The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1697: Which 2 words? Those 2 words!

The scene in front of me is really blinding everyone.

No one expected Ye Fei to be so sturdy.

That's Jia Lan's pet. That's a fierce western dragon.

You rushed up here for a while, when it was a punch and kick, you don't want to live?

What makes these people speechless is that under the attack of Ye Fei's violent storm, this evil dragon was slowly lying down, not moving, no, it was moving, its huge head was twisting, Then he walked around Ye Fei's body, just as docile as a kitten lying in his arms.

Seeing this scene, a group of people from Yinyingxia, Jia Lan, and the elf gods almost fell out of their eyes.

"This Nima ... what the **** is going on?"

"Well, what did I see? That's an evil dragon, and it's Jia Lan's pet, this ... How does this seem like Ye Shen is its master?"

"I was kneeling for Ye Shen. I thought he would only cook food. I didn't expect to have this hand."

The elf **** rubbed his eyes hard, then he couldn't help but laughed.

Deep in the temple of Galan.

Jia Lan's super big face is also sloppy like a sieve at this time.

He never dreamed that this dragon, which had been tamed for tens of thousands of years, would have this situation. You shameless asshole, people are mad at you, you should throw Lao Tzu to kill him, not comfortable To please others.

"Bite him, bit him, bit him !!" Jia Lanqi's claws clenched into a fist, shouting hard.

Behind him, several people in Silver Shadow looked at it all silently. Is it really the first time that they saw such a big fire as Jia Lanfa and bit him? God, the word comes out of your mouth a bit rude.

Maybe I heard Jia Lan's voice. This fat dragon body that was being fat by the storm like Ye Fei suddenly moved a bit, then stood up with a cry.

A few people of the elf **** screamed. They knew that the dragon was still angry after all. Ye Fei was going to be out of luck.

Jia Lan's face with a wicked smile said: "I still don't believe that I have kept it for thousands of years and kept on saying that, yes, it is very good, uh ~~"

He just wanted to say that I was satisfied, but before he could say it, he saw Ye Fei's violent beats speeding up again.

"Oh? Are you still standing up? Are you unconvinced? Did I say you wrong? Have you brushed your teeth? Have you ever washed your face? Have you ever showered? You haven't smelled yourself The stench? Do you want a bit of a dragon face? Look at me? Do you want to rebel? I let you see me, I let you see me !!! "

Bang Bang!

Ye Fei is even more vigorous.

As a result, the evil dragon's eyes that had just appeared fiercely dimmed again, and then slowly lay down in front of Ye Fei again. During Ye Fei's violent process, he kept holding his head in Ye Fei's face and kept smiling. He walked around.

The whole palace was silent in the whole palace, and no one spoke, because they really didn't know what to say, especially the silver shadow men, they had never seen such a fierce guy.

Brother, that is the pet of Jialan. The nature is extremely violent. I don't know how many souls I have eaten for so many years. I have never seen anyone dare to treat him so badly. You can do it.

At this moment, the spirit gods were all looking silly. They felt like they were dreaming. Why did Ye Fei suddenly become so sturdy? You are so fat about the evil dragon. Is this guy on the body?

Jia Lan ... Jia Lan Qi's breath was panting, but he really couldn't figure out why.

My pet is very clear, sometimes he will call his teeth and grin, but why is this so docile about Ye Fei?

Just as they stared at each other stunned, a more bizarre scene appeared.

Ye Feiquan was a little tired after beating and kicking for a while. The goods came directly to Zaya, and he stretched out his hand and said, "Zaya, let me use your mallet."

Zaya: "..."

He almost numbly gave Ye Fei the hammer in his hand, and Ye Fei took it with him, and it almost fell to the ground. The thing was too heavy, and he could hardly hold one hand.

In the end, the goods held Zaya's mallet in both hands and ran to the dragon again, and then the two hands held the mallet to another mammoth against the dragon.

There was a word in his mouth while he was sulking.

"Jump, you jump me, grab me, grab me, don't you spit fire? Give me a spit and see me."

Uh ~

As soon as Ye Fei's words fell, the evil dragon spit out and spit ... saliva.

Well, this product didn't dare to spit fire in front of Ye Fei, but just spit.

For a long time, Ye Fei almost smashed the thick skin of the evil dragon with Zaya's mallet. Then he threw the mallet to the ground with a bang, and then sat down on the ground, breathing heavily.

Yes, violence is more tiring than violence.

Ye Fei stomped on the dragon, and there was no force at all, panting, "Nima, I'm exhausted. You talk about you asshole, what are you doing out there? I don't know if the fight is very exhausting Huh ~~ Help me up. "

Everyone just watched the evil dragon lower his head in front of Ye Fei, and then Ye Fei grabbed the dragon horn on the evil dragon's head. The evil dragon's head slowly lifted up and pulled Ye Fei up. Already.

