The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 991: The so-called 8 Zhen

Lao Mo never expected that they would find a box of Lafayette in 1987 in the lair organized by the messenger of light. I heard Ye Fei said that this bottle is more than 1.6 million. This box contains a total of twelve bottles. That's more than 20 million!

When a group of people thought that they had scourged more than 20 million red wines, none of them were calm.

Ye Fei is just like everyone else, taking a sip after a while, and then taking a sip after a while, his face is full of enjoyment.

In the end, a group of Lao Mo looked at the bottle in his hand, and then the next moment they didn't feel any distress. They opened the bottles one by one, and started to scream.

"Grandma, drink it all, drink it all."

"A bottle of wine is more than 1.6 million. If I finish drinking, it will probably cost about 160,000."

"Hmm ~~ Drinking and saying this is not disgusting?"

"No matter what, Lao Tzu is also a person who has drank more than 1.6 million bottles of red wine. He will go out and play with others for a lifetime."

Hearing this sentence, Lao Mo was almost strangled by red wine, and hurriedly said, "No one can say anything special about this matter, whoever said a leak, we're all done."

A group of people nodded quickly.

That ’s right, they really ca n’t move this thing. If you let your superiors know, you might be punished.

But it's okay not to say, the ghost knows what they have gained.

Fifty-five ran to the kitchen with a wine bottle, and there were still a lot of ingredients. I was about to open fire to cook, and then came back up and down, next to Lao Mo, whispered: "Boss, there are a lot of ingredients in the kitchen . "

Lao Mo glanced at him and said, "What do you want to say?"

Five hundred and five quietly pointed at Ye Fei, and said, "Can Ye Shen help us make something delicious?"

Lao Mo hesitated, and then with a smile on his face, he hurried to Ye Fei and said, "Yes, are you hungry?"

Ye Fei laughed: "Not hungry."

Lao Mo was depressed, and my heart said that you had done your best just now, so how could you not be hungry after strenuous exercise? How can you not be hungry? You are not hungry ... How are we not eating your food?

"Yes, are you really not hungry?" Lao Mo "reminded" again.

Ye Fei looked at Lao Mo, and he said what was going on, and how he always cared if I was hungry?

"I'm really not hungry. What's wrong?"

"Ahem, I think you were so active just now that you should be hungry."


"It's supposed to be hungry, but I'm really not hungry."


On the side of the side, Lao Mo almost turned to the ground with a funny smile and couldn't help it, saying, "Yes, this is the case. I just turned around and found their kitchen, which is inside. I found that there are still many ingredients. We mean it's not easy for you to see us together. Can you help us make something delicious? Please, please. "

Talking, Ye Wu five also clasped his hands to Ye Fei and worshiped.

Ye Fei was happy, and said, "I thought what kind of plane was it? You just meandered for this?"

Lao Mo nodded hurriedly.

"It's all right."

"I ... keke, Ye Shen, I'm really sorry, we didn't help you just now, it's all your efforts. It stands to reason that we should cook for you, but we There is really no one who can cook. No, no, there are a few who can do it. The level is limited to being able to cook rice. If you want to make something delicious, it is really too difficult for others. Now. "

"That line, everyone wait a while, I will do it."

With that said, Ye Fei found the cork and stuffed the wine bottle. This is the best Lafayette in 1987. It takes one bite to drink one bite, and the taste is even worse if he runs away.

Lao Mo quickly rushed to catch Ye Fei's bottle and said with a smile: "I'll hold it for you."

Ye Fei was also rude and handed the bottle to Lao Mo. He came to the kitchen with five and a half. The ingredients were quite complete, but they were all ordinary ingredients. Another thing was some wild game from Daxinganling. What surprised Ye Fei was that I even found two bear paws, but this is really a super good thing.

It ’s illegal to eat this food under normal circumstances, but the situation is different now. This is in Daxinganling, and a group of people have just exhausted more than one hundred and nearly two hundred terrorists, which is more important. The thing is that they didn't do it. They made it. They were a waste anyway. They just "borrowed" it for use. It should be possible.

