The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1784: 1 Definitely make Ye Shen poor

Ye Fei first boiled several kinds of ingredients with boiling water, then added an appropriate amount of water to the saucepan, and paused when he was about to put goat bones in it, because there is a place in this place that needs attention.

"According to our usual concept, mutton smells like we need **** slices, but **** soup ca n’t be used in this soup. Does anyone know why? You can let Shan Pao or some other friends who grab the microphone tell me, Guess right, there are rewards. "Ye Fei said with a smile.

As soon as Ye Fei said that there was a reward for guessing it, the audience in the live broadcast got excited. They all knew that Ye Fei's reward would definitely not be ordinary, even if he rewarded you with a carrot. Know how much it is.

The audience rubbed their hands one by one, racking their brains and thinking, and the results came out in a mess.

"Brother Shan Pao, tell me about Ye Shen. The reason why he does not release **** is because Ye Shen does not like to eat ginger."

"Brother Shan Pao, please tell me, too much **** is not good, so Ye Shen kept it."

"Brother in the world, tell me, tell Ye Shen that **** is easy to fart if you eat too much ginger."

"Quicksand, please help me first ask what is ginger, why haven't I seen it?"

"Quick sands and quicksand, quickly tell Ye Shen my answer. Will **** slices come out of ginger?"


The answer was a wonderful one. At this moment people discovered that everyone's brain circuits are different. They are just twists and turns, how they think.

The mountain cannon is not a cannon, and the audience who grabbed the microphones all over the world was ridiculed by this group of guys, and they said one by one. The answer is so funny. How many brain cells did you use? What's even more ridiculous is the guy who eats **** and produces **** slices. What the **** is God sending us to make us happy?

Ye Fei heard that eating all over the world and Shan Cannon was not the answer that the cannon conveyed to him. This guy laughed and went directly under the table. Hey, all of them are talents.

Shen Yuexiao's roasted whole cows did not eat, squatting with their stomachs covered in tears.

Long Longlong did not eat after dozens of mouths, cracked and smirked.

Even the people including Duckside and the Elves were all ridiculed by the audience.

At this time, Kurokawa Taro said, "Brother Shan Pao, please tell me the answer. My answer is absolutely correct. The reason why **** is not added to this soup is because it is not good to eat ginger, thank you. "

Hill Cannon is not a cannon: "..."

"I thank your sister, is this the answer? It ’s not good to eat ginger. You ask the Chinese viewers, the viewers in other countries, and even the viewers in your country. How many people agree with you? You are A serious nonsense. "

Ye Fei also heard that Shan Pao was not swearing at Kurokawa Taro, and the snot bubble that laughed was almost coming out.

Finally, forcing himself to stand up and waved his hands, "Don't guess, guys, let me just say it."

I can't guess this. I finally got a question. As a result, if you look at these answers, this is the same as the primary school students answer the questions on the test paper.

Q: How many chickens are five chickens plus four chickens?

Answer: A group of chickens.

Can you talk about this?

Therefore, Ye Fei did not let them guess, and pointed directly to the horse meat next to him, saying: "Because of this meat, although horse meat is a nutritious meat, it should not be eaten with ginger, which may cause throat discomfort. , So we will use other ingredients to remove the odor, that is, white radish. "

That's right, the answer is so simple. Ye Feixun thinks that there are many chefs in the live broadcast room. He should understand this truth. I didn't expect that no one guessed. This should be related to the fact that many people do not eat horse meat.

The audience was all clear at the hearing. This question was very confusing. Ye Fei first picked up the sheep bones and then asked everyone why they didn't add ginger. Everyone's attention was on the sheep bones, without considering other ingredients.

"Okay, we will continue to answer questions if there are any more questions in a while. It's still the old rule. I guess there is a prize."

Talking, Ye Fei put the goat bones into the stewpot, cut a white radish into pieces, and then added onions, garlic cloves, cinnamon and other spices to start the stew. Wait until the stewed aroma is not simmered. When it tastes, this is just a few other ingredients processed and put together and stewed.

This soup is actually simple and simple. It is mainly to cook together. It is difficult to say. It is difficult to pay attention to several matters, especially horse meat and **** cannot be stewed together. These problems have been solved. The next thing is step by step.

Stewed with five animal soup in the pot, Ye Fei was not idle, but started to make the last gourmet dish, which is mutton ramen.

This dish is actually not invented by the Monei people, but by the old Kyoto people. This is a very classic Kyoto food, so why does it appear on the black horse feast?

This is related to the history of Monnet.

The Mongolians once ruled the world, and most of them were Kyoto, and most of them are now Kyoto.

The capital is here, and the food here is bound to be introduced into the palace, and this lamb noodle is just in line with the eating habits of the Mongolian people, so it was slowly accepted by the Mongolian people and became a very popular one. Good food, this will be presented to the feast when blackmailing the feast.

Mutton noodles is a very simple cuisine, which has the same effect as shredded noodles and mutton stewed noodles.

Slice the lamb, add the shallots, **** and cilantro, and pour in soy sauce salt and MSG.

Add boiling water to the stove and boil, then add the noodles or noodles to the boil. After the water is boiled, put the marinated lamb slices and turn it on again to turn off the heat. At this time, the lamb is cooked and not rotten. Tender and juicy.

It's that simple.

Although Ye Fei made this lamb ramen noodles last, it was made much earlier than Wujutang. After all, stewing soup is not a matter of time and a half, and it takes time.

