The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 992: Pearl on the palm

Making bear's paw, if it is made by ordinary people, it can be said that many do not know how to start, because this kind of ingredients are too rare, even in some high-end five-star restaurants, it may not be possible to eat this thing. Even if there are, many are replaced by other ingredients, of course, there is no real bear paw that tastes good.

Others won't do it, but Ye Fei will definitely, not only, but also a lot of tricks, braised paws, silk bear paws, bear's paws, tofu bear's paws, steamed bear's paws, etc. Dozens of practices.

But today these methods are not useful for Ye Fei. Instead, they use a method of northern cuisine. It can be said that it was the first course of northern banquets in ancient times, because in many banquets, this dish is the first Pieces, called the silver bead paw paw, and there is a place called the pearl on the palm!

If it is strictly divided, the silver beaded bear's paw belongs to Henan cuisine, and the so-called steak is a type of northern cooking. Many dishes are used in Shandong cuisine, and many are used in Henan cuisine. The variety is complex and red. Each method is unique, and the food produced is very delicious.

The method that Ye Fei is using today is to chop, so this silver bead paw bear paw is also called chop chop.

No matter what the approach is, there are two crucial steps first, which are depilation and hair removal.

After all, the bear's paw is full of bear hair, and whether it is a fresh bear or a dried bear's paw, it has a special fishy smell. Only after removing this fishy smell, the rest is delicious.

Bear hair removal is different from chicken, duck, and goose hair removal. This is definitely a tedious process, Ye Fei understands.

Everyone saw Ye Fei first put the bear's paw in a boiling water pot, then added water and boiled it, then turned to a low fire and simmered for a long time. Then they took out the bear's paw, followed by changing the water, and then again Put it in the palm to cook and cook. After a while, Ye Fei fished out the bear's paw and put it in a pot. Then he poured some boiling water from the pot into the pot. When the water temperature was not too hot, he started to give two. Bear paws plucked.

There are two types of hair on the bear's palm. One is thicker and longer, which is very good to pull, and the other is relatively thin, which is a bit difficult to remove.

But if you want to eat this superb ingredient, you have to be patient.

Everyone saw that Ye Fei had removed the thick and long hairs, and then pulled out the soft fluffs almost one by one, and each one was uprooted, which was also a trick to handle bear paw.

Just like we eat pigskin, why do some pigskins taste smooth and delicious while others eat and feel like stubble in their mouths? One is to pluck hair manually after boiling it. This method is very clean, while some people save trouble and burn it directly with fire. The outer hair is burned, and the roots of the hair are all inside the flesh. It doesn't matter what you eat.

Ye Fei finally removed the hair on the palms of the two bears, and removed the soft crusts on the bottoms of the soles of his feet. Then he also removed the nails of the bears' palms. These were useless.

The processed bear's paw is white and tender, just like the two fat men.

Put them together in a bowl, put the shallot segments and **** slices in, pour in the cooking wine and peppercorns, soak them, take a steamer directly from the side and start steaming.

"Yeshen, is this steamed and ready to eat?" Zero 2009 said with excitement.

In his opinion, many foods are ok when steamed, and they are eaten directly.

Who knew Ye Fei shook his head with a smile, and said, "It's still early, it's just the beginning. The steamed bear's paw can only be regarded as a semi-cooked ingredient. We need to continue the following steps."

"Khan, so complicated?"

"Good ingredients are complicated to handle by themselves, or they will be ruined."

Steaming bear's paw here, Ye Fei started processing other ingredients.

Ye Fei also served this group of gangsters. It is estimated that some of them will make this silver bead, because the ingredients are too prepared.

Ham, scallops, winter bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, quail eggs, chicken legs, and more.

He took all of these ingredients, soaked scallops, shiitake mushrooms and dried winter bamboo shoots, sliced ​​dried winter bamboo shoots, then stripped the scallops into the sand, added onion **** cooking wine and clear soup, and marinated them.

Quail eggs are cooked and shelled for later use.

The ham is cut into slices, and the chicken legs are simply processed. The two are placed in two bowls, and a steamer is directly found. After putting in the steamer, start steaming.

Steaming bear's paw is definitely a time-consuming process, because these devices are not black technology devices provided by the system after all, and they cannot be achieved overnight. You must wait patiently and slowly.

After all the other accessories have been processed, the bear's paw is not steamed over there.

Ye Fei wiped her hands and said, "Let's eat the others first, wait slowly, don't worry."

A group of Lao Mo: "..."

Well, you have to wait and eat slowly? It's really too much trouble to eat this dish.

"Yes, can you shorten the time?" Zero and half a day without saying a word, saying something is a bad idea.

As a result, his words were just over, and Lao Mo slapped him on the head.

