The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 965: Do you make me lose face, do you know?

The shot went off.

At a time when many people thought that Solova would die, no one thought that Ye Fei would use a broken kitchen knife to block the bullet of Tiandi No. 1.

I looked at Ye Fei, who was standing aside with light clouds and wind, and Tiandi No. 1 was aggressive. He really wanted to know how Ye Fei did it, but Ye Fei didn't tell him.

Let you kill my guests, let's die, you have a lot of questions to kill you.

"Ye Fei, my goal is Solova. You better not intervene, or you just oppose me!" Tiandi No. 1 responded with a cold hum and said.

Ye Fei cut a voice and said, "It seems like you did not kill my live broadcast guest against me."

"You ... I admire you as a personal person. You are the first Chinese person who can be liked by more than a billion people in the world. To be honest, I also admire you, but this is not the case. Say you can stop me from doing business! "

"Oh, don't think you'll take a picture of the fart and I'll just sit back and think about beauty."


Qitiandi No. 1 gas is smoking, I rub it, when shall I make you flatter? I'm just telling the truth. I admire you so much. Brother, can't you feel so good about yourself?

"Hahahaha, okay, okay, Ye Fei, this muddy water is your own trip, no one is forcing you."

"No, no, you forced me. If you don't kill my live guests here, I won't go down this muddy water."


Qitiandi No. 1 was depressed, and found that Doukou was not Ye Fei's opponent at all.

"You can stop one of my bullets, I don't believe you can stop all my bullets, I have two guns!"

Xitiandi No. 1 is too lazy to talk nonsense. He knows that the more delay it is, the worse it is for himself. Didn't he see a crowd of people at the door surrounded the place? I am very powerful, but it is a bit difficult to escape from the siege of so many people, especially because many policemen still have guns, so they must be determined quickly.

After making up their minds, Tiandi No. 1 directly shot three shots directly at Solova, one shot went straight to his forehead, one shot was still chest, and the third shot hit Solova's abdomen. A single shot on Solova's body was no cure and no doubt!

But ... but something amazing happened again.

Everyone saw Ye Fei's broken kitchen knife like a living body, shaking up and down in front of Solova, Dangdang three beeps, once again blocked the bullets from the Tiandi No. 1.

Xiantiandi No. 1: "..."

Everyone: "......."

"I wipe, won't I? This can also be blocked?"

"Yes, you are such a god!"

"God, the great oriental leaf, it's amazing!"

"No, the Oriental Leaf is God!"

"Yes, at this moment I saw the shining light of God on the oriental leaf."

Qitiandi No. 1 saw Ye Fei's three bullets being able to stop. The brain of this product was not enough. This is totally unreasonable. How did this happen?

Although blocking a bullet is a bit unexpected, it is normal. After all, many people you see can do it, but you can also block these three bullets? Is there any truth?

货 The whole thing was lingering, and the cold sweat standing on the forehead just came out.

Yes, as a killer, you can't kill others. After your ammunition is finished, you can only wait for others to kill you.

Tiandi No. 1 is just such an idea now. There are only 15 bullets in his pistol magazine. Now he has shot out four and eleven. With Ye Fei's performance just now, he really is not confident that this is left. Eleven bullets were able to successfully kill Solova.

But things have reached this point, what can I do without shooting Solova?

Qi Tiandi No. 1 eyes stared at Ye Fei coldly.

Ye Fei was staring at Tiandi No. 1.


Ye Fei whispered, and then swayed his hands behind him, so that Solofal and the cat were hiding behind the console first. After all, this is too dangerous. You can protect Solova by yourself, but if this world is placed on other people, it is enough to drink a pot, so just in case, let them hide It's the smartest choice.

Solova also reacted now, hurried to run behind the console.

I looked at Tiantian No. 1. If they were to hide, it would be more difficult for them to get started, so they would shoot with a gun.

Crackling ~~~

This time there are four bullets.

It was a pity, but it was the crisp sound of Dangdang Dangsi.

Xitiandi No. 1 is about to collapse, your sister, is there anything wrong? Can you stop four bullets?

来 Come again!

Crackling ~~

Five bullets flew out.

At this point, several of Solovara have been hiding, Ye Fei saw five bullets flying over, and then ... Then the goods were hiding behind the platform.

There were five muffled sounds, and five bullets hit the console.

Qitiandi No. 1: "......."

Everyone: "........"

"噗 ~~ Ye Shen also knows to hide?"

呃 "Uh uh uh ~ Ye Shen doesn't block bullets? I haven't seen enough."

"Emma, ​​I'm scared to death. I thought that the five bullets Ye God would stop."

"Neuropathy, how do five bullets stop? Do you think Ye Shen did not need strength so fast?"

"Good hiding! Never seen such a handsome man hiding!"


"Yes, heroes are not necessarily those who always charge ahead. Those who know to love their lives are even more heroes."


看看 Look, Ye Fei's fans have begun to find a reason for Ye Fei. Hiding can be praised by the whole world. It is estimated that no second person can be found in the world.

Ye Fei can vomit blood if he can see the fans, ya, I do n’t hurt if I use a knife to block the bullet?

Qitiandi No. 1 is about to explode, your sister, you should stop me, stop me! What are you doing in hiding?

"Come out!" Roared Tiandi No. 1.

Ye Fei thought scornfully, going out is the second goods. You have a gun and I have a kitchen knife. How are you so brave?

"Ye Fei, you shouldn't hide. Don't you know that hiding is a chance for me to change magazines? Do you think I can't do anything if I hide? Isn't there anyone I want to kill in Tiandi No. 1? One who can escape! "

I said, Tiandi No. 1 was banged and shot twice, and then hurriedly pointed the gun in the other hand toward the front. This hand directly changed the magazine with one hand, and this was the master.

换 After the new magazine was put on, Tiandi No. 1 was immensely ambitious, and there was a shot in hand. I have a posture in the world.

"I see how long you can hide, I ..."

Bang ~~~

Plum through ~~

The words of Tiandi No. 1 haven't finished yet, suddenly a gunshot at the door, and then Tiandi No. 1's body shook and fell to the ground.

The Laoshan Cannon rushed in without a cannonball. Without saying a word, he picked up a bamboo chair in one hand and smashed his head against Tiandi No. 1.

"Did you take me as air? Don't you know I'm also a killer? I watched you by the side without even thinking of guarding me. Do you know that I will be very shameless, I will fight! "

Mountain gun is not a gun. Classmates are very injured. Yes, Tiandi No. 1 knows that he is at the door and also knows him, but he just pulled back the other gun pointed at the door without guarding him. You talk about it. Put yourself in your eyes?

After hearing a gunshot and then a thump, Ye Fei hurriedly looked up from behind the console and saw Tiandi No. 1 fell to the ground. The gun wasn't a cannon and was smashing with a bamboo chair. Yet.

Ye Yefei's face suddenly turned white, and he jumped out and hurriedly shouted, "Don't hit it! Don't hit it with a chair!"

Ka 嚓 ~~

Ye Yefei covered her face, hesitated, and said madly, "tens of millions are gone."

Qitiandi No. 1 is really too big. When he shot and killed Ye Fei, he simply ignored a group of people at the door. What did you say it wasn't death?

He was hit by a chair on his head, and the blood of Tiandi No. 1's head came out immediately, and he twitched on the ground.

Captain Wu Xiao and Jin Wei also rushed in at this opportunity, and could not help but say that a group of people kicked the gun of Tiandi No. 1 first, and then a few policemen took out the handcuffs and clicked and copied Tiandi No.

Yes, Tiandi No.1 had four pairs of handcuffs on his hands and three pairs on his feet.

I ca n’t help it. This is too dangerous.

I just caught Tiandi No.1, and everyone found that there was no need to handcuff so much. Even without handcuffs, Tiandi No.1 could not escape.

Because the cannon was not a cannon, the shot directly hit his back spine, hurting the spine. How can this run?

Ye Yefei rushed over in a hurry, picked up a chair leg from the ground, and glanced helplessly at the mountain cannon, not a cannon.

"Two, you broke my two chairs."

There is blood in the heart of the goods, and the two chairs have been detained for tens of millions.

Laoshan Cannon is not a gun. He Ye laughed: "Ye God, mistakes, but I can't find anything to smash except chairs here. I will be scolded by food."

Ye Feixin said that I would rather you smash it with a plate. This chair can buy the food of this table, is it good? Besides, this food does not cost money.

However, he did not continue to talk about this matter, and everything happened. You are useless to say it. Besides, people are still trying to save themselves. This is a great kindness. Do some of their own lives have not yet been saved? Is the chair worth it?

Isn't it tens of millions?

I give!

At this moment, the director Gan came hurriedly, and when the murderer caught it, both Solova and Ye Fei were safe and sound. The goods were relieved for a long time, and they said that if there was a problem with one person, The director is over.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Solova, and a few friends, are you all right?" Director Gan asked quickly.

Ye Yefei didn't blame the director for coming so late. He knew that the goods had sent the two snipers back in person just now. It was impossible for him to come so fast, and he didn't dare to be lazy.

"Secretary, no one was injured, this time thanks to Mr. Wei Long, otherwise it would be enough."

Director Gan Gan hurriedly gave Wei Long another exaggeration. He knew that this person was not easy. I did not expect that he also appeared this time, but where was he just now? Why didn't their own people find him?

The murderer caught it and a false alarm passed.

The last group of people left. Just when Shan Pao was not going to leave, Ye Fei said suddenly, "Brother Shan Pao, since you are here, do a show together?"

Laoshan Cannon was not a blast, then excited: "Yes, what are you saying?"

"of course it's true."

"However, the guest seats for the previous live broadcast did not draw me."

"Haha, although I didn't draw you, but I don't think the audience you stay in the live broadcast room will have any opinions, everyone said right?"

The audience in the live broadcast room all understood that if it weren't for a cannon, it would be enough for Ye Fei to drink a pot. Ye Fei was also grateful to do so.

"Yes, Brother Shan Pao, it was awesome just now, especially the scene of smashing a chair. I saw it at a glance."

"Hahaha ~ ~ Brother Shan Pao, let's do live broadcasting with Ye Shen."

"I didn't expect Brother Shan Pao to hang like this.

"Hua Xia's cannon, stay and let us see you for a while."

"Yes, Huaxia's cannon, thank you to the people of Rice."

Laoshan Cannon is not looking at the news of the audience in the live broadcast, his mouth twitched, special, what is the ghost of Huaxia's cannon? Can't you call it that?

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll stay, thank you, thank you Ye Shen."

Ye Yefei hurriedly waved and said, "No, no, no, we should thank you."

Soloval also came to hold the hand of the mountain cannon and said thank you all the time. He knew that if it were not Ye Fei and the Huaxia mountain cannon in front of him, he would explain here today.

The live broadcast continued, but the gun of the mountain cannon was not the look of the gun for a while and looked at the door for a while.

Ye Yefei curiously said, "Brother Shan Pao, the killer has already been caught. What else do you look at?"

Laoshan Cannon is not a gun. Hehe laughed: "Look if there are any gangsters coming over and let me catch a few, so that I can be a guest in the next issue."

Ye Yefei: "......."

Everyone: "........"

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