The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 998: It ’s not me who brags, other anchors are garbage

Snow Cafe, a place where Ye Fei has been a few times, is now playing his banner here to cheat and cheat. This is simply uncle can't bear the bitch.

Ye Feiqi's anger was so fierce that he pushed in the door and went in. As a result, he stretched out a hand to hold him.

Ye Fei turned his head and saw Ma Qingyun shook his head at him.

"Have you seen it all? I can't help it." Ye Fei exclaimed.

Ma Qingyun laughed: "You can do it, but what can you do in the past? At most, this group of people know the truth and wait until you leave? They will still do it, in fact you are already very good I heard that some frontline female celebrity was endorsed by a gynecological hospital sometime ago, so that's disgusting. "

Ye Fei knew that Ma Qingyun was joking, but he couldn't laugh at all. Whoever was crazy about this kind of thing, how could he laugh?

"What should I do?"

Ma Qingyun took Ye Fei back to his car, then took out his mobile phone, and said, "Of course, this kind of thing must be completely resolved at one time. I have a few friends in the judicial department and the industrial and commercial department, and they are all yours Fans, let them come and take a look together, and if you go in now, it's a grass attack, and you can't help it after they destroy the evidence. "

After speaking, Ma Qingyun made two phone calls and said, "Wait a while, and we will just say something about us at this time."

When it comes to business, Ye Fei temporarily put aside the things at Snow Cafe, because he knows that Ma Qingyun may be a big deal.

"Uncle Ma, what is going on?"

Ma Qingyun did not speak, but turned on his mobile phone again, logged in to the client on the Qiuqiu platform, and then logged in with his account, and then entered the props bar. Then he handed the phone to Ye Fei, saying: "You Look at this first. "

Ye Fei is unknown. So he took Ma Qingyun's mobile phone and looked at him, his eyes shrank.

"This ... how did you get three such exaggerated props? Star Cruiser 100,000, Star Carrier and Star Extreme Spaceship are all 200,000. This ... you ... . Are you treating the audience as a fool or a **** of wealth? Do n’t forget that the ordinary spacecraft and aircraft carrier were not rewarded by 30,000 people before. Now you are tossing out these more exaggerated props, Do you think there will be a reward? "

Ye Fei's eyes stared at the three new business props on the mobile phone. They were going crazy, the capitalists were all drinking blood. It turned out to be true.

Ma Qingyun said helplessly: "In fact, this thing is not what we want to add."

"What do you mean? Not who is the platform?"

"The above, specifically, President Johnson of the International Live Broadcast Association asked us to increase."

"Johnson? Is he crazy? Does it make sense to add this thing? Not to mention the audience and fans of ordinary anchors, even those of my audience who can brush this kind of props every day, let alone they brush I wouldn't agree, just entertain and be happy, if I really want to give these people a lot of money, I wouldn't want to. "

"You are right, but we are also helpless. In fact, these three props were designed by President Johnson a long time ago, but what we have designed has not been satisfactory to him. No, he personally sent them a few days ago. Three patterns of props, let us add, and the price is also given by him. "

"If he asks you to add you, just add it? You need to see if this thing makes sense and is not necessary."

"We said the same thing at the time, but President Johnson said that it may not have been meaningful before, and it is not necessary, but starting from your next live broadcast, it may be meaningful and necessary."

Speaking, Ma Qingyun's eyes glowed and looked at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei was confused.

"What do you mean?"

Ma Qingyun looked around, and then asked his driver to get out of the car to buy a bottle of water. This is to open it up. Then he got close to Ye Fei and whispered, "Ye Fei, you believe that this world is not just the Earth. Will there be life on other planets in the universe? "

Ye Fei: "........"

The goods quickly reached out and touched Ma Qingyun's forehead.

Ma Qingyun slapped him away with a depressed slap.

"I knew you were going to be like this, which is why I have to meet you face-to-face. On the phone you absolutely said I was neurotic."

Ye Fei rolled his eyes and said, "It's as if I wouldn't treat you as a neurosis now."


"I'm serious, Ye Fei, tell me, have you thought about this before?" Ma Qingyun said with a serious face.

