The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1785: If he doesn't leave, the little nurse in our hospital will be taken away again.

Qian Mo's wish was lost.

They do n’t say they eat poor Ye Fei. Ye Fei ’s lamb noodles are enough for them to eat. In addition to other foods, a few ordinary guys will lie down on the chair after eating. Does not move.

Only Dakside and Zaya, as well as Bingo and the Elven God, were still enjoying themselves.

Ye Fei sat in front of the computer and turned back with a smile and looked at the four demi-gods with oily faces, especially the elf gods. Ye Fei is still thinking about that problem. This girl is also average in shape and has no stomach. Big, how can he eat so much?

I saw an elf **** with a roasted lamb leg in his left hand and a bull leg in his right hand. He opened the bow from left to right and stuffed it into his mouth, just like the starving ghost gave birth, but it was eaten like this.

"A man of God is indeed a man of God."

In the end Ye Fei could only use this sentence to evaluate the elf god.

"Okay, my friends, today's banquet food is done, and the food is almost the same. Next, we have four more guest places to draw, and we will do it in a hurry."

When the audience in the live broadcast heard Ye Fei saying that the last four lucky viewers would be pumped out in a rage, one by one, they couldn't get excited. The winning rate seemed to be higher than the one drawn.

"I always have one of the four places?"

"Non-sense, don't look at your point from head to toe like winning."

"You won't be able to make a lot of mistakes without winning."

"Pump me pump me pump me ..."

"Nima egg, you are forcing Laozi to flesh you, are you still in the end? Brushing presence and brushing addiction?"

Looking at the chaotic live broadcast room, Ye Fei smiled, and then turned to look at Yang Ling and Qian Mo, and smiled: "I say a few, who are the four guests behind you who are tired?"

The sheep had two legs straight, two arms straight, and he lay half-lying on the large diamond chair. He said nothing, but pointed weakly at Qianmo.

And Qianmo couldn't be better. The goods sat there and kept suffocating. Drinking two bowls of horse milk was useless and couldn't stop.

He pointed his finger at sheep zero and said: "Sheep ... 嗝 ...... 嗝 嗝 ...... Goat Zero, he ... 嗝 ..... ... he ... hmm ... "

Ye Fei hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Okay, just stop snoring before you talk."

Qianmo was depressed: "Stop ... 嗝 ...... 嗝 嗝 ...... Live."

Shen Yue and little Sauron couldn't help laughing.

Longlong is also full at this time, don't look at his mouth, but there is only one belly, and he can't hold it hard. He is also swollen with belly, and the mouth above is stretched into a circle.

What he wanted to say, but just opened his mouth, quickly covered his mouth with his hands, and shook his head.

Freeland and Sloan sat side by side and didn't want to move.

Finally, this glorious and arduous task fell on the mouth gun.

He came to the computer with a smile, and before he sat down, he practiced in front of the computer. He punched and kicked, and the ghost didn't know which boxing method he could not understand. Anyway, he played very hard. leather.

After warming up, he jumped up with a spout, and then dropped from the air, sitting directly on a plastic stool in front of the computer.

Ye Fei looked startled in the back, shouting collapsed: "Be careful of the chair."

This is a gift from Lao Han. Although it is very strong, it can't stand such a toss. A living person with a weight of more than 100 kilograms fell from such a high level and hit the stool directly.

It turns out that Ye Fei still underestimated the plastic stool that Lao Han sent. It was really too strong.

The cannonball jumped down so high, the stool was all right, just slid backwards.

"Yeshen, rest assured, I have a spectrum in my heart." Mouth cannon turned back to Ye Fei and said OK.

Ye Fei was not angry: "You have a hammer score, so hurry up. The audience in the live broadcast will be scolding again."

When the live broadcast room came out, many children screamed and hurriedly closed their eyes, and even many adults stunned involuntarily.


Because the mouth gun is really too long, except for a pair of big pants, the skin on the body is hollow, as if the dirt road has been run over by the car several times.

In fact, this really can't be resentful. Sometimes he was very depressed when talking about it. Before he became famous, he was just a lunatic. Later, he got cancer, and he was about to hang up. He came out and said he could save him. So the goods went with others.

Who knows where to go is used as the object of biochemical experiments. Although he finally ran out, a fire also burned this guy beyond recognition. Fortunately, he got super powers, otherwise he would definitely die.

"Hi ~ Handsome brothers, pretty sisters, do you miss me?"

Sitting in front of the computer, I did n’t do anything. I started playing tricks on the computer first. The audience in the live broadcast room rolled their eyes. Yeah, it ’s one of them. It ’s just like you, we ’re also You can only think of you when you have nightmares.

"Don't be poor, talk fast and smoke."

"Just, don't scare the kids, the lottery matters."

"If it weren't for the face of this guest room, I would really like to turn off the computer."

"Bitch, pump!"

In the face of the audience's scolding, the mouth shot was the same as the one who did not scold him. This product held his chin in both hands and crooked his head and made a face at the audience in the live broadcast room. As a result, the audience scolded even more.

I ca n’t watch this product without making faces, and making faces again, there are really a few children crying in the studio.

"Cannonball, your sister!"

"Crash, so many people at the scene can not afford to pump, because Mao Fei wants to bring this product? My son's baby bottles have been scared away."

"Spear brother, please let my son go. Children can't stand the shock."

The live room was a mess again.

