The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 997: Can you give me a bit of face?

"You have been making principled mistakes like this, which makes it difficult for me to do it." Ye Fei carried the insulation barrel to the nursing room and placed it on the small table at the bedside, smiling.

Bald head hehe he laughed: "Yes, you don't know. The little nurses in this hospital are not the same as the girls in the nightclub / club. It really has a different flavor."

When Bald Strong said this, saliva was coming out.

If it weren't for the fact that the body could float up, Ye Fei would absolutely slap his head.

"Hadron, these very pure and kind girls, if you are serious, I support you, if you have a playful mentality, I advise you to give up." Ye Fei said very seriously.

The bald head strongly rubbed his bald head, and sighed, "Yeshen, in fact, I also want to be serious, but you also know that there are people like us who don't have tomorrow today. I am afraid they will delay others."

"Then you have to make fun of them?"

"I don't know why. I feel that the girl is very good. Maybe other women have seen more. Suddenly it is quite fresh with such a pure girl."

"Then you'll take it easy."

"I see, Ye Shen, what is this?" The bald-headed eyes suddenly fell on the insulation barrel on the bedside cabinet and asked curiously.

Ye Fei took a whistle, took the insulation bucket and said, "I've made some soup for you."

As soon as the bald head was strong, the spirit immediately came. Ye Fei's soup didn't have to think about it, it must be the best.

"Really? Too happy, Ye Shen, I'm so happy."

Ye Fei laughed: "It's all done, how happy are you?"

"No, no, that's how happy you are. If you don't, you won't be able to drink the soup you cooked."

"Come on, when you're ready, bring a few friends, then shout Xiaohu and Feihu brother, come to me for dinner, I treat, and wine, I make my own wine."

Bald Strong:"......"

In Ye Fei's opinion, when hearing this sentence, Bald Head should be very excited, but he found that Bald Head was a little dazed and looked at himself stupidly.

"What's wrong?" Ye Fei touched his face and asked.

The bald head murmured, "Yes, what happened to you?"

Ye Fei: "....."

"I'm fine? Just invite the brothers for dinner."

"Brother? Me ..... Me too?"

"Of course you are." Ye Fei said with a smile.

The bald-headed strong excited couldn't help it any longer, jumping up from the bed and dancing, "Yeshen, am I your brother? Really?"

Ye Fei hurriedly stopped the guy and pointed to the infusion tube on his arm: "Here, blood."

When the bald head was strong, I saw that the infusion tube had indeed had its own blood flowing in for a long time, and lay down in a hurry.

At this time, Niu He came in.

Ye Fei turned his back to the door. Niu He didn't see who he was, and he was not happy. "I said, what's wrong with you? I came in without permission, what can I do to bring in viruses and bacteria? Can't think about the patient? "

Ye Fei stood up and turned around, looking at Niu He with a smile: "Doctor Niu He."

Niu He looked at Ye Fei and laughed. "I thought it was the patient's family, Ye Shen, when did you come?"

"Just came over and see how he is doing."

"People are young and recover relatively quickly, and can already be transferred to ordinary wards."

"Oh, yes, I boiled him a little soup. I didn't intervene in his illness, so you can see how to take it with your medication. I think it can help.


As soon as Niu He heard Ye Fei talking about soup, his eyes lit up.

"What soup? Can you drink it?"

Ye Fei laughed, "I don't stop you if you want to drink."

Talking, opened the insulation bucket, a strong medicine smell burst out.

"Herb?" Niu Hedao.

The bald-headed face also froze. He thought it was a soup. It turned out to be a medicine soup. I heard that the herbs were bitter.

"Yes, Bufei Tang."

"A few of us were still discussing it. If he was able to warm up the situation with herbal medicine and then treat it with western medicine, it would be better and faster. Now you are here."

"That's a coincidence."

After speaking, Ye Fei said to Baldhead again: "Go to the general ward first, there are not many intensive care units in other hospitals."

Bald head quickly nodded: "Yes, I listen to you."

Staying here for a while, Ye Fei left because he has other things to do and it will start broadcasting tomorrow.

Regarding the start of the broadcast, we must first contact Ma Qingyun and Feng Tianlai and others to let them know that they are back, so he called Ma Qingyun.

After listening to Ye Fei's voice, Ma Qingyun was also very happy and let people release the news directly.

"That line, Uncle Ma, I'll hang up first." After talking about his own affairs, Ye Fei would hang up.

Ma Qingyun said suddenly: "Wait, Ye Fei, there are important things to tell you."

Ye Fei hesitated, listening to Ma Qingyun's tone was serious, and it should be important.

"whats the matter?"

"This ... this thing is really hard to say, after all, it is too much for ordinary people."

"What the **** is it?"

