The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1698: 0 wear 10,000 wear, do n’t wear

There is still a big difference between the cattle and the cattle.

The tyrant messenger is a tyrannical mess in the eyes of many people.

Even in the eyes of people like Elven God and Bingo, they are very powerful opponents.

But in front of Xun Jialan, he was just an ant who could pinch to death.

Jia Lan stretched out her hand, and saw that his hand was completely empty, that is, under the grip, the tyrant messenger turned into fly ash.

There is no sound in the whole palace, and a needle can be heard quietly and clearly.

The gang of Silver Shadows were all trembling with fright. Each of them had been following Jialan for a long time, but now they are such loyal men. He said that killing and killing is a bit chilling.

They are painful, but they are very helpless.

They knew that even if Jia Lan wanted to dispose of all of them, they could only stand honestly and wait for the coming of fate. They didn't even have the courage to resist, because each of them could have what they are today. Status and abilities were all given by Jialan. Jialan now just took back everything that was given to them.

For Jialan, they are just tools. The tools are worn out and not easy to use. Just dispose of them and replace them with new ones.

The flame emperor disappeared, and the tyrant messenger disappeared. This was not a big loss for Jialan. With his ability, he could completely recreate another dozen or even dozens of flame emperor and tyrant messengers, if he wanted to.

So the gang of Silver Shadows were all shivering, they are really scared now.

The spirit **** and Ye Fei also had a deeper understanding of Jialan at this time. This is a person with only self-respect. In his eyes, nothing exists except his own interests.

At the same time, they realized that things were really difficult, because Jialan was too powerful, and the Emperor of the Flames and the Tyrant's Messengers, which were similar to their abilities, had no power to fight in front of Jialan. Where to go.

In the face of such a strong man who has become too strong, he can't be hardened until he has no choice but to die.

"It's really annoying, why do you always say those two words in front of me?"

The **** Jialan is still struggling with this problem. The death of the tyrant messenger has no meaning to be sad.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

In the quiet palace, apart from Jia Lan muttering, Ye Fei even shouted three times, and then quickly applauded. The slap was taken ... Both hands were red.

"This is a way for the gods to deal with things. Hurry up. For people who don't respect you, you should do it like this. Quickly, chaos, Jialan God. My admiration for you is like endless rivers. The floods are out of control, you are the greatest **** in my mind! "

With that said, Ye Fei raised her thumbs and looked at Jiaxing's eyes full of little stars.

Everyone heard Ye Fei's words, all of them were full of black lines. The elf **** couldn't wait to bring this guy back. You are fart, okay, now Jialan is angry, and you did n’t say anything wrong. Already.

Bingo, Dakside, and Zaya also all sweated for Ye Fei, whispering in their hearts, is this leaf **** stupid or too confident in himself? You dare to speak in this kind of bones?

A few people in Stardust looked at Ye Fei proudly after a moment of stun. At this time, they knew that it was not the time to speak. They had followed Jialan for too long, and knew when to speak and when to close. mouth.

Now is the time to shut up, because whoever talks is unlucky.

In the last few words, the tyrant messenger talked to the little **** who died suddenly. Let's see how you die.

Sure enough, after hearing Ye Fei's words, Jia Lan's big eyes directly hit Ye Fei.

Then, before Jialan got angry, Ye Fei suddenly "surprised" and said: "Wow ~ Jialan god, your eyes are really beautiful, it turns out to be blue eyes, like the sea of ​​stars, what do you use? Brand of beautiful pupils? I have to buy a pair of Daidai when I go back. I almost lost myself when I see your eyes. I have never seen such clear and bright eyes like the color of the sea and like The endless starry sky, can't it? How can this be? I actually saw the sun, moon, and stars in your eyes, and the brilliant nebula. According to our planet, this is a symptom of unity! Congratulations! Lan Shenming will soon be able to show his mighty power, dominate the rivers and lakes ... No, dominate the universe! "

With that said, Ye Fei couldn't help but reached out and touched Jia Lan's eyes. The guy's hands were shaking slightly, and he seemed very excited. Actually ... he was scared.