When he got up, Ye Fei held the dragon's body in one hand and looked forward, panting, "How far is there?"

The evil dragon roared loudly, which meant it was far away.

As a result, Ye Fei was startled by the sudden roar of the goods, and slaped his backhand, saying, "Can't you be quiet? I don't think I can hear you when I'm so close?"

The dragon hurriedly lowered its head, nipped it on Ye Fei's arm with his mouth, and stretched his tongue to lick. Ye Fei pushed it straight away. What was he doing without brushing his teeth? Stinky.


The dragon yelled again, but it was really small, just like a meow, completely disproportionate to the dragon's huge body, and looked extremely funny.

Ye Fei gasped for a while, then bent over and picked up Zaya's mallet, and said, "Wait a minute, don't run around."

With that said, Ye Fei returned and returned the mallet to Zaya.

Zaya didn't know how he took the mallet, and his heart was still shocking. After all, Ye Fei's performance was too fierce, and it was a complete mess.

Ye Fei saw that several people had not yet returned to the spirit of the spirit, beckoned, and said, "Let's go, there may be a long way ahead, we ride over the dragon."


When Ye Fei said that the dragon ride was over, the spirit gods were all stunned, almost all lying on the ground.

Oh my god, do you want to be so cruel?

That's a pet of Jialan. How can this make you slap your head and cover your face and become a mount?

However, Ye Fei didn't explain to them that he could train the beast. He led the way, and the elven gods followed carefully.

They know that this dragon seems to be afraid of Ye Fei, but they are not necessarily afraid of them. Didn't they see that the goods were catching and spitting fire on them just now?

Sure enough, as soon as they reached the evil dragon, the evil dragon stood up and shouted, then two huge eyes stared at the people of the elven god.

Ye Fei said nothing, slap on the dragon's face and slap in the face, and said, "Be honest!"

Dragon: "..."

The goods hurriedly lay down again, then their heads were lowered and seemed very depressed.

Ye Fei was not polite, grasping the scales of the evil dragon, and even crawled up to the back of the evil dragon, beckoning towards the four people of the elf god.

Several people of the spirit **** were all on the back of the evil dragon.

This dragon is too big, and the back is very wide. Even the large bodies of Dakside and Zaya, they are very loose.

When several people were all seated, Ye Fei patted the dragon's head and said, "Let's go."

The dragon seemed to feel that his chance to perform was the same. He stood up in excitement, and then a pair of wide wings shoved hard. Then two hurricanes appeared on both sides. The dragon's huge body slowly floated up, and then carried A few people, Ye Fei and Elf God, steadily moved forward.

Above the dragon's back, several people of the elf **** finally reacted, all of them looked at Ye Fei curiously.

"Ye Xiaozi, what the **** is going on here?" The elf **** was really uncomfortable, and finally asked.

Ye Fei spread his hands and said, "I don't know. Anyway, I felt itchy when I saw it, so I choked it for a while, maybe it was convinced by my wise and sacred military, so it was very honest."

Spirit God: "..."

He almost vomited. He had never seen a shame. He had never seen Ye Fei shameless.

Are you wise?

Which point from your head to toe meets the standards of wiseness and martial arts?

"Yeshen was right. Your performance just now is really brilliant." Bingo said very promptly.

The elf **** glanced at Bingo, and found that Bingo was looking at Ye Fei with admiration, not only him, but Dakside and Zaya's eyes at Ye Fei were also hot and hungry. For ten years, the man saw a big bikini girl.

The elf **** was covered with a chill, and he dared not think about anything, and didn't ask Ye Fei anymore.

Jialan was completely violent, and this fist smashed a large and sturdy large table in front of me that I hadn't used for years, and then stood up with an extremely fat body and shouted, "Damn, that's my pet. , I didn't expect it to be their mount now. "

The tyrant messenger hurriedly said, "Gods, they are insulting the gods and cannot bear it. I suggest killing all of them!"

Stardust is also erratic: "The tyrant makes sense, god, these people are sitting your pet under the butt, it is obviously provoking you, insulting you."

Silver Shadow's mouth moved, but he said nothing in the end.

Jia Lan's huge body took a step forward, and the whole palace wished to shake a few times.

"Here is my seventh universe. It is not so easy to walk. I have my own way."

There are evil dragons flying, Ye Fei their speed is a lot faster, but even this is almost twenty minutes before they see the figure in front of them.

The evil dragon flew forward for a distance, and the situation in front of Ye Fei saw more clearly.

Just after seeing it clearly, Ye Fei and Elf God were all scalp.

Because the behemoth in front is really too big and too big to be imagined, Ye Fei never thought that there was such an exaggerated creature in the universe.


When Ye Fei first appeared, Jia Lan gave a curse, and then saw the evil dragon body under Ye Fei suddenly tremble, and then thumped to the ground.

Ye Fei was caught by the elf **** and Bingo. They quickly floated down from the dragon, and then slowly landed on the ground.

