The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1776: My Jia Lan is also a face

Capsizing in a ditch is the most depressing thing. It was a sure thing, but one accidentally failed.

If this happened to someone else, there is no excuse, but the appearance of Jia Lan makes him vomit blood.

It used to be so aggressive, he was surrendered everywhere, he was synonymous with success, but now it is also overturned, and finally the tyrant messenger told Ye Fei that he was bound to win this place.

Several people of the tyrant messenger didn't know what happened. After hearing Jia Lan's words, they were more confused than one, and they were not clear.

"What does the **** mean?" I asked the expression of the tyrant messenger.

Several people in Yanhuang shook their heads, as if we knew as much as you do.

"As far as I understand, God ’s sentence has three meanings. First, he wants to get this quota, and second, he should want to cheat Ye Fei when he draws. Third, we should do these things. "Said Skywalker, groping his chin and thinking.

Redshift laughed: "No matter what the gods mean, he told us to tell Ye Fei, we just did it. I think Ye Fei should know what it means."

"Yes, go."

Several people stood up and got off the rock, then came to Ye Fei's front.

The results of the raffle came out immediately. Ye Fei saw several people coming over and didn't know what they were going to do.

"What's wrong?" Ye Fei asked while looking at them.

The tyrant messenger looked around, and then sucked his nose fiercely, saying in his heart how fragrant it really was, I really didn't want to leave.

I saw that huge roasted whole cow and two roasted whole lambs that had not been eaten. This product secretly swallowed saliva. I just wanted to tell Ye Fei the words of Jia Lan. As a result, I saw Bingo and Elf God All the individuals looked here. He didn't say it. The notice of Jia Lan Shen was not heard by anyone, and if he leaked, he would be punished.

"Ye Fei, come and come, we come here, I have something important to tell you." The tyrant messenger waved at Ye Fei, whispered.

Ye Fei is even more confused, I rely on, what is so mysterious.

But no matter what, you have to wait until the guest quota comes out, and now it comes out immediately, how can you walk away.

"Oh ~ if you're not in a hurry, wait a minute, can you wait until this result comes out?"

"No !!!!"

This one was not spoken by the tyrant messenger alone, but several of the Emperor Yanhuang spoke out in unison.

Wait until the results come out?

At that time, it was also said that the daylily was cold, and the gods wanted this place. When the dust settled, it was too late.

Ye Fei was frightened by a few people. I don't know what these guys draw.

"What the **** is going on here."

The tyrant messenger looked at Ye Fei ’s live broadcast room, and said that he could n’t even say it here. Everyone who knows a little bit about the live broadcast room knows that Jia Lan Shenming wants to cheat you in front of 780 billion people To him? Isn't this ridiculous?

"Cough, Ye Fei, please, time is not waiting, this is really anxious."

Tyrant messengers are almost crying, I rely on, don't grind it, and grind it to fruition.

Ye Fei looked back at the lucky carousel that was about to stop, and looked at some of the tyrant messengers. Finally, he called Duckside over and let him look at the lucky carousel. He followed the tyrant messengers. To the distance.

"Okay, can you say it here?"

The tyrant messenger looked around again, made sure that no one was overhearing, and then let a few people from Yanhuang scatter around to guard against others coming suddenly.

Ye Fei looked even more confused about this battle, Nima, Star Wars? What is this doing? What the **** is so mysterious?

When the Emperor Yanhuang watched all around, the tyrant messenger crouched down and stared at Ye Fei seriously. Well, he was too much taller than Ye Fei, even if he squatted there, he was much higher than Ye Fei.

"I want to tell you a big secret now, I hope you can keep it for us."


As soon as Ye Fei heard this, he immediately called for a halt. He was most afraid of how important these secrets were, and he watched them on movies and televisions a lot.

Passerby A said to Passerby B: I have a big secret to tell you, you must not say it, otherwise we will not survive.

You yell, a broken secret directly gambled on his net worth. Ye Fei wouldn't do it, so he didn't listen decisively.

The tyrant messenger looked anxious. You, my sister, don't listen to us being unable to complete the task.

"Ye Fei, no, Ye Shen, Ye Ye, brother ..."

The messenger of the tyrant screamed with a smile on his face, but just called a variety of names, and Ye Fei heard goosebumps.

