The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1788: Who are you pills?

I don't want to hit you, but I can't beat you.

Now Longlonglong and Yangling think so. If they can beat Duckside, they would have rushed to abuse this guy a thousand times and would not be tired.

Your aunt is a demigod. Do n’t you be afraid of other people ’s jokes when you do something so sloppy?

Are you a notary for us?

The two of us are about to die now, but you eat our prize with one mouth. Is there anything like that?

The two people hummed. As a result, the audience in the live broadcast laughed.

"Duckside! Your sister, I finally knew you thoroughly today."

"This big man is so shameless, haha, laugh at me."

"Look at Long Longlong and Yang Ling's complexion. I'm relying on it. It's a depressing rhythm."

"Yeshen, don't you talk? Protect the weak."

"The protection of the weak is equal. Everyone is equal before the food. If I were on the scene, I wouldn't give them two chances to compete and kill them all."


The audience in the live room laughed and gave a reward.

Suddenly Pentium's quicksand shouted into the microphone loudly: "Bai Chu, Wei Chu, Chu Ye, God of God, you are about to reach 100 billion viewers! God, this is really a crazy record."

In a word, everyone's attention fell on the online audience data of Ye Fei's live room, and Ye Fei hurried to sit in front of the computer to watch it, because it was really too important for him.

If you can reach the number of 100 billion online viewers, you will have to enter the level of holy anchors, let alone in the first universe, even in many universes, it is a blinding achievement.

And this is a big step forward for myself, a historic moment!

What's more important is that this is completely beyond my expectations. After all, when I started the live broadcast, I only had more than 60 billion viewers. This is an increase of more than 30 billion. This increase is simply scary and I can't believe it. .

At the beginning, when listening to Qianmo said that reaching the Holy-level anchor required 100 billion online viewers, Ye Fei was really shocked. After all, the number was too large and the number was too large. He knew that the higher the level of the anchor, After that, the growth rate of fans will be slower. He has already completed five or six or even more than ten periods to complete this task. Even this is fast enough for others.

I didn't expect that this period would be over soon enough, God, your eyes opened.

Yes, for Ye Fei, being able to achieve this result really has to thank the unknown sky, this is a result he never dared to imagine.

When Yang Ling smiled and said that he could reach the Holy Anchor in this period, Ye Fei just smiled, because he never dared to think that such crazy things would happen.

But now it is happening, and there is still a little time left for the live broadcast.

"Nine hundred and ninety-eight thousand seven hundred and five million million!"

"God, I'm crazy, I'm going crazy. How many people are there in the universe?"

"Ha ha ha ha, Ye Shen, Niubi!"

"Yeshen, mighty!"

"Yes, God exists, in the name of my earth, to strengthen the soul of my earth!"

"Uh ~~ brother, what do you mean?"

"I don't know, anyway, it feels very bloody, and I will say it."


At the scene, a group of lucky guests and elven gods and bingo all crowded in front of the computer, one by one watching the still beating numbers, I don't know why, they felt that their eyes hurt, it was too dazzling.

"A hundred billion? This is a hundred billion viewers?" Yang mumbled.

He just started to say that Ye Fei can reach the Holy Anchor in this period. In fact, he was joking. He did not look down on Ye Fei, but he knew how difficult it was for these 30 billion viewers to accumulate. According to their From experience, if you can't make it in this life, Ye Fei is estimated to have stopped at the stage of Star Emperor Anchor V.

Qian Mo took a look at Ye Fei, and his mood was super complicated.

I think when they first met Ye Fei in Xinghai Space, this product was a Star Emperor Level Two anchor. They are already Star Emperor Level 5. How long has it been before and after this guy has already rushed into the Holy Level anchor? That kind of legendary class, they are still swaying in the fifth place of the Star Emperor.


Qian Mo sighed secretly, grandma's, really, people can't be compared, and they have worked very hard, but did not expect to be thrown behind by Ye Fei for an instant, so painful.