Besides, Ye Fei couldn't control so much at all. Even if something happened, he would let a group of Lao Mo carry them around, so that he would not go forward.

I took a look at the ingredients and then divided them up. Ye Fei started to do it directly.

Soon a few delicious dishes were prepared.

Stir-fried dumpling meat, spicy venison, and then made a braised pork with wild pork, followed by a quick stir-fried tomato scrambled eggs, braised hare, a black chicken soup, and a fried salmon fillet .

After these things were done, Ye Fei started to make the final dish-bear's paw!

The reason for making this dish is because Ye Fei just saw that there are exactly the ingredients needed for this dish.

A group of Lao Mo also came to the kitchen at this time. Although Ye Fei has prepared several fine foods, and these people are all unrestrained, but at this time, they ca n’t move without Ye Fei Chopsticks, because Ye Fei's weight in their eyes is no longer the same, it can be said that their leader, even Lao Mo think so, so they are all waiting for Ye Fei to eat together.

As a result, a group of people didn't see Ye Fei on the left, and they didn't see Ye Fei on the right. They were a little confused, so they all went to the kitchen.

"Yeshen, come here for dinner, and the food will be cold in a while." Lao Mo brought a group of people to the kitchen and said.

As Ye Fei took the ingredients, he responded, "You eat first, and the last dish. It takes a little time, and it will pass after it is finished."

As soon as Ye Fei said that there was another dish, the old Mo's group of people all became interested because they wanted to see what Ye Fei's last dish did.

But when they came to Ye Fei and saw the two bear paws on the cutting board in front of Ye Fei, everyone was excited.

"No, right? Ye Shen, did you make bear paw for the last dish?"

"It's heavenly, Ye Shen, you ... you are so awesome, you can even do this stuff?"

"What do you say to your child, Ye Shen can't do it? Just two cat paws, can he still stump Ye Shen?"

"Yes, yes, I said wrong, I slap."

"Come, I help you."

"Go and go, wherever you are."

A group of people was really excited. Although they had fought side by side with a group of bears just now, they knew that the two paws were definitely not those bears just now, because they still liked and appreciated the bears very much, and helped them very much. It ’s a big deal. For such beings, it ’s impossible for anyone to miss a little and eat their paws? It is even more impossible.

"It was made by a few guys with three legs. I saw it just now," said Zero5.

For the best ingredients such as bear's paw, it can be said that almost everyone has no resistance, including men, women, and children. Whoever sees and likes them, because the reputation of this ingredient is too great. It is a person who can do it, and it is definitely memorable for a long time.

"Yeshen, do you really want a bear's paw?" Old Mo swallowed and asked again.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Just make bear paw, we will leave tomorrow. This thing is also a waste to put here. It just costs us a bunch of people. This is a good thing. It is called one of the eight treasures. . "

Ye Mo's group of people are actually Ye Fei's iron powder. Otherwise, when they saw Ye Fei in the military camp, they would not be so excited.

They will also watch Ye Fei's programs when they are okay. Although they are often not visible on live broadcasts, replays of videos will never be missed.

It is also because they have watched all of Ye Fei's programs, so they will be a little confused when they hear Ye Fei say that the bear's paw is one of the eight treasures, because when Ye Fei did live broadcast before, he once said that Ba Zhen It seems that there is no bear paw.

"Yeshen, are you wrong? Bear paw is also one of Bazhen? I see which episode of Buddhism you are doing. You said that the food was Bazhen. I do n’t think there is this bear paw what."

To say that there are absolutely all kinds of talents in this group of people, but the favorite cooking is definitely zero or five. Otherwise, this guy may not be able to go to the kitchen for nothing, so when watching Ye Fei live, he too The most attentive one, when Ye Feigang said about Bazhen, he knew that Ye Fei had used it before, but there was no bear's paw, which made him a little puzzled.

After reminding them of the 51st, they all remembered, and all looked at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei laughed: "You are right, I did use Bazhen when I was doing the live broadcast, but if I remember correctly, I remember that Bazhen I said was Hai Bazhen, right?"

