The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1786: I would rather have a neurosis than a her!

Xiang Feiying really was about to collapse.

He did not expect that the bald head had already taken one of their hospital nurses, but now he was not reconciled and started to start again.

What a special man is this.

The bald head strong and the little nurse also heard Xiang Feiying's voice. The two turned their heads and saw that the old skin on Xiang Feiying's face was exploding with anger, and they quickly released.

"Dean." The little nurse screamed with a bowed head and hurried out.

The bald head looked at Xiang Feiying with a smile, and said, "Dean Xiang, why are you here this time?"

Xiang Feiying held back, "If I come a little later, will you be doing live-fire exercises?"

Bald Strong:"......"

I didn't expect Xiang Feiying to suddenly say such a sentence. After a moment of stun, Haha laughed, but the smile touched the wound, and he went to the bed covering the wound.

Xiang Feiying glanced at his strong head, and never even went up to ask the situation. He said that your boy deserves it, so that you can come to the hospital to harm our little nurse. Why do you treat us here as a love camp?

However, Baldhead has been covering his stomach in bed. Hey, hey, how could Xiang Feiying be right? Do n’t really get into trouble anymore. This is the brother who has been a bullet for Ye Fei. If he really has a problem in the hospital He could not explain to Ye Fei.

"Is your kid really fake?" Xiang Feiying asked in front of the bed.

The bald head didn't speak, but he still covered his wounds and shouted.

As soon as Xiang Feiying didn't see this, he hurriedly called and called a nurse, and arranged for two sentences to go out.

After Xiang Feiying left, the bald head looked up and said with a smile: "Xiao Qian ... Xiao ... Well, who are you?"

Bald head looked up, and saw in front of himself a five-three-three-thick man in a nurse's suit, almost rolling the guy out of bed.

When the male nurse asked his bald head and asked himself, he hurriedly said, "Hello brother, my name is Wang Meng. This is a new male nurse from the hospital. The director specially asked me to take care of you, and said that the female nurse has less strength and has some things to do. Not coming."

Bald Strong:"......"

Hemp eggs, little strength? Some things can't be done? whats the matter?

"You go, let Xiao Qian come over."

Bald strong depressive vomiting blood, how awkward and unemotional a big man would let a male nurse take care of him, what's the point of living in this hospital.

"Brother Qiang, sorry, Xiao Qian was sent to another ward. Do you have any needs? I can meet you." Wang Meng said with a smile.

He also knew this was Ye Fei's iron buddy. He didn't dare to offend at all, so he tried to smile as bright as possible.

The bald head looked at Wang Meng, who was five big and three thick, but he really wanted to punch him in the face.

"No, no, you meet me with a woolen yarn, and wait to go!" Bald head strong covered his head directly with a quilt, said depressed.

Wang Meng was not angry, but still smiled and nodded: "That way, Qiang, I'm standing next to you, you can talk if you have any questions."

The bald head shouted and lifted the quilt. He shouted, "Xian Feiying, you old **** is disgusted with me, isn't it? Give Xiaoqian back to me! It's okay for me to change to a female nurse, I have no opinion in my forties, can you send a male nurse? "

Not far from the ward, Xiang Feiying grinned hummingly after hearing the bald-headed sorrow, just like a well-crafted old fox.

"Sample, I ca n’t believe that you people ca n’t be cured. In order to deal with you, I have deliberately recruited a few male nurses, which are specially prepared for you. Now you will vomit blood and go, uh hum Huh ~~~ "

After whispering, Xiang Feiying hummed with his back and left.

Ye Fei didn't know that Baldhead was being "treated" in the hospital, and he asked Qianmo to draw the sixth lucky audience.

Just now, I said that we should pull out the remaining four lucky guests in a spirited manner and speak well.

Qianmo picked up the mouse and continued to click the lucky dial, this time faster than before, the lucky dial then rotated.

After a moment, the fifth lucky guest was born, which surprised Ye Fei that he was still an earth person and an acquaintance.

Alley House veteran superstar Stallone!

As soon as the pointer pointed to his own name, Stallone's reward came out. Although they were all luxury items, they were numerous and unambiguous.

He now admires Ye Fei's admiration to the point where he can reach the level of five bodies, dare to die and even the dazzling achievements of Five, let alone the black widow's script that Ye Fei gives him is ecstatic, especially those who are in front of him. Yi Liang's props and character modeling, he believes that the release of this movie will definitely cause a huge sensation.

And he heard Ye Fei say that this is just the beginning. If the audience responds well, there will be more superhero movies in the follow-up, it seems to be a series.

Stallone actually has a lot of ambitions. Don't look at the age, but his ambition is undiminished.

He is very clear about the current situation of the earth. Now that he knows the existence of aliens, he is wondering if such a superhero movie can be played to aliens after being filmed. Of course, this matter has to be Ye Fei from the middle. Only matchmaking, he is not that able to deal with aliens.

