The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1693: Smell the smell of 1 roast

Several people in Ye Fei didn't expect Jia Lan's reaction speed to be so fast. They just arrived in the Seventh Universe, and their heels did not stand firmly. The tyrant messenger killed them directly from the ground.

After the tyrant messenger rushed out, the huge silver axe in his hand was chopped towards Bingo.

Bingo was caught by surprise and flew out of the back and flew far behind before returning to God, and then tore the space. The next moment appeared behind the tyrant's messenger, and his right fist relentlessly moved towards the tyrant's messenger. The heart smashed in the past, and at the same time, the plasma beam in his eyes hit the back of the tyrant's messenger like two sharp swords.

Being able to dominate the party, Bingo is by no means a fame, it is almost to give the first universe a unified existence, whether it is his infinite gloves or the plasma beam in his eyes are absolutely strong existence.

The tyrant messenger did not expect that the first person to be cleaned up would be so troublesome. The body had just turned around, and the axe in his hand was directly in front of his chest.

Bingo slammed into the axe of the tyrant messenger with a punch, with a loud noise, the tyrant messenger was hit by bingo and flew out without knowing how many meters away.

The man was still in the air, and two plasma beams released from Bingo's eyes struck him directly.

A thick cloud of smoke appeared, and the hard-stone-like skin of the tyrant's messenger was cut open into two deep wounds, and light black blood flowed continuously along the two wounds.

嗷 ~~

It was just a face-to-face, the tyrant messenger was injured, which made him feel infinite anger and shame.

Who is he?

He is the messenger of the tyrant!

One of the generals counted by Galan. He once helped Galan to run through the infinite universe. He never failed. He did not expect that the few small bugs that broke in today could hurt him. This is definitely a very shameful thing.

"You make me angry!"

The tyrant messenger yelled, and was about to rush up again, just then, a silver light rushed from a distance.

"Tyrant, stop!"

The tyrant messenger's body stopped directly, and he turned to look at the flying man and said, "Silver Shadow, what do you mean?"

Silver Shadow Norin Ryder, another super warrior of Jialan.

When Bingo appeared, Bingo took a big step forward and shouted, "Do you want to die again?"

Silver Shadow Man looked at Bingo, and the energy surfboard at his feet inadvertently directly exited about ten meters, and then said: "This is the seventh universe, not a place for you to play wild!"

"Really? Then come on again!"

Speaking, Bingo raised his right fist high and shouted, "I can kill you once, and I can kill you a second time!"

The spirit of God and Dakside and Zaya were watching, and it seemed that the conversation between Bingo and Silver Shadow was as if they had known each other. Not only that, it seems that Silver Shadow was also killed by Bingo once. what is the problem?

Ye Fei's mind turned sharply, and she instantly understood the conversation between the two.

Yes, Silver Shadow is really powerful, but he was really killed once by Bingo.

This matter is very gossip, and it's about Bingo's first love.

People don't love young people, Bingo has been young and impulsive, and there are people who have a crush on him, and the crush on him is the goddess of death!

The Silver Shadow Man just caught Bingo, and flickered Bingo, letting him be the servant of the goddess of death, and Bingo was killed directly.

Later, he was resurrected by Bingo again, and then this product found a chance to run away. From then on, it can be said that when he saw Bingo, he wanted to run.

Today, he did not know that there were bingo among the people who came to the Seventh Universe, if he knew that he would never come.

Now seeing Bingo's fists raised, it is false to say that his heart is not cyanotic.

"I didn't come here to do anything with you, but I ordered you to go to the temple of Galan, and you are not afraid to die, follow me!"

After that, Silver Shadow turned and left with the tyrant messenger.

Ye Fei and Elf God looked at each other and finally followed.

They knew that this trip had to be past, whether they were willing to be afraid of death or not, Jia Lan had to meet, because now he knew that they had come to the seventh universe. If they did n’t meet, the next thing would be absolutely It will be more troublesome.