"Well, where are you now? I think it's necessary to tell you this in person, because if you talk on the phone now, you will think I'm neuropathic."

"No, right? So serious?"

"More serious than that, where are you?"

"I ... let's go to Snow Cafe."

"That line, see you later."

"Wait a minute, what is that, is Cuihua at home?"

Ma Qingyun laughed: "She left yesterday. Why? Miss my girl?"

"No, uncle Ma, you have misunderstood what, we'll see you later."

After speaking, Ye Fei hung up the phone and drove to Snow Cafe.

Snow Cafe, this place is like Ye Fei's No. 2 base.

When I used to come here, the business of this cafe was only average. After all, consumption in this environment is also a petty bourgeoisie. Those who can come here for a cup of coffee and talk are corporate white collar workers or company owners.

Ye Fei also came after he had some money in his hands.

However, when Ye Fei came to Snow Cafe today, he found that the business here was so hot that it was almost full of people, and there were three or four on a table.

He thought he had come to the wrong place, looked up at the signboard, yes, it was Snow Cafe, but how could this business be so good?

While Ye Fei was wondering, he walked past a pair of young men and women, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw the waiter in the cafe greeted him with a smile.

"Welcome two to Snow Cafe."

The woman asked in excitement: "You said Ye Shen used to drink coffee here, is it true?"

The waitress at the cafe smiled, "Yes, Ye Shen used to be a frequent visitor here."

"Then what table is he sitting at?"

"Uh ~~ Sorry, the table where Ye Shen used to sit was already taken."

The girl was obviously very disappointed.

The man next to him hurriedly said, "Can you move them? Let's add more money."

The waitress was embarrassed: "I also add more money, I'm really sorry, can you look at the table by the window? It's close to the place where Ye Shen used to sit."

Some women are depressed, but still say, "Okay."

Two people were about to walk in, and the waitress said, "According to our coffee shop regulations, the place where Ye Shen has sat before has the highest price, a cup of coffee for three hundred Chinese yuan, a cup of coffee for two hundred and fifty next to him, no one ahead. Location is less than 20, normal position is 80 yuan a cup. "

The young men and women were walking inside, and when they heard this, they all stopped.

"How do you do this business? Did you get Ye Shen's permission this way?" The man said angrily.

The waiter apologized: "This is a marketing model that we implemented after discussing with Ye Shen. We were allowed by Ye Shen, and we also signed a contract with Ye Shen. Please be assured."

"This way ~~" The girl had nothing to say.

The man quit, saying: "Yeshen Yeshen, I thought he was really as good as the one in the live studio. I didn't expect to do such a shameless thing secretly, it was so disappointing. "

After speaking, the man looked at the girl and said, "Xiaoying, we ..."

The girl didn't speak, just walked inside.

The man smiled bitterly and followed.

When the two walked a little farther, the waiter smiled disdainfully, and said, "Poor buns also want to come to the cafe where Ye Shen often visits for coffee."

Ye Fei had just arrived at the entrance of the cafe, and just saw this scene. He also heard the waiter's words, and suddenly the whole person was bad.

I rub it. This cafe is incredible. This is a mess with my own signboard. When did I discuss it with you? When did you sign the contract with you? Did you smear me?

Ye Fei's anger came up. This cafe did business with his name without his permission. This is a tort!

Just when he wanted to go in and find trouble in this cafe, something happened in the cafe.

He looked through the glass and saw the guest on the table where he had sat before standing up angrily, and then called the waiter over.

"How did you do that? There are three hundred cups of coffee at one place on this table. This is three hundred cups of coffee? You taste it yourself. Is this coffee?" A 27-year-old elite man stood up and pointed The coffee in front of me, said.

The waiter glanced at the man and said, "I'm sorry, that was the kind of coffee that Ye Shen drank. This is the signature coffee in our store. It may not be suitable for everyone, but it is definitely coffee."

"Cut, what coffee? Do you think we haven't had coffee before?"

"That is, I'm sure you guys are definitely brewing at least a spoonful of coffee with at least two pounds of water, and the coffee tastes nothing."

"Yeshen just drinks such coffee? Who do you bluff?"

"I really can't think of it ~ ~ Ye Shen would cooperate with such a cafe, and suddenly I was disappointed."

"My heart is cold."

As soon as the elite man revealed the secret, everyone in the other seats also shouted. They were not bad for a cup of coffee. They often drank it. Is it good coffee? The coffee is definitely inferior and ca n’t be tasted again. There are hundreds of cups of this kind of coffee.

The voice inside was loud, and the door of the coffee shop had not yet been closed. Ye Fei heard it clearly. The nose of the goods was crooked. Can you give the brother a little face? It's really too much of you to do this.

The crazy Ye Fei said nothing, and just pushed the door open to enter. At this time, a hand held him next to him ...

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