And if it is really possible for aliens to accept such a movie, then Stallone would not dare to think of the benefits brought by this movie, saying that the pots are full of modesty, and it is possible to make the pot full.

In fact, Ye Fei also wanted to meet Stallone. First, he wanted to know about the shooting situation of Black Widow, and the other was to understand the situation of Tian Xinlan. After all, he was an old friend. You gave directions to others, and you ca n’t take others Leave it on the road and leave it alone.

"Congratulations to Stallone's friends, I look forward to the next show." Ye Fei said with a smile.

Styron sent a message: "Yes, I'm going now."

Ye Fei: "..."

I rely, should you be so anxious? Something?

Is there anything to wait until Stallone arrives, Ye Fei yelled, and then asked Qianmo to draw the seventh lucky guest.

When Ye Fei took the seventh lucky guest, in the distant starry sky, there was a huge palace floating in the Angel Nebula.

The palace was made of huge pieces of white jade, and it was shining in the starry sky.

Numerous beautiful women with white wings and weapons in their hands are flying and patrolling around the palace.

In the palace, facing the gate, there is a white throne, and on the throne sits a beautiful heartbreaking woman.

On the left side of this woman, a beautiful woman with golden hair in a blue-bottomed gold flower armor stands quietly, and on the right is a silver-haired and blue-eyed woman who is equally beautiful standing and groaning.

At this moment, the three women were looking at a huge floating screen in front of them.

"We have to find a way to win a place. After all, that **** of Liangbing got one. If she went to Ye Fei and got Ye Fei's support, it would be a disaster for our Angel Nebula." The woman in the middle He said with a serious expression.

"My queen, your idea is good, but you don't look at how many people there are in this kid's live broadcast room. Now they have gone 100 billion, which is many times more than the people in our angel galaxy. , And the chance of getting a place is almost one in 100 billion, do you think it is easy? "The pretty woman on the right said with a smile.

The middle queen glanced at her and said, "Hexi, there are certain things that have a chance only if they are won. Otherwise, we can just watch others walk in front of us."

Hexi laughed: "How are you going to fight for it?"

"Open the Skyblade database and hope to be able to control Ye Fei's live broadcast equipment." Said the beautiful queen.

"Are you sure?" Hexi asked.

The pretty queen nodded: "This is our only chance. If we want to suppress the cold ice, this is the only means. We used to be alone, even if we could not win Ye Fei's support, at least we must keep him neutral.

"Let's get started." Hexi's voice suddenly said a little slyly.

Ye Fei didn't know about the endless void. He was waiting for the lucky carousel to stop and see who the seventh lucky guest was.

Suddenly, a voice came from the system in my mind: "The computer system is under unknown attack again, and the computer system is under unknown attack again."

Ye Fei: "..."

The goods almost jumped up, and I said to the power, that all of them were so painful? Can't we compete as fair as these ordinary people? Is it interesting to attack my computer at every turn?

"Can you stop it?" Ye Fei asked in his heart.


"Hoo ~~ That's fine."

Ye Fei made a sigh of relief, just to ensure that the lottery was not affected.

Angel Nebula.

The pretty queen's body suddenly trembled, her back hitting the throne's back directly and fiercely, and the Sky Blade database transferred in front of her disappeared out of thin air.

"Queen Kesha, what's wrong?" The blonde on the left hurriedly supported the queen and asked.

Hexi also took a curious look at Queen Keisha and said, "Failed?"

Keisha nodded ~ ~ said: "Somewhat interesting, this Ye Fei is definitely not an ordinary person. His Skyblade database on this device cannot be invaded at all, it should be something beyond the civilization of angels . "

"No, isn't there anything else that can transcend our angel civilization?" He Xi asked incredulously.

Kesha laughed: "The starry sky is too big and life is too small. What we know is also extremely limited. It is normal to have an angel civilization beyond ours. Not to mention Ye Fei, even the few guests present are not The mediocre. "

"So what do we do?" The blonde asked anxiously.

Queen Keisha smiled and stroked the blonde's hand, and said, "Yan, this is not the time to worry, if you want to do something big, the more you can do nothing, the more calm and calm you will be."

"Yes, the queen."

"Then let's wait slowly. Fair competition with other people is also a treat." Queen Kaisha did not do anything else, but leaned on the throne and stared at the large screen in front of her chin.

The lucky carousel finally stopped, and Ye Feixin said that the seventh lucky guest finally appeared.

He hurriedly looked at the name pointed to by the pointer, but after seeing the name clearly, Ye Fei almost vomited blood, mourning in his heart: "Nerve, how can you do this? How can you get her? How can you get her? And what do I do with the next episode of this special show? "

No one knew Ye Fei was going to collapse.

Qianmo stared at the computer and muttered, "Angel Universe, Keisha? Ye Shen, look at this name as if it is a beauty."

Ye Feixin said that she is more than just a beauty. This is a beautiful super dizzy beauty, but I would rather get a neurosis than get her.

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