Ye Fei was funny. He said that I had thought about it a long time ago. The system said a long time ago that I was going to be a god-anchor in the universe. If the aliens have no life, what would I do so hard?

However, Ye Fei couldn't say this, so he could only play the maze and shook his head: "No, I don't have to think about this unrealistic thing?"

"No, you must think about it now."


"Because ....." Having said that, Ma Qingyun looked around again. When it was determined that no one was there, his voice was lowered again. "Because our platform has opened the interstellar channel."

"I # ¥ &, what are you talking about?"

Even if Ye Fei had been prepared for it, he was now scared.

Interstellar channel?

I rub it, what a mess?

Seeing Ye Fei's stunned expression, Ma Qingyun expressed great satisfaction, because he had the same expression when he first heard the news.

"The interstellar channel has been opened. In fact, our platform did not have such a channel before, because we never thought about this kind of thing. Or did Johnson send someone to help me design the program, and the technical staff of our platform did not understand it. It is too advanced, it is a program formed by the combined use of several characters. "Ma Qingyun said mysteriously.

Ye Fei was completely aggressive. He was convinced that what the system said before finally happened, and he was facing the sea of ​​stars.

My heaven, the stars and the sea!

When thinking of these four words, Ye Fei's brain buzzed and exploded. This is beyond the earth. This is a bit of a jerk. How could this be true?

"You ... Are you sure?" Ye Fei asked Ma Qingyun seriously again.

Ma Qingyun nodded fiercely and said, "OK, because Johnson wouldn't be so serious if it wasn't true, and he called me in person."

"I told you in person?"


"Don't you suspect that old man's neurosis?"

"I was really skeptical at first, but after I was sure, I didn't know that people weren't neuropathy, all this was true."

"OK? How are you sure?"

Ma Qingyun looked back and forth for the third time, and even opened the window and drilled his head out to look around, then quickly closed the window, took the mobile phone, and said, "Don't be afraid of what you see."

Ye Fei: "... I'm not so timid yet."

Speaking, Ma Qingyun clicked on the main page of the Kaiqiuqiu platform client, and then clicked on an icon marked "More", and saw that there were live rooms in this icon, and there was no live room name on it. All are serial numbers. Pushing from the back, there are only ten rooms on this page, and a few words at the bottom-more rooms.

"What is this?" Ye Fei asked curiously.

Ma Qingyun did not speak, but instead clicked directly into the first room, and saw a sudden flash on his mobile phone screen, and then a lot of horizontal bars appeared. Immediately after these horizontal bars ended, a screen appeared.

This is a picture of a live broadcast room. The design of this live broadcast room is not the same as that of the Qiuqiu platform. Its video screen is in the middle, and the function design key around the video.

In fact, this is not what makes Ye Fei really scared. It really makes Ye Fei feel incredible. The live broadcast room is live, and the anchor in the video is really euphemistic.

Humanoid, big head, big eyes, small nose, big mouth, small ears. At this time, he is dancing to the video. His fingers are long, there are no fingernails, and each finger is followed by a small stick. Same, round front, like alien et.

Seeing this creature, Ye Fei's mouth opened directly, and the eyeballs of this goods were anxious to burst.

"Sigh ~~ Suck ~~"

There was a strange sound in Ye Fei's throat.


Because he wanted to speak, but couldn't say a word at all, he was stuck in his throat.

"External ... alien?" For a long time, Ye Fei tried to say this.

Although Ma Qingyun already knew, he was still stunned.

"Okay ... seems like it is."

"What's going on?"

"I don't know. Since our platform system was upgraded by Johnson's old man, these unnamed live rooms have appeared."

"You said that the serial numbers just now represent this kind of living room?"

"No ... no."

"What do you mean?"

"There are other creatures that look like this, but ... but they are all doing live broadcasts."

"All ... are doing live streaming?"


"How is this possible? It's going to be a big deal, how can this be the case? Is this an alien broadcast room?"

"Okay ... seems to be like ~ ~ what is it saying? What is it doing like dancing?"

"There's a language translation key, and you'll know when you click."

Speaking, Ma Qingyun clicked a language translation software around this alien video with his hand, and suddenly the alien's voice came over.

"I'm not bragging, other anchors are garbage!"

Ye Fei: "........"

Ma Qingyun: "........"

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