"Animals are always animals." Jia Lan stared coldly, staring at the evil dragon that had fallen to the ground.

Ye Fei also stomped on the evil dragon's body, and said fiercely, "I hate this kind of ugly bugs so much. Will you make a difference?"

Jia Lan: "..."

Several people in Silver Shadow: "..."

Hearing Ye Fei's words, the faces of several people in Yinyingxia were all sullen, one by one gloating over the events that were about to happen.

Jia Lan, who was scolding the evil dragon, heard Ye Fei's words, the goods suddenly lifted her head and stared at Ye Fei's face ... well, I admit that the goods are better than Ye Fei with one eye Be big.

"What did you say?!"

Ye Fei pointed to the evil dragon on the ground and said, "I hate this kind of ugly little bug."

"Do you know that these two words are my most taboo words?" Jia Lan froze coldly.

Ye Fei froze, then shook his head, and forced his face, "What two words?"

Jia Lan: "..."

"That two words!"

"Which two words?" Ye Fei asked again.

Jia Lan's cheeks jumped up and yelled, "Those two words! The two words you just said!"

"I said a word just now, it contains a lot of words, which two are you referring to?"


Not to mention that Jia Lan is about to spit blood, even the Elven God and Bingo have made the conversation between these two people amused and are about to burst out of internal injuries.

Several people in the Silver Shadow Man wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh, and each one was uncomfortable. They were the first time to see Jia Lan eaten, and they were annoyed by someone who was small and could not be seen as small by them. It's about to explode.

"You are looking for death!" Jia Lan growled with a calm face.

Ye Fei was not afraid at all, and said, "I know that the probability of me going out alive after entering the palace is very low, but I always believe that the existence of a **** level will never put people to death for no reason. There must always be a reason. Like you are killing me now, you say you hate the two words I said, but I really do n’t understand which two words I offend you, even if you want me to die, can I be an understand ghost? ? "

"Ha ha."

"What two words are they?"

Jia Lan: "..."

The goods were really jumped up by Ye Fei, and when they saw it, they were going to jump. At this time, the messenger of the tyrant snorted and said, "I think you are deliberately entertaining the gods. You can only do this for Your planet has brought disaster. "

The tyrant messenger had just finished speaking, who knew that Ye Fei suddenly pointed at the tyrant messenger and shouted, "Stop! Are you called a tyrant messenger? Do you know what you just said ?! Recreational deities? As a member of the gods General, you follow as a god, you do n’t worship him, you are not grateful for the kindness he gave you, but you treat him as a person, what is your conscience ?! What do you want to do? Do you want to rebel ?! "

Tyrant messenger: "..."

Everyone: "..."

This time the people in the entire palace were completely aggressive, I rely on, which one should I sing again?

The tyrant messenger was also beaten by Ye Fei's mammoth. He didn't know how exactly he had just touched the guy's inverse scale, so why was he scolded?

But scolding and swearing, the charge for pressing this product is really enough to drink a pot.

"You talk nonsense, the gods are in my heart ..."

"What's in your heart? Do you think of him as a **** in your heart? If you really think of him as a god, you will never associate the word pastime with the god. You are insulting him What is pastime? How can these two low texts be combined with high gods ?! Tyrant messenger, you said, what exactly do you press ?! "


"Don't you dare to say that? I knew you didn't dare to say, your dirty and dark heart will always be afraid to be exposed to bright sunlight, you are afraid that the gods will punish you after knowing your thoughts, you can only From time to time, say a few words that make the gods feel disgusting to make yourself feel too happy, do n’t you? I do n’t know what you said today, but I know you must say today Do you dare to deny the unpleasant words or words of Jialan ?! "

"I @ # ¥%"

The tyrant messenger is going to lie down, Nima, who is this bastard? What are you talking about?

"you wanna die!"

The tyrant messenger was really killed by Ye Fei's three corpses and seven stolen smoke, and he rushed up with a big axe.

But suddenly his body froze, and then the whole person dared not move, because he found Jia Lan's eyes were staring at him.

"Did you just say those two words on purpose? Is it just to satisfy your feelings of being too happy?"

"Jialan God, don't listen to him nonsense. I follow you sincerely. I have never thought about anything that is not good for you, and never did it."

"Why didn't they just say ~ ~ and only you said those two words? How would you explain?"


"In your eyes and heart, it's always the least popular thing, isn't it? It's my pet. If you despise him, you despise me. What else do you want to say?"

"Jia Lan Shen, misunderstandings are misunderstandings. I never thought of it as a bug, I ..."

Before the words of the tyrant messenger had been finished, I saw Jia Lan's big hand suddenly fall from the sky, and directly arrested the tyrant messenger, saying fiercely: "I told you, I hate the two words that others hate! "

"God's life is terrible, I didn't mean to say the word bug."

"... dead!"

噗 ~~

The whole world is quiet ...

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