The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 810: Desperate to eat puffer fish

Different from person to person, each person has different wishes.

Ye Fei's desire is to become a god-level gourmet anchor in the world and even the universe. Longlong's desire is to become a top master in antiques. Qin Zekai's desire is to make more and more money and find more and more influencers. and many more.

It can be said that the wishes of these people are great, at least it sounds very high-grade.

Just the wish of this wet man ... to have a dozen children?

Let me wipe, your wish is too shocking, right?

After the wet man finished speaking, he saw Ye Fei's face sore, and he smiled, "Yes, don't I despise my wish?"

Ye Fei quickly shook his head: "Desire is the level and realm of personal subjective will. There is nothing to despise, just a bit strange."

Wet Humane: "I was born in a ravine. In our place, the feudal thought is still very serious. What we pay attention to is having many children and being blessed, but now we must face a very realistic problem. You must have many children and be blessed. It ’s affordable, I ’m not afraid of your joke. Before yesterday, my wife and I lived on a few acres of land, and most of the farm work was still done by my wife. I ... I ca n’t afford that. This kind of pressure is different now, Ye Shen, I still want to say thank you very much when talking about this, really, if it ’s not you, I really do n’t know how I will live in the future, you got me twice Then, I sold more than three billion yuan for a place, and Rhode's guy was really crazy. I said sell it to him, and he called me directly. "

"Now that I have money, although I ca n’t be considered a rich man, it is still possible to support at least a dozen children. I must do what I wanted to do before but did not dare to do it. I am really not suitable for Outside life, so I thought, I will have a few more children. When my wife and I are old, I will fence our place together, and then plant some flowers, focus on bamboo, raise some fish, and watch the offspring It's good to run among the flowers and chase in the bamboo forest, which is good. "

Ye Fei had to admire the realm of the wet man. Although what he said seemed very worthless, it was this idea that was not worth mentioning, but it was the real meaning of life-happy life!

If he does this step in the future, then he really deserves the name of a poet, because he has already made life a poem!

"It's really good to think about it." Ye Fei laughed.

The wet man scratched his head and said, "It's just an idea at the moment. You know, a dozen children are struggling to raise children."

"You don't have to worry about this now. With more than three billion, a dozen children are not allowed to fly yet?"

"It's the same, eh ~~ Someone knocked on the door." Talking, the wet man pointed out.

Ye Fei: "..."

"Have you? Why didn't I hear that? Um ~~ Yes, it's so low?"

Ye Fei and the wet man stood up, then came to the door, opened the door, and saw a dark-skinned man standing outside, wearing a white cloth hat on his head, and wearing a white cotton cloth. This dress can go directly to the ankle, wearing a pair of brown leather flip-flops on the feet.

Seeing this man's dress, and then turning his head to look at the wet man, Ye Fei was a little drunk. He said that these guests are really more amazing than they are today.

"Namstad, Ye Shen, this is Kumar, from India."

Ye Fei: "..."

He didn't really understand what Kumar said earlier, turned his head and whispered to the wet man, "Do you understand?"

The wet man laughed: "Yes, I really understand. I have taught Hindi by myself, and the translation of Namasdhi into Huaxia is good for you."

"Khan, doesn't India speak the eagle?"

"But their native language is Hindi."


After Ye Fei understood it, he quickly reached out and shook Kumar, but when shaking hands, Ye Fei's heart was really a little hairy, because he also knew what the Indian's hands could do.

"Hello, Mr. Kumar. Welcome to Huaxia."

Kumar laughed: "Although my time is very tight, Ye Shen's food live broadcast can't help but because I really want to learn Chinese cooking with you, oh no, it should be cooking from all over the world. It's nothing for Ye Shen. "

"You have won a prize, and you dare not say it. Since you say that you are also an Indian chef, it is still possible to discuss each other."

"Yes, you are too modest."

"Haha, stop here, please in the room."

Kumar was like a dervish. Although he was wearing a white cotton robe, he could see that the bottom of the robe was all dust and his feet were black.

Ye Fei also saw a lot of Indians on movies and TV. It can be said that most people wear this kind of clothes, especially in some remote rural areas, and even many people do n’t wear shoes. In their village is more particular about it.

Kumar had a white cloth bag on his left shoulder, followed Ye Fei and the wet man to the house, and Ye Fei poured another cup of tea.

The wet man kept staring at Kumar. Although he could speak Hindi, this was the first time he saw an Indian, and it was a little strange.

"Are you really from India?" The wet man asked.