Can you imagine an old man who was accompanied by a smiling man with a smiley face and a low-lying sticky man who didn't pay?

Ye Fei almost vomited. He hurried back and rubbed the goose bumps on his body. He said, "Hang Xing Xing, I listen, you speak normally, don't be like this, I'm not used to it."

"Hey, Ye God, the God of Galan sent a message to us just now, let us convey it to you, he wants this place."


Just after a whisper, Ye Fei froze and said, "He wants this place? What do you mean?"

"It's very obvious, Jia Lanming wants to be one of your next live guests."

"But live guests are generated through lotteries. It's no use telling me. It depends on who the lucky carousel can draw, and whoever draws."

"In theory, but isn't this lucky carousel yours?"

"It's mine, what's wrong?"

"Hey ..."

The tyrant messenger didn't speak, just grinning, almost like a super giant baby.

Ye Fei was not able to touch the North with this product, but thought about it and suddenly realized that he was pointing at the messenger of the tyrant. Oh, he looked up, and he looked like he understood.

The tyrant messenger nodded quickly, yes, he is really a smart man, and he just understood with a smile to understand what it means. Otherwise, how can people become famous? This IQ is here, and the ability to observe and watch is too strong.

He was happy, Ye Fei said, "I understand what you mean, do you mean that you want to draw the next guest place yourself? This kind of thing has never happened before, but it is not an exception. If you If you can smoke, you can get Jialan, then I will let you smoke. I won't say it. It's not cheating anyway. "

Tyrant messenger: "......."

Ga ~

The smile on the face of the goods has solidified directly there. I haven't come here for a long time, and my heart says that you're wrong. It's not we who smoke, it's you who smoke.

"Uh ~~ Ye Shen, don't you really understand what I mean?" It took a long time for the tyrant messenger to rub a bit stiff face and asked.

Ye Fei spread his hands and said, "Don't you mean that?"

"I certainly don't mean that. We draw your lucky carousel the same as you do."

"Yes, what on earth do you want to say? Can you just let it go? Don't be mysterious."

Ye Fei is a little impatient. Girl, I'm busy, OK, just follow the blind ball to make trouble.

In the end, the tyrant messenger saw Ye Fei a little angry, and his heart was overwhelmed: "The God of Blues asked us to tell you that he wants this quota. If I am not mistaken, it should be to cheat you when you draw. Keke, it should be like this. "

After speaking, the tyrant messenger did not dare to look at Ye Fei's face, and hurriedly looked up at the sky. There is a bird flying freely in the sky.

Ye Fei stared at the tyrant messenger who looked up and looked at Baiyun, saying, "Are you serious? Is this what he told you to tell me?"

"Um." The tyrant messenger still looked at the sky, um.

Ye Fei turned around and left, ignoring the goods, but returned a few steps, and said, "Can you contact him now?"

Upon hearing this, the tyrant messenger nodded quickly. He thought Ye Fei was going to talk to Jia Lan about the conditions, saying, "Are you going to talk to the gods?"


"Okay, wait a minute."

The tyrant messenger hurriedly contacted Jialan with a communication device.

"God, I have conveyed your words to Ye Fei, but he wants to talk to you. I think it may be to talk to you about the conditions."

There was a dull sound across the communicator, just a hum.

The tyrant messenger hurriedly handed his communicator to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei whispered and took over the communication equipment of the tyrant's messenger. When the tyrant's messenger thought Ye Fei was going to laugh and talk, who knew Ye Fei shouted at the communicator.

"Jia Lan, your sister!"

Tyrant messenger: "......."


The tyrant messenger sat down on the ground directly, and a few people, Yanhuang and Redshift, also sat on the ground.

They never dreamed that the first sentence of Ye Fei and Jia Lan turned out to be swearing. This is Nima's ... that is the God of Jia Lan. No one has ever scolded in this life, no, there are People scold him, but the people who scold him are dead, you you you ... are you tired and crooked?

"Ye ... Ye God ..."

The tyrant messenger hurriedly got up from the ground, reached out and asked Ye Fei for a communicator. Hemp eggs, this call could not be carried out, the first sentence was scolded, the ghost knows what will be said later?

Who knows that Ye Fei didn't give him the communicator at all, but narrowed his eyes with his eyes, and spit out two words in his mouth: "Get off!"

