The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 966: Distance is a problem

Gangster World No. 1 was completely disabled by a cannon instead of a cannon. It was really disabled. The vertebral vertebrae had a comminuted fracture. This is definitely not a joke. If this is not treated in time, this guy will spend the rest of his life in bed.

Now, Ye Fei expressed his gratitude to Shan Cannon for not being a cannon, and invited him to do live broadcast with everyone.

This decision also received the support of all the audiences in the live broadcast room. After all, the situation just now was too dangerous. If it was not a cannon, not a gun, those few people in Ye Fei would not be able to survive. Now they should be guests.

"Hoo ~~"

Ye Fei secretly exhaled, and then came to the bamboo table, watching everyone's words of concern for himself and several live guests in the live broadcast room, full of emotion.

"Well, thank you friends for your comfort and encouragement. Now this disaster is over, so we will continue to do our live broadcast, but I think it is necessary to draw a prize at this time. What do you think?"

"Woohoo ~~~"

"Yeah, Ye Shen, you are so wise, you should really be lucky at this time."

"Wow, click, lottery, Ye Shen, this time you must draw me, I am a Sanda champion, I can also be a bodyguard for you as a guest."

"Hey ~~ I'm still Black Belt Nine."

"I do n’t say anything to the strongest, you all stand by."

"The fighter is here, mortals avoid."

Yao Xiaoming jumped out and said in a **** text: "Little Master, you are weak."

Ye Fei was laughing and spraying. The Sanda champion and the black belt nine paragraphs were normal at the beginning. What kind of ghost fighting emperor came out later, big brother?

But in this way, the atmosphere of the live broadcast room became active again, and people got rid of the nervousness just now, and one by one started to laugh again and again.

Ye Fei liked the atmosphere of his live broadcast room. It was lively, and a group of people laughing together was better than anything.

"Okay, guys, you are all masters. I hope you will be able to bless you with a safe life for thousands of miles. Let ’s draw, draw."

He knows that the greatest skill of these people in the live broadcast room is to digress. If it starts, you can say that you don't stop without shouting and can get you into the sky.

Everyone laughed, and then they calmed down.

Ye Feidao: "Since Brother Shan Pao was so powerful just now, how about we can use the gun of Brother Shan Pao to draw us today?"

Talking, Ye Fei looked at several people in Solof.

Several people all agreed, after all, the mountain cannon was not a cannon but a life-saving benefactor.

The audience in the live broadcast was also unconcerned.

The mountain cannon is not a straight rubbing hand, saying: "Can I still draw?"

"Yacht, this is what you deserve." The old lady Qingsong said with a smile, and she was very grateful that she was not a cannon.

The mountain cannon was not a gun. Everyone agreed. The goods rushed to the computer and hugged his fist towards the live broadcast room. He said, "If you give me face, then I will smoke. I hope everyone in the live broadcast room will win.

Everyone: "......."

I go, can everyone win? It is estimated that so many people can't finish pumping your hand.

Everyone knows that the cannon is not a cannon but a joke. Haha smiled and waited for the cannon to be a lottery.

The mountain cannon is not a cannon and has not been honed. Grab the mouse and click on the lucky disk, then sit there and wait for the result.

Soon, the lucky plate stopped and the lucky guests appeared.

With the advent of lucky guests, the live broadcast burst.

"Look, look!"

"Ah, ah, Ye Shen, congratulations."

"Finally passed, finally passed."

"1.6 billion! Ye Shen, Blue Diamond!"

"The only blue diamond anchor in the world, terrific, Ye Shen!"

Yes, with the appearance of live guests, Ye Fei's audience at the same time has finally exceeded 1.6 billion, Ye Fei has become the world's only blue diamond super anchor!

It can be said that this moment is a double happiness.

Many people didn't even care who won the prize, and they were all happy for Ye Fei. This is a very explosive record, and no one has done it at all.

Ma Qingyun's group of people are all excited. They know that Ye Fei has become the blue diamond anchor. This is the most glorious thing on their platform. ,none of them!

Everyone in the food section group jumped up in excitement, Feng Tianlai rushed out of the office for the first time, and the town arm shouted: "I treat you at night!"

Liu Fugen called Johnson the first time.

"President, Ye Shen, he ... he's blue diamond."

When he said this, Liu Fugen's voice was trembling, and old tears rang.

Johnson only said lightly, "I know, I'm watching, this child ... has arrived."

Putting down the phone, Johnson took out the special device from his safe again, and connected it with his computer, watching a few white people appearing in the computer, shaking his voice and saying, "We did it, please turn on . "

One of them in white snorted and said, "So fast?"


"It's interesting, it seems to be lively."

"Please turn it on."

"No problem, but there is something wrong with the design of your ultra-luxury props. Now that you are qualified to open it, we will give you a unified prop pattern to avoid later trouble."

After the man in white spoke, Johnson's computer screen suddenly flickered, and then three patterns appeared, which were the Star Cruiser, the Star Carrier, and the Star Extreme Ship.

Seeing these three patterns, Johnson's tears came out. He knew that the people in white had completely accepted them, and they could follow Ye Fei to fight in a wider space.

"Thank you, I'll add it as soon as possible."

"Okay, the interstellar channel can be opened tomorrow. With your joining, I hope the future will be more exciting."

"Yes, it will."

After Johnson spoke, the computer screen returned to normal.

He slumped directly into the chair, then shook his hand and put the pipe in his mouth, took a hard breath, and exhaled a large cloud of light blue smoke. The smoke was hazy, Johnson's face was calm.

None of this, except Johnson.

After Ye Fei's live broadcast, everyone was excited for a long time. Then I remembered that there was a lucky guest. Looking at the lucky carousel one by one, I saw the pointer of the lucky carousel pointing to a name.

Glacier White Bear!

The name is very strange, it gives a chilling feeling at first glance, and then look at the banner in front of the person's name, a circle and a red rectangle, half of the circle is inlaid on the red rectangle, just this half circle It was white, but the half of the circle showing the red rectangle was as red as the rectangle.

This is a foreign flag that many people do n’t know, but it does n’t mean that everyone does n’t know it.

"I trust, this audience is too far away."

"Cold, when I see this banner, I feel cold."

"Emma, ​​don't be embarrassed. Which country's flag is this? Geography teacher, come out and be puzzled."

The geography teacher sent a message: "One of the coldest places in the world, most of the country is located within the Arctic Circle, covered by snow and ice all year round, Greenland!"

"I rub, really fake?"

"Brother Shan Pao, you really can smoke, just go to the North Pole."

The mountain cannon is not a cannon but it is also pumped from the corner of his mouth. He did not expect that he suddenly drew a Greenland audience near the Arctic Circle. Is there a signal in that place?

Just when everyone was speechless, Glacier White Bear made a smiley and said, "I feel like I am the least respected winner. Just now you all watched Ye Shen break through 1.6 billion. No one bird me."

Everyone: "........"

"Hahaha, you think more."

"Yes, if you don't want to come, you can give up the quota."

"That is, quickly give up the quota. You will be able to toss if you run from the Arctic Circle to Huaxia. Is the plane still talking about it?"

"Upstairs, won't the brother come on a sled without a plane?"

"........ Don't make trouble."

It can be said that many people suggest that Glacier White Bear give up this quota, because Greenland is really too far away from Huaxia, and the place is snowy and snowy, and the transportation is not convenient, this time is not enough.

But the Glacier White Bear just didn't let it out.

"It's impossible to make a place, and it's impossible to give it out in this life."

"But you can't come."

"Emilies in Africa can pass, why can't I?"


"When she came, Ye Shen took a few days off and gave her time."

"So, Ye Shen, I strongly suggest that you continue to take leave tomorrow."

Everyone: "......."

"Fuck, isn't it anger?"

"Brother, you can't delay 1.6 billion people for yourself, you will be drowned."

To be honest, Ye Fei was a little bit sore after he knew where the Glacier White Bear was. It was really too far and too far. He went to the other side of the earth. Now this situation is not an inaccessible problem, and It's a question of not having enough time.

The mountain cannon wasn't rubbing his teeth straight, he didn't expect to draw such a person himself, this problem was a bit difficult to solve.

"Yes, why don't you pump again?"

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "No, it's against the rules."

"But it's obvious this man can't get through, what should I do?"

Ye Feixin said I knew what to do? Am I also trying to figure this out?

Everyone was silent, and all looked at Ye Fei one by one.

Ye Fei thought for a while and said, "This glacier and white bear viewer, are you sure you want to come over? Don't get me wrong, I don't want you to come, but we must face reality. Greenland is very far away from Huaxia. The return time is definitely not short. "

The iceberg white bear smiled and said, "Yes, it's not easy for me to be drawn once. To be honest, I also know far away, but I really don't want to waste this opportunity. You know, if I do this If I do n’t go, I ’ll talk about it in the future if I ca n’t get it. After all, there are 1.6 billion people in the live broadcast room, the chance is too slim, and even if I can get it in the future, do n’t we still have to face this problem? ? "

Everyone is right, even if it is not resolved this time, the next time if there are people far away, how can we do it?

Ye Feiyan said aloud, "Let ’s do this, since you are far away, if I start broadcasting tomorrow, it won't matter if you don't arrive."


Everyone was a little confused when they heard Ye Fei's words. What does this mean? Does n’t it matter if the next episode starts?

The iceberg white bear was also anxious.

"Yeshen, wouldn't you let me participate?"

Ye Fei laughed: "Of course not, I welcome you very much, especially if you come from such a distant place, I will open the door to welcome you ~ ~ but we must face reality It does n’t matter if you do n’t arrive on time. I can let you participate in the live broadcast on the next show. When you come, you can join my show at any time. Can you see it? ”

"it is good!"

This is not only sent by the glacier white bear alone, more than half of the people in the live broadcast room also posted it.

From the current point of view, Ye Fei's method is undoubtedly the best. The Glacier White Bear does not have to participate in the next episode of the show. The latter can also participate, when and when.

That's it.

Ye Fei stood up and said, "Okay, we decided on this place so happily, let's make food next."

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