"What did I say at the beginning of the broadcast? Brother Yangling, you said that Ye Shen is likely to enter the Holy Anchor. I said it would be possible, how about? I'm right, right?" Qianmo turned his attention to Yangling .

Yang Zero also shook his head constantly, saying, "I never thought, I never thought of it. I think that the audience of more than 30 billion will spend a lot of time even on the ability of Ye Brothers. Who knows this will happen? In the first issue, only one episode was used, and it was raking in more than 30 billion fans, which is like a myth. "

"Yeshen is the model of my generation, and worshipped at the top!" Qian Mo said with a smile.

It's just that this guy's smile is better than crying, and he is jealous and envious.

You are the anchor of others. It ’s as easy to catch fans as drinking cold water. Look at our group of so-called great **** anchors. Collecting fans is like sucking milk. If you squeeze it, it will pop out a little, not a little. Not coming out.

"You must worship and worship. From then on, Brother Ye will be as famous as the sky wind of the Fifth Universe and the innocence of the Tenth Universe. This is the existence that will be written into the live broadcast history of the universe. This is a supreme existence. I was able to witness his birth, and suddenly felt more excited than myself being promoted to Holy Anchor. "Yang Ling rubbed his hands.

Everyone in their realm who knows them like this, knows that the heavenly winds of the Fifth Universe and the innocence of the Tenth Universe are just legendary existences, and it is not clear whether there are really these two people. But Ye Fei is different. Ye Fei really exists, right in front of them.

In other words, if Ye Fei is really promoted to the ranks of sacred anchors, the influence will definitely be far greater than the two nihilistic people, Tianfeng and Silent.

The elf **** looked at the crazy beating number on the computer, and a bone in his hand fell to the ground.


"A hundred billion? A hundred billion? A hundred billion so fast? Holy anchor? Holy anchor!"

The elf **** murmured a few words, suddenly Yangtian laughed and startled the people around him.

"Dog stuff, are you sick?" Longlong muttered in his heart.

The two brothers, Drakside and Zaya, and Bingo also all looked at the elf god, and when they saw this guy's smiling face blossomed, and his long white hair flew up, his hands kept grabbing in the air. Move like crazy! Same as neurosis.

"As happy as this? Isn't this 100 billion?" Said Drucker with a quivery mouth.

Zaya also despised: "Emotional instability, psychological endurance is still poor, the first universe is a little suspended in his hands."

Then, he and Duckside looked at Bingo.

Bingo waved his hand decisively and said, "Don't look at me, I'm making soy sauce."

He won't take control of the First Universe with the Elven God now. Even if he can succeed, he won't do it. What would he want to do? Like a dog that is tired every day, how can you feel comfortable in your childhood, plant flowers, raise small animals, and be hungry to make some Yefei brand cottage food. Life is like this.

And this guy knows very well that even if he has the heart to fight with the elves, Ye Fei can't pass the level. As Ye Fei's audience increases, his influence will surely increase.

Now there are 100 billion viewers. This is almost going to catch up with the total population of the entire First Universe. This is a super powerful power. If this power erupts, even if you finally successfully drive down the elf god, It is estimated that the position of this supreme ruler is not stable.

Not to mention that Ye Fei, Daxide and Zaya are all good friends, and behind this guy is a true god, Jialan!

The thought of Jia Lan's scalp felt a bit numb, it was simply a solution, at least he couldn't find any way to compete with Jia Lan at present.

The guests at the scene boiled, and the live broadcast room was a sea of ​​flowers.

Although luxury items and super-luxury items are endless, but more flowers and applause, after all, the audience is still the majority.

They can't afford too expensive props, but flowers and applause are still important. Almost everyone is flirting with flowers and applause. Everyone is crazily brushing news and congratulations.

"Welcome Ye Xing, the first anchor in the sky, with thousands of flowers, congratulations!"

"Welcome to the old Wuling ... No, I welcome Ye Shen to the next level, applause, congratulations!"

"I'm poor, and the 199 small flowers show my endless love for Ye Shen."

"I also have no money. The face of the 999 slap fans upstairs changed to 999 salutes to show eternal support for Ye Shen."

