The first dragon of all time

Chapter 856: Seedlings of Cultivation

The entire conference room was quiet except for the sound of Long Qingchen writing.

It is worth mentioning that today’s pens are different from those in the past. Instead of writing with ink, the pen tip emits a red light that can be printed directly on paper.

Since he wrote a lot of exercises, it took him three hours to finish writing, and he wrote a thick stack.

"There are one hundred and thirty-two main cultivation techniques here, which can be suitable for people of all martial arts backgrounds to practice, and there are also four hundred and four matching martial arts and body techniques."

He slowly pushed the stack of paper to the middle of the conference table.

Everyone's eyes were shining, but the old man at the head didn't say anything, so they couldn't pick it up and read it.

"What is martial arts?"

The leader of the old man asked, "If you don't have martial arts, can you practice?"

Long Qingchen was stunned for a moment.

Only then did I remember that they didn’t even know what martial arts were...

In other words, even if they are given the skills to practice, they don’t know how to practice...

He had no choice but to explain.

"Martial pulse is the qualification for cultivation."

"Generally speaking, among every few hundred people, there will be one person with martial arts."

"Furthermore, martial arts are also divided into levels, divided into four levels of 'Huangxuan Earth and Heaven', and each level can be divided into nine smaller levels."

"The higher the level of martial arts, the faster the cultivation speed and the greater the potential. It is valuable to cultivate. In a few years, you will have some achievements, and in a few decades, you can become a strong man."

"On the contrary, the lower the level of martial arts, the slower the cultivation speed and the smaller the potential. Even if they practice for a lifetime, they will not become strong and have no value in training."

The white-haired old man tapped on the keyboard, writing down every word he said.

Long Qingchen glanced at the white-haired old man and spoke slowly, "According to the experience summarized in the cultivation world, only those with martial arts of Xuan Grade and above have the potential to become strong. Below Xuan Grade, all sects are too lazy to accept them. "

The leader of the old man asked, "So, how to judge what level of martial arts a person has?"

Long Qingchen took out ten sensitive crystal balls from the space ring and placed them on the conference table.

"It's very simple. Just put your hand on it and based on the light emitted by the crystal ball, you can determine what level of martial arts it has."

"For example, if the crystal ball emits golden light, then it can be judged that this person has metallic martial arts. One inch of light represents yellow grade, one foot of light represents profound grade, one foot of light represents earth grade, and more than ten feet of light represents earth grade. It’s a heavenly product.”

"For another example, the blue light emitted by the crystal ball is the water attribute martial vein."

Everyone listened to him quietly.

Long Qingchen simply gave an overview of the martial arts with various attributes, which took more than two hours.

The leader of the old man sighed, "It seems that cultivation is quite complicated, not as simple as scientific and technological research."

"Cultivation is indeed complicated."

Long Qingchen smiled and said, "However, nothing is difficult in the world, as long as there are people who are willing. I believe that the wisdom of our Blue Star people will not be lower than that of aliens. Alien people can become cultivators. We Blue Star people can become cultivators." People can do it.”

The leader of the old man pondered for a moment, "If it is convenient, I hope you can stay here for a while, help us select a group of seedlings suitable for cultivation, and guide this group of seedlings to officially become cultivators. After these seedlings become cultivators, Just let them teach the next batch.”

Long Qingchen nodded, "I have nothing to do for the time being, that's okay."

Bao Yuan said hurriedly, "How about starting with the people from our base?"

The white-haired old man glared at him slightly.

Bao Yuan lowered his head with a smile.

Lin Hao covered her mouth and chuckled. Unexpectedly, the boss also felt frustrated sometimes...

The leader of the old man said, "In order to maintain confidentiality and control the scope, the first batch of seedlings will be set at one hundred, and in the future, ten more will be added to each batch."

Long Qingchen glanced at everyone, "You might as well test whether you have martial arts."

The leader of the old man smiled and put his hand on the crystal ball first. However, the crystal ball did not emit light. He joked, "It seems that I am not destined to become a cultivator."

Long Qingchen took out a piece of martial arts from a stack and handed it to him, "Although you can't practice it, when you have time, you can practice the moves above. It has the effects of prolonging life and strengthening the body, and is similar to Wing Chun. , Tai Chi is somewhat similar.”

