The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 809: Miao, Miao, Miao!

There are thousands of dots in his chest, and his hands are incompetent. & 1t; /

Ye Fei felt that there were many, many pictures in his mind, but the style changed when he painted them. & 1t; /

There is a painting style called abstraction. & 1t; /

From the perspective of Stallone, Jason Stan Guoda, and Nicholas Khaki, the black widow cartoons Ye Fei passed to them were definitely abstract and could not be abstracted any more. After watching them for a long time, they did not understand What exactly does this thing mean, no matter it is the character's dress or weapon props, almost all are small circles and sticks. & 1t; /

The last three people couldn't stand the torture of Ye Fei's comics. Hurry up and call Ye Fei. In a word, when the movie is filmed, you can come over and guide me in person. We won't be able to do it. & 1t; /

Ye Fei is also depressed. If you talk about brothers' painstaking efforts to paint so beautiful, you ca n’t appreciate it and waste your feelings. & 1t; /

"Hoo ~~ This seems to be the only way to go. I'll give you some pointers when I have time. Since you look a bit hazy, I don't think it's interesting to draw anymore. Let's do this first, here It's very late, it's enough to toss back and forth today, rest early, and live broadcast tomorrow. "& 1t; /

After speaking, Ye Fei hung up the phone directly. & 1t; /

Stallone held the phone there for a long time. & 1t; /

Jason Stan Guoda came together and asked, "What did Ye Shen say?" & 1t; /

Stallone put the phone away and said: "Ye Shen said that when he has time to come and give us pointers, I can only see that. To be honest, this script is really too high-level. If it is to give up, I I am not reconciled. "& 1t; /

Nicholas Khaki also said: "This is really true. I have a hunch. If this script is combined with a complete set of comics, this movie is expected to create a new genre, which will definitely have no problem for one or two decades." & 1t ; /

"Ah ~~" Stallone suddenly yelled out of the sky and said madly, "Yes, God! Please learn to paint!" & 1t; /

Ye Fei didn't know that he wrote a script casually, and it was crazy that the three stars in Hollywood were tossing. He packed up his things, washed upstairs, and went to bed. & 1t; /

He was really tired today. From hearing about Fang Xiaohu being beaten, he hurried over in a hurry to find the killer and visit them again. He returned and made two delicious foods to deliver. All of this requires energy. We can say that he is today The energy is seriously overdrawn. & 1t; /

So he went to bed and Ye Fei soon fell asleep. & 1t; /

By the time he woke up, it was already bright, and a ray of sunlight hit his face through the window. He touched his phone and looked at it. It was more than nine o'clock in the morning. & 1t; /

"It's so late?" & 1t; /

He mumbled, turned over from the bed, brushed his teeth while washing his face, and finally went to the first floor for breakfast. & 1t; /

He also remembered the crispy yoghurt made last night, so he made another one, then made two thin-skinned xiaolongbaos, grinded fresh soy milk, and ate it all, and then came to the pond. Looking at the golden retriever family. & 1t; /

If strictly speaking, the Golden Retriever is still his own life-saving "human", it must not be taken seriously. & 1t; /

Looking away from the grass, Ye Fei saw the scene that made him crazy. & 1t; /

I saw the golden retriever lying on the haystack, and the small leather goods were tossing around. Several small golden retriever dogs arched in front of the golden retriever's stomach to feed. & 1t; /

When they heard the sound, several golden retriever dogs and small skins all looked up. Ye Fei, a few golden retriever dogs all ran over slowly. The big golden retriever also stood up and ran to Ye Fei. come. & 1t; /

Xiaopi ... Xiaopi didn't notice any of it, and the big golden retriever directly lifted him to the ground, and fell on his feet with a snoring sound, almost out of breath. & 1t; /

The goods turned over from the ground and stood up, standing there sulking at Ye Feiwu. & 1t; /

Ye Fei laughed tears came out, your sister, let you do bad things early in the morning, should. & 1t; /

Squatting down and stroking the golden retriever's head, then holding a small golden retriever in his arms, Ye Fei laughed, "Wait, I'll make something delicious for you today." & 1t; /

After speaking, Ye Fei returned to the console and made a large pot of big bone soup for the golden retriever. & 1t; /

The female Golden Retriever brought several small Golden Retrievers together, and they pierced their heads into the basin one by one. & 1t; /

Little Pidiandian ran over, and as a result, he just put his head in the basin and had not waited for a drink. Two little golden retrievers ran over and squeezed the goods aside. Well, anyway, I have been together for so long day and night, just like this to me? & 1t; /

The goods licked their lips, then the dead skin reappeared. & 1t; /

Ye Fei was feeding the dog. He heard someone knocking on the door. He knew that today ’s live guest came over and walked over to open the door. He saw a thin hemp-like person standing outside. This head should be newly managed. Wearing thick eyes, a slightly deformed shirt that was washed, a pair of large trousers on the lower body, and a pair of black leather shoes on the feet, even without socks, it is estimated that this leather shoes is not short, the heel All are bald. & 1t; /

Up and down, he looked at the guy in a strange costume for a long time. Ye Fei directly seduced him. He was lying too much. Who is this? & 1t; /

"You are ..." & 1t; /

The moment the spectacled man saw Ye Fei, the goods smiled, and then ... then suddenly stretched out his arms and hugged Ye Fei. & 1t; /

"Ah !! Ye Shen, you are like a star in my life, illuminated my future in the darkest and helpless, ah! Ye Shen, you are like a bottle of soy sauce in my life, Give me a delicious taste when life is dull, ah ... "& 1t; /

Ye Fei immediately collapsed, hurried out of the arms of this goods, pointed at the glasses man and laughed: "wet man!" & 1t; /