"Is it so anxious to eat two cat's paws? Ye Shen already said, waiting to eat, this dish will not come out without an hour or two, this is the real best gourmet, the longer the time , The better it is made. "

Zero03 glanced at Lao Mo and said, "It seems like you are very good at cooking. Then you make chopsticks and eat two bites each time you cook."


"I don't talk to people who are not competent."

Ye Fei really likes these soldiers more and more. Everyone looks serious when performing tasks, and they are all live treasures.

"In fact, Lao Mo is right. This cuisine is really time-consuming, because the main nutrients of bear's paw are collagen and elastin. If you cook it for a short time, it will not cook."

"Collagen? Ye Shen, will it be beautiful if you eat it?" Zero Ten was excited.

Ye Fei smiled and nodded, and said, "It should be reasonable."

"Emma, ​​I'm so excited. Today, I also use this bear's paw to beautify my beauty, which is worthy of my vicissitudes."

Who knows that this article has just been finished, and 2008 directly hits: "Your face is full of mulberry fields, no matter how beautiful you are, you still have to eat tomatoes and scrambled eggs.

Zero Ten: "......."

Ye Fei laughed and said, "Okay, let's go eat the other first, this dish makes it steam first."

A group of people came outside and started eating.

Whether Ye Fei is broadcasting live or cooking with ordinary ingredients, it can be said that each time is full, each dish is a lot.

But after all, Ye Fei underestimated the combat effectiveness of this group of soldiers. No matter it is the special forces, whether it is on the battlefield or on the rink, the combat effectiveness is explosive.

With so many dishes, Ye Fei was still thinking about how to say that it would be possible to steam the bear's paw, but it didn't stand for half an hour at all. A group of people was devoured by the wind and the clouds, and it was bad for a while, then ... then a group of people sat there with their eyes wide open.

"Lao Qi, I wouldn't hesitate to tell you. When did you look up when you ate? Can't you be elegant?"

"You're elegant, don't use your two hands. You've never seen you open your bow like this. Thanks to the spaciousness of this table, if it's narrower, it's not enough for you to play alone."


Ye Fei stood up with a smile and went into the kitchen.

He also showed up. In front of this group of people, it is impossible to pay attention to the small fire and slow stew, otherwise it will not be able to catch up, so the goods will be burned directly after the fire.

This one was quick, and it didn't take long for the bear's paw to work.

Take the bear's paw out of the steamer and place it directly on the cutting board. Then slowly remove the bear's paw bone with a knife. Then put the onion ginger, cooking wine and clear soup again, and steam in the steamer again.

After the water was boiled, it should have been a low fire, but Ye Fei chose a high fire, and it was only changed to a low fire in the last ten minutes.

Finally, take out the bear's paw and place it on a cutting board, and then tilt it with a knife to make a piece of meat that is three or four centimeters thick, but the pieces are not broken, but the bottom is still connected.

This knife is also called a horizontal knife. This is also a kind of knife that chefs often use to slice ingredients, that is, to take the knife flat, and then the knife back slightly above the knife surface.

Place the sliced ​​two bear paws in a bowl, then put the steamed ham slices and the prepared bamboo shoots and shiitake mushrooms in it, then place the scallops around, put the elbows, chicken legs, onion ginger, and then Add refined salt, cooking wine and clear soup, etc., and put it in the steamer again.

The whole process was a big fire. When the fire was finally finished, Xiao Huo wrote a bit, then took down the bear's paw, took a small bowl from the side, and carefully controlled the soup in the bear's paw in the small bowl. The peeled quail eggs were placed around the bear's paw, and a large plate was taken and buckled directly over the bowl.

In fact, bear paw is ready at this time, and the rest is seasoning.

Set the wok on the fire, and then add pork to the 50% to 60% heat. Put the clear soup and the soup just out, add a few slices of ginger, pour the appropriate amount of soy sauce, and finally boil it into a sugary red sticky shape.

At this time, Ye Fei reversed the bowl that had just clasped the plate, removed all the other ingredients from it, and poured the sugary red thick soup evenly on the bear's paw, and murmured, "OK."

The voice he spoke was very small, but just after his voice fell, he saw a group of people behind him, and then all reached out.

"What are you doing? This dish has poured a lot of effort into Ye Shen. Can you respect the fruits of other people's labor?" Lao Mohu stared at a group of people, scolding him.

Too big or too small ~ ~ Yeshen worked hard to do a good job, but all of you rushed over to grab it, what kind of system?

After reprimanding ten people, Lao Mo changed his face as soon as he turned around. He smiled and looked at Ye Fei, and then stretched his hands directly to the plate.

"Yeshen, it's hard. Let me do small things like serving vegetables."

Speaking, Lao Mo picked up the plate of silver beads and ran away.

Ye Fei: "......."

Everyone: "......."

Old Mo, can you be more shameless?

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