The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1774: Drinking in a large bowl and eating meat in large mouths is what makes life happy!

Have you ever seen roasted beef washed down under running water?

Do you know what it's like?

Is it diarrhea if you eat like this?

If you want to know the answer to these amazing questions, come to Ye Fei Live Room.

Sloan was still curious as he watched the deliciousness of his mouth.

"good to eat?"

He nodded and said, "It's delicious."

"I try too."

"will not disappoint you."

So Sloan also took a small piece of beef, and ran down the faucet and rushed into the mouth.

"how about it?"

"The seasoning washed out."


The audience in the live broadcast made these two guys laugh and laugh crazy. I did not expect that Sloan, who was sullen just now, is also so good. Brother, you obviously have water in your head. What is your IQ? Become the chairman of the hacker association? Are your associations all people with IQs under you? This association is still dissolved, so as not to allow others to hack you.

Ye Fei couldn't help crying or laughing. This is the first time he has seen this way of eating, and only those with cramped heads will do so. Are you tired? If you want to eat such a superb roast beef under the faucet, what flavor does it have?

Although the tender beef itself also tastes good, after all, it is delicious without being roasted, not to mention the tap water on it, what taste is it?

The guy was still curious. He also had the urge to run over and wash a piece, but this uneasy idea made him fly quickly.

If we don't learn from mental patients, then we will become neurotic.

Ye Fei then divided the meat. The elf **** came to him with a smile on his plate and said, "Cut more points."


"I finally came here."

"Don't make trouble, you only went back yesterday. What do you think about two days and two trips? Look at the audience in the live broadcast studio. Who has you to work hard?"

"... Aren't you in danger? I worry about you."

"But I solved the danger myself. Actually you don't use it."

"You ... you little bastard, according to a word on your earth, you are a dog biting Lu Dongbin and don't know people. I am in a hurry like a dog and a rabbit, for whom I am."

"For it!"

Said, Ye Fei roasted whole cattle with one finger.

Spirit God: "..."

Okay, you're right.

The elven **** took as much beef as others and went aside. After taking a few steps, he looked back. He wanted to see if they had more bingo and daxide than themselves. If there were more, then Ye Fei This is without a bowl of water.

Is it easy for you to eat beef elf? If you let others know what he thinks, it ’s definitely fried, the leader of the First Universe, just to want to eat more beef from Ye Fei, and even want to do this kind of indecent thing. .

It turned out that he really found something wrong. Ye Fei's beef for Bingo was obviously much better than that for him. The goods really turned around and killed them.

"Why is he so much?" The Elven God protested, pointing to the beef on the bingo plate.

Ye Fei glanced at him and said, "He is taller than you."

"But not so much."

"He is taller than you."

"Add me a little."

"No, he's taller than you."

"Ah, ah, don't mention that it's okay? High is great, isn't it?"

"He's just taller than you."

"... boy, if it weren't for the superb beef on this plate, I would really like to pat your face with a plate."

After speaking, the elven **** went to the side with a plate depressed.

Bingo saw Ye Fei give himself so much at once, about twenty pounds, and he grinned.

"Brother, I'll say hello in the future.

Ye Feihe said, pointing to the side, that means you can stay aside.

Bingo didn't waste any time. He went aside, and just after he left, Ye Fei muttered, "There are no tender cows on call, and there is only one thing in the universe."

Don't look at Bingo going a bit far. Ye Fei's words are true to him. When he hears this kind of tender tender beef, this one is really left. Now it has become his own plate lunch. Bingo Treasure it even more.

Although Ye Fei gave him twenty pounds at a time, Bingo didn't dare to stutter at all, but a small bite, just like the big girl eating hemp balls, and he got a red handkerchief from time to time.

This made the Elf God look at his toothache, and said, "Doesn't it make me funny? So don't hurry to eat it?"

Bingo didn't look up, "Ye Shen said that there is only one tender cow left in the whole universe. Eat one bite and one less bite."

The elf **** didn't dare to stutter when he heard it, and he also learned to eat bite by bite.

Later, Dakside and Zaya also came over, so did the young Sauron's father. After hearing the news, they all became "elegant".

So there was a strange scene at the scene. In addition to the beautiful lady Shen Yue, a group of rough masters were twitching and eating beef.

After Ye Fei divided the meat for them, they also made a plate. It is impossible to not eat such superb beef, but also eat more.

As a result, he turned around holding the plate and looked at it, almost shaking the plate with beef in his hand, and almost fell to the ground.

"What do you say? The black horse feast requires a large stutter to eat meat, and a large bowl of meat to drink is a happy life. Do you have a toothache?"

Hey, one by one is not that kind of elegant person. What kind of elegance is pretended to show to anyone?

Bingo chewed a piece of shredded toothpick in his mouth carefully and chewed it dozens of times, and said, "Don't you say this is the last tender cow in the universe? Can't you be rude, but have a fine taste. Enjoy slowly. "

Ye Fei: "..."

I rely on it, and the last tender cow, and I ca n’t eat that little bit at a time. As for your head, that piece of meat can be drilled through your teeth without chewing. This meat eats Is there a meaning to Mao?

"Oh, it ’s true that tender beef is the only one, but what you pay for at the banquet is to enjoy the food, not for yourself. You eat this way ... After you finish eating, all the meat there is cold Now, the whole roasted beef should be eaten while it's hot. It won't be good after it's cold. The oil inside will solidify again. The moisture will also evaporate a lot when roasted. The meat will lose its delicious taste, so say you guys It's not taste, it's a waste, you know? "

After listening to Ye Fei saying this, Bingo thought about it, picking up 20 pounds of beef the next moment ... well, this child has n’t eaten it for half a long time, just grind it there, So his piece of meat is no different from just cut.

Pick up the big piece of beef and open it big. Bingo is just one bite. Five pounds of beef is gone.

It wasn't until the really big mouthed meat that Bingo really realized the beauty of this meat.

The golden crust on the outside of the meat is extremely crisp, and even sounds when you bite it. The meaty gravy inside is rich. In this gravy, there is not only meaty aroma, but also a light floral and grassy aroma. This is a very complicated Aroma, very top aroma.

"Guru ~"

Bingo swallowed the beef in his mouth, held up the big wine bowl to be a bowl of cider, and then exhaled.

Others were not polite at the first sight. Eat it, it won't taste good when it's cold, so one by one shakes the cheeks and picks up the big molars and starts to go crazy.

Some foods are suitable for careful tasting and slow enjoyment, such as exquisite Cantonese and southern Fujian dishes, and some foods are suitable for eating fast and delicious, such as uninhibited Mongolian dishes and Northeast dishes.

But the two kinds of eating methods give different sensory stimuli. People who eat small mouths appreciate the dishes you eat, while people who eat big mouths appreciate the way you eat.

Extremely beautiful dishes can arouse people's appetite, but the appearance of eating in large mouths can also cause people's appetite.

This is why many food anchors are abyssal when they eat, and they ca n’t wait to eat all the food on the table in one bite, and then make a crunchy crunch, so that people can see how delicious they are. The unconsciousness drools long.

Ye Fei is posing a blackmailing feast today. The blackmailing feast is to use this bold manner of eating.

You have to know that a roasted whole cow is about a thousand pounds. If all of it is a piece of pork and a piece of pork slowly, this will have to be eaten in the year of the monkey. When you finish eating, it is estimated that the Chinese people will paste the spring couplets, not to mention How about two roasted whole lambs? By the time you finish eating, it is estimated that both lambs have given birth to lambs.

So you have to eat big mouthful. If you want to eat it, you have to eat it even if it is not delicious, not to mention Ye Fei makes such top-quality food?

A few bingos ate this meal, one by one, their mouths were full of oil, especially the big chunks of Daxide. Each person drank at least two pounds, and then chewed with cheeks and chewed with enjoyment. Moving, still occasionally picking up a bowl of sea bowls.

Such a brutal scene ~ ~ Instead of smashing the black horse feast, it made the audience in the live broadcast room unbearable. As Ye Fei thought, his unique style of live broadcast was attractive. Fan's weapon, but he also did not deny that those food anchors who eat food at sea are wrong. After all, it is also a means, and it is also a very good means. If it is not good, there will not be so many high-level cuisines before. Anchor.

Now he uses this kind of live broadcast method in his show, plus top-quality food, it would be really strange if the audience in the live broadcast room can stand up, howling one by one.

"I'll go, Shura battlefield. This is it."

"It's too cruel. Can you be elegant one by one? Ye Shen deceives you."

"Emma, ​​look at me drooling ... sister-in-law, hurry up and get a tissue."

"Hey ~ brother, don't you have to say this sentence? It's easy to get misunderstood, your daughter-in-law quickly take the paper towel ... hahaha, you are trying to laugh at my rhythm."

"It's too fragrant, Dad, don't show me the barbecue stall today, just roast beef at home."

"Do you want to eat beef without showing up? You won't be able to eat eggplant by then."


The live broadcast room was completely messy, and even Jialan couldn't sit still. He was anxious to make a circle in the hall. He really wanted to call the tyrant messenger one or two back and let them cook barbecue for themselves. Nima was too painful.

"Quotas, no, I have to get a quota anyway, even if cheating!"

In the end, Jia Lan made up his mind. He felt that he couldn't wait any longer. That was cruel to himself. He had to start quickly.

After the idea was settled, Jia Lan waited for the draw to begin ...

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