Five and five: "......."

"No, Ye Shen, these eight treasures are the eight treasures, but also the eight treasures? Is there any other eight treasures that are not the eight treasures?"

"Of course, there is still that sentence. In order to survive, our ancestors of Huaxia not only found a lot of edible ingredients, but also divided them into delicious or not, that is, the grade, whether it is flying in the sky. The ground runs or swims in the water, all of them are delicious and ordinary. We say that the skirt and sea cucumber abalone are ingredients in the water. Specifically, they are the best ingredients in the ocean, so they are called Haiba. Zhen, and Hai Bazhen correspond to the land mountains, mountains and mountains and birds. The land mountains, mountains and mountains and mountains are also called mountain mountains and mountains. They refer to antler, rhinoceros, hump, bear's paw, leopard, lion milk, Monkey brains and civets, while the bird Bazhen refers to red swallows, flying dragons, swans, magpies, quails, peacocks, turtledoves, and red-headed eagles, and the grass Bazhen refers to monkey head fungi and donkey nest fungi. Morel, white fungus, mushroom, net fungus, daylily and yunxiangxin, of course, what we are talking about is just the various Bazhens summarized by previous people. Contemporary, especially in Kyoto, Haibazhen is no longer mentioned. Shan Bazhen and Ji Bazhen are mixed, but they are mixed in Speaking of upper eight cherries, middle eight cherries and lower eight cherries, Kyoto upper eight cherries are scarlet lip, hump, bear's paw, bird's nest, monkey head fungus, leopard fetus, deer tendon, and hustle, while middle eight cherries are shark fins Fish maw, fish bone, arowana intestine, scallop, abalone, shi (fish), **** ginseng, oh, also a type of sea cucumber, Kyoto Shibata means bamboo shoots, mullet eggs, white fungus, skirt, large Tricholoma, fish lips, hericium and civet, and in fact the so-called Bazhen, there are no strict rules. People in different regions have some differences because of their different tastes, but they are roughly the same. Now I understand Right?

Speaking of ingredients, Ye Fei can completely eat and sleep for two days and two nights. When he introduced the so-called Bazhen to a group of Lao Mo, and then looked at them, his eyes were wide and small. Looking at Ye Fei, then ... and then all shook his head.

It ’s just Bazhen. Is it so troublesome?

It's too complicated!

Do n’t let them understand now, it ’s more confusing than the beginning, because Ye Fei ’s introduction is too much and too detailed, especially the few people who have not studied food in the past. Already.

"Yes, these ... have you ever eaten?" Wu Ling swallowed and asked.

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "I wish I had eaten all of them. Many of these things are now very few. If you want to have this mouthful, it's all by luck. It can be said that any of these pure wild ingredients have entered the market. After that, it's definitely sky-high. "

"Yeshen, you just said that there is a flying dragon in the eight birds of the bird. Is there really a dragon in this world? Do dragons belong to the birds?" Ten zero asked curiously.

Ye Fei haha ​​laughed: "Flying Dragon ... Actually you've all seen Flying Dragon."

Lao Mo hurriedly denied.

"It's impossible, Ye Shen, this joke is a little big, let's not talk about the flying dragon, the dragon has never seen it."

Several other people nodded quickly, Feilong, ghosts have only seen it.

Ye Fei pointed outside and said, "Did we not have a lot when we were here?"

"Ah? A lot?" All of them were dumbfounded.

"The grouse ~ ~ are the grouse that helped us find this Xuefeng cave. They also have a name called Feilong, and one of the eight birds in the bird is them."


"Oh, this ... this good thing by the mouth made it fly, you guys wait, I'll catch two." Zero Zero said madly.

This can't help but be crazy, but the bird Bazhen, Yaya's walked in front of himself for several hours, I don't know if this is not a qualified food.

Ye Fei just shouted at him and said, "Isn't there two outside? But I can't make it today. Take it back to eat."

After that, Ye Fei started to make bear's paw.

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