The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 670: Cooking, I never doubted him!

Assorted platter, especially assorted platter and assorted platter, almost everyone who knows a little bit knows how to handle ingredients with each knife is very particular, because what shape you cut out with each knife, wait a while Whether you have any shape or not, there must be a fixed number in this heart.

But when Ye Fei started to work, everyone really collapsed.

Because every blade of Ye Fei is not cutting vegetables at all, but chopping vegetables.

That's right, this guy is not cutting carefully at all now, but chopping directly.

Everyone saw Ye Fei raising the knife high, and then it fell down, and the anxiety was anxious to chop the chopping board.

This scene is too exciting, it's too bloating, it's too mad ... it's too crazy.

Platter, brother, how about playing the platter?

The peerless pheasant was speechless for a long time, and waited a long time before asking: "What do you do?"

Ye Fei did not lift her head, and said, "I make some stones."

"Stones? Do you make stones?"

"Well, make a few stones."

The peerless pheasant is completely speechless. She is not an ordinary person. The number of high-end hotels she has been to can't be counted. But even so, she is really the first time that someone has heard of a brown egg , How to do this stuff?

Shan Pao was not a cannon laughing and said, "Pheasant, believe in Ye Shen's cooking."

The peerless pheasant gave him a nasty look and said: "You have confidence in him."

"Of course, because he is Ye Shen."

Because he is Ye Shen!

What a simple and overbearing reason.

The peerless pheasant shrugged and stopped talking.

Everyone in the live broadcast room is not calm, making stones? Take preserved eggs to make stones? This thing doesn't work.

"Yeshen, how do you make stones with this stuff?"

"Preserved eggs and stones? I'm going to be an eye-opener today."

"Drive your sister, what do you do when you make a difference?"

"Upstairs, I do n’t allow you to say this for the second time. I still believe that others ca n’t make good food, but Ye Shen ca n’t make it. What ’s not like what is different from what ’s not? Do you know what you say? Is it an insult to Ye Shen? "

"…… .. Emma, ​​I am convinced that you guys are here. This is my first visit and I have not seen Ye Fei's previous live video, but I know that a professional and highly skilled chef is absolutely It's impossible to do such unreliable things. "

"Forget it, don't say anything, I'll just sit here waiting to be beaten upstairs."

"Fuck, don't gamble? If Ye Fei can drool me with this platter, I will eat live on the spot."

"... neuropathy, you!"

"I'm not a neurosis. I just want to tell you that every smart chef cooks every dish. It takes careful consideration to make it, because food is also a living thing. People Treat it kindly, it will have a huge appeal to people. If you mess around, then what you make is absolutely terrible, and people will throw up at a glance. "

"Without telling you so much, I'll just sit and wait for you to broadcast live."

"Wait for an eggplant. There was another guy who said what happened to Ye Shen. He wanted to broadcast diced tinsel, but Ye Shen did it. Then he didn't dare to show up."

Ye Fei's chopped vegetables are too bold and bold, so many audiences who have confidence in him have a daunting battle.

But Ye Fei didn't care about this. The suit he wanted to make now was in his own mind. It was not provided by the system at all. He just asked the system for ingredients.

For a preserved egg, Ye Fei is first divided into two from the middle, and the two petals are the same size. Then Ye Fei puts one half aside and starts to cut the other half by hand.

I saw that the knife in his hand was quickly chopped down, and then this half of the preserved egg was "broken corpse" in a short while. It can be said that only four or five preserved eggs are long like a crescent moon, and the rest It's all messy irregular shapes.

This is also the reason why many people collapse, because such ingredients of different sizes and shapes are the most difficult to use in the plate. Even if it is used, it can only be used as a base. If it is placed on it Take it out to your guests, or you will be trained like a rotten pear.

But now Ye Fei does just that, not just one egg, but another egg.

When the preserved eggs are finally processed, people look at the messy pieces of preserved eggs on the cutting board, and they are all speechless. How can this be done? Not to mention the platter, it is disgusting to put it in a bowl.

"Oh, what is Ye Shen doing?"

"Emma, ​​I was very confident in Ye Shen just now, but now I see these messy pieces of preserved eggs, I ... I don't think I can have confidence anymore. How can this be used?"

"I said, I said just now that although Ye Fei did a great job on a gourmet dish, he couldn't make it at all. He just said it himself, time is running out, and making cold dishes That ’s all right, ca n’t you still hear the words? In the end, this dish is just casual, and it ’s OK. It ’s impossible to be as serious as the last one. ”

"I also think this is the case. No matter what you do, when a person's mood fluctuates, it is difficult to imagine the outcome of the thing."

"Yeshen ...... hey, you ca n’t ruin your reputation in this dish, right? If so, we would rather you not make this dish."

"What to do? What can I do to help Ye Shen?"

"This matter? No one can help him in this matter, only those who can help him."

"Yes, I hope Ye Shen will be on the cliff, don't go on like this, I really can't stand it."

It can be said that at this time, one third of the people have begun to dislike Ye Fei. After all, Ye Fei has handled these two preserved eggs too much. How can such ingredients be plattered? Ghost believe it? !!