Kumar shook his head and said, "I just came from Marve Dave, and these days there is a South Asian chef contest on the theme of seafood. I rushed over after I entered the contest because I had a question. Ask Ye Shen. "

Ye Fei froze, the chef contest hosted by Horse Dave? Why don't you know? If you know, go see it.

"Mr. Kumar, what's the problem?"

"Yeshen, this time I participated in the South Asian Gastronomy and Culinary Competition in Horse Dave. During the competition, there was an accident. There was a chef from Nipol who made a gourmet with puffer fish as the main ingredient. But when the judges tasted it, one of the judges was poisoned. How should the puffer fish, the best seafood containing toxins, be cleaned? "

Ye Fei squinted and looked at Kumar. He said that this guy didn't come from any horse Dave. This is definitely for the purpose. I didn't see the first time I saw each other. Did n’t even drink it, just gave yourself a problem.

Alas, although you are very humble in your mouth, your problem is still betraying your pride.

Ye Fei is very curious, because there is a saying in Huaxia that the peers are the wrongdoers. This is the conclusion of the ancestors of Huaxia after thousands of years of experience. It can be said that it is not unreasonable to adapt to the whole world. The reason is exceptional.

Sure enough, this guy really is like a chef from other countries, come to compete with himself.

It ’s just a pity that I am going to let you down. If you and I have other skills, I really do n’t know the bottom line, but is it cooking? I can just throw you a few streets with my eyes closed.

"Blowfish? Mr. Kumar, if you do n’t know about puffer fish, I do n’t think you should try to touch it, because this kind of food can be said to be poisonous all over your body, especially the toxins in its liver, you can say It is not unusual to put it into five or six adults at one time. As for the toxins in other places, if they are not cleaned up, people will also have the risk of nausea, vomiting and even death after eating. "

Kumar looked at Ye Fei with a smile and said, "Yes is right, so I asked you, what should we do when we deal with it?"


Kumar's posture is now aggressive.

This time, it wasn't just Ye Fei, the wet people all saw the signs.

Whoops, what he meows is that the good ones do n’t come, and the bad ones come, whispered in the wet heart.

Then he looked at Ye Fei again. He wanted to fight against Ye Fei, but he saw Ye Fei's face full of clouds and light wind, as if he didn't put this Kumar in his eyes at all. He just quietly Relieved.

Sure enough, Ye Fei said, "In order to eat puffer fish, we must first understand this kind of thing. Puffer fish has many names in China, called bubble fish and air drum fish. Of course, there are many localities. There are twelve or three species of this kind of fish all over the world, but no matter which type of puffer fish, its fresh taste and beautiful meat quality are incomparable to many seafood. In our China, the history of eating puffer fish It can be traced back to two or three thousand years ago, and its delicious meat has also left a lot of good stories. Our great poet and foodie Cai Dongpo once said that he would eat puffer fish even after death. In addition, the ancient emperor Fucha was attracted by the rich and delicious flesh that melted at the entrance, and he compared it to western milking. "

"But you also said just now that this thing is all right, that is too much toxins ~ ~ A smart chef, no matter what ingredients he is facing, he should be able to do it with ease. Although pufferfish has more toxins, we Just remove it. Pufferfish's toxins are mainly concentrated in the ovaries and liver. These two parts are much more violent than other places. It ’s okay to say that a few people are poisoned. So when dealing with puffer fish, The ovaries and liver must be cleaned up, and then the blood and spleen of the eyes, these parts also contain toxins, so after removing the spleen and eyes, the blood must be thoroughly rinsed with water, not at all, and One is that the puffer fish's skin also contains toxins. The skin is also removed when we eat it. When we eat puffer fish, we mainly eat the puffer fish's meat. Everything else can be thrown away. "

Kumar nodded, and laughed, "It turned out that, then I know where the chef friend's problem lies. He removed the pufferfish's ovary and liver, and even his eyes and blood, and his spleen. It was also removed, but he did not remove the puffer fish's skin. I think the toxin is produced from this skin. "

Ye Fei sneered in his heart, saying that you are just staring at the two and talking about it, a food judge, if you do n’t even know the basics when eating puffer fish, he does n’t know how many times he will die. .

He knew Kumar's mind, but he didn't say it.

How can we convince people with technology?

It is when the other party comes to the door with their own strong skills that you defeat the other party with the same and stronger skills, so that others can admire.

Now that Kumar in India wants to try it secretly, compare it, just don't lose too badly.

Ye Fei said secretly in his heart.


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