The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 982: Wind-like man

A group of people gave Ye Fei a thorough kneeling. Just now they let the bear support them to cross the mountains. Now it's hard to get to the place, but they can't find where the other person's lair is. To find the enemy's lair, I pulled it out, so it seems that they are useless.

Eleven people look at me, I look at you, and finally all look at Ye Fei, and then they all agree: "Yes, is it really possible?"

Ye Yefei also took out his own telescope and looked out into the distance, saying, "You can see for yourself."

Everyone took out the binoculars and looked into the distance, but all of them were dumbfounded.

Because in their field of view, more than twenty grouses hurried forward, as if chased by some beast, the one that was led by Ye Fei was the one tamed by Ye Fei.

"I am convinced. Today, fighting with Ye Shen is a subversion of my three views. Why are there such strange things?"

"Bear, chicken ..... Ye Shen, is there anything else?" Zero Three could not help asking.

Because in his opinion, there are many beasts in this Great Xing'an Mountains. I don't know if Ye Fei can tame it.

Ye Yefei laughed: "Yes, but we have to meet us. Do we have seen other beasts besides these bears along the way?"

Old Mohaha laughed: "Yeshen, with a bear around us can scare away a lot of Yeshen, let alone a group? Even in this battle, even if the Siberian tiger saw it, it would go around."

Yeah, in the view of Lao Mo, their battle is really too horrible. Although it may not be able to deal with terrorists, it is still very strong to scare and scare the beasts.

"Look at it." Zero 2007 looked forward with a telescope and said suddenly.

Everyone hurriedly looked forward, and as a result, they saw the group of grouses stopped, and then the lead grouse looked left and right, and murmured twice, and the group of chickens behind them spread out, looking different. Ran in the same direction, while the leading chicken ran straight ahead.

Don't mention Lao Mo's gang of special forces, Ye Fei was stunned by his own eyes, and said that this thing is really refined. Do you know the tactics of separate operations? In this way, even if one or two are found, it is impossible to annihilate the whole army. Can the ghost's species trainer skills given by the system still help the species to improve their IQ?

He murmured in his heart, but on the surface it was very calm. He couldn't let Lao Mo and them see anything abnormal. After all, this was the secret of the bottom of the box. No one could say that if they asked, then they could only lie. .

There are several snow peaks of different sizes around the flat ground under the Laoshan Mountain. Under the cover of white snow, it is almost merged with the surrounding environment.

At this moment, in the middle of one of the snow peaks, the figure was shaking.

This mountain peak is the largest, and it has been hollowed out for a long time. The decoration is very luxurious.

In a small conference room, a middle-aged man with one left arm smoking a cigarette sits at the front of the conference table. There are more than twenty people sitting on both sides of the table, all of them are exposed This kind of temperament is peculiar to the soldiers, especially when there are five or six people who are even more pretentious and imposing, it is not a good stubble at first glance.

"Old skin, Ding Lei and Xiao Ke have no news?" Asked the one-armed man with a cigar in his mouth.

光 A bald man sitting on the right side of the conference table sat upright and quickly replied loudly: "Report, there is no news yet."

The one-armed man's eyes narrowed and said: "It doesn't make sense. Solova participated in Ye Fei's live broadcast yesterday. If they succeed, they should have sent the news back. Why is there no news?"

"Will they have an accident?"

"It's impossible. With their skills and covert methods, the average police can't find them at all. Even if they find them, they can't be their opponents. Right, old hat. Ye Fei's live broadcast yesterday was It ’s your turn to see, do you notice anything unusual? ”

On the other side, a man named Old Hat said: "Yes, when Ye Fei was broadcasting live, he suddenly rushed into a killer, forcing the live broadcast to be paused for a while, and finally the killer was missed, but that was not ours. . "

"Do you know who you are? Who is it?"

"Heaven and Earth No. 1!"

"Oh, I didn't expect him to take a shot, but it was a bit of a surprise that he would fail with his skill."

"In fact, if it were not for Ye Fei, he could have succeeded."

"Ye Fei? What's going on?"

"Ye Fei used a broken knife to help Solova block the bullet, and ... and from the perspective of Ye Fei's speed and accuracy, he was definitely not an ordinary person. Because Tiandi No. 1 fired three or four shots at the same time, he could block them. This man is definitely a super master. "

"What? Ye Fei can shoot all three bullets at the same time, Ye Fei can block all the bullets?"

"Yes, I can see clearly."

"Great, I didn't expect to be a hidden master. I thought he only knew cooking and medical skills. This turned out to be his greatest support."

"what should we do?"

"I estimate that Ding Lei and Xiao Ke have been in trouble. Tell the outsiders to be vigilant. If the two of them died on the spot, it would be fine if they were caught alive ..."

"God, they can't betray us. I know what Ding Lei and Xiao Ke are. After all, we have performed many tasks together. Once we retreated after the successful assassination, Ding Lei was shot to the right. He can run back with pain in his leg. His willpower is very strong, so we must believe them. "

One-armed man snorted and said, "There is absolutely nothing in the world."

