The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1699: Because you got kidney stones

Is eating a planet good for digestion?

After Ye Fei asked this question, he stood there curiously waiting for Jia Lan's answer.

However, when Stardust and Silver Shadow Man heard Ye Fei asking this question, they all began to gloat.

They are all very clear that although Jia Lan lives on devouring the planet, she is really compelled to do so. Because of this, he hates people saying that he eats the planet, even more than hating the words "worm" in front of him. I hate it.

Ye Fei now asks Jialan to eat the planet to digest it? This is literally exposing Jia Lan's scars. This is a death.

Several people looked at Ye Fei sympathetically, yes, at this moment they began to sympathize with Ye Fei, because they knew that the goods would die very soon.

With Jia Lan's temper, he could have more than 10,000 ways to make Ye Fei slowly die in the screaming horn.

Sure enough, when Ye Fei asked this question, Jia Lan instantly stood up, like the same sitting on a huge mountain, his eyes stared at Ye Fei coldly, and growled, "You are out of bounds."

Ye Fei: "..."

The goods looked down at their feet, then took two steps back and said, "Is it okay now?"

Jia Lan: "..."

I rely, why are you so two? What I said to be out of bounds is that the question you asked is out of bounds, not that your position is out of bounds.

"Um ~~"

Jia Lan breathed out in a sullen mood, but as soon as this breath came out, everyone saw Jia Lan's body suddenly shake, and then her two hands directly held her stomach. For a moment, everyone saw Jia Lan's piece The sweaty beads of peanuts on the face of the ugly robotic worm crackled down.

At the same time, everyone smelled a strange smell, which was so crazy that it filled the entire palace almost instantly.

Ye Fei was closest to Jia Lan, and the goods happened to take a deep breath, and this time he didn't hang him directly.

"Ahem ..."

Ye Fei crouched on the neck and squatted on the ground, coughing hard, and 10,000 alpacas rushed past in his heart. What is going on here? Where did it smell so bad? It was too stinky, and the smoked ones were a little dizzy.

The elven gods and bingo hurriedly covered their noses, but even then they stopped breathing automatically because they couldn't stand the smell.

Stardust trembled in the air, and even began to fade quickly, shaking like a piece of paper there.

Silver Shadow Man, Redshift, Skywalker also closed his breath for a moment, but they were not ready, and each of them blushed and had a thick neck after a while.

Jia Lan didn't care that he had put a stinky fart at all. Now he can only feel the pain in his stomach as if he is turning over the river, as if 10,000 hands were tearing his stomach. The pain of gastrointestinal and physical disengagement made him a bit unbearable.

"Hello ~~"

Jia Lan yelled, and the whole face almost deformed.

At the same time, his left eye blinked faster.

Suddenly ...

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei couldn't help but laughed.

That's right, he's not stupid. When he asked the sensitive question of Xun Jialan just now, he had already turned the Qi disk in his mind, and the result was ten times bad luck!

This is definitely the highest level of bad luck. He is convinced that bad luck at this level cannot be spared even if it is Jialan. Sure enough, everyone in the house is unlucky now.

Except for Jia Lan himself, everyone else was turned by a stink and fainting dizziness. Jia Lan himself began to have a cold stomachache, and at the same time his left eye became more uncomfortable.

Jia Lan is really about to jump up, who is she? Shenming Jialan, how could you suddenly have a stomachache? For thousands of years, this has never happened to me. What happened today?

"Jialan Shenming, if I haven't guessed wrong, are you unbearably painful in the middle left part of the abdomen and lower abdomen?" Ye Fei asked, covering her nose.

Jia Lan glanced at Ye Fei, and couldn't help it anymore. He lay on the ground and rolled back and forth. The pain of heartbreaking was really desperate. He had been injured and was hurt. He almost cut his body in half, but even then he didn't feel as unbearable as his stomachache now.

"Hello ~~"

Jia Lan yelled, and the whole palace began to shake violently.

"Ye Fei, you are dying, what did you do to Jia Lan Shen ?!" Stardust roared, holding her nose.

Ye Fei glanced at him with a nose, and said, "Stardust, I warn you one last time, and don't insult Jia Lan Shen again, or I will kill you myself, even if God doesn't want your life."

"I ... why am I insulting Garam again?"

Stardust's face was aggressive, and the goods were also depressing. How did I say that I was insulting the gods? What the **** is this?

Ye Fei snorted, holding his nose and pursing his breath, "Do you dare to say that you did not insult Jia Lan Shen? Just when you asked me what you did to Jia Lan Shen, you were insulting him, Jia Lan. The gods are gods. I ’m just a mortal. I want to ask you how I can do something to Jialan gods? You are not lifting me up, but you are degrading Jialan gods. Do you want to say Jialan gods? Can't even an ordinary person prevent it? Are you insulting the ingenuity of Jia Lan Shen ?! "

Stardust: "..."

