The first dragon of all time

Chapter 817 A bit interesting!

boom! ...

The female Supreme Genius Emperor Realm cultivation level exploded directly.

Buzz! ...

The vision of an ancient immortal standing tall on the sky and the earth emerged behind her, exuding boundless pressure. In an instant, she seemed to have become the ruler of this world!

"This is the vision of the mortal immortal!"

"This kind of vision is as famous as Long Qingchen's vision of the Chaos Seed Green Lotus. Now there is something good to watch!"...

The supreme geniuses took a breath and felt the tremendous pressure.


Long Qingchen looked calm.

boom! ...

He was surrounded by the vision of Chaos Qinglian, and he pressed forward directly. The entire space of the arena was annihilated, containing boundless power!

The female supreme genius snorted coldly, "Our visions are equally famous, why do you suppress me?"

After saying that, she showed no sign of weakness and slowly slapped a palm, and the Wan Zhang Hongchen Immortal behind her also slapped a palm!

Boom! ...

The huge palm of the Wan Zhang Hong Chen Fairy struck into the chaos, and the green lotuses shattered, and the palm of the Wan Zhang Hong Chen Fairy also shattered!

Eventually, the two cancel each other out, and both visions dissipate!

have equal shares!

The female supreme genius said calmly, "My vision was broken by you, and your vision was broken by me. Both of us have no vision. Why are you, a quasi-emperor, dueling with me? Give up, or else It’s such an embarrassing loss.”

"I think it's you who should admit defeat."

Long Qingchen smiled.

The female supreme genius was angry, "I care about the face of the dragon clan and don't want to hurt you. Are you going to embarrass yourself?"

Long Qingchen smiled and said, "Who told you that I only have one vision?"

The female supreme genius was stunned.

What's the meaning?

It is extremely rare for people of the younger generation to have one kind of vision of ancient power. Could it be that he has a second kind?

The supreme geniuses are also in a daze, in more ways than one?

"bring it on."

Long Qingchen waved.

The female supreme genius frowned, gritted her teeth slightly, and took action anyway. There was no way she would be scared off by Long Qingchen's words.

Buzz! ...

She released her Tao and crushed directly towards Long Qingchen!

boom! ...

Her path looked like a boundless sea of ​​blood, with raging waves!

Long Qingchen was considering which vision to use to deal with her. When he saw that the way of the female supreme genius looked a bit like a sea of ​​blood, his heart moved and he immediately chose a vision.

Buzz! ...

Behind him, a vision of a blue sea appeared. On the sea, a bright moon slowly rose, reflecting the bright brilliance!

These radiances look soft, but they contain terrifying power!

Boom! ...

Shining on the sea of ​​​​blood, the sea of ​​​​blood suddenly boils, vaporizes, and dries up!

puff! ...

Her Tao was damaged. The female supreme genius coughed up blood in her mouth, her face turned pale, her figure was shaky, and she had lost her fighting power!

Two moves!

This female supreme genius who has achieved enlightenment and become an emperor, and has her own vision, can only support two moves in Long Qingchen's hands!

The supreme geniuses were silent, staring intently at Long Qingchen's vision of the bright moon rising on the sea. He really had two visions, and both were famous visions in ancient times!

"In the third round, Long Qingchen won!"

Tianshuang Zhanxie announced the result loudly.

He looked deeply at Long Qingchen and said with a smile, "Brother Chen is really secretive. Although he has not evolved his own Tao or proved it, he has two famous visions in ancient times. The real The strength has surpassed that of ordinary emperors!"

"These two ways have been cultivated in seclusion over the past few hundred years. I have nothing to hide."

Long Qingchen said with a smile.

In fact... In addition to these two visions, he also had countless visions, and even he himself couldn't count how many.

Of course, facing the supreme genius of the same generation, it is enough to use these two visions. The other visions can be used as "trump cards" and there is no need to reveal them.

Naturally, Tianshuang Zhanxie believed what he said, because having two visions was already very terrifying. If he knew that Long Qingchen had other visions, he and the other supreme geniuses would have to vomit blood. This is worse than nothing. , so he didn’t think about it at all.

Long Jin Yuelan, Long Shi Xiaoning, Long Shi Qianqian, Long Shibai, Long Qingbaizheng, Long Qingmiao, these six dragon emperors and daughters all have gloomy faces and are not very good-looking.

Long Qingchen has been in seclusion for more than five hundred years and has not developed his own Tao. For them, this was originally a great good thing. It meant that Long Qingchen had been surpassed by his contemporaries and fell behind, and was no longer qualified to serve as president. Holy Son, then the Dragon Clan must re-elect the Chief Holy Son, and their chance will come.

However, through these three duels, the strength Long Qingchen showed was like pouring cold water on them, and they were extremely disappointed.

Long Qingchen has not fallen behind, has not been surpassed by his peers, and has even become a lot stronger than before, still maintaining the number one strength among the young generation of the Dragon Clan!

Long Jin Yuelan sneered and said, "The visions of ancient times are indeed powerful. However, visions can only be powerful for a short time. Cultivation is the most important thing. If you can't evolve your own way or prove it, then your cultivation will be It will always stay in the quasi-emperor realm, and sooner or later it will be left behind by its contemporaries!"

Hearing what she said, Long Shi Xiaoning, Long Shi Qianqian, Long Shibai, Long Qingbaizheng and Long Qingmiao looked better. Indeed, if Long Qingchen does not develop his own Tao, his cultivation will stagnate. There is hope for transcendence.

Long Qingchen glanced flatly at these ambitious sons and daughters of dragon clan emperors, "Then you'd better pray that I never develop my own way, otherwise, you won't be able to think about the position of the Supreme Son."

"Hundreds of years have passed, haven't you given up yet, are you still thinking about the position of the Supreme Son?"

"Junior Brother Chen convinced you back then, and you also made a promise that you would never covet the position of Chief Holy Son again. Do you want to go back on your word?"...

Long Jinzi, Long Jinbu, Long Shixiu, Long Shiyuan, Long Qingyu, Long Qingxuan, look for Shuyuan These six emperor's sons and daughters who supported Long Qingchen all shouted and scolded.

Long Jin Yuelan curled her lips, "If he always maintains the strength of the young generation of the Dragon Clan, we naturally dare not have any ideas and will naturally abide by the original promise. However, his strength fluctuates and is not stable. If he falls behind, Without our intervention, various dragon clans will know that he is not suitable to be the Chief Holy Son, and will naturally force him to abdicate."

The Supreme Geniuses are a bit funny. Long Qingchen, the Chief Saint Son, is really tired. The sons and daughters of the Dragon Clan are too restless and are always thinking about his position.

Tianshuang Zhanxie looked at the supreme geniuses and asked, "Long Qingchen, the chief saint of the dragon clan, has won three games in a row. Is there anyone else who wants to challenge him?"

This time, the supreme geniuses were silent for a long time, and no one stepped onto the stage to challenge Long Qingchen.

Obviously, the two rare phenomena displayed by Long Qingchen put enough pressure on them and made them feel unsure, so no one came on stage to challenge.

"Since no one challenges Long Qingchen anymore, it means that Long Qingchen has taken away one of the spots for the most powerful emperor in the younger generation."

Tianshuang Zhanxie looked at Long Qingchen with a smile, "Brother Chen, congratulations, you have won the title of the most powerful emperor of the young generation. As for what title to use, you can think about it yourself and wait for the other four most powerful emperors. After the decision is made, all the supreme geniuses present will sign and sign to form their approval, and I will send people to the major superpowers to show it to the world!"

(PS: I didn’t forget about making up the update. I slapped myself silently. I shouldn’t have said that I would make up the update today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow...)

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