"God, can't you trust our own brother?"

"Reliable, but I know better that the Chinese army's attack speed is not slower than us, and even faster than us."

A white man squinted at the one-armed man and said, "God, I think you're too careful. What if they knew our existence? In this vast snowy mountain, as long as we don't take the initiative to expose them, It is impossible to find us even with the most advanced equipment. "

The one-armed man took out the cigar in his mouth and said, "Renault, you are wrong. Our Chinese ancestors left a sentence, saying that we should be careful to sail a thousand years, especially if we are in our business. Take it lightly. "

After speaking, the one-armed man pressed a button on the conference table in front of himself, and everyone hurriedly turned around to see a wall of the conference room rise, and then exposed a few huge monitor screens inside, above The picture is the scene outside Xuefeng.

"Jack, what's going on outside?"

上帝 "God, everything is normal ... 咦 ~~ No, lord, there are two grouse outside, it seems we can have multiple dishes again today."

"Two grouse?"


怎么 "How come two grouse?"

"I don't know, I think I'm here for food. The grouse's meat is still delicious. God, I'll grab two and come back."

不 "No, something is wrong. We rarely have grouse here, and even few other animals. Why do these things suddenly appear? There is a problem, Jack, look at it."

上帝 "God, you are too careful. I have already seen the surrounding situation clearly through the sky eye system. There is nothing. Rest assured. I still have a way to catch grouse, and it will be fine soon."

"Jack, come back!"

The one-armed man was about to explode, but he had no time to stop, the man named Jack had already left.

In the distance, Ye Fei got down from the bears and let the bear blinds all hide first. They also lie in the snow and looked forward with a telescope.

Suddenly, Lao Mo whispered: "There is movement."

A group of people didn't say anything, because they all saw a snow peak on the edge of the flat land suddenly move, and then a door opened slowly, and then came out a white man from the inside. This man just As soon as they came out, they pulled out their guns and banged at the two grouse in front. The two grouse died directly.

The white man grinned his teeth, bent down, picked up two grouses, and turned back, and the white door closed slowly again.

A bunch of people saw it clearly, and the messenger's lair was found.

"Boss, what should we do? The other party is inside Xuefeng, we can't get in, we just have to lead them out." Zero zero whispered.

Lao Mo said a while ago, and just wanted to convene a meeting to discuss what to do next. Suddenly, Ye Fei waved his hand, and then all the blind bears who hid all jumped up, followed by the rumbling Rushing forward.

Ye Fei, like a spring, bounced out of the snow, his body almost flew forward against the snow.

This scene came so suddenly, suddenly all of Lao Mo's group had no time to react. After they returned to God, they found that Ye Fei had been out for more than 20 meters.

Yeah, Ye Fei bought the spring leg auxiliary skills from the system long ago. At this moment, he started with all his strength, just like a hungry cheetah saw a rabbit.

Speed ​​is like electricity!

Lao Mo's group of people were all dumbfounded, rubbing their eyes hurriedly one by one, they wanted to make sure that what they saw was not an illusion.

"I'll hold it for a while, Ye ... Ye Shen ..."

"Mom, is this really fake? Is this too exaggerated?"

"Wind, he is a gust."

"A man like the wind !!"

"The wind won't blow so fast, my third son."

"Boss, what shall we do? Ye Shen rushed out."

Lao Mo: "........."

The goods are going crazy, he didn't expect Ye Fei to finally do so, brother, say hello in advance, first, this matter, what should we do?

"What else can I do? Rush."

If it ’s normal to watch a bear lazily, it ’s very slow, but if this thing spreads its feet completely, the speed will be a little scary. It can reach nearly fifty kilometers an hour. What is this concept?

So these bear blind men rushed down from the mountain, rumbling like the same black lightning, it didn't take long to get underneath, and then rushed towards the snowy peak that the white man just came out.

What's the best feature of a bear?

The body is strong and powerful!

Jack came back with two grouse ~ ~ Throw the grouse to the ground, and said, "You can have a good drink tonight, oh ~~ what's going on?"

Talking, Jack glanced at the large screen on the wall, there were many video blocks on it, it was the surveillance video of the sky eye camera installed outside.

At this time, I saw an animal in several cameras-a bear!

And the bears ran here with all their strength, to see that the speed definitely reached their limits.

"Hemp, why is there such a thing?" Jack sweated on his forehead, this thing was too sudden.

The one-armed man also saw the outside situation in the video. After all, a group of bears is too eye-catching, it is difficult to see.

"What's the matter? Jack!" The one-armed man shouted.

Everyone else looked at the monitor display, and found that a group of bear blind men rushed towards their door like a tide.

When Jack heard the words of the one-armed man, his mouth was stammered and he said, "I ... I don't know ......... Sleeping, someone, God, and people, in the middle of these bears One more person !!! ''

As soon as he finished shouting this article, everyone saw a group of bears rushing to the door, and then smashed into the door like a deadpool.

Rumble ...

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