Gala Planet.

In a barren desert, a magnificent palace stands quietly in the center.

The Silver Shadow Man flew in with the tyrant messenger, and Ye Fei and they all stopped outside the palace.

Inside is unknown life and death, and advancement or non-advancement is related to the safety of life. There is no room for carelessness. Although they are rulers of one universe, the other is more terrifying than them. That is beyond them. Existence of the first grade, reaching the blue level of the gods.

"This is the Temple of Galan?"

The elf **** looked at the magnificent palace with interest, and saw that the palace did not know how tall it was. It was all piled up with huge stones. Maybe it was too long. Some stones had weathered outside. Mottled shedding.

But even this can not stop the majestic momentum of the entire palace.

After Silver Shadow Man and the Tyrant Messenger entered, it didn't take long for five or six people to appear directly from it.

The tyrant's messenger carried a huge axe, Silver Shadow's entire body was almost transparent, his feet were stepping on a surfboard with endless energy, and beside him was a man burning with a blazing flame. The whole man was shrouded in flames. In his hand, he held a huge scepter with the fireball on both sides, the flame emperor Creel, one who could make himself a little sun.

"How many of them?" Said a looming woman beside the tyrant's messenger.

This person seems to be a phantom, the whole person is empty, sometimes condensed and formed, sometimes erratic.

Stardust, a cruel man made up of countless energy particles.

"Stardust, being able to reach the seventh universe through the barrier of the universe, shows that these are not incompetent generations, it is better to be careful." Next to Stardust, a sturdy man said in a sigh.

Skywalker Gabriellan, this is a mess that has been used by Jia Lan to replace the existence of Silver Shadow Man.

There are two other people who have not spoken. One is a lean man with dark skin and two swords, and one is also the strangest person. Ye Fei can't see the existence of this person, but they both know there is The existence of such a person is such a wonderful thing.

Looking at the few cruel people in front of me, to say that Ye Fei's heart is not tense, that is a bullshit. It can be said that how bullish everyone is on the opposite side, he is clearer than Bingo and Elven God. Now this has not entered the temple It was directly stopped by these people.

"We were invited by Star Swallow." Ye Fei said boldly.

The Silver Shadow Man laughed and said, "Invite? When did the gods invite the ants to see you?"


When Ye Fei heard it, a few people knew that they were fooled. Grandma, the dignified Yin Yingxia turned out to be a liar.

"Yes, I know that the tyrant and me are not your opponents at all, so I have brought you here. The temple of the gods is ahead. If you want to see the gods, you must pass our level and say, We can't pass this level, and you are not qualified to see the gods. "Yan Yan said in the flames.


Ye Feiqi scolded his mother.

Elf Shinto: "Several servants have stopped, and dare to come out to stop, who will give you courage? Eat me an arrow!"

With that said, the spirit **** directly bowed his bow and arrow, and shot an arrow in front of the flame emperor.

And Bingo, Dakside and Zaya are also ready to fight. They know what is standing in front of them. It can be said that each one can dominate one side, especially Bingo. Although he used to The Shadow Man was killed once, but it was a long time ago, and he also paid a lot of money after killing the Silver Man. Now such a long time has passed, and the Silver Man has been with Jialan. , The strength will certainly increase a lot, now I really do not have the confidence to be able to kill him again.

On the other side, the Emperor Yan saw an elf **** saying nothing to him, and he couldn't help laughing.

"It's just ordinary metal. I can lose a hundred meters near me!"

After speaking, Yanhuang's body suddenly flames rose, and then all the flames began to rotate around his body as the center, the speed became faster and faster, and the temperature around him rose sharply. I dodged and went away for a while.

Ye Fei was at a distance of about 1,000 kilometers from the opposite side, but even so, he felt an extremely hot energy fluttering from the opposite side, even if he felt that the breathing air entered the nostrils, he could burn the nostrils.