Tyrant messenger: "......."

It was just such an instant of effort. The messenger of the tyrant was completely messed up. He was considered to have completely taken Ye Fei. Did he take the wrong medicine? How dare anyone talk? Now, I have followed Jia Lan Shenming all my life. Whoever met is not polite. Except Jia Lan Shen, who dares to scold yourself? No!

The result now appears one.

But just think about it, it's clear, this girl even dare Jialan dare to scold, what kind of onion he is.

Tyrant messengers don't need the communicator anymore.

"Ye Fei! How dare you scold me?" The voice of Jia Lan growled across the communicator. Well, Jia Lan was also furious. Grandma, I just want a quota, you scold a hammer what.

"Why can't I scold? I scold you, you shameless thing, aren't you a god? Did the **** have you do this?"

"I ... what happened to me? I just want a place."

"Do you want me to cheat if you want a quota? Say! My computer was attacked by an unknown virus just now. Did you do it?"


"Aren't you talking? Isn't it the default?"

"Ahem, Ye Fei, you should understand me, I ..."

"I understand you hammer, you see who has your identity in the live broadcast room? Who has your ability? Who are they attacking my equipment ?! You ah, do you want to cheat this place?"


"You ... if you are in front of me, I must draw you, shame? Shame not? If I say this to the tens of billions of viewers in the broadcast room, you still have face Are you staying in the broadcast room? How do people despise you do you know? "


"Do n’t cough, flu? I tell you, Jia Lan, I Ye Fei respects you as a god, I give you face, I wo n’t say this, but cheating is absolutely impossible, I ’ve already said, The winner of the guest quota is to watch the meal, and God will give it to whomever. Do n’t say I wo n’t cheat, even if I will, I can only do this kind of thing. If I let you know that you have cheated again, I ’m sorry. You're here on earth, and I'll kick you out of the studio! "

After Ye Fei's utter scolding and burying, he thought back and yelled at the communicator: "a lifetime!"

After that, he threw the communicator directly to the tyrant messenger.

Several of the tyrant messengers were all stupid, like little stone men, all stunned and looked at Ye Fei who was sighing and leaving, even when the communicator hit the tyrant messenger, he did not respond.

After Ye Fei left, several talents of the tyrant messenger reacted.

"Fuck, this **** ... he's too stupid, he."

"God curse, this **** scolds god!"

"He's meowing, this is the rhythm of death, even Jialan **** dares to scold him, get him!"

"Fuck your sister, haven't you seen him scolding Jia Lan Shen before getting angry? And it's a matter between him and Jia Lan Shen, if you don't get Jia Lan Shen, if we start here, you believe it We cannot be separated from the First Universe. "

"What then? God is insultable!"

Several of the tyrant messengers have all blown their hair ~ ~ Finally, Yin Yingxia made a suggestion and said, "This matter needs to ask the Jialan gods. After all, the thing that involves Ye Fei is not a trivial matter."

So the tyrant messenger threw the communicator directly to Silver Shadow Man, and said, "You are now the red man in front of the gods. This is for you."

Silver Shadow: "......."

You know, don't talk.

No way, he opened the communicator and said, "God, Ye Fei is not sensible. He offended the **** just now. See if we ..."

Just when Silver Shadow was waiting for the fire of thunder from Jia Lan's god, suddenly he heard Ga Lan laughing.

It doesn't matter if you smile, you will be silly to a few people. They scolded you. Are you still laughing? How can you laugh? Have you been scolded?

Several people muttered in their hearts, but did not dare to speak.

"God, are you okay?" Silver Shadow asked cautiously.

Jia Lan said: "It's okay, this **** is so lawless."

"Yes, I'm tidy." Yin Yingxia hurried to climb the road.

"No, he was right."

"Aha ????"

Silver Shadow Man was aggressive on the spot instantly, I rely on, what is this operation? Is it right to scold you so badly? Brother, solve it, brother doesn't understand.

"People are faithless. This **** is too strict with what he has said, but such a person is my favorite person in Jialan. It is safe to be friends with such people, rest assured, I like it, you tell Ye Fei, I still want to get the quota, but I will not cheat anymore. By regular means, I am also a face-lifter. "



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