Ye Feiqi really wanted to rush over to kill Ye Fei, your sister, Lao Tzu, you just dragged on Jia Lan Shenming, do n’t you want me to die?

He wanted to refute, but suddenly felt that Ye Fei was right. Jia Lan is a god. Ye Fei is just an ordinary person. If an ordinary person can manipulate Jia Lan, it is definitely a kind of Strange shame.

But he knew that if he didn't save it, Jia Lan would really find himself in trouble for a while. Today, the **** doesn't know what's going on, and will kill his two companions in a flash. It's not unusual for me, but I don't want to die.

"You have a smooth mouth. Just now you touched Kalan God. We all saw it. It was after you touched Kalan God that he appeared this series of strange phenomena. Can you dare say you are innocent?"

"Stardust !!"

The words of Stardust just dropped, Ye Fei yelled directly, not even pinching his nose. He pointed at Stardust and scolded, "I have reached the limit of your patience, but you I'm still insulting the Kalam God again and again. If I don't die with you today, I will be sorry for the great Kalam God! "


Stardust is going crazy, your uncle, can I still say a word? How can I insult the gods again?

"What are you looking at? Are you still not convinced? What word did you just use? Touch! You even said that I touched Jia Lan Shen, what is in your heart ?! You touch a word even more than you have before The words insulted Jia Lan Shen a lot, touch, what a vulgar word, how can it be used on Jia Lan Shen Ming? What do you think of Jia Lan Shen Ming ?! Are you a wife? Or is he a work of art? For everyone to see and touch? Why is your heart so poisonous? Didn't Jia Lan Shen have moved you for the favor for so many years? How can you be Such a person ?! I really feel worthless and sad for Jia Lan Shen. "

Ye Fei said sadly, and said that in the end, the man who was topped was as if he was being insulted.

"You fart!"

Stardust was completely violently blown away by Ye Fei, and his body rushed towards Ye Fei hurriedly. Now that he had thrown everything behind his head, he wanted to kill Ye Fei, but he just rushed to half. Tao, Stardust felt his body was bound by a powerful force.

When he looked down, he saw Jia Lan's big hand clenching his body.

Stardust's scared souls flew out and said in pain: "Jia Lan, what are you doing? He is insulting you, I must kill him!"

Jia Lan covered her stomach with one hand and stardust staring at the other, and then covered her face with egg-sized sweat beads, panting: "Ask me knowingly, people like you should die!"

Uh ~


Seeing Jia Lan stunned the stardust, Ye Fei sighed quietly in her heart, saying that she rubbed it, and I still did n’t believe that you would not die. Do you think you are terrible? Don't die.

Just as he was whispering, the voice of the elf **** came from his ear.

"Boy, what the **** is going on here? Why was Jia Lan killed another one?"

Ye Fei glanced back at the elf god, and then said with the smallest voice: "It's strange that he doesn't die. The fart was put by Jia Lan. How can this pot be opened? It's no wonder that he was killed. This kind of thing can only be intelligible. He doesn't know the obvious reason. Who will die if he doesn't die? "

Spirit God: "..."

MMP, is this okay?

It turned out that Ye Fei was a bunch of fakes. In this smell, just waiting for Stardust. Hey, Stardust, you are not dead under Ye Fei's mouth, nor in Jia Lan's hands. You died in that smell.

The elf **** almost laughed behind him. Bingo asked him what was going on. The elf **** said Ye Fei's words just now, and then Bingo, Daxide and Zaya were all messed up.

"I rely, Ye Shen can't be prevented." Zaya, who knew least about Ye Fei, said with a smile.

Bingo said you did n’t know? If you see how he tossed the wind and said nothing, you will feel deeper.

Silver Shadow Man, Redshift and Skywalker are all messy. Hey, let this **** kill one, especially Silver Shadow Man. This product now has a little regret that he didn't kill Ye Fei at the beginning. If you were a little decisive at first, it would be impossible for the tyrant messenger and Stardust to die.

Now it ’s okay. Several other people did n’t move. They stood behind watching the excitement, letting one of the scumiest guys come out for a while, and the two little friends directly hung up.

"Ah ~ what a special word, but I always keep silent. Silence is the most secure defense." Yin Yingxia murmured in his heart.

"what are you doing!"

Just when everyone was speechless about Ye Fei, suddenly Skywalker appeared, and directly lobbed Ye Fei.

This scene appeared too suddenly, a few people of the elf **** did not respond at all.

"Let him go!"

The elf **** instantly lifted Houyi's bow and aimed at Skywalker.

At the same time, Bingo and Dakside and Zaya were all ready to fight.

Silver Shadow Man rushed to the Skywalker instantly, staring coldly at the Elves.

The inexplicable scene instantly made the atmosphere tense.

"do not move."

Ye Fei, who was clutched by the Skywalker and holding his neck, hurriedly reached out to stop the elves, and then he glanced at the Skywalker and smiled, "Are you sure you want to strangle me?"