The sweat on my body came out the first time, but the sweat just came out, but was directly dried by the continuously rising temperature.

"Ahem ..."

Ye Fei's throat began to dry. He could clearly feel that his body was drying up at a speed that can be seen by the naked eye, and the surface of the skin began to appear a white dry skin, which can be touched by hand. Broken.

"The hemp is going to die." Ye Fei mourned in his heart.

He looked aside, and it became even more depressing. When he saw the elf god, Duckside, Zaya, and Bingo, they seemed to have no response at all. They were still light and light, which was the gap.

Although he can also have a lot of things, and he is indeed a bullfighting character, but now he is not on the same level as these people.

"I said great god, don't shoot, hurry up and stop him, if I go on like this I will become jerky." Ye Fei anxiously.

The elf **** turned his head to look at Ye Fei, but was startled, and saw this guy, like a fish jumping out of the water and landing on the shore, panting with his mouth open.

"Not so fast?"

So Ye Fei wanted to jump up and punch the elf god's face. What did it mean so soon? You need to know who is opposite, Yanhuang, this thing that changes too much is called the little sun, I am a physical child, and I can insist that it is now 101 points, OK?

"Don't talk nonsense, you can't talk to me anymore, you feel like my body is emptied now."

Ye Fei wiped a lot of sweat on the forehead, but at the first glance, he didn't know if it was on the forehead or on the hand.

"No, no, Lao Tzu will definitely hang up in a minute and save myself." Ye Fei muttered in his heart.

Now he also understands that it is not the elf gods that they ca n’t save themselves, but they ca n’t save them. A few people across the corner are staring at each other. As long as they move a little, they will definitely be destroyed by a destructive attack. I have only myself.

But how to save?

Ye Fei was in a hurry. The goods turned in place several times. Suddenly his eyes brightened, and he started to draw in his mind.

He thinks that if you use force to destroy the other party, that ’s a very unrealistic thing. Do n’t say if you can fight the other party, even if you can do it, it ’s estimated that you ca n’t change it until you reach the other party. It is dried.

And other skills can't help the other side a little bit, so the only thing is the lottery, I hope God can make himself ten times better luck, so that he still has hope of survival.

Not dare to neglect at all, Ye Fei grasped the edge of the air running disk and turned the turntable, and then kept praying for good luck in his heart and waiting.

"Good luck! What if I give a bad luck to him, then I will completely hang on the wall."

Ye Fei's anxious whole clothes were soaked, waiting for the gas operation disc to stop.

After a while, the turntable slowly slowed down, and Ye Fei could see the fan-shaped faces passing under the pointer.

"Good luck! Ten times the luck! I depend, nine times the same, ah ah, eight times, eight times ... double, double is okay? Brother, double is always okay? Don't play too much, Nima !!! "

It was cold, and a few people of the elf **** heard Ye Fei suddenly scolded, one after another, he looked at Ye Fei one by one, thinking that this guy was injured, although they can't free up their hands to save Ye Fei now, but if Ye Feizhen If something goes wrong, then they can only get rid of it. After all, Ye Fei is the protagonist this time. Now the protagonist is finished, and it doesn't make much sense for them to stay here.

"What's wrong?" Several people asked almost simultaneously.

Ye Fei was about to vomit blood, but still smiled and said, "No ... nothing, it's hot."

On the surface, it ’s hot, but Ye Fei ’s heart is now cool, because the gas disk stopped, and the result came out. This product got a five-fold bad luck sign. You talk about this. Can you be happy?

Ye Fei now has the mood to commit suicide. They all say that people are unlucky to drink cold water and their teeth are stuck. He really understands it now, let alone drinking cold water, and taking a breath of air can kill people.

"Five times bad luck, your uncle, what kind of broken turntable is this? How can I get a five times bad luck?"

Ye Fei really wanted to pull out the air running disk and throw it on the ground and step on it 981 times. This is so desperate. It might as well not give yourself this thing. This five times bad luck is not necessary. Speed ​​yourself up?

