Whoosh! ...

The next day, the white-haired old man, Long Qingchen, Bao Yuan, Bai Ying and Lin Hao took a black car and twenty gray cars, taking off from the base and flying to the capital.

Compared with other strange-looking cars, this black car and the twenty gray cars are considered "very normal", not much different from the models more than 800 years ago.

"Yesterday, the training techniques and martial arts skills you wrote down were escorted to the capital overnight by us and placed in a secret place."

The white-haired old man talked about this.

Long Qingchen thought for a moment and put forward his own suggestion.

"There is no absolutely secret place in the world, and there is no absolutely secret thing. Once the news is leaked, it will arouse the covetousness of cultivators in the Kunlun world."

"So, it's best to directly include those cultivation techniques and martial arts into the online database, use technological methods to store them, and burn the manuscripts I wrote. Although practitioners are strong, they are not as proficient in technology as you are. , it’s not that easy to snatch it away.”

After hearing what he said, the white-haired old man tapped his forehead, "We were a little confused with happiness. We forgot this. It is the safest to use technological methods to keep those cultivation techniques and martial arts. After all, technology is What we do best.”

The flying speed of these cars was very fast. In less than ten minutes, they arrived in Beijing and landed directly on the parking lot of Beijing University.

Some elderly people from Beijing University were waiting on the parking lot to greet him. These elderly people were all over fifty or sixty years old. When they saw the white-haired old man getting off the black car, they quickly came over to express their welcome.

The white-haired old man shook hands with them one by one and said a few words of encouragement.

A tall, thin old man asked with a smile, "The notice said that you would always come, but it didn't say anything about it."

The white-haired old man waved his hand slightly, "Just gather the students together, you don't need to know anything."

The old men looked at each other with a little doubt in their eyes. Being so mysterious made them more curious, but it was hard for them to ask too many questions.

"All right."

The tall, thin old man smiled helplessly, raised his hand, and issued a notice for all students from various departments and classes to gather on the sports field.

The students from Jingcheng University were very efficient, and they were all assembled in less than twenty minutes.

Long Qingchen took a look and saw that there were more than 30,000 students.

The tall and thin old man reported to the white-haired old man, "Except for a few who have asked for leave to go home, the rest of the students are here. Please speak to me."

The white-haired old man walked onto the stage and started speaking directly.

"With the development of the times, we are not only faced with things within Blue Star, but also more challenges from aliens. In the future, Star Wars may even happen."

"So, during this time, we held a meeting and decided to set up an extraterrestrial warfare department. We decided to select a group of students from more than 30 famous universities in the capital to form this department."

"The position, salary, and benefits are all very high. I hope everyone will sign up enthusiastically."

Bao Yuan, Bai Ying and Lin Hao looked at each other, and they all looked at the white-haired old man with admiration. He was worthy of being a superior. He was impeccable in his words. He could find any reason to set up an "alien war department" and put all the people he had cultivated into it. The matter was covered up and kept secret very well.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! ...

More than 30,000 students applauded enthusiastically, wanting to slap their hands into pieces. They were all excited, and their eyes were full of expectation, hoping that they would be selected.

"Excuse me, how do I sign up?"

"The requirements for joining this alien war department must be very high. What are the specific requirements?"...

The students were talking a lot.

You know, in today's era, artificial intelligence is too advanced. Most jobs have been replaced by artificial intelligence. There are not so many people required to work. It is too difficult to find a good job.

Even if they are students from Beijing University, they will face huge employment pressure after graduation.

This white-haired old man, who can often be seen on TV, came in person and said personally that the positions, salaries, and benefits of this alien war department are very high, and of course they hope that they can be selected.

The white-haired old man said, "Signing up is very simple. Those who want to sign up can stay here. Those who don't want to sign up can leave first."

"I will definitely sign up. This alien warfare department has just been established and has great potential."

"The department of extraterrestrial war, that is to say, you can often go to extraterrestrials. Thinking about it makes me excited, and I will definitely sign up."...

More than 30,000 students stayed, and no one left.

The white-haired old man walked down from the stage, looked at Long Qingchen, and said with a smile, "You can choose."

The elders of Capital University and the more than 30,000 students were all stunned for a moment, looking at this young man who was only 17 or 18 years old, a few years younger than them, with strange eyes. Is there any mistake? Let him choose. ?

Long Qingchen nodded slightly, walked to the stage, and looked at the more than 30,000 students.

Just now, he had used his induction to carefully check whether these more than 30,000 students had martial arts veins, and he already knew it.

So, he can just click on it.

"First row, sixteenth from the left."

"First row, number seventy-five from the left."

"second row......"

"Third row..."

"Those who are called upon by me, come to the front."

Among the more than 30,000 students, there are a total of eleven people with Xuanpin martial arts and above, all of whom were selected by him.

The eleven students who were called out came out, a little surprised and a little confused.

The surprise came so suddenly, why was he chosen out of nowhere? ...

The students who were not selected even exploded into an uproar.

"What's going on? There was no written test or interview, so how could I be chosen directly?"

"For the alien warfare department, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. For such an important department, it's too childish to select people like this, isn't it?"

"I would like to ask, why are people selected in this way and what are the specific criteria for selecting people in this way?"

"I'm not convinced either. The first row, seventeenth from the left, is Zhao Yimiao. He is my classmate. He is almost at the bottom of our class. His grades are not as good as mine, and his qualities in all aspects are not as good as mine." , why choose him instead of me?"

"I want to know, who is this person on the stage? Why did he choose someone like this?"...

Not to mention these students, even the elders at Capital University were a little confused and didn't know what the basis was for selecting people like this.

"The person on the stage is the leader and the first person in charge of the extraterrestrial warfare department. He is fully responsible for all affairs of the extraterrestrial warfare department, including the selection of personnel."

The white-haired old man randomly found a reason and looked at the more than 30,000 students indifferently. "As for why he chose people like this, of course he has his own considerations. This is confidential. You don't need to ask more. Just obey the arrangement."

After briefly explaining a few words, the white-haired old man stopped talking and asked the eleven selected students to go back to the dormitory to clean up and bow before getting in the car.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

The black car and twenty gray cars took off and flew to the next famous university. .

With the support of the superiors, things are so simple and fast. In less than two hours, Long Qingchen selected ninety-eight cultivation seedlings from more than thirty famous universities.

In addition, Bai Ying and Lin Hao, a total of one hundred people, formed the first batch of cultivation places.

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