"You want to be close to the gods, and I will kill you."

"Ahem, it seems that you are the same as them. Don't you see Jialan God's pain now? He is sick."

"Releasing ... recklessly! The gods never get sick, and this can only happen to your mortals."

Skywalker wanted to say that Ye Fei farted, but the thought of Stardust just because these two words were pinched to death, the goods swallowed up the next word and changed it to wanton.

Ye Fei grabbed Skywalker's arm with both hands, at this time the goods blushed, but he still didn't let a few of the spirit gods come over.

"You can't believe me, but you can't help but believe in the reality in front of you. The longer you hold me off, the longer the Jialan Deity will suffer. Let me go, maybe I can help him, I'm a doctor. . "

"Don't you say you're a food anchor? You're a chef."

"Can you call me a chef? Can it be more advanced? The chef is just one of my professions, and I have another profession as a doctor, a very good doctor."


Skywalker knows that Ye Fei has a thick skin, but he didn't expect the goods to be choked on his throat. The skin is still so thick, and I am a very good doctor. Do you want a face to give death a face?

Just when Skywalker still wanted to say something, a low voice suddenly came.

"Let him go!"

Hearing this voice, Skywalker hurriedly released Ye Fei, but Ye Fei couldn't stand at all now. He was almost stupefied just now, his feet fell to the ground as soon as he hit the ground, and he gasped heavily. It took a few breaths to slow down.

Jia Lanqiang endured the pain in his stomach and looked at Ye Fei sweating. "You can really cure my illness? Do you know what kind of illness I have?"

Ye Fei shook his head, but then nodded again, and said, "The doctors in our country pay attention to the smell, the smell, and the hope, that is, to observe the patient's complexion and tongue, to judge the state of the five internal organs in the patient. Mouth, stick out your tongue. "

Talking, Ye Fei stood up staggeringly, then backed away.

Jia Lan is really too painful now. The contents in his stomach seem to be entangled and tearing at each other, especially at certain points. It is like using a huge steel nail to stab a fierce thorn. Now he ca n’t take care of it. Too much. Seeing Ye Fei tell him to open his mouth, he opened his mouth honestly, and then stuck his tongue out.

It was just that Ye Fei had a little regret after the tongue stuck out. The tongue of this girl was too big, too big, and it was like a wall.

And the tone of this goods is really stinky, and certainly not often brush your teeth.

Ye Fei backed back a long way, until Jia Lan's tongue was almost out, and then he walked around Jia Lan's tongue with his hands on his back.

Yeah, Ye Fei is walking, because he ca n’t see some places without walking. There is an existence that can swallow the stars. If the tongue can be small, it will be evil.

Even so, the swallowing star has been transformed into the smallest shape as much as possible, otherwise the ghost doesn't know how big he can be.

Ye Fei looked at the tongue elephant for a long time, and then asked Tun Xing to retract his tongue, which was too smelly.

"Good, judging by your tongue, your stomach and stomach are unbearable, right? And your mouth is smelly ... wait a moment, you slap me to death. No one can Healing, listen to me, if it ’s not right to shoot again, I ’m not too late, um, bad mouth, it means your digestive system is bad, then now I want to know what you have eaten recently? To better and more accurately determine your Condition. "

Ye Fei said that Jia Lan had a bad mouth, and Jia Lan almost slapped him to death with a slap. No one dared to say such a thing when he was so big. Ye Fei was the first.

"Huh ~" Jia Lan exhaled sullenly, and said, "I have recently eaten two planets, one wine king and one fresh king. Is there anything wrong with this?"

"Wine King? Fresh King? What wine? What fresh?"

"Drink wine, eat seafood."


"Are there such a planet?"

Ye Fei was so curious, he really heard it for the first time.

"You don't know anything about the universe at all, there are too many things you don't know," Jia Lan said sweating.

Ye Fei nodded and said, "These have nothing to do with me. What I want to solve now is your condition. Well, I drank alcohol and ate seafood. Can I take the liberty to ask a question?"


"You have to make sure you don't kill me."

"I ... don't kill you."

"Well, does it hurt more here when you pee?"


After Ye Fei asked this question ~ ~ A few people at the scene were not calm, one by one, their faces were fierce and their mouths twitched. They were regarded as Ye Fei.

"Well, is this kid treating Jia Lan or making him scandalous?"

"What does this stuff have to do with a stomachache?"

"Be prepared for battle, Ye Shen is working hard to die."

Silver Shadow Man and Redshift all feel bad, one by one, brother, you dare to ask anything, you can ask such things, you think you live too long. no?

Just when a few people were thinking wildly, who knew that Jia Lan's huge head clicked a few times, and then sucked the cold airway: "How do you know?"

Ye Fei was also curious that this problem did not make Jia Lan soaring, so he hurriedly said, "Because you got it-kidney! Knot! Stone!"

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