The leader of the old man did not refuse and accepted.

"Let me test it."

"I'll try too."......

The other old men also put their hands on the crystal ball.

Unfortunately, most of the crystal balls did not emit light when the old men put them on them. Obviously, they did not have martial arts.

Only the white-haired old man emitted a little gray light when he put it on. He had a first-level yellow-grade martial art. Although he could practice it, he had little potential.

However, these old men were all in high positions and were open-minded, so they did not feel disappointed and accepted it calmly.

In fact, there is one thing that Long Qingchen did not say. They are all over sixty years old. Even if they have good martial arts, it is difficult to practice. They can only practice boxing techniques to strengthen their body.

"I'll try."

After the group of old men finished testing, Bao Yuan rubbed his hands and couldn't wait to put his hands on a crystal ball.

However, there is no light...

He still refused to give up and looked at Long Qingchen, "Without martial arts, is there no other way to practice?"

Long Qingchen thought for a while, "Theoretically, that's true, but if you take some heavenly materials and earthly treasures, it's still possible to improve your physical condition."

Bao Yuan asked, "Where can I find the treasures of heaven, materials and earth?"

Long Qingchen smiled and said, "Treasures of heaven and earth are of course very rare. Even if you search the entire galaxy, it is difficult to find them."

Hearing what he said, Bao Yuan was completely disappointed.

The white-haired old man said angrily, "Cultivation requires fate. If you are not destined for cultivation, don't force it."

Bai Ying and Lin Hao also tested it.

When Bai Ying tested it, the crystal ball emitted a purple light, which was more than a foot long, indicating that it had thunder-attribute martial arteries and reached Xuanpin, which fully met the standards of cultivation.

During Lin Hao's test, the crystal ball emitted a black light. It was more than nine feet, close to ten feet. It had dark attribute martial arts and reached the ninth level of the Earth Grade, which was considered a very high qualification.

This made Bao Yuan envious.

"Among hundreds of people, only one has a martial art lineage that reaches Xuan Grade or above, and there is only one in ten thousand. You two are very good."

"Among the quota of one hundred seedlings, two of you can be given."...

The elders were a little surprised.

Long Qingchen was not surprised, because he had long known that Bai Ying and Lin Hao had good martial arts, and he could sense them without testing.

What surprised him was that these old men were very open-minded and not rigid, and they accepted the practitioners' knowledge so quickly.

The leader of the old man looked at Bao Yuan and said, "Gather the people from your base together and test it out to see if there are any others who are suitable for cultivation."

Long Qingchen said, "No need, I already know. Only Bai Ying and Lin Hao, who are looking for Shuyuan, have martial arts above Xuanpin, and no one else does."

Everyone looked at him strangely. How could he know it before he tested it? This made everyone unable to understand, and they could only sigh in their hearts at the mystery of the cultivators.

The leader of the old man looked at Long Qingchen with a smile, "For the remaining ninety-eight cultivating seedlings, please take a trip to the capital and choose from more than thirty famous universities in the capital. How about it?"


Long Qingchen agreed.

In fact, he can sense it without going there.

However, if the distance is relatively far, the induction will not be so clear. Only when the distance is closer can we accurately judge.

They discussed the base for training again, and finally chose this base because Long Qingchen told them that the aura here was pretty good, and it was also relatively hidden, which was good for confidentiality.

Then, the old men chatted with Long Qingchen for about two hours before leaving with satisfaction.

Bao Yuan asked, "Then your help in training personnel at this base can only be postponed for a while?".

Long Qingchen thought for a while, "Tomorrow, I will go to the capital and bring back ninety-eight cultivation seedlings. During the day, I will teach them the basics of cultivation. It will take a few months until they understand the basics of cultivation. Only if they have knowledge, I will teach them how to practice. In the evening, I can help you train people at the same time without delay, which can save time."

Bao Yuan opened his mouth and wanted to ask, don't cultivators need to sleep... In the end, he didn't ask such an idiotic question. It's not difficult for cultivators to fly into the sky and escape from the earth, so it's nothing if they don't sleep...

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