The scattered flower fairy is obviously an iron fan of Ye Fei, shouting anxiously: "Yes, do n’t do this anymore, you ca n’t stand it, you really ca n’t stand it. If your energy today is really overdrawn, You take a break, we will not say anything, I just hope you can take every dish seriously, okay? "

Another girl also said in a hurry: "Ye Shen, the fairy is right, you take a break, will the live broadcast be here today, okay? We don't force it."

Ding Dingge: "Oh, buy Karma, my God, please save Ye God, I don't want him to pay his name in the first name."

Even in the end, even Bazhen Yushi sent a message: "Yes, stop, I beg you to stop. Today we are very satisfied with a delicious meal."

Guofu is proud of Du Guohao: "Yes, Ye Shen, it ’s really difficult for a person to do the ideal thing when his mood is chaotic. I hope you can pause for a while and do it tomorrow. We will wait for you tomorrow. May I?"

Chen Ziheng also rushed to send news. In the end, even Shangguan Xiaodie and Wu Simeng followed up with the news. There are still a lot of viewers. It can be said that they all hope that Ye Fei will stop today ’s live broadcast, take a break, wait until the heart has stabilized, and then resume the live broadcast , Because it is not a way to continue this way, if you continue to do this, this dish will be completely smashed.

Ye Fei heard the anxious voice of the Fairy Scattered Fairy and another girl. He also heard the voice of Dingdingo Badinger. He looked up at the direction of the computer and laughed: "My spirit is still good, why? need a rest?"


In a word, everyone froze.

Are you in good spirits?

You have a good spirit, can you make such unreliable food? Good spirits, can you chop the eggs with a knife? How about a kid?

"Ye God, are you really sure?" Shan Pao was not a cannon and was a bit anxious. He could see that Ye Fei's attitude towards this dish was completely different from those of the previous ones. If every dish was cooked before, If you are careful, then this treat is made with a playful mood.

This is definitely not the way to go.

Although he was still full of confidence in Ye Fei just now, but seeing the pile of broken eggs, he was not so embarrassed and began to worry for Ye Fei.

In the live broadcast room, only some knowledgeable people did not send a message. They just watched Ye Fei's actions seriously. Some people even started to have their eyes lit.

Suddenly, eating all over the world said: "Brother, what do you think?"

No one expected that I only ate a smiley face and then sent two words: "Pretty!"

An old man from Nanjiang also sent a word: "OK!"

Even Lushan Yake Ye said at the back: "Now!"


Wait, you can see that there are more and more people in the doorway, but most of them are still confused.

Ye Fei finally gave the two preserved eggs to the broken corpse Wandan, and then began to put them on the plate.

When I saw him, he first picked up a piece of preserved egg, which was not moved, that is, it was complete. Everyone saw him holding the preserved egg directly to the middle part of the plate, and then Ye Fei came out of the pile of pieces. Inside, I picked and picked, and picked out five long strips of skin-shaped eggs like meniscus, and carefully placed the left hand behind the eggs. Suddenly, everyone's eyes were bright. Because they found that these pieces of preserved eggs were combined to form the general shape of a fish.

Watching Ye Fei start to market, everyone didn't speak, and no longer argued whether Ye Fei could succeed.

Put five long and thin pieces of preserved eggs behind half of the preserved eggs, then Ye Fei found two small pieces from a pile of preserved eggs, and placed them in front of the half of the preserved eggs, next to the half Preserved eggs, one click up and down, like two eyes.

After the two small pieces were put up, everyone burst into chaos.

"Is that all right?"

"Fish? Is this a fish?"

"No, it's just the shape of the fish. It's not a real fish."

"Your sister, how can it be a real fish? This is a preserved egg."

"Where is the fin?"

"Don't worry, this low-level mistake Ye Shen will definitely not make."

Sure enough, people's news just came out, and everyone saw Ye Fei found four small pieces from a pile of broken egg pieces, and then put two pieces of half egg on one side.

This time, the figure is too clear, this is a fish, a black mullet with a bulging eye!

At the scene, the gun was not a gun and it had already seen the doorway, and the goods could not help but sigh: "Yes, even if everyone in the world suspects you will fail, my gun can believe that you will succeed today!"

Peerless pheasant twisted his waist and walked forward two, a pair of beautiful eyes stared straight at the black goldfish on the plate, and laughed: "I have never doubted him for cooking!"

Yao Xiaoming, this little boy, also has his hands behind his back. Like a fake adult, he nodded seriously when he heard the words of his elder mother's peerless pheasant, and his adult voice said, "My mother is right."

Ye Fei smiled ~ ~ and did not speak.

In the same way, he put the other half of the preserved egg into a black goldfish. The two fish were put on and off one after the other, forming a look after you.

After Ye Fei finished these things, everyone found that there were some pieces of preserved eggs. These pieces were large or small, square or long, and some irregular polygons.

Everyone couldn't understand how these pieces of Ye Fei would be used.

Ye Fei did not let everyone wait too long.

I saw him pick up these pieces, and then placed them on the edge of the plate very casually, yes, Ye Fei placed these pieces very casually, there was no sketch at all, pick up, put, put It's over.

But after he finished putting these pieces of broken eggs, everyone was really not calm this time. It can be said that the live broadcast exploded.

Because everyone has found that Ye Fei, which seems to be placed in an irregular and disorderly manner, really makes these eggs look like stones, dark stones!

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