Everyone in the palace gave Ye Fei a complete kneel. Brother, Jia Lan is a god. You are also a god. You can say that the face of this red fruit is not red, the heart is not beating, dozens of universes. I guess I can only find you. You are so ... shameless.

The elven gods and bingo, and the four guys, Dakside and Zaya, had committed the awkward cancer standing behind them. They really wanted to cover their faces and run away.

If we don't know this guy, we don't even know this guy without face or skin.

Huh ~

Several people were feeling egg pain, and suddenly saw Jia Lan's eyelids blinked, and then ... Then Ye Fei's body flew directly towards the back.


Jia Lan only moved her eyelids slightly, and even formed a hurricane, which almost blown Ye Fei to blow away.

The spirit **** quickly reached out and grabbed Ye Fei, crying and laughing: "Who was your head kicked or what was pinched? Now it is almost endless, do you think it is useful to make a flatter?"

Ye Fei hehe smiled and said, "Useful and useless, I only know after using it, you see."

With that said, Ye flies to the previous finger.

A few people of the spirit **** hurriedly looked forward, and saw Jia Lan's left eye suddenly seemed to be unable to stop, and he kept blinking. In front of Jia Lan, a hurricane appeared as his eyelids fanned, turning him The things in front of me were flying everywhere.

"Uh ~ what's the situation?" The elf **** looked at Ye Fei, then looked at a few bingo people, and asked aggressively.

My heart said that Jialan is going to make trouble? Why is this eye blinking?

The three bingos were all scratching their heads. I do n’t understand. We do n’t understand the gods ’thoughts.

Several people in the Silver Shadow Man are also dizzy. They have never seen Jialan. This is a god. It can be said that it is immune to everything and the body will not have any discomfort at all, but How did this happen today? The blinking of the eyes always indicates that the eyes are uncomfortable. How can the gods have uncomfortable eyes? It doesn't make sense, it's not scientific.

You alas, a few children are now beginning to believe in science.

"What did you do to me?" Jia Lan's left eye was still blinking hard, staring at Ye Fei with her right eye, roared.

Ye Fei spread his hands and said, "What can I do to you? What can I do to you? I just couldn't stand the temptation of your eyes. I just touched it gently as an admirer. Swear, if I do something to you, I will be killed by Tian Lei if I leave the hall! "

Boom ~~

As soon as Ye Fei's words were finished, everyone heard a huge muffled thunder in the sky outside the palace, shaking the whole hall slightly.

Everyone: "..."

Ye Fei: "..."

Nima, should you be so ingenious? Laozi just casually said, God, why do you take it seriously?

"Ye Fei, what else do you have to say ?! Cangtian is already angry, because you are lying, you have done something to the gods, and it is punishing you!" The erratic stardust suddenly said.

Ye Fei stared at Stardust and said, "When are you farting! When did Heaven punish me? If you are not deaf, you should have heard what I said just now, and I said that if I did something, I let Tian Lei go out of the palace Boom to death. "

"Tianlei has come down!"

"But I didn't go out of the palace. This is just a coincidence. You still have a word that makes me very angry. You said that Cangtian is angry, haha, you are still admiring God in the presence of Jia Lan god? I suddenly think you The tyrant messenger is the same person, and you do n’t have the Garam **** in your heart. You think there is something stronger than him. It ’s not that I say you, since you follow the Garam god, then the Garam **** is yours. Heaven is your land. I swear to heaven just now, but I am standing in front of Jialan God, which means that I swear to Jialan God. In my mind, Jialan God is my heaven!枉 Fei Jialan deity is so good to you, I did not expect that the loyalty and admiration of Jia Lan **** is not as good as an alien from me, it is sad! "

After listening to Ye Fei's words, Stardust almost disappeared automatically, and there was even more erratic there. He was the first time he had seen such a messy person. This was just staring at the eyes and talking nonsense. It's just a junk that doesn't have a face, a nose, and nothing, brother, how do you say these words?

He suddenly realized now that the most powerful of the five people across was not the ones behind him, but the guy in front of whom the hair wouldn't know. This particular mouthpiece was killing.

If you look at what this says, what can't be hit by the eight poles will let him tell you and rub it together. What you say is clever and dazzling.

"Sigh your sister!" Stardust was about to vomit blood and roared directly.

