The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1694: 1 arrow shooting day

The fire of the stars on Yanhuang was too hot.

As Ye Fei rushed forward, he endured the erosion of the extremely high temperature. Now he can even feel that the hair on his skin is gone, and he has now become a light chicken.

But he knew that even if he was cooked, he still had to rush forward, at least to reach within 100 meters in front of Yanhuang, otherwise the five times bad luck would not affect this guy at all.

"I can do it!"

"I can do it!"

"I'm Ye Fei. There are more than 300 brothers on Pearl Island waiting for me to go back. I must succeed!"

"Ahhhh, it's so hot!"

Ye Fei thought in his heart, his feet were still rushing forward.

"Three meters behind."

"Two meters!"

"one meter!"

Ye Fei silently estimated the distance. He felt that when he was a hundred meters away from Yanhuang, he was almost happy to jump up. The distance of 100 meters was enough to affect Yanhuang.

But before Ye Fei was happy, the scene suddenly became quiet.

Because Ye Fei ... fell! Here! It's up!

That's right, just when it was a hundred meters away from Yanhuang, Ye Fei wanted to rush forward a little distance if he could tolerate it. After all, the closer he was to Yanhuang five times, the more bad luck affected him. Big, who knows the goods are patronized and ran away, not paying attention to the feet.

The foot was all desert, but there was a small piece of desert sand in front of him that was too soft, almost the same as quicksand. He stepped on it and felt that it was empty.

Ye Fei: "... 唉唉唉 ......"


The goods fell on the ground, carrying a big haha.

The elven gods covered his eyes behind his eyes, and all of them grinned.

"Sink, is this okay?"

"This is the most failed charge I have ever seen."

"Have you made a mistake? Can you stumble while running? Ye Shen, you are such a **** you."

In fact, they didn't know it at this time. Ye Fei even vomited blood than them at this time. He knew it was a problem of five times bad luck. Ye Fei gritted his teeth and said, "I just want to save an ordinary person, why not make it so difficult what?!"

The opposite Emperor Yanhuang were all speechless by Ye Fei. The last few people couldn't help it anymore, and they all laughed.

Ye Fei wanted to lie in the desert forever, bury his head deeply in the yellow sand pile, can't get up, it's too shameful, and he was still lost in front of a group of super big men. Not easy to find.

The whole scene remained quiet, only the wind in the desert was blowing overhead, making a whining sound, and everyone looked at Ye Fei, who was still lying on the ground.

A few people in the elf **** couldn't do it in a hurry. The heart said that you were up, didn't you just fall? It's over when you get up, why can't you get up? The sand on the ground is not hot?

The Yanhuang people all looked down on their faces. In their eyes, Ye Fei's role is like a gnat. Just like now, running out is just a joke to please everyone.

"Clown, your show is over, you can climb back, hahaha." Yan Yan in the flame shouted aloud, and then laughed again.

Just when his words were over, all the talents found that Ye Fei, who was lying on the ground, was moving.

His head was raised, and his face was covered with sand. He slowly bent his body, arched, his hips were high, slowly stood up from the ground, and then Ye Fei looked around and looked at him. The bow and arrow thrown out just after the fall just picked up slowly.

Uh ~

The hot temperature was arrogantly smoked on the body. Ye Fei felt that the taste of the barbecue was getting stronger and stronger. He knew that some parts of his body were probably already cooked. I can eat it.

But what is this? !!

I rushed here, and even if I knew everything from the inside out, I couldn't let it go!

"is it?"

Ye Fei grinned, and then spit out the sand in his mouth fiercely, saying: "The show is not over yet, how could it go back!"

Yanhuang and Silver Shadow were a few people together.

But at this moment, Ye Fei moved again, and the left hand arrow was placed on the bowstring, and then he pulled the bowstring with his teeth, but ... he did not pull.

Then Ye Fei's face turned black. He knew that the five-fold bad luck of the system was great, but you can't be so powerful? Brother, it's time for life and death, not kidding.

The elf **** sighed and looked softly: "I borrowed this bow from Ziwei Star Lao Han, and I was struggling to pull it apart, not to mention you. I just patronized the bow and arrow to you and gave this It was forgotten. "

Ye Fei's depressed blood pressure was about to rise, and at this moment he heard the whisper of the elf god. He was also a stunner. The bow and arrow for a long time was not the elf god's own. He borrowed it from the old Korean.

With that said, Ye Fei looked down at the bow and saw that there was a word in the center of the bow's tyre, and he knew the word.


Seeing this word, Ye Fei trembled fiercely in his heart, because if this word was associated with bow and arrow, it would be a little scary.

