The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 993: Who said that the taste of bear's paw is similar to that of pork head?

Bear's paw, it can be said that this ingredient was very common in ancient times, and it is an extremely popular ingredient.

Hua Xia's famous old man Mencius said a few thousand years ago: "Fish is what I want, and bear's paw is what I want, neither can be both."

I can see that a long time ago, the ancestors of Huaxia already knew the unique taste and rich nutritional value of Xiongzhang, so it was regarded as one of the treasures.

Ye Fei ’s silver bead paw paw, that is, the palm jewel, there are two kinds of ingredients when you look at the name, that is silver pearl (pearl) and palm. The palm is very easy to understand, that is, the two bear paws, and the pearl is In that circle of quail eggs, the white quail eggs are like the best Wenyu, and they are dotted around the two bear paws covered with sugar-red sauce, which are extremely seductive.

Other dishes have already been eaten by Lao Mo, and now there is this plate of silver bead paw paw left on the table. It looks a bit solitary, but it is definitely not monotonous, because it is silver bead paw paw.

That ’s right, no matter what kind of banquet, even if you put a table for stir-fried vegetables, if you put a plate of silver beads in the middle to chop bear paws, the force of this banquet table will soar directly, and it can even be called a table. Superb feast.

Yinzhu's role is so great!

Its status in the food industry is so high!

Counting Ye Fei, there were twelve people around the table, all holding chopsticks and staring at the dish, both eyes were shining, as if this was not a dish at all, but a supine on a jasper plate. Like the beauties in China, the goods around them are all color waves, and saliva from 2003 and 2007 has flowed out, and they keep licking their tongues.

Lastly, I couldn't help it. I stretched out the chopsticks and clipped them. As a result, Lao Moyi chopsticks knocked open.

"Do you understand the rules? Ye Shen has been busy for a long time and hasn't eaten yet. Why are you anxious?"

07 The depressed hand holding the chopsticks retracted again.

Lao Mo hurriedly made a gesture to Ye Fei, saying, "Ye God, you must first use chopsticks for this unique gourmet dish, otherwise we dare not eat."

Ye Yefei is not polite. He has never eaten a bear's paw. Although this time it is not the ingredients provided by the system, it is a fresh bear's paw after all.

I saw Ye Fei smiling and stretched out chopsticks, and then gently stroked the sugar-red sauce on a bear's paw. The soup was divided to the side, exposing the bear-paw meat covered with sugar-red underneath.

There is actually a layer of skin on the outside surface of this bear's paw, but this layer of skin has long been steamed and rotten, not to mention that two bear's paws have been sliced ​​into pieces by Ye Fei with a horizontal knife. of.

Ye Yefei gently clamped a piece of bear paw meat with chopsticks, but just gently raised it up, and this piece of meat was separated from the bear paw.

Looking at this piece of meat, the top skin is sugar-red sauce, and the part that is cut by the knife is white and tender and dizzy. On this white and tender piece of meat, there are even one or two drops of oil droplets hanging on it. As Ye Fei clamped the piece of meat, he saw these two drops of oil slowly flowing down the tender white meat slices, passing all the way, leaving a bright line.

Lao Mo's group of people's eyes were straight, one by one was swallowing saliva.

一次 This time it is not exaggerated at all, eleven of them are drooling, because this piece of meat is simply superb. Don't say that it is superb, even if you look at it, you can remember it for a lifetime.

Suddenly, the sugar red sauce on the top of the bear's paw slowly flowed down along the white bear-like meat of the bear, and the white sugar red juice suddenly formed a strong visual effect. These sugars The red sauce is like a rainbow hanging on the white sky after the rain, dazzling and exuding unique charm.

Ye Fei didn't rush to eat this piece of meat. Instead, he gently touched the sauce on the bear's paw with this piece of meat. When the tender meat was covered with a light ruddy color, Ye Fei clipped it in front of himself.

As soon as I arrived, he smelled a refreshing aroma that he had never smelled before, but it was more fascinating than the aroma of many kinds of meat.

The scent of maggots entered Ye Fei's nostril like a spirit snake, and then went up along part of the nostril, stimulating his brain and nerves, but the other entered the abdomen, nourishing his internal organs.

"I finally understand why the ancients said that bear's paw is one of the mountains and eight treasures. It's really fascinating."

After talking, Ye Fei opened his mouth, put the fleshy tender meat into his mouth, then closed his eyes and chewed slowly.

Ye Fei was amazed at the first mouthful. At this time, the bear's paw was steamed and glutinous. It was plump, tender and juicy, and it was like an entrance when you ate it.

Ye Yefei just chewed a few times and felt a thick aroma raging in the mouth. Even at this moment, he believed that this ordinary bear's paw is better than some of the ingredients provided by the system, which is so strong.

"Ye ... gurgle ~~ Ye Shen, what is it like?" Wuling asked, swallowing.

Ye Yefei smiled and pointed at the bear's paw on the table with chopsticks, and said, "Try it."

I heard Ye Fei say this, a bunch of people are no longer polite, grabbing chopsticks in a hurry is like charging on the battlefield, straight to the two paws.

When Lao Mo saw it, he coughed quickly.

Then a group of people quickly hurriedly extended the chopsticks to the palms of the two bears as quickly as possible, each of them carefully picking up a piece of tender meat, which looked more careful than Lafite who had drank 1.6 million.

