The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 981: You have n’t heard much

In fact, when Ye Fei saw the black bear blind, his eyes lit up. & 1t; /

They are really too few people to come over this time. Although all of them are special forces among special forces, the number of them is very different from each other. A ratio of one to twenty. Are you kidding me? & 1t; /

In fact, it is not that Ye Fei does not believe these people, but that he is really a bit uneasy. He is not at all. He is not a special soldier. He also does not know how powerful these people are. He only knows that he must not be worse than the opponent Too much is enough, although he has a great collection of God of War skills, but he really does not know how powerful this skill can be, after all, he has never used it. & 1t; /

He needs a helper, and who is it? That is the previous black bear. The last time the system gave me the auxiliary skills of a top **** species trainer, I was worried about where to use it. Is n’t it right now? & 1t; /

That's why Ye Fei tamed the black bear with a very fast speed. What he didn't expect is that the black bear is still the boss of a nest of bears. Isn't it better? Come here all to help. & 1t; /

The eleven of them don't know about these things. Looking at Ye Fei riding a black bear in front of them, a bunch of people are respectful. & 1t; /

This man is too horrible, too horrible, dozens of big bears, but all of them have become his younger brother, and this combat power has soared in an instant. & 1t; /

"Boss, you said let a nest of bears help charge, is there a play?" Asked Zero and Three. & 1t; /

The black tiger shook his head and said, "Don't ask me, I have never fought like this." & 1t; /

"Boss, aren't the battle plans we made this time and they are going to slam their heads, Ye Shen, this is his plan to kill the past like this?" & 1t; /

"Yes, Boss, this is too far from our battle plan. I admit that Ye Shen is really awesome looking at this group of fierce guys, but it is also too obvious. What is the situation of the other party? Clearly, the weapons are very powerful. Don't say these two or thirty bears, even if two or three hundred are not enough, people will not be able to give a sudden machine gun. "& 1t; /

"Ye Shen is still too young. He has never been on the battlefield at all. Many things are taken for granted. In this way, we will definitely be shown by the other party. When the time comes, you must talk to Ye Shen. Our plan It ca n’t be disturbed, but this has a bearing on the safety of our lives. "& 1t; /

This is the difference between being on the battlefield and not being on the battlefield. People who have not been on the battlefield always want to run to the front line with enthusiasm, but when they really reach the front battlefield, they now think that the war is too kind. Only those who have passed the test of life and death on the battlefield know that every war, regardless of its size, is a beast that slays humans. Especially with the advent of modernization, people have abandoned the original cold weapon fight and started Mechanized and electronic high-tech operations, let alone a group of bears at this time, even a thousand bears have to hang under each other's machine guns and bombs. & 1t; /

Of course, Lao Mo understands the reason for this, so he also feels it necessary to talk with Ye Fei. Although the superior asked us to take care of you, and we all really admire you, we ca n’t do the same. The plan was disrupted, and they were right, this has to do with the lives of the ten special forces. & 1t; /

"Ye Shen." Lao Mo caught up with Ye Fei and called out. & 1t; /

Ye Fei turned his head and looked at Lao Mo, and smiled, "What happened?" & 1t; /

"Yeshen, do you think we can win this battle?" & 1t; /

"What do you mean?" & 1t; /

"Yeshen, in fact, this is also to blame me. I did not give you our battle plan in advance. Our current battle plan is not to bump into them, but to draw them out and break them, but there is a premise. That is, we have to find a terrain that is good for us, and this kind of thing is to be carried out quietly. Look at the current group of "cute" bears. Will they expose us? & 1t; /

Lao Mo's words have been gentle enough, that is, this group of bear blind men is very beneficial to us in terms of momentum, but it is not necessary strategically. Not only is it unnecessary, but it also becomes a burden, it will Exposed us. & 1t; /

Ye Fei didn't even look at Lao Mo and said, "Do you know why I came with you?" & 1t; /

At this time, the other ten people all followed, and when Ye Fei asked them, they were all stunned. & 1t; /

"Yes, didn't you come here from your superiors? They said they wanted to improve our food." & 1t; /

Ye Fei's head was full of black lines, and he said to himself what kind of ghost's superior gave him a reason? Help them improve their meals? I can really figure it out. & 1t; /

"If I have time, I can help you improve your meals, but this is not my purpose. I came here to remove the people myself." & 1t; /

"What? !!!" & 1t; /

"Sink, Ye Shen, don't mess around." & 1t; /

"Remove them with your own hands? Ye Shen, what's going on?" & 1t; /

"Are you not assigned by a superior leader?" & 1t; /

Ye Fei glanced at them and said, "I'm not a soldier at all. Why can they assign me? I came here because I asked for it, and you all know what I do. In yesterday's live broadcast, One of my guests was Solova, the boss of the rice country. At that time, "& 1t; /

Ye Fei briefly explained the situation, saying, "A brother is lying in the hospital for me, and his right lung was punctured. He also suffered from blood collapse when he was undergoing surgery. He almost never saw it again. I have to report it by myself! Ye Fei is not a good man, but I also know that others are good to me and I have to double to others. "& 1t; /

Speaking, Ye Fei pointed to the more than twenty bears in front of him, and said, "Do you know how to release all the bad gas in your chest?" & 1t; /

The old Mo group shook their heads. & 1t; /

Ye Fei suddenly shouted, "That is to tear up all your enemies! Drive!" & 1t; /

Ye Fei's legs touched Xiao Hei's belly, Xiao Hei rushed forward cheerfully. & 1t; /