"What kind of bow and arrow is this?" Ye Fei asked softly, but when he asked, he could feel that he was trembling all over his body.

Elven Shinto: "Old Han is not very clear. It is said that it was passed down from ancient times. When their ancestors migrated, they encountered many obstacles from the stars on the ancient road of Xingkong, and one of them could use bows and arrows. All these planets were shot, so that they could safely reach the Ziwei star, and it is because of this that this thing has become one of the treasures of their planet. "

"Shoot the planet? I'm going, don't I shoot the sun? How did it change to a planet?" Ye Fei muttered.


The elf **** stunned. Although Ye Fei muttered quietly, he heard it.

"Nothing, there is also a legend in our Huaxia, an ancient witch named Houyi shot down the nine suns in the sky with a bow and arrow, so that everything on earth can grow and survive."

"Yes, Houyi, Lao Han said that their ancient power was also called descendant, and that bow bow had his name on it."

"I saw that since it is Houyi bow, then I will shoot another sun on behalf of my ancestors today, and it is not shameful to lose the British name of this bow!"

"But you can't pull it off."

"Try again, I ca n’t get rid of our bad luck. If I pull it out, it is his unlucky flame King Creel!"

When it comes to the end, Ye Fei almost roared out. He was really so depressed. He has never been so aggrieved as today. You talk about this garbage system. You can give Lao Tzu good luck or Lao Tzu bad luck. This way I will be prepared to do it, but now you are taking your luck, which is a surprise.

It was because of five times the bad luck that I got myself where I am now. This is the rhythm of roasting suckling pigs.

"I'm not convinced that five times the bad luck will not affect Flame King Creel."

The fire in Ye Fei's heart was completely up. His right hand bowed his left hand arrow, his body rotated, and he took a stern shot to shoot a Japanese-style posture. Then he pushed the bow forward vigorously with his right hand. His left hand used almost all his strength. Pull the bowstring back.

Crunch ...

The sound of the bow body being pulled and bent came out, and I saw that the black bow body began to deform, and then it became more and more curved, and the arc became larger. After reaching the limit, Ye Fei aimed at the flame emperor in front. Just let go.


Release his hand, the arrow rushed forward like a shooting star, and Ye Fei sat on the ground with one butt.

Too tired. He didn't know how to pull the bow just now. It was too heavy and too tight. He used all his strength to vomit the blood and exhausted it.

In the back, the elf **** was a little stunned.

Lao Han said when giving this bow to him, don't say anyone else, even many of Weizi's fierce men can't pull it, otherwise this bow will be more famous in the interstellar space.

Now even so many fierce Ziwei stars can't pull the hard bow, let Ye Fei pull open, and also shot an arrow, what is going on?

The elf **** is a little bit shy.

A few bingo people saw Ye Fei almost rushed to Yan Huang and gave him an arrow. To be honest, he admired Ye Fei's courage, but admired it, but they knew that the arrow was useless because the elf God had shot an arrow at Yanhuang, and that arrow had disappeared before Yanhuang approached.

When Yan Huang saw Ye Fei almost turned into a roast pig, he was able to shoot an arrow. He was also surprised. He said that the boy was weird.

But what about weirdness? This kind of arrow does not cause any harm to himself.

"Naughty, knowing that you can't do it, and you can only do it, can only show that you have no control over it, I ... lie, how is it possible ?!"

Yanhuang just wanted to say that even if I took all the flames back and stood here for you to shoot, this broken arrow could not hurt me. As soon as I said a word, I felt a strong golden wind. He pierced the layer of flame directly on his body, and then severely pierced his chest.

It was a pain he had never felt before. He had been invincible in his life and never hurt, let alone being stabbed in the chest by an arrow.

He never knew what it felt like to be stabbed with an arrow until now.

Everyone heard the exclamation of Yanhuang, including the elves and gods who were far away, but they didn't know what was going on. After all, the fire on Yanhuang was so crazy that he couldn't see anyone inside.

In the flame, the flame emperor looked incredibly down at his chest, and saw on his chest, a red and translucent metal arrow that had been burned by his flame was inserted straight there. Not only that, with The temperature of the arrow was getting higher and higher, and the flame emperor could clearly feel that there was a fierce and hot energy drilling along the arrow into his chest.

I am the Emperor of Yan, I don't know how much the flames around me are, I should not feel the heat of the fire, but why can I feel so clearly now?

Boom ~~

Yanhuang's body shook a bit, and the flame on her body rose again a lot higher, and the temperature rose sharply.