When everyone put a piece of bear paw meat that melted in the mouth into their mouths and tasted its beautiful taste, none of the eleven people were calm, and they didn't wait for Ye Fei to speak, and headed for the silver beads again. Pickpocket launched an attack.

Amazing, beauty is boundless!

Wonderful, wonderful!

"Ge Laozi, who said that the taste of bear's paw is similar to that of pork head meat? What's so special, even the best pork head meat in the world is not as delicious as this bear's paw."

"There is a slight elasticity in the glutinous, and it is an indescribable enjoyment to eat in the mouth."

熊 "Bear paw ... I rely on, did we just dispose of the bodies of several bear blind men? Would you like to cut off their paws? This is so delicious, I'm afraid I will become addicted."

Lao Mo stared at 61, and said, "Addictive? If you are really addicted, then you are not far away from the cell."

06, hurriedly, scratched his head with a smile, and said, "Make an analogy, I just make an analogy."

Red wine and bear's paw are definitely not the best partners, but they make a group of people feel the hottest emotions.

Although two bear paws are rare for eleven people, but a few people are still satisfied with their food. They also know that it is impossible to eat enough food at one time, just taste the wonderful The incomparable taste is enough, the memories are the most beautiful.

Finally, everyone ate all the quail eggs around them.

It ’s not good to be beautiful, all of them have thumbs up at Ye Fei. There is no way, conscience can't lie, this food is really enjoyable.

Ye Fei was funny. He said that this is not the authentic silver bead paw method. Many steps in the middle are lazy, time is lacking, and the heat is lacking. If it is all right, make this dish complete and patient If it is done, it may not be what it will look like.

At that time, Ye Fei suspected that all the viewers and fans in his live broadcast room might be violent.

Each person has a bottle of red wine, and there are a few large ones. After drinking the red wine, he turns out a few bottles of authentic Roros vodka, one by one with a grin and a red neck.

The terrorists were all eliminated, and a group of people relaxed uncommonly, so this night was a carnival.

On the third day, Ye Fei made a simple breakfast, and everyone considered how to leave after eating.

In the end, Ye Fei reminded him, "When I chased a one-armed man yesterday, he was driving a snowmobile."

Everyone was stupid when they heard it.

"I rub, Ye Shen, you are too fierce, can't you even ride you on a snowmobile?"

"Great, Ye Shen, no wonder you can win the international marathon championship. It's not that fast anymore."

"Roll the calf, can you speak? What does it mean to be human?"

"It's God, do you have an opinion?"

"'re right."

Lao Mo was completely speechless by his brothers and said, "Can you all have a little IQ online? Ye Shen's words do not mean how fast he is, but to tell you that since The three-legged guy has a snowmobile, so there must be inside or outside this hole. We ride on the snowmobile to leave, and then contact them outside, and let them come to pick us up. What do you want? "

Only a bunch of people reacted. If you do n’t know what to do at this time, it ’s really a little bit different.

The crowd began to search for this snow cave and the surrounding area outside the snow cave. However, they did not know it. A search was really shocking. They even found another snow peak cave not far from this snow peak cave. Inside this hole are all weapons, almost all kinds of firearms, as well as full boxes and grenades, and even chasing guns and rocket launchers, and detonator explosives have many boxes.

When I saw this scene, the cheeks of Lao Mo's group were all crippled, and then all looked at Ye Fei, and then ... Then several people all bowed in unison towards Ye Fei.

Thank you, I must thank, this time thanks to Ye Fei, if Ye Fei didn't come, although some of them were special forces among the special forces, but they fought with this group of people, even if they were scattered to attract them. It's so easy to destroy. This weapon is too powerful.

I was really so good, it was almost a dozen people who were finished, which means that Ye Fei indirectly saved their lives.

This cave is beyond Ye Fei's surprise, but he doesn't care about these, he just wants to find a snowmobile.

Finally at the deepest part of the cave, Ye Fei finally found the snowmobile. There are hundreds of cars, all of them new, and the paint is bright and shiny.

But at this time, Lao Mo prevented Ye Fei from riding a snowmobile.

"Yes, do n’t need to ride. There are too many things here. We have to ask the headquarters to send someone to take these things away ~ ~ or destroy them. We can just wait for them to come. Fast."

After speaking, Lao Mo asked Lao Shi to contact the headquarters. It didn't take long for seven or eight helicopters to come directly. Ye Fei took one of them, and the others began to carry the weapons of those terrorists.

Although those weapons are not advanced weapons in the eyes of the country, they are expensive in quantity, which is good even as a prop for acting.

Ye Yefei didn't care about it. Sitting on a helicopter, the plane slowly took off and flew outside the Da Xing'an Mountains.

He looked out and suddenly stopped because he saw a group of bear blinds running wildly not far from the helicopter. It was Xiao Hei who took the lead.

Ye Yefei smiled and waved at them.

Suddenly, Xiao Hei stopped, and more than 20 bears and blind men behind him also stopped, and then all began to grow and roar. The thick and magnificent voice came out in the Da Xing'an Mountains far and far, and then kept in the snow Echoing.

Lao Mo they also saw the group of bears, looking at Ye Fei one by one.

"Yes, don't you take one?"

Ye Yefei smiled and shook her head, and said, "They belong here."

The helicopter's propeller made a buzzing sound, and then quickly flew away ...

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