Ye Fei was anxious, but he didn't find that the elf **** beside him was more anxious than him, and the elf **** was more than just anxious. At the same time, he was still shaking his left arm, grinning his teeth, and his mouth kept on Extract air conditioner.

"Big God, what's wrong?" Ye Fei turned his head and asked quickly.

There are only a few of them here. Anyone who has an accident has a huge impact, which is related to the success of the next thing.

The fairy **** shook his teeth as he shook his hands and grinned, "I seem to be pushing too hard, and my left hand is cramping."

Ye Fei: "..."

Nima, can this also work? Lao Tzu has just gotten five times bad luck, and you have a cramp in your hand. Brother, are you serious?

"Can you like it?"

"No, I tried it just now, it seems that it is not just as simple as pumping my muscles, it may be a broken one."


Ye Fei really wanted to cover his face and hit his head directly in the soft desert. This one couldn't be beaten. This is also a hammer. The elf **** on his side has not played a little role. Now pulling the bow directly to break a rib, what other plane is this?

He and the Elven God were muttering, and Bingo, who was not far away, suddenly sneezed, and then ... then the ball and the ball hit three or four, and then Bingo felt himself Her nostrils are airtight. Ye Feiyu ran to him and asked, "What's going on?"

Bingo grimaced and said, "It looks like a cold."

Ye Fei: "..."

Caught a cold?

Brother, you are bingo, you are immortal, you are not poisonous, you live forever, so many characters in Niutiandingtian are ruthless to you, now you tell me you have a cold? What interstellar joke are you playing?

"Are you sure?" Ye Fei asked again.

Bingo whispered: "It should be, a little dizzy, maybe a fever."


Bingo has a fever ... !! !!

Bingo with infinite gloves has a cold! !! !!

Ye Fei turned to look at Dakside and Zaya, seeing that the two guys were also twisting their bodies, the ghost did not know what was uncomfortable.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei broke down directly. This is still a mess. One of the other is not dead. He lay down on his own side first. Is there any way to play?

At this point, the Yanhuang people who were opposite the situation of the Elven Gods also seemed to have found them. The Yanhuang laughed loudly, and the flame on his body became more fierce.

The surrounding temperature rose at a rocket-like speed.

The elf **** shook his hand and drew an arrow, but it was not yet on the bowstring, and it fell to the ground, showing how painful his arm was.

Ye Fei looked at it and rushed directly from a distance. When he was about two meters away from the elf god, his body rolled directly on the ground, and he immediately reached the side of the elf god, and reached out and dropped the root. The arrow was picked up and shouted, "Bow!"

The elf **** didn't think about it, he threw the bow directly to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei bowed his left arrow with his right hand. When several people thought that he was going to give Yan Huang something, no one expected Ye Fei rushed towards Yan Huang with a bow and arrow.

"Ye Fei!"

"Yes God!"

Seeing Ye Fei rushed to the flame emperor, this is killing himself. Everyone knows the status of the other party ~ ~ The flame emperor is burning, the key is that the flame is not ordinary coal or gas flame , But the stellar fire! This is why there are so many people who can be afraid of Yanhuang, his flame can burn some substances that can be burned.

Ye Fei is not a fairy. He rushes up so coldly and is no different from a moth flinging fire.

Ye Fei heard the shouts of the elven gods and bingo behind him, but he didn't turn his head back now. He lowered his head and rushed in front of his teeth. He used the spring legs to the extreme for an instant. It was more than a hundred meters before Yanhuang.

At this point, Ye Fei felt as if he had been thrown into the fire. Almost all of his clothes turned into flying ash, and he rushed forward with his teeth in his teeth.

哧 ~~

Suddenly, Ye Fei heard a click from himself, and then ... Ye Fei smelled a smell of barbecue ...

God-level food anchor

God-level food anchor

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