The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1787: Hidden top delicious

Brothers are not necessarily harmonious.

Sisters are not necessarily united.

Just like Dakside and Zaya, although the two were close brothers, they played for many years before coming to Ye Fei, and both wanted to put each other to death.

This situation exists not only for the two of them, but also for Kesha and Liangbing.

Coincidentally, these two are also the masters of one universe. The difference is that they are both women and two very beautiful women.

This is why Ye Feining would rather draw a lunatic than Queen Caesar. After all, the cold ice has been drawn before, and now he has drawn this again. Isn't this the rhythm of meeting 掐?

Another difference between the two is that they are different from the brothers of the Dakside Zaya, that is, the reasons for the collapse are different.

The reason why Dakside and Zaya were at odds with each other, and finally broke out, was because they were fighting for the throne left by their father and robbing the new protoss of management.

Queen Kaisha and Liangbing are completely different in concept. As the sole master of the angel universe, Queen Kaisha advocates the use of divine power and powerful technology and military technology to rule people.

Liang Bing pursued the dark theory, advocating the morality of the demon, and embarked on a demon road that he considered correct, and professed to be the demon queen.

There is justice and evil, and conflict is inevitable.

The two did not know how many years they had played, and they had consumed each other, but they were only soldiers under their command. They did not lose much as the two masters themselves.

In fact, Ye Fei can understand this situation. This thing is like the two armies fighting. The emperor ordered the soldiers to rush forward, and the death and injury could not hurt them any more seriously.

But now it ’s different. If Kaisha and Liangbing come over, this is exactly the king ’s front hard bar. If the two of them are working together, the sun and the moon will be absolutely dark, and the earth or the first universe will not be good. Follow the bad luck.

"Nervous disease, you have to know that such a problem will occur later. Lao Tzu would never set up this lucky turntable anyway. This thing is lucky for others, and it is unfortunate for himself." Ye Fei muttered in depression. Road.

But that's all for now, and it's useless to want more, so consider how to meet these two beautiful and cruel men.

"Uh ~ Congratulations to Kaisha's friend of Angel Universe. Let me ask, can you sell this place?" Ye Fei asked weakly.

As soon as his words were spoken, the audience in the live room was all stunned.

This situation is really the first time. After each time a lucky guest was drawn, Ye Fei never asked about the treatment of the guest quota. You can do it yourself or sell it. That is not his ability. Intervened.

But what happened today?

Why did Ye Shen ask this audience named Kaisha whether to sell guests?

In fact, this is also a method that Ye Fei is trying. If Kesha sells this place, it is the best, so as to avoid the frontal collision between her and Liangbing.

But the reality still disappointed him. Keisha smiled and said, "Yes, how can I sell a place so difficult to get? You don't want to see me?"

Ye Fei waved his hand and said, "No, there wasn't a spot auction just now? Jia Lan called with eternal life, and I wonder if you will sell this one."

"Eternal life? I don't need that thing, I need food, I need this place, so sorry, I don't sell it."

Ye Fei knew that this would not happen, and that Kaisha was not rare at all in eternal life, and she had this ability.

"Well, don't sell, don't sell, I'll wait here when the next episode starts." Ye Fei said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, the news of the cold ice in the broadcast room popped up.

"Slut, I didn't expect that luck would be so good, and I got a place."

"Oh ~ 38, can you just be lucky? Don't forget where you went out, this time we will count the new and old accounts together."

"I'm afraid you can't do it? I've been waiting this day for a long time, rest assured that the rest of me will not pass by, only you and me."

"Of course, let me be your sister to teach you how to respect people."

"Neuropathy, does your mother still use you to teach? Don't let me fight too badly then."

"Your devil's claw is okay against others. It's useless against me."

"Really? Then try it."

As soon as the news of the two people came out, the other viewers in the live broadcast room didn't speak at all. At this time, if they couldn't tell that they had a problem, it was really a fool.

Ye Fei rubbed his face and said, "What are they afraid of?" The two really did. They didn't even meet before they started scolding. Is this really a situation that should occur between sister and sister?

Just then, eating all over the world asked: "Brother, do these two people know?"

Ye Fei couldn't say he knew, so he decisively shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Then what are they doing? It seems to be a fight."

"I don't know, maybe it's the sister I haven't seen in years."

"Sister? How is it possible? Look at the news. Both the **** and Sanba have come out, as well as neurosis. Does the sister say hello like this?"


Ye Feixin said it was difficult for me, what can I say? I can only say I don't know.

"do not know."

He is still these three words.

"Okay, my friends, the two of them may be kidding, let's not be too concerned, we will draw the last lucky audience."

Ye Fei hurriedly shifted the topic so that these people wouldn't hold on to it anymore, and after asking them, he really didn't know how to answer.

As for the contradiction between Liangbing and Keisha, there will be these people at that time, even if the two of them really fight, at least it should be no problem to protect the earth, and the other pipes do so much.

At that time, let the two of them toss in outer space, and the stars won't matter to them.

Ye Fei's attitude towards such things is like this. He is not a peacemaker. He cannot guarantee that Liangbing and Kesha are as good as those between Daxide and Zaya, and this is also with him. It doesn't matter, he only cares about the earth, after all, there are too many friends on it.

When the audience in the live broadcast saw Ye Fei didn't want to say this, they turned their attention to the turntable again.

Qian Mo turned the lucky turntable with Ye Fei's urging. This time, when the turntable stopped, the pointer actually pointed at the winding name, which made Ye Fei feel a little strange.

Winding is his first interstellar guest. Although not a big man, he is very impressive.

Seeing the second win of Wanwanqu, many interstellar audiences in the live broadcast expressed their dissatisfaction, but the lottery was conducted in front of so many people. No one cheated, nor did they accept it. They could only say that they were lucky.

It's not exciting, this product will come. Although there are no rich men, they still give Ye Fei a wave of rewards.

So far, Ye Fei's eight lucky guests in the next issue have all been born.

Those who were n’t drawn were scratching their heads, and those who were drawn were very excited.

Ye Fei looked back, and the food was almost the same, especially the roasted whole cow of about one kilogram and two roasted whole lambs, and the bones were left by the few who had been silently eaten.

What makes people even more embarrassed is that both Dakside and Zayako are excited about holding a big bone in their hands.

This scene is also one of the most classic scenes in Ye Fei's live studio. Many guests are not addicted after eating the perfect food. Whether it is fish or pigs, cattle and sheep, the bones will definitely not be missed.

Duckside was so happy, but Longlong ran over, and then took one from the bull's skeleton, squatted directly on the ground, and smashed a stone.

After the bone of the cow was broken, the bone marrow was like jade paste, and there was still steam in the bone.

This product was not polite at all, ran to the table, picked up a spoon and digged it directly to eat.

Bone marrow is a very special thing, and many people like it very much, especially in many areas of China. It is a fashion to eat bone marrow, and it is more expensive.

The most famous is the big bone rice and charcoal-grilled big bone, especially the charcoal-grilled big bone, which makes people have no resistance at all.

The hot charcoal grilled the big bones, there was no need to add other seasonings, so drilling a hole, and then putting a straw into it to **** is a top-level taste enjoyment.

Some of them did n’t know about this thing, Drakside. When they saw the dragons smashing their bones and eating them, they were curious one by one.

Yang Ling was right next to Longlong, with a skeptical abandoning his mouth, and said, "Come out, didn't you have enough to eat? The bones are not let go."

Sloan also drew a cross shape on his chest with his hands, looking up at the sky, "This barbarian is really terrifying."

When a group of people despised Longlong, no one thought that Shen Yue, a fairy of scattered flowers, suddenly realized that she stood up and kicked and ran to the roast cow. Then she said nothing, and grabbed by two hands. A cow's front leg bone was slammed down hard, then he ran back with both hands, looked for a long time on the table, and finally looked at Ye Fei when he couldn't find anything.

Of course Ye Fei knew what the girl was looking for, so she went to the console and gave her a small hammer.

Shen Yue grinned, and just knocked on the big bones in front of everyone.

Hey, click, the big bone broke open.

Shen Yue picked up her spoon, and then dug a large spoon full of jade white bone marrow, put it gently in her mouth, and then closed her eyes happily.

After seeing this scene, if several other people don't know that this thing can be eaten, it is really a pig. A big beauty ate it regardless of the image, indicating that this thing is not only edible, but also delicious.

Dakside and Zaya watched as Longlong and Shen Yue ate bone marrow. The bones in the hands of the two guys were not scratched. They looked at each other. The next moment, they saw the two brothers directly holding the bones in their hands Put it in your mouth and snap it with a click.

As the bones shattered, the incense-rich bovine bone marrow went directly into their mouths.

"Well, this is really the best gourmet!"

As if he had discovered the New World, he was almost dancing with excitement.

Zaya was also surprised, looking for the goods, they had already eaten a lot just now, the bones were thrown to the ground, and finally they picked them up again.

Seeing such an exaggerated scene, except the Huaxia audience and some international audiences, everyone was boiling.

"Emma, ​​won't it? The show is over soon, and there is such a wonderful show?"

"Ah ~ these people are really enough. What's so good about the bones?"

"Goddess, my goddess, pay attention to the image, eat slowly, no one will grab you."

"Is the bone marrow inside the bone really edible? I used to eat meat and throw the bone directly."

"I don't know, but it looks like they are enjoying it. They should be able to eat it."

When people were talking, Ye Fei laughed and said, "It's over. I don't think I can hold my bones anymore."

Pentium's quicksand asked with a smile: "Yes, can this stuff really be eaten?"

Ye Fei nodded and said: "Of course you can eat, not only you can eat it, but also the expressions of several guests at the scene should be able to see that it is very delicious. The bovine bone marrow itself is actually a top-grade ingredient, and A kind of medicinal material, which is rich in calcium and phosphorus elements, and there are some proteins, of course, the most is fat, eating bone marrow can not only make people feel a wild refreshment, but also great for the human body the benefits of."

"For the elderly, eating bovine bone marrow often can prevent osteoporosis. This is also an inevitable disease for the elderly. As people age, their bones are not as strong as when they were young. Eating more bone marrow can prevent this. The occurrence of the situation, for young children, eating bone marrow can promote bone development and growth, for women, because bone marrow contains a certain amount of collagen, it has a good cosmetic effect, eating more bone marrow can strengthen the body's own The ability of bone marrow to produce red and white blood cells in the blood, and for men, bone marrow is a rare tonic, it has a strong kidney and lock essence, nourishing aphrodisiac, so ... "

"Sit down, don't grab it! This is what I got off of just now."

"How could it be, my hands are all on it, can you grab it from me?"

"Isn't that still there?"

"Can you order your face? So many people are watching."

Ye Feizheng introduced it, and suddenly heard that there was a quarrel over the roasted whole cow. When he turned his head, he saw that Longlong and Yangling were grabbing a big bone and grabbing it. It ’s the same ~ ~ Yes, I heard Ye Fei said that the bone marrow in the bones had such a superb effect. A group of people couldn't sit still, and hurriedly stood up and ran here.

The audience in the live broadcast room was amused by the dragons and sheeps at the scene while marveling at the anti-cryogenic effect of the bone marrow.

Especially sheep zero, when the goods do not know the role of bone marrow, stay there and sit like a pig, now know and run as fast as a monkey.

"Would you save me some face? What's for a bone?" Ye Fei cried loudly.

Sister, it's really shameful, how can you get two such great guests? A bone can make a noise.

Just as the two of them snatched, a big hand suddenly appeared between them, and then **** pinched the big bone.

The two looked up and saw Dakside looking down at them.

"Don't grab it. I'll be fair. Let go. You let go first. I'll hold it for you and be the referee. You can fight each other. Whoever wins is who they are," said Dakside.

Long Longlong and Yang Ling glanced at each other, and then said at the same time, "Yes!"

So the two loosened their bones. As soon as they started, they saw Dakside open his mouth, and the bones were thrown directly into his mouth.

Long Longlong: "..."

Sheep Zero: "..."

Even Ye Fei and all the audience: "..."

Everyone was speechless, and no one wanted to reach Exeter. This was a trick, Emma, ​​it was too rude and shameless, right?

Both Longlong and Yangling were dumbfounded and looked up at Daxside, both of them opened their mouths for a long time without saying a word ...

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