"Your sister."


There are too many flowers and applause, and there are many layers of it. The whole live room is flooded, and flowers and applause are flooding.

Qiuqiu platform.

Ma Qingyun's group of people are all sitting and shaking with excitement, yes, it is shaking, a group of directors seems to be sitting on tractors driving on potty roads, one shaking more than the other.

"One ... 100 billion people? My heart, this is too much!" Director Chen said, holding his heart in his breath, gasping heavily.

Director Liu patted the table with both hands, shouting and shouting, "Niu force! Niu force, Ye Shen is the best! This record I see who can break, who dares to break!"

Ma Qingyun's body was also shaking, but not so much, but there were tears in his eyes.

He almost cried, and he never dreamed that the live broadcast platform he had originally created would train such a crazy and powerful anchor, 100 billion people!

What made him even more excited was that Ye Feiyue was overwhelming, and his daughter Ma Cuihua had greater hope of returning!

"Lao Xiang, give me two quick-effect rescue pills." Ma Qingyun stared at the screen, and stretched his hands to the director Xiang Xiang, who said.

It turned out that he didn't respond to the director. He turned around and looked at it. Ma Qingyun jumped up immediately.

"Lao Xiang, Lao Xiang! What happened to you?"

When Ma Qingyun shouted this, all the directors' eyes looked at Lao Xiang, and they saw that this guy was lying directly on the ground, his body was constantly pumping on the ground, foaming from his mouth, and his eyes were quickly turning. This is the rhythm to hang.

"Lao Xiang, hold on, what about the medicine? What about your medicine?" Ma Qingyun shook to the director, anxiously.

A gurgling noise was heard in the director's mouth, and it took a long time to be weak: "Medicine ... Medicine ..."

"Where is the medicine?"

"Eat ... finished ..."


Ma Qingyun was anxious as soon as he heard it, shit, didn't you bring enough of it every time? Why did you finish it?

"Is there no spare?"

"No, no, I brought eight bottles, no, no."


Eight bottles?

Ma Qingyun's eyelids shook a bit. How is this possible and why eight bottles are gone?

"Have you eaten all eight bottles?"

A hum to the directors, and then pumped.

Ma Qingyun covered her forehead. This Nima was not the result of a recurrence of heart disease. The eight bottles of quick-acting Jiuxin Pills knocked this guy down. After all, the medicine is a three-point poison. Murder, this is the heart that can't stand taking too much medicine.

"You you ... you are neurotic!"

Ma Qingyun pointed out to directors who didn't know what to say ~ ~ I have never seen such a superb person. Can the medicine be eaten as a meal? Swallowed eight bottles in one breath, thirty tablets in a bottle, which is 240.

Two hundred and forty pills, big brother, who do n’t you pill (to be finished) who pill (to be finished)? !!

Not to mention that you are alone, even a cow is lying down.

Ma Qingyun knew that he would absolutely hang on to the directors and hurriedly called for an ambulance.

"Director Xiang, emergency rescue, send an ambulance over here ... what? Who am I? I'm Ma Qingyun, from the Qiuqiu platform, we are no strangers. You also have my phone. Why ca n’t I remember my number? Ah? Too many calls? Ambulance is gone? What's wrong? What? Suddenly many people have a relapse of heart disease?!"

Hang up the phone, Ma Qingyun is going to scold his mother, what are you talking about? This **** was promoted to Holy Anchor, and as a result, fans gave a stimulating group of people a heart attack, Ye Fei, you are a sin!

In the end, Ma Qingyun called his driver over and asked him to rush to the director to the hospital.

After he was sent to the director, Ma Qingyun tore off the tie on his neck, and took off his coat. Then he wore a white shirt, and the two buttons on the neckline were untied.


All sweat.

Throwing his coat on the chair, Ma Qingyun went straight out.

"Chairman, what are you doing?" Director Liu asked.

Ma Qingyun's head did not reply, "Go to the food section. If I'm not mistaken, the food section group should be fried now!"

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