The wet man also laughed and laughed, "Ye God, you are so jealous, you can see who I am at a glance, and admire me." & 1t; /

Ye Fei rolled his eyes and rolled his eyes at this non-level horseshit. You two ah, everything is exposed, OK? & 1t; /

"I didn't expect to be the first one to come." Ye Fei said with a smile, & 1t; /

Wet humane: "Because I got the first one." & 1t; /

Ye Fei blinked and blinked. He didn't understand what the first arrival had to do with the first place. & 1t; /

"Haha, don't stand outside, come here, please inside." & 1t; /

For the wet audience, Ye Fei is still very polite, because this guy is definitely one of his oldest audiences. When I first started broadcasting, there were hundreds of audiences, among them there were wet people. & 1t; /

Ye Fei is really grateful to all the fans who support her all the way. & 1t; /

The wet man came to Ye Fei's farmhouse, looked around, and his eyes suddenly lighted up. & 1t; /

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!" & 1t; /

Ye Fei was more happy, and asked, "Wet man, do you still watch Feng Shui?" & 1t; /

The wet man nodded and said, "I have read several books in this area, and I know a little or two about Fengshui, and a little about one or two." & 1t; /

"Then help me see how my feng shui is." & 1t; /

"Yeshen, it's wonderful here. You look at the mountain in front of you, two springs under the mountain, weeds beside the spring, and dragons in the grass. This is definitely a wonderful geomantic treasure." >

Ye Fei: "..." & 1t; /

I wipe, what are you talking about? You also know Feng Shui? & 1t; /

What is a mountain, two-eyed spring, weeds, and a dragon? You have made it clear that you are Huyou, are you a wet person or a **** stick? & 1t; /

"This ... I know a little bit more about this mountain and two eye springs, but what kind of ghost is this weed and Shenlong?" Ye Feimin was eager to learn and asked shamelessly. & 1t; /

The wet man took Ye Fei's hand and pointed forward, and said, "Yes, you sigh, is that a mountain?" & 1t; /

Ye Fei nodded quickly, saying that it was not a mountain? As long as you are not blind, you can see it. & 1t; /

"Is that a two-eyed spring?" Said the wet man, pointing at the two large ponds. & 1t; /

"If the pond is a spring, it is indeed a two-eyed spring." Ye Fei couldn't help crying. & 1t; /

The wet man pointed to the edge of the pond again and said, "Is that weed?" & 1t; /

Ye Fei: "... is ... is a weed." & 1t; /

The wet man was satisfied with a hum, and then said, "Yes, if I guessed right, how many dragons are there in the weed?" & 1t; /

Ye Fei: "..." & 1t; /

The legs of the goods were soft, and they quickly supported the wet man. It took a long time to say, "Does the dog count?" & 1t; /

Wet man: "..." & 1t; /

He stared at Ye Fei seriously and said very seriously: "Yes, if you don't cooperate so much, I can't make it up." & 1t; /

Ye Fei couldn't bear it anymore, he laughed and said, "What are we going to edit? Whatever you want to do with me, it depends on how you look like you are not rubbish, tired?" & 1t; /

The wet man also laughed and said, "Tired." & 1t; /

"Tired to play like this?" & 1t; /

"Doesn't that seem to be level?" & 1t; /

"Fuck, don't play this with me, you can come over, no matter if you have a level, I'm very happy, go into the house." & 1t; /

After being exposed by Ye Fei, I was okay with a wet face, and it wasn't my appearance just now, and followed Ye Fei to the room. & 1t; /

As soon as I entered the house, the wet man was stunned. This time I was really stunned. The eyes were full of green bamboo, and a faint elegant fragrance wafted in the air. & 1t; /

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful ..." & 1t; /

"It's good, you're better, sit down and spit." & 1t; /

"No, no, Ye Shen, this time I mean it, the bamboo in your house is really beautiful." & 1t; /

Ye Fei froze. He didn't expect the wet man to recognize the bamboos as fragrant bamboo at a glance, and he couldn't help but pick his thumb up and said, "You are the second person to recognize these bamboos."

The wet man snorted: "Does anyone still know?" & 1t; /

"Your brother." & 1t; /

"Uh ~ who?" & 1t; /

"Genius." & 1t; /

"Fuck, what is that? How did he know?" & 1t; /

"He's in the bamboo business, and he's got to know a lot of bamboos." & 1t; /

"I a # ¥% Year back then ~ ~ I used to be in the bamboo business too. It turns out that I really have a relationship with that girl." & 1t; /

Ye Fei completely served both of them. No wonder the two have similar working styles. The original hobbies are also the same. They are all playing bamboo. & 1t; /

"That line, when the live broadcast is over, if you want to contact him, I will ask him and give you his phone number, you usually move more." & 1t; /

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!" & 1t; /

If it weren't for the goods in shirts, pants, and leather shoes, Ye Fei suspected that he had come from ancient times. This is really sour. & 1t; /

Pour a cup of farmhouse fairy tea for the wet people to accompany the goods. & 1t; /

Ye Fei knew that the wet man had even been a teacher before, but then the people in the mountains moved out, and the number of students in the school became less and less. Until the last one, he was also very unemployed and was at home. Farming for a living, if he hadn't watched his live broadcast and had been drawn twice as lucky guests, he wouldn't know how he would live in the future. & 1t; /

To put it bluntly, the wet man came this time to thank Ye Fei for coming, not to be drawn to be a live guest, but to give him a guarantee of life. & 1t; /

"What are you going to do after that?" Ye Fei asked. & 1t; /

Wet people don't want to, and said, "I have a dozen children." & 1t; /

Ye Fei: "..." & 1t; /

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