But something that really scared him appeared.

The greater the energy released by himself, the stronger the energy transmitted along that arrow into his chest, and the more he could feel the burning sensation that made him feel uncomfortable.


The Emperor Yan can no longer calm down, and began to gather the flames quickly, but what made him desperate was that the flames now seemed to be out of his control. All the flames began to show a tendency to burn from the outside to the inside, The core of this inward burning was the arrow on his chest.

The arrow, which was made of unknown materials, was almost burned at this time, but it was still melting.

The waves of fire were scorching like sea.

It's just that everyone can feel that the current temperature has dropped compared to the previous one.

"what happened?"

The Silver Shadow Man and the Tyrant Messenger were all a little puzzled. After all, although the fire is indeed less than the previous one, the temperature can't drop so fast.

"Yanhuang, what's going on ?!" the tyrant messenger asked loudly.

"Hello ~~"

The Emperor Yan did not answer the tyrant messenger's words, but only issued a painful but unwilling roar.

Anyone present could hear that there was something wrong with Yanhuang, and the mood of depression and pain in the voice was too obvious.

"problem occurs!"

The tyrant messenger shouted, his huge body rushed towards Yanhuang directly, and several people from Stardust followed him.

Only Silver Shadow Man rushed towards Ye Fei.

Silver Shadow's surfboard has endless energy, and the speed is incredible. Just a blink of an eye, he has already rushed to Ye Fei.

A few people from the Elven God looked at them and rushed over in the back. They definitely did not allow Ye Fei to be hurt, especially the Elven God. Ye Fei now knows the importance of the first universe more than anyone, even he would rather Ye Fei's thoughtfulness must also be maintained while fighting for his own fall.

"Silver Shadow, how dare you!"

The elf god's eyes were red, his body moved a little, and the next moment appeared in Ye Fei's approach, but after all, he was still one step slower than Yin Yingxia.

Watching Yin Yingxia's hands shrink on his chest, a liquid-like energy mass was constantly changing shape in the middle of his hands.

The elf **** knows that there is definitely a huge power in this energy group that makes him feel scalp. If this energy group hits Ye Fei, Ye Fei will definitely die.

But even if he was in a hurry, there was nothing he could do. He was always one step slower, while Bingo, Dakside and Zaya were slower than him.

"Silver Shadow, you dare to touch him, I will never die with you!" The elf **** roared.

Silver Shadow Man glanced up at the elf god, a strange smile appeared on the silver metal face, and then the next time he pushed his hands forward, hitting the energy group on Ye Fei.

The eyes of the elf **** and bingo are red. Bingo and Ye Fei have just become good friends. Even for Ye Fei, he would rather risk his life to the seventh universe, but Ye Fei is about to die at this turn. Make him really unacceptable.

"Get away!"

Bingo's right fist punched directly into the shadow of Silver Man. A huge and colorful fist print was constantly enlarged in the process of rushing forward, and finally turned into a mountain peak.

Faced with such a big punch, Yin Yingxia just glanced at it, and then a huge figure appeared in front of him.

The huge axe in the hand of the tyrant's messenger smashed towards the fist prints. The two collided in the air, and the entire universe seemed to be collapsing. It was almost dim around.

The feelings of Duckside and Zaya are not too many, especially Dakside. At the beginning, he really hoped that Ye Fei would die, because with this person, their second universe would never be suppressed. I passed the First Universe, but then when he discovered that Ye Fei was getting stronger and stronger, his thoughts changed. He hoped to be friends with Ye Fei. Having such a strong friend is better than having such a powerful enemy. It ’s much better, so he will follow, but it ’s a pity that Ye Fei is going to die here, and he will soon return to the Second Universe.

Zaya's heart couldn't say anything, anyway, Ye Fei was alive ~ ~ He would not conflict with Ye Fei, Ye Fei died, and he would not fight the idea of ​​the first universe. Ye Fei's death, he just expressed his pity.

Huang Shamantian, Ye Fei can see nothing but the Yin Yingxia in front of him.

The Yin Yingxia stared at Ye Fei, the strange smile on his face grew stronger, and then his hands slowly pushed forward.

The energy mass between his hands is getting closer and closer to Ye Fei. Ye Fei can even feel a majestic force released from this energy mass and hit himself.

He knew that as long as this energy group fell on himself, he would surely die.

At this time, Ye Fei's lips opened and she spoke hard.

Yin Yingxia, who was pushing the energy group forward, heard these two words, and his body shook, and then his hands suddenly yanked to the sides.

His eyes stared at Ye Fei and asked, "How do you know her?"

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