As a result, Ye Fei shouted more than he shouted.

"Shut your stinky mouth! Stardust, right? What the **** do you want to do ?! Are you angry? Are you saying that you want to kill me? Huh, will you still scold others, then you follow Jia Lan Shenming has been around for so many years, has n’t you been affected by his little civilization by his side? Open your dog's eyes and take a good look. Although Jia Lan Shenming has always wanted to kill me, he is still listening to me after all What is this? This is politeness, this is recuperation, this is morality, this is ethics, this is the greatest and noblest virtue of a great deity, it spreads the earth, favors the world, and I, the first universe You can bathe in the sublime light of Jialan God, and realize the meaning of life, but what about you? You are with Jialan God, you are bathing in his divine glory, but you are full of heaven and earth. Other gods and gods in the sky, you are a blasphemy against the **** Jia Lan! You are not worthy of his follow! "

When Ye Fei said at the end, he bent down and picked up a stone from the ground, and smashed it in front of the stardust.

"I ..... I can't wait for you to smash corpse Wan Xie Jialan God and the universe is born, what a special thing you are!" After smashing the stone, Ye Fei screamed and glared even more than him Gas stardust.

That ’s right, Stardust is far more powerful than Ye Fei. Now he ca n’t wait to tear Ye Fei torn and cramp to drink blood. Nima, I ’ve never seen such two people. Brother, you just used The gangster killed the messenger of the tyrant, now is he coming to me? Why don't you open your mouth and give us a mess? Do you want to face?

In the back, the elven gods and bingo have squatted collectively, holding their heads one by one and lowering their heads, as if they are watching whether there are small ants crawling on the ground. They really do n’t want to see Ye Fei, this Too good to pull, black can make you white, bad can make you good.

Especially the elf god, he felt that Ye Fei should not be a food anchor at all. This should be the anchor of the language section. It is definitely the same as the one who has no rivals. What you say, even if you draft the draft in advance, you will say Can't you be so slippery?

"Hahaha ..."

Just when everyone was messed up by Ye Fei, Jia Lan suddenly laughed. He glanced at Stardust fiercely, then looked at Ye Fei and said, "Although I know what you said, It's fake, but I love to listen, yes, I am the sky, and the sky is me! "

After hearing Ga Lan saying this, everyone was completely dumbfounded.

I rely, can this work?

Several of the spirit gods all stood up from the ground, one after another looked at Jia Lan incrediblely, and then looked at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei secretly turned back and made a V gesture to four people, victory!

This goods is still in my heart, saying that the old Chinese ancestors are definitely the smartest people in all universes, and the essence of the art of speaking has been summed up early, that is-wear them a lot, don't wear them!

What's wrong with Jialan?

Jia Lan also likes to listen to good things.

Stardust saw Jia Lan even like to hear what Ye Fei said. This kind of gas was blurred in the air and almost disintegrated. He knew that there was Jia Lan and he couldn't kill Ye Fei.

"Specially, this shameless asshole!" Stardust said fiercely in his heart.

Ye Fei saw that he had spent a lot of time spitting the star and did not kill Stardust. This was a little disappointed, but Stardust was not his main goal. He didn't want to kill Jia Lan's men this time. After all, he was going to save Sauron, and that was the business.

Seeing Jia Lan now happy, Ye Fei kicked her nose directly on her face, and said, "Jia Lan Shen, our trip here is a bit abrupt, but we have absolutely no offense, I am just a food anchor, I just want to come and take away A person named Sauron, he will be my next live guest, a ten-year-old child, of course, I also admit that we have done something wrong, and I should call you in advance ... You said it, but we do n’t have your phone number ... no contact information for you ~ ~ You are high above us, we want to be close to you, it is almost impossible, so we will take the initiative, I apologize to you first. "

Jia Lan's left eye blinked for a long time, and said, "Food anchor?"

"Yes, for food."


"Uh ~ Actually, chefs are more appropriate."

"I never eat these vulgar things."

"I know this. The reason why Jia Lan Shen is called the star swallower is to use the planet as food, but I have an incomprehensible question and want to take the liberty to ask, I wonder if it is okay?"

"what is the problem?"

"That ... is it easy to digest the planet?"


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