The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1777: The little toss is over and the old one starts again

Cheating is not terrible, and it is embarrassing to be found.

For Jia Lan, this is the situation now. I did not expect Ye Fei to find out he was cheating, and ... it seems that he still provided him with the clues.

My head is amused.

However, this quota Jialan is inevitable and must be used in a formal way.

Ye Fei slammed Jialan for a while, and then came back in a breath. He was not afraid of Galan's revenge. This time is not the same as the last time. The last time he met Jialan for the first time, he didn't know himself at all. Now that he has 70 to 80 billion followers in his live broadcast room, and the universe involved is very large, he does not believe that Jia Lan dares to mess up.

Ye Fei said loudly as he walked back: "Is the result out?"

Duckside turned his head and gave an OK gesture to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei hesitated, saying that the learning ability of these aliens is really strong. Where did this guy learn this gesture?

When he came to the computer, Ye Fei looked down and said, "Who is it?"

"A lonely cigarette **** from East Japan."


With that said, Duckside gave way, Ye Fei sat down, and looked at the name pointed by the pointer of the lucky carousel. It was really a lonely cigarette but this was an unfamiliar audience and he was not impressed.

"Congratulations to our lonely **** friends. Welcome to the scene to cook food for everyone in the next issue." Ye Fei said with a smile.

Who knew that he had just finished speaking, the news of a lonely **** came out.

"Thank Ye Shen, but I may not go. I want to sell this quota. I wonder if it is okay?"

Ye Fei froze for a while, but suddenly he nodded and said, "This quota belongs to you now, you have the right to deal with it, don't ask me."

He was really bored. What the **** is going on? Other audiences are willing to sell their homes for one place.

But like he said, it is the freedom of others not to come, and since he has been drawn, this place belongs to him, and he can't control how he handles himself.

Ye Fei can't manage it, but the audience in the live broadcast can manage it.

When seven or eight billion people heard that the lonely cigarette **** was going to sell the number of guest seats in their hands, one by one, they all boiled instantly, all of them were like being beaten with chicken blood, and they were extremely excited.

"Finally, I finally met a guest who sold guests."

"How long? How long has this been, and finally someone comes out and throws a bomb."

"Brother, you are such a good person, God will bless you."

"The news was too sudden, I was not prepared."

"Buy buy buy !!!"

With the message that the lonely cigarette butts are selling guest places, it can be said that many universes in the entire world are out of order.

Tohnoku Country Matsui Group Headquarters.

Baby Matsui said to the secretary next to him after a moment of dread, "Call the finance manager."


"Come on, immediately, immediately!"

Not long after the secretary went down, the finance manager of Matsui Group hurriedly came over.


Baby Matsui was walking around in the house. When he saw the financial manager coming over, he asked directly: "How much money can Matsui Group have now?"

The finance manager was so aggressive that he didn't know what Matsui asked suddenly, but since the president asked, he also had to answer it. He thought about it and said, "The funds that can be mobilized over the headquarters ... .. "

"No, it's the entire group, including the overseas branches."


"Ah, what? How much?"

"There are more than 350 billion on the books, but I don't know how much can be used in reality. You know, many times the transfer of funds is determined according to the actual situation."

Listening to the financial manager saying that the group can mobilize more than 350 billion yuan, the baby Matsui plopped down on the sofa, then stared indifferently at a bottle of red wine on the small table and murmured: "Three thousand How much? More than 300 billion? It may not be enough to buy. "

After hearing this from Baby Matsui, the financial manager turned his head and said to my president, what do you want to buy? More than 300 billion is not enough? Do you want to buy a country? It is no exaggeration to say that more than 300 billion can buy a small country in Africa, okay, what is not enough? The moon?

"President ..."

Baby Matsui waved his hand, his face lonely, and said, "For the time being, let all the funds available to the group don't move. I'm useful. In addition, don't tell this thing, let alone tell the old president.

"But it's more than 300 billion."


Matsui's face stretched, and he gave the finance manager a hard look.

The finance manager was frightened, and he dared not speak, and hurriedly retreated.

When the financial manager went out, Baby Matsui stretched his arms, leaned back on the sofa, raised his head, and said, depressed, "It seems that the strength is too weak. Only such aliens can play such games. get up."

The secretary was careful: "President, you ... would you like to buy this guest place for Ye Shen?"

Baby Matsui said with a hum, "I want to buy if I have a family."

"But now ..."

"Now you don't have to think about it, more than 300 billion is absolutely not enough, not to mention the highest rulers of other universes, even the big executives of the planet can also kill me. It seems that only Rhodes can play this game. But he could n’t play again. After all, he went to Ye Shen several times to participate. According to Ye Shen ’s rules, a person can only have at most twice. Hey ~ Can I borrow some money from Rhodes? "


Listening to Baby Matsui, I was looking for someone else to borrow money. The secretary almost sat on the floor, Baby Matsui. However, the president of Matsui Group, which has more than 300 billion yuan in assets, was looking for someone else to borrow money?

The key is that the reason for borrowing money is too strange. He borrowed money for a big meal. If the reason is to let others know, he can't chin down?

"President, think twice," the secretary reminded.

Baby Matsui waved his hand and said, "Pour me a glass of wine."

The secretary hurriedly picked up the red wine on the table and poured a glass for Baby Matsui. Baby Matsui took the glass and drank it, and then let the secretary go out. Then he took out his mobile phone and found a phone number and pressed it.

"Hello, Brother Rhode, why?"

Well, Matsui still called Rod on the phone.

Rhodes was still more depressed than him at this time, and it was entirely possible to fight for his strength, but he had already participated twice and there was no third time.

"Rhod, don't be discouraged, although Ye Shen said that an audience can only participate at most twice, but did not say that a family can only participate twice, we can let other people in the family go." Rhodes grandfather Rose comforted .

Rhode nodded, and that was the only way.

"Grandpa, who in the family is more appropriate?"

This candidate must obey the arrangement of the old Ross, because they go to Ye Fei to participate in the live broadcast is not simply eating food, but to contact as many aliens as possible, strive for their friendship, and then casually fish a little Alien technology has been enough for their family to take off for a while.

Just like the broken tire that Rhodes brought back last time, they are now in mass production. It can be said that the business is booming, and its wear-resistant, pressure-resistant, and puncture-resistant characteristics are not comparable to the tires on earth.

Many well-known auto companies around the world have already cooperated with them. They can just lay down and make money. This is the benefit of participating in Ye Fei Live.

Taste the sweetness, so the Rothschild family is more interested in Ye Fei's live guest quota. As long as someone sells it, it is bound to win.

Old Rose thought for a moment with his eyes closed, and suddenly opened his eyes, and said, "Let's go."


Rhodes almost slipped off the sofa. I depended on it. Grandpa turned out to think about it for a long time, but it was right to think about it. Grandpa had longed for Ye Shen's food, especially after eating Ye Shen in his family. After the meal made with ordinary ingredients, it was even more coveted by the gourmet cuisine made by the best ingredients. The old man was trying to get a chance for himself for a long time.

"Oh, grandpa, your body ..."

"My health is fine, besides just going to Ye Shen for a meal, but not fighting, no problem."

"Will other people in that family agree?"

"Well, I'm the patriarch. They haven't had the right to oppose it. That's it. I'll go. You can raise money now and prepare for the auction."

"it is good."

Rhode had no choice but to stand up to raise money, but at this time the baby Matsui called.

Many cattle on the earth have long established a business circle, and they also have numbers with each other, but he can't figure out why Baby Matsui called himself at this time.

"Mr. Matsui?"

"Mr. Rhode ~ ~ Emergency."

"Uh ~ what's going on? Has Matsui encountered any difficulties?"

"It's not that the group has encountered difficulties. It's me. I'm in trouble. I also asked Mr. Rhodes to give a helping hand. Matsui will never forget."

"What the **** is it? So serious, don't worry, say slowly."

So Baby Matsui talked about the idea of ​​wanting to borrow some money, but after he finished speaking, he found that there was no sound across the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Rhode, are you listening?"

Rhodes: "..."

"Oh, I'm listening."

"Mr. Rhodes, as long as it can be 100 billion and 100 billion, I can produce so many if I can succeed. Daen Dade is memorable."


Rhodes said that I was borrowing a hair. I didn't want to go alone. My grandpa wanted to go too. I lent the money to you. What should my grandpa do?

Choosing between grandpa and baby Matsui, of course, Rod still chooses old Ross.

"Mr. Matsui, I'm very shy, I can't borrow money."

"Why? Isn't Mr. Rod in trouble?"

"Yes, without telling you, our family is working hard for this place, so ... sorry."

Baby Matsui: "... No, haven't you been there twice? It's boring to fight again."

"Not me, but my grandpa."


Baby Matsui hung up the call silently, and threw the mobile phone on the sofa, and then stared at a huge chandelier overhead, muttering: "Oh, what a small toss! Now, I have no chance at all. "


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