Mouth Cannon seemed to be very satisfied with the result. Just a few moments later, Ye Fei's voice came from the side.

"You have more to do? Hurry up and stop playing."

Ye Fei knew that he had to train this guy, otherwise he would n’t be able to sit here until it was dark because of his personality.

Sure enough, after listening to Ye Fei roaring, his mouth gun quickly grabbed the mouse, and then on the page of the live broadcast room, he frantically clicked and howled.

"Oh, oh, can't click, can't click, little Sauron, tell me why you can't click? So depressed, why can't you click? Ye Shen, why?"

"Because your guilty!"

Ye Fei couldn't help it. He suddenly found out that letting the lottery draw be a big mistake. This guy took the draw as a game and was excited to play with the mouse here.

"Thank Ye Shen for the praise, sword, sword, sword! South sword North sword East sword West sword Up sword Down sword Left sword Wood sword Iron sword Gold sword Silver sword Big sword Soft sword Hard sword Red Orange Yellow Green Rainbow sword! Sword The sword is my sword !!! "

Ye Fei: "..."

All guests at the scene: "..."

Audience in the broadcast room: "..."

Ye Fei squatted down while covering her face directly, hemp eggs, met a patient with advanced neuropathy, how did you sing, what a point.

The audience in the live broadcast room is going to explode. Ye Fei has not seen such a shameless person for so long since it was broadcast. Are you a bastard?

Whatever it is, this sword and that sword, we don't think you are cheap!

The mouth gun ignored the crowd at all, still holding the mouse and slamming at the blank space in the live broadcast room.

When he ordered Zhenghuan, he suddenly drew from a large slap beside him.

Snapped! !!

Grunt ...

Everyone saw the mouth gun disappear from the front of the computer.

Drakside's chest was undulating, pointing at the mouth gun that rolled out more than ten meters on the ground and said, "If I haven't eaten today, I can slap you directly into outer space to you. Believe it or not? "

Yes, Ade is very angry.

If you talk about the lottery, you should draw a lot of money. What do you spend so much work on, and one sword to the right and one sword to the left? You are cheap.

Mouth gun groaned up from the ground, pulled out two Tang swords directly, pointed at Duckside and shouted, "You hit me?"

"I hit you!"

"Come and come, let's know that I know Lao Tzu ...


Grunt ...

Before he could say a word, a big slap came over from the other side, and the goods rolled out more than ten meters away.

Zaya glared at her big eyes and stared at her mouth, which once again got up, and said, "Do you want to fight?"

Mouth Cannon: "..."

This product is a bit stubborn, let alone the Daxside and the Zaya brothers. He can't even do one, but they don't want to kill him easily.

But now these two big guys are standing together. The mouth cannon has no chance of winning. In the end, even if they are not dead, they must be demolished by the two.

"I don't know anything about giant babies."

After speaking, the two Tang knives were stolen again, and they would sit in front of the computer and continue to play with the mouse. As a result, Qian Mo sat down while shaking his body.

He was also stunned by the mouth gun. He knew that if this guy was allowed to pump again, it was estimated that he would have to repeat the previous procedure. Ye Fei could not broadcast this live broadcast, so Qian Mo almost came to the rescue with a sense of bloating of.

"Ye Shen ... 嗝 ... I'll do it ... 嗝 ... Is it OK?"

Ye Fei laughed: "Of course."

Qianmo is not as boring as a cannon. Although it took a long time to pick up the mouse, he finally turned the lucky turntable.

Seeing that the lucky turntable turned, the audience in the broadcast room also collectively automatically passed over what had just been said, and one by one began to silently pray for themselves again.

The lucky carousel stopped, Ye Fei saw the guest's name, the corner of the mouth of the goods was drawn, bald?

He wondered. Isn't the bald strong one in Yinzhou First People's Hospital? Are you still in the hospital to watch the live broadcast?

In fact, Ye Fei really regrets sending his bald head to the People's Hospital ~ ~ If he is still here, he will let Dakside or Zaya directly cure him.

He all planned to wait until the end of the live broadcast, let the Ferris wheel to take over the bald head, and then let Dakside or whoever shot it.

However, after thinking about it, the thought was dispelled again. He wanted to wait until the next issue of Jialan to make Jialan's shot more secure. After all, it was his brother's life. Ye Fei had to choose the most secure method.

In a VIP ward of the inpatient department of Yinzhou First People's Hospital, a wolf-like voice came out.

"Woohoo ~ I, I, I, it's me, hahaha, Xiaoqian, did you see it? It's me, I won the prize, and I will participate in the next live broadcast of Fei Ge."

The bald head jumped up from the bed in excitement, and waved the mobile phone in his hand to a little nurse beside him.

The pretty little nurse hurriedly forced her bald head to hold it, and said, "Brother, you can't move now. Be careful the wound is cracking."

The bald head threw the mobile phone to the bed, then gave the little nurse to the landlord, and the big mouth kissed him severely.

At this moment, Xiang Feiying came over. He had intended to come and see how the bald head was strong. After all, he was Ye Fei's friend, and he was still very interested.

As a result, when I arrived at the door, I saw this scene. Xiang Fei's face was full of anger and his face was green. He immediately called out and called Ye Fei.

"Yes God!"

"Hey ~ Dean Xiang, what's the matter?"

"Please get rid of that light head immediately, I beg you."

"Uh ~ what's going on?"

"He, he ... he won't leave the little nurse in our hospital and he will be taken away!"

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