"Okay, grilled whole cow and grilled whole lamb, and some other dishes. Let's eat mutton ramen and wait for the five animal soup."

Talking, Ye Fei took several sea bowls, and each person filled a bowl full of lamb noodles.

Just waiting for Shen Yuesheng, Ye Fei thought about changing a small bowl, afraid that the girl couldn't finish eating, after all, so much other food just eaten.

As a result, Shen Yue quit, saying that Ye Fei was stingy and refused to let her eat, and finally Ye Fei replaced her with a bowl of the sea.

Ye Fei made noodles is absolutely a must. He has n’t known how many noodles he has made for so long, what kind of noodles, biangbiang noodles, broadsword noodles, lamb stew noodles, stick noodles, ramen, etc. He's almost done with the noodles, and the lamb noodles must have been made.

The clear soup had an oil star floating on it, and large slices of mutton undulated in the soup. The strips of white and tender noodles were like silverfish, and the scattered green cilantro leaves were just right. Occasionally there were one or two goose yellows in a bowl. The color of the **** shreds makes the whole bowl of noodles more appetizing, not to mention the strong aroma.

When the hot scent of fragrance rushed into the nostrils, several guests at the scene almost sweated.

After holding the sea bowl and taking a sip of soup, the hot noodle soup entered the stomach along the throat, raising the already high temperature inside the stomach again, and the sweat of several people could no longer be hidden. A moment rushed out along the sweat pores.

"Look, fun! I like to drink noodle soup the most." Longlong held the sea bowl in both hands, shaking his head and sighing in admiration.

Everyone else is speechless. Your sister said in the morning that she likes to eat charcoal dumplings the most. She just said that she likes blood sausages. Now she says she likes noodle soup. It seems that there is nothing you can eat in the world. of.

But don't say that this hot soup is really refreshing, especially when you have eaten so much meat just now, drinking a relatively light bowl of noodle soup can have a good degreasing effect.

Originally, Sauron and Shen Yue had almost eaten. As a result, they drank a few mouthfuls of noodle soup, and each one was a little bit choked.

Noodle soup noodles, drink soup first, then eat noodles.

After drinking a few mouthfuls of soup, a few people felt the hot and fragrant flavor, and they even looked forward to the noodles in the bowl.

Use chopsticks to pick up a few slim slugs and eat them in the mouth. The kind of bouncing texture, the unique frosty fragrance in the snow instantly explodes in the mouth, once again makes the taste buds dance and the taste nerves fall.

Grunt grunt ...

No one was talking at the scene. A group of people were suffocating with their heads in the sea bowls, and Shen Yue and Xiao Sauron and Yang Ling and Qian Mo were all sulking, and their noses were sweating. There is also a fine layer of sweat beads on the forehead.

"Hemp eggs, never thought that things that aren't meat can also make such delicious food, it's really a trip." Yang Ling put the sea bowl on the table and rubbed his stomach.

"You don't know him yet? As long as it is a kind of ingredient, he can make food for you to make your dreams drool. I think this bowl of noodles is more enjoyable than roast whole cows. Why? Anymore? "

Seeing Yang Ling rubbing his belly there, Qian Mo asked with a smile.

The sheep waved their hands and said, "Eat, if I can't, I have to eat, but I have to slow down and digest it."

Little Sauron also finished eating a large bowl of noodles. The little guy sat down on the big diamond chair and said nothing. His little hands kept rubbing his belly, but his eyes were still staring at the gourmet tongue on the table. Lick your lips.

Shen Yue let everyone see what is called a shawl to keep the eyebrows, a small bowl of sea-like bowl, and this girl has finished eating a large bowl. After eating, she has n’t stopped yet, she ran directly to the roast beef and cut a plate. The beef was slowly eating ~ ~ This scene directly made many rough men in the live and live broadcasts look dumbfounded, especially sheep zero, this goods felt a bit hit, he was an alien Ah, his meal is not small, but why is it being suppressed by a beautiful girl now? So inferior.

When Qianmo saw the embarrassment of Yangling's face full of laughter, he laughed and said, "You are in a good position, Miss Shen Yue can crush you, don't talk about knowing me in the future, shame."

Having said that, Qian Mo took up the bowl of the sea and asked Ye Fei for another bowl of lamb noodles.

Even Sauron picked up a plate and made some lamb.

She was so depressed, rubbed her belly, and then stood up, holding a plate, and came to the front of the roasted whole lamb. Just as Dakside ripped off a leg of lamb, it was shouting. This shouted: "Ad, give me two pounds of lamb."

Druckside glanced at him, and tore the other leg of lamb to him, and said, "There should be five pounds of meat on it, not enough."

Sheep Zero: "..."

Nima, can I have two catties, how can I finish so much? Even two pounds is probably enough, shouldn't I have to give myself a long face? Why aren't you so good?

"Enough ... enough."

Having said that, the sheep came back depressed with a lame leg.

Just when Qian Mo saw this scene, this product laughed so well that the bowl of the sea in his hands fell to the ground.

"Eat, eat more, do n’t know where the next meal will be after eating this meal, do n’t waste this opportunity, be sure to give Ye Shen poor, eat it, or else I ’m sorry for our travel expenses . "Qianmo encouraged.

Yang Ling gave Qianmo a glance, and then compared his **** fiercely!

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