The first dragon of all time

Chapter 818 1 Emperor!

Long Qingyu said with a smile, "I have won the title of the most powerful emperor from the hands of thousands of supreme geniuses who have achieved enlightenment from major superpowers. The gold content is very high, and it is almost equal to one of the five strongest people in the young generation of the universe. , Junior Brother Chen, after returning to the Dragon Clan, we have to celebrate."

"Such a title is not inferior to the title of No. 1 on Starry Sky Ancient Road, so we need to celebrate."

"One of the five most powerful emperors in the young generation of the universe, Junior Brother Chen really gave our Dragon Clan a face."...

Long Jinzi, Long Jinbu, Long Shixiu, Long Shiyuan, Long Qingxuan, the five emperors also smiled and congratulated.

When they participated in the Starry Sky Ancient Road, they chose to support Long Qingchen, and they were regarded as Long Qingchen's staunchest supporters. The more honors Long Qingchen received, it meant that their original vision was better, and they also grew taller. Naturally, Happy.

Long Qingchen himself didn't feel much, because he had received too many honors, big and small.

Great honors, from the number one supreme genius in the young generation of Tianyao Star, to the number one starry sky ancient road, to the number one young generation in the Dragon Clan, to one of the most powerful emperors in the young generation in the entire universe.

A small honor is more.

If you have more honors, you will take it lightly and not care so much.

However, these six sons and daughters of the emperor were so happy that Long Qingchen could not spoil their joy. He smiled and said, "Okay, after returning to the Dragon Clan, I will take out all the fine wines in my collection and invite all the Dragon Clan geniuses to drink." That’s enough.”

"Hahaha, we have been thinking about Junior Brother Chen's collection of wine for a long time, and we finally have the opportunity to kill you."

"I drink a lot, Junior Brother Chen should prepare some more, so as not to be embarrassed when he doesn't drink enough."...

The six sons and daughters of the emperor laughed.

The other sons and daughters of the Dragon Clan emperors who had trouble dealing with Long Qingchen, such as Long Jin Yuelan and Long Shi Xiaoning, looked at this side with cold eyes. The happier this side was, the uglier their faces became.

Snapped! ...

Long Qingyu suddenly patted her white forehead, "Let's talk about the celebration after we return to the Dragon Clan. What do you guys think is a better title for Junior Brother Chen to use?"

"We are the Dragon Clan. I think Junior Brother Chen should use a title related to the Dragon Clan. How about calling him the Great Dragon Emperor?"

"Great Dragon Emperor...doesn't it feel too vulgar?"

"I also feel a bit stupid. Among the five most powerful emperors, Junior Brother Chen is the first to win the title of most powerful emperor. He should be called the first emperor!"

"I think the Great Dragon Emperor is more domineering!"

"The First Emperor is more domineering!"...

The five emperors, Long Jinzi, Long Jinbu, Long Shixiu, Long Shiyuan, and Long Qingxuan, started discussing. As they talked, they actually started to quarrel, and they almost got into a fight.

Long Qingyu was a little speechless, "Can you please stop arguing? Which title of emperor you choose depends on what Junior Brother Chen wants. Why are you arguing?"

After hearing what she said, Long Jinzi, Long Jinbu, Long Shixiu, Long Shiyuan, and Long Qingxuan suddenly became quiet and embarrassed.

Long Qingchen smiled and said, "It's okay. Thank you for your opinions, brothers. The Great Dragon Emperor and the First Great Emperor are actually both good titles. They are quite domineering and can highlight our dragon clan."

Long Qingyu asked curiously, "Junior Brother Chen, what title are you going to use?"

Long Qingchen thought for a while, "Why don't we combine the Great Dragon Emperor and the First Great Emperor and call it the First Great Dragon Emperor?"

The first dragon emperor?

Long Jinzi, Long Jinbu, Long Shixiu, Long Shiyuan, and Long Qingxuan all had hot expressions. This title sounded too weird. Apparently, Long Qingchen decided to use it in order to take care of their opinions. Such a twisted title.

Long Jinzi smiled and said, "Junior Brother Chen, let's just say it casually. You don't have to worry about it. You can use whatever title you want. This is an honor you earned with your own strength. You have the final say."

"All right."

Long Qingchen thought seriously for a moment, "Why don't we call him the First Emperor of the Dragon Clan!"

"One emperor of the dragon clan, one emperor of the dragon clan."

Long Qingyu murmured to himself, with bright eyes, "Okay, this is a good title. It can not only represent our dragon clan, but also show the honor of the most powerful emperor in the young generation of the universe!"

Seeing the outcome of Long Qingchen's discussion, Tianshuang Zhanxie laughed and said, "Then it's settled."

Tianshuang Zhanxie looked at the supreme geniuses, "The title of the first and most powerful emperor has been taken away by the Chief Holy Son of the Dragon Clan. There are four left. If you want to fight for it, you can get on the stage and accept the challenge."

"I come!"

Long Shixiaoning jumped up and flew onto the ring.

Obviously, he also wants to win the title of the most powerful emperor.

"I challenge!"

A young supreme genius flew onto the ring shortly after.

boom! boom! boom! ...

Without a word, Long Shixiaoning and the young supreme genius immediately started fighting. The immortal power and the dragon power collided, bursts of light erupted, the space in the ring shattered like porcelain, and the fragments fell like a waterfall. The battle was extremely fierce. .

After more than five hundred moves, but no winner could be determined, Long Shixiaoning and this young supreme genius both got angry, each unleashed his own way, and started fighting head-on!

Thinking about it, I feel relieved. We are all equally supreme geniuses, equally talented, and equally master top martial arts. How can it be so easy to tell the winner? A "freak" like Long Qingchen who has two kinds of visions, after all, is still Rare. The genius of Qiba Chinese can remember in one second ωωω.78zω.còм м.⒎8zщ.cóм

Boom! ...

Between Tao and Tao, look for Shuyuan www. After dozens of hard fights, in the end, the young supreme genius' Tao collapsed. Long Shixiaoning's Tao was even better and won.

Although Long Shixiaoning won, he was still panting like an ox, his face was a little pale, and he was exhausted. Obviously, winning was not easy.

Tianshuang Zhanxie announced the result, "Long Shixiaoning won the first game, is there anyone else who challenges?"

"Dragon Clan, as an ancient clan, it is understandable that Long Qingchen has taken away the title of the most powerful emperor in the young generation of the universe. However, there are only five most powerful emperor titles in the young generation of the universe, so the Dragon Clan cannot be allowed to steal all the limelight. "

"Yes, the other four titles should be won by our superpowers!"...

Seeing Long Shixiaoning's victory, the supreme geniuses talked a lot and were eager to try.

"I challenge!"

A young supreme genius jumped onto the ring.

Long Shixiaoning's face changed slightly, "Wait a minute."

He looked at Tianshuang Zhanxie and said, "The duel just now cost me a lot. I need to rest for half an hour and adjust my breathing before accepting the challenge." Qiba Chinese first published www.7* m.7*

Tianshuang Zhanxie shook his head slightly, "This is not possible. If you want to get the title of the most powerful emperor, you must win ten games in a row, or until no one dares to challenge you, and you can't rest in between."

Long Shixiaoning looked embarrassed, "Are you trying to make things difficult for me?"

Tianshuang Zhanxie said calmly, "I have absolutely no intention of doing this. This rule was set when the Emperor's Meeting was held. Just now, when Brother Chen was dueling, did you see that he took a rest in the middle? No."

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