Lao Mo was all dumbfounded at the back. They knew that Ye Fei said that he had completely disregarded their battle plan. This was the rhythm of rushing into the nest of the Lightbringer. & 1t; /

"What's wrong? Boss, if Ye Shen really rushed over, we would be completely exposed." Zero07 was anxious and mad. & 1t; /

Everyone else looked at Lao Mo. & 1t; /

Lao Mo turned to look at them, and suddenly asked, "Are you afraid of death?" & 1t; /

A few people nodded quickly, nonsense, who is not afraid of death? What happened to the special forces? Special forces are not afraid of death, are they? & 1t; /

But when they saw Lao Mo staring forward, a group of people quickly shook his head. & 1t; /

That's right, they have to rush for fear of death, this is their duty! & 1t; /

"I'm also afraid of death, but I know that if we don't go, Ye Shen will really die." & 1t; /

"But if we pass, this time the task will not only be unsuccessful, but we will fight against the snakes, so that these people will be more vigilant, and it will be troublesome in the future." & 1t; /

"It doesn't matter that much, it seems that it is impossible for Ye Shen to do things according to our plan, so our plan must be changed." & 1t; /

"Really rushed over?" & 1t; /

"Rush!" & 1t; /

Lao Mo roared, and caught up with Ye Fei riding a bear in the back. & 1t; /

There is a saying in Huaxia that Wangshan runs to death. & 1t; /

Ye Fei's understanding of this sentence was not so thorough before, but today he has been thoroughly taught. & 1t; /

Because he believed that if it were not for them rushing forward on a bear, they would walk on the basis of a few of them. It is estimated that it would not be possible to overturn the peak in two days. It was not high, but too far. & 1t; /

When a few people and a group of bears finally reached the top of the mountain, they all smiled helplessly, saying that fortunately there were these bears, otherwise they would be really tired. & 1t; /

Standing on the mountain peak, Ye Fei looked forward, but saw nothing. & 1t; /

"Why is there no building? The address given by the superior is here." Wuxi curiously said. & 1t; /

Lao Modao "Do you think you can build a building in such a place? They must be inside a cave." & 1t; /

"But where is the cave?" 2009 looked at it for a long time and asked curiously. & 1t; /

Lao Mo picked up the telescope and looked into the distance. As a result, he shook his head after seeing it for a long time, saying "I didn't see it." & 1t; /

"" & 1t; /

A group of people are all speechless and haven't seen it? How can we fight this battle? You don't even know where the enemy is. There is absolutely no life if you go up. & 1t; /

Ye Fei also stood and looked around, frowning, because he didn't see where the enemy was. & 1t; /

Everyone doesn't know what to do now. There are no enemies. You can't fight if you want to fight. & 1t; /

Just when a group of people were ruthless, a grouse suddenly appeared not far away, but when they saw a group of people and a bear here, the grouse wanted to escape, but at this time, Ye Fei Whistled. & 1t; /

The melody and tune of this whistle are strange. & 1t; /

Lao Mo's group of people didn't notice it at first, but when the grouse ran up to them, the group of people were dumbfounded. & 1t; /

"No, right? Is this OK?" & 1t; /

"It's a ghost, how did Ye Shen do this?" & 1t; /

"How did that whistle blow? The voice was crumbling, four children, why are they crumbling?" & 1t; /

"I turn your face, Ye Shen is a stunt. If you can hear it, is it still a stunt?" & 1t; /

Old Mo was also stunned, watching a grouse covered in gray and white spots walking in front of himself, and his head with a pointed crotch squinted his eyes. Well, he felt himself again Despised. & 1t; /

Ye Fei was on the far side, and the grouse was like a military officer from the front of a row of people. He walked from one head to the other, and then came to Xiao Hei who was riding by Ye Fei. & 1t; /

The chicken looked up at Ye Fei, his face was confused, and at this moment, Xiao He raised his **** paw and patted it. & 1t; /

Grouse "" & 1t; /

Ye Fei "" & 1t; /

"Stop!" & 1t; /

He didn't care if the black blind man could understand, he shouted directly, and then patted his hand in the middle of Xiong Blind's head. & 1t; /

The bear's blind claws stopped in the air, then fell slowly. & 1t; /

The grouse scared and almost ran away, but fortunately Ye Fei whistled again in time. & 1t; /

Seeing that the grouse was honest, Ye Fei jumped from Xiao Hei's back, then squatted down and stretched out his arms. & 1t; /

The grouse glanced at Ye Fei, then jumped on Ye Fei's arm, walked slowly along the arm, and walked until his head almost collided with Ye Fei's head before stopping. & 1t; /

Ye Fei stretched out his other hand and gently touched the head of the grouse, then pointed to the distance, and then pointed to his heart, followed by drawing a circle on the snow, and finally raised his hand to loosen this pine The chicken was thrown out. & 1t; /

The grouse fluttered a little distance, fluttered its wings, and then ran away in the snow. & 1t; /

All of Mo's group of people have looked dumbfounded. They still don't understand what Ye Fei is going to do. & 1t; /

"Yeshen, what's going on? The grouse isn't for dinner?" Asked Zero07. & 1t; /

Ye Fei rolled his eyes and added a meal. If it was a meal, then the messenger's nest would not have to be found. & 1t; /

"No ~ ~ I asked it to find other caves with other grouse, we are not convenient to go down, they can, and they are not easy to attract each other's attention."

"You let that chicken help us find the nest of the Lightbringer?" & 1t; /

"No?" & 1t; /

"Okay? Never heard of this thing still having such a role." & 1t; /

"Haha, Daqian World, there are many more you haven't heard of." & 1t; /

. & 1t; /

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