Fei's big beef directly by hand. When he got up, Yu Baihao's teeth bit directly on it, and then his mouth filled with fragrance.

The third is Freelander, who is also a hard-working person. At first, he missed the pregnant woman and killed two corpses. From the moment he started to escape, he thought he was completely complete in his life, but he did n’t expect the turn of the mountain. He became a guest of Ye Fei's live broadcast. Not only was he received by the Queen, but he also delegated important tasks, but he could not talk to Ye Fei until the live broadcast was over.

On the way to escape, he missed the delicious three-point cooked filet mignon in the Michlin Hotel and the sweet wine that can nourish Xintian. When he thought that it would no longer be possible to eat these things in his life, Ye Fei gave him a chance.

Now he not only eats filet beef, but also the world's top beef that everyone admires, and even more top-ranked than Japanese beef. Although the drink has been replaced with horse milk, this horse milk seems to be paired with beef. Come here, the two complement each other so perfectly, it seems that the wine in Mickey's restaurant is no longer the best partner for steak.

Sloan is also the same. As the chairman of a hacker association, he loves these things even more. He is rich. He has eaten the world-famous steak almost. He thinks that eating beef is the most compelling thing in the world.

But now he has overthrown this idea. Those other beefs are very good, but it is only a few streets away from this tender beef. This is the real top-level beef without any adulteration.

A greedy foreigner is very scary. He will stretch out his furry hand, pick up the food, and then press it into his mouth fiercely. It is the best way to eat.

This is what Sloan eats now. He tries to open his mouth as hard as possible, and then pushes a large piece of beef into his mouth fiercely, as if he wants to break his mouth.

But even so, he only bit a third of a large piece of beef. Ye Fei gave it so much that it was absolutely impossible to eat it in one bite.

When the rich gravy was squeezed in the mouth, and when the pure oil opened the door of the taste buds, Sloan chewed slowly and closed his eyes to enjoy the moment carefully. He swears that this is his own The quietest and happiest moment in my life, even if I had received a large order of billions of meters before, it was not perfect at this moment.

"Biu de no, crooked biu de no, God created the steak, God created the tender cow, God created the leaf god, thank God, thank the tender cow, thank leaf god, this is really a miracle, tender and juicy The beef is the most delicious food in the world. I didn't expect to have this food in ancient China. The great Chinese people love tiger oil. "

As he ate this food, he mumbled a little bit ambiguously. He had to say what he felt in his heart, otherwise he felt like he would be suffocated.

It ’s just that this item has equalized Ye Fei and Nenniu. Fortunately, he did n’t make it clear, and he was a little far away from the computer. The audience in the live broadcast room heard the guy eating and crooking. Let them know what the goods are saying, it is estimated that he has to strangle him.

The mouth gun is the most **** person. This girl came to Ye Fei holding a plate and was wearing Ye Fei's big pants. It was almost like a skirt. Then he passed the plate forward with both hands. Hey smile , Said: "Oh God, can you use my knife to cut beef scallions?"

Ye Fei glanced at the two Tang knives behind him, and said to his heart that you were ill. You cut the knife and drew it halfway, and then you lost the cow body. Did you let others eat it?

"Your knife can pick beef bones and keep them for a while."


Ye Fei's mouth ca n’t be spoken by Ye Fei. Foreigners like to eat beef, but they do n’t like yak bones. Foreigners generally discard such good ingredients, and mouth cannons are no exception.

He took the plate with a sullen head, then pouted and left, just taking two steps and jumping around, like a child who would never grow up.

He just forgot that he was holding a plate, and a large piece of beef was placed on the plate. You jump like a rabbit like this, and it ’s so strange if the beef does n’t fall off.

So the mouth cannon was aggressive, looking down at the large piece of beef lying quietly on the ground in front of his feet, he found that the beef seemed to laugh at him stupidly.

Everyone else was laughing and spraying. It's not honest to have your kid eat something. Is the beef gone? Hey, right? If you do n’t eat such superb beef, you will be outraged, but if you eat it ... how do you eat it?

Eating a piece of beef that has fallen to the ground is a technical task.

Fortunately, mouth gun classmates are technical workers in this area.

So everyone watched the cannon slowly bent down, stretched out the orchid finger to pick up the beef from the ground, and then blew the dirt on it, and put it in his mouth very elegantly.

Well, this is how a piece of beef fell to the ground.

Sloan was right next to the mouth gun. The goods looked silly. Looking at the incense eaten by the mouth gun, he couldn't help but said, "Don't you have a knife?"

The mouth gun nodded while chewing beautifully, and asked.

"Why? Do you want to use it?"

Sloan shook his head, then pointed to the remaining four-fifths of big beef in his hand, and said, "Why don't you use the knife to take down the thinly sliced ​​side of the ground before eating? So you just You ca n’t eat mud and small stones, do you think I have a point? ”

Mouth Cannon: "..."

This product has been stunned for a long time ~ ~ Then hurriedly ran to the table and put the plate on the table, and directly stretched out the Tang knife behind it. , Look at the Tang knife and look at the beef, continue to look at the Tang knife and look at the beef ...

After a while, people found that the goods seemed stupid. His head was faster than the motor that shook his head. After shaking for a while, the gun was a little dizzy. He put the Tang sword back behind and rushed to Sloan In front of him, he grabbed Sloan's collar and shouted, "Why didn't you say it just now? I have eaten it in my mouth, oh ~~"

A small stone was sprayed from the mouth of the mouth cannon, fell to the ground, and mumbled and rolled out.

Sloan aggrieved, "I think you should understand this common sense of life, who knows you don't."

Mouth Cannon: "..."

Hemp eggs, dare to wait here for this goods. I just said that he didn't know anything about horse's life knowledge. Now this **** returned to himself on beef.

But ... I don't seem to think about it.

Loosen Sloan's clothes collar, sit on the chair with a cannon, and put the beef on the plate with the ground side up, and then pull out the tang knife to remove the thin layer of the top layer. When he thought he was going to throw it away and was ready to scold, who knew the guy ran to the faucet with the piece of meat and kicked it, opened the faucet and rushed underneath, then gagged directly.

"Um ~~ fresh and juicy!" Praised the mouth gun beautifully.

Everyone is speechless, your sister, can't it be juicy